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  • Steve here for perilla tours.

  • So you're going to Italy.

  • You know the places you want to see, the food you want to try and how to get from here to there.

  • But do you know what not to do in Italy?

  • Italians are very easy going and don't have a lot of cultural rules.

  • But here are few.

  • And don't say I didn't warn you.

  • Do not enter church without covering your shoulders and knees.

  • This is considered a sign of respect.

  • One of my friends was actually scolded by a nun for her short skirt right in the steps of ST Peter's.

  • Don't order a cappuccino after 10 a.m. This may sound silly to us, but Italians take it pretty seriously.

  • In Italy, accomplishing it was strictly a morning drink.

  • If you defy this little cultural practice, Italians will just figure you're a foreigner who doesn't know any better If you want to fit in.

  • Asked for own cafe after 10 a.m. and you'll be served an espresso.

  • Ladies, don't put your purse on the floor at a restaurant.

  • You might get a look of horror from your waiter.

  • It's an old superstition, suggesting that you don't really respect your money and so you won't have it for long.

  • So hang it on a chair instead.

  • Do not touch the food in the market.

  • I know those fruits and vegetables look so bright and fresh.

  • You just want to hold them.

  • But in a street market or a supermarket, don't touch the produce, asked the bender.

  • And they'll help you.

  • Or sometimes we'll even provide plastic gloves.

  • Listen, you can sign up for our first timers guide and learned a lot about Italy customs right here in our website or on our Bloggin Italy travel dot com.

  • Now is it too late for my cappuccino?

  • Anyone, anyone?

Steve here for perilla tours.

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