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  • Let's begin. Apparently our swine

  • pyramid has

  • been severely depleted.

  • I will re-organize it.

  • I hate these new piggies. The new pigs are cute!

  • So this is going to be our Valentine's Day video.

  • Hello! Happy Valentine's Day!

  • Hearts and love and all that sweet crap, y'know,

  • so all the bitter single people can leave us mean comments.

  • Fuck you guys!

  • There you go. Whose heart do you think is better?

  • The correct answer is 'mine',

  • always and FOREVER!

  • Now, let's

  • talk about how we met.

  • Yes. So, this is going to be a video about how we met

  • We've kind of touched upon this in previous videos

  • but we're like what the hell, right? Let's make a

  • full un-confession of how we met.

  • It's not really a confession - And add some pictures! - And add some pictures as we go along.

  • Sit back and enjoy our Valentine's Day story

  • which didn't take place on Valentine's Day - it actually took place after the fourth of July.

  • Where did we meet, honey?

  • Yeah, we met in

  • the Luxor LAX Club.

  • That's the pyramid in

  • Las Vegas.

  • We talked about it in the Hamburg video - Yeah.

  • And what were you doing in Vegas, honey?

  • I played poker, it's what I always do.

  • SURPRISE, SURPRISE - The good thing about being a professional poker player is that you can always combine your holiday and business trips

  • into one trip.

  • It's a big advantage.

  • I was there because, um,

  • my younger brother and sister,

  • they do fencing

  • and they just happened to be in a fencing competition in Reno, Nevada.

  • If you've ever been to Reno, Nevada,

  • then I'm very sorry, because Reno is boring.

  • It's like the old people's Vegas.

  • And anyway, we just happened to take a drive down to Vegas

  • and there I was.

  • So how did you end up at the LAX nightclub that night?

  • Usually I don't go to these shitty nightclubs, but that night one of the poker rooms I play for,

  • they, uh...

  • made a little

  • get together

  • next to the LAX.

  • And

  • I think it went on until midnight-ish.

  • At that point we just opened our door and we were in the LAX. I don't even know how we

  • got there.

  • But yeah, the point is we were there,

  • it was

  • nothing special

  • for Vegas standards.

  • Meanwhile,

  • I,

  • who just happened to be with my family that night, decided to walk around with my parents around

  • y'know, the Vegas Strip.

  • And for once - for those of you who don't know, which probably is most of you -

  • I am infamously known for falling asleep really early. And everywhere - I fall asleep at all parties,

  • all get-togethers, everything.

  • I am always asleep,

  • usually by like 10:30pm.

  • So yeah, I was with my parents. Anyway, my mom wants to go to bed, my step-dad wants to go play Blackjack,

  • we're staying at the Luxor hotel, because we are

  • not rich and famous poker players, and so we had to stay

  • where the regular people stay

  • at the Luxor,

  • which I think is nice,

  • but apparently sucks, according to somebody. - No, no, I think it's nice as well.

  • I mean, from the inside.

  • And from the outside.

  • Just, the place is a little bit old.

  • It is a little bit old.

  • I decided then, there is a nightclub there - I am not a clubber, I never go to nightclubs

  • I decided to go in to the LAX because I thought hey, if I get totally

  • crazy hammered

  • doesn't matter, I can just stumble into an elevator

  • and make it inside my room.

  • And if, y'know, I meet some creepy weird guy, my step-dad's playing

  • Blackjack in the casino and - He can come rescue you - He can come rescue me,

  • if that has to happen - It was a good plan - It was, wasn't it?

  • So, I enter the LAX nightclub

  • which is filled with people having...I guess a bachelorette party - in England "hen party".

  • I remember just kinda sitting there and taking in the atmosphere

  • because I hadn't been to a nightclub in

  • quite a while.

  • And I just remember that I was wearing these really big boots,

  • which my mom said looked like hooker boots. And as I was sitting there -

  • - well, actually, standing there, just kinda like looking around - some old guy

  • maybe I'm exaggerating

  • some older middle-aged man who could've been my father

  • comes up to me and he's like

  • "Hey, do you like dancing?"

  • And I'm just like,

  • "Yes."

  • And he's just, like, trying to,

  • I guess he was trying to dance with me and I'm just kinda like standing there.

  • And I was a little bit weirded out because

  • I don't like dating people older than my father.

  • Just something I don't like - He wasn't that old - He was. He was!

  • I don't know what he was - like, y'know, not to be a jerk but I was like "What are you doing here?"

  • Continue the story from Basti, who now comes into the picture - Aw, yeah, we we came to this club

  • and

  • yeah, got the private table cause it's more "baller".

  • That's what poker players do, usually, in nightclubs - They do.

  • I'm just shaking my head in disappointment - Yeah, but at one point I had to go to the bathroom, so I went,

  • walked through the peasant area, or the 'dancefloor', as it's called - Shut up, shut up.

  • And on the way back, I met you.

  • With the greatest pick-up line ever - "Hello."

  • Because that song was playing, remember? - Oh, yes, the - "I just came to say

  • hello!"

  • Okay, so the old guy, he basically cut in front of him, and

  • y'know, he pretty much vanished - To be honest, I didn't even really see him - Well,

  • that's how close he was to me, that you basically just walked in front of him - Okay.

  • I was keeping my distance. You did your "Hello"

  • and then you're like,

  • "You wanna get a drink?"

  • Think that's what you sounded like - Back in the days when I had a more German accent than I have now - You did, you did.

  • I figure, hey,

  • I need a free drink.

  • And I thought we were going to the bar.

  • So, Mister Mister here, he

  • takes me by the hand and where do we go?

  • His baller private table,

  • where there was a bunch of girls I didn't know,

  • dancing with no shoes on and that kinda weirded me out, I remember.

  • You asked me if I wanted a drink,

  • and there's all these bottles at the table because, y'know, you guys gotta be all cool about it,

  • get your own bottles - So I played the mixer, mixed the drinks together.

  • And I watched him like a hawk,

  • to see if he would put rufies in my drink

  • because, y'know - That's what you do in Vegas

  • that's what they're doing vacancy maintaining neuberger somebody i don't

  • think i would like to uh...

  • onslaught unity clinic c documents

  • aunty

  • wasn't filled with green fees

  • i'd like to send a

  • do you make a great weekend

  • and a and john and patsy

  • right at the time

  • needs to dancing

  • that science often here

  • after finance from miami

  • and said

  • i'm cuming

  • and that you get that really late machine did himself on me on

  • nancy and

  • vincent laughing it did you met

  • we're dancing and then nightclub closes

  • but are going outside

  • song

  • maintenance related to the casino unions are done here

  • there are likely to

  • vegas everything so dr

  • creates

  • but it is out there at the puppet

  • money and it had died by rinsing ancient channing will you tell me the story of

  • plans

  • what is it what you do for a living

  • binding on the truck that right

  • uh... tap

  • and even your family and the chocolate factory

  • and and it doesn't look like in eighty eight

  • believe you

  • because i'm naive and stupid anarchism as a poker player just product where

  • they always have to explain the vote

  • magmatic really make a living reactive nudity instantly that's it

  • the senate stop from judy can't

  • free and and that was profitable

  • an end

  • you know

  • upset about it but i do believe the top of everything that is that that was a

  • small type of activity is like

  • sentencing in nineteen ninety nineteen ninety seven he's done it isn't like

  • that

  • at

  • in nineteen ninety one twenty two months because

  • amadee dot and that the other jobs jazz later found out that a lot not bad but

  • later on we want biased or zapping tv gatorade

  • instead

  • smith's chocolate

  • and i sell chocolate factory line

  • and i uh... decided to go on that date

  • next day because my family was being son

  • relative that actually not related to night no interest in meeting this prison

  • so

  • castigate maybe about this guy

  • infringing on it

  • midtown to win my heart is always been

  • and i was not prepared for that

  • but i've done artificially it without copying or just type of uh... uh...

  • that uh...

  • shots in my suitcase

  • the fact that they must do it before i went to another night uh... and

  • at something that will work

  • them

  • at the house advances that i have to admit

  • given the money

  • uh... you know

  • here

  • yeah there are so i got shot i will automatically mezzo

  • have obviously

  • you know i think it was friday

  • started lookin

  • or whatever

  • we caught up in our diplomat you also send your insurance coming because of

  • the promises

  • he had an intention and their on my second that myself on combat

  • you had my number and you want to thank lynn

  • near values and we had planned to meet

  • at the end g_m_

  • at one o'clock

  • making from the lines round up the mindset uh... unit was the plane

  • me and i might not on trial and then there was a wanting tina that day

  • identical sets going today

  • and i would just like a sigh of relief that income but you know that i did i

  • did and i like that morning

  • wolverine is janet site

  • team

  • phony that

  • i hang legislators that appetite wayne i just what the teachers were threatening

  • rain houses like blood clots t_-shirt shorts

  • the something

  • is actually wear sunscreen on-line something she wasn't going next to me

  • magdalena

  • i learned about mistakes napkins so no analyst with them

  • fast at these red spots in my face

  • and

  • wanted them to be uh...

  • gone cell

  • whilst himself

  • that unfortunately

  • and those who didn't have prop uh...

  • surrounds them

  • and into the next hour that products

  • uh... nice location

  • whatever

  • that was in that case that

  • and blame on the side area aria reacting as they can because of that this august

  • second nineteen u_s_ dollar

  • and hear and we've got the picture

  • if

  • worked up to ship today

  • and even make films that i've been missing if he had come in and a m

  • manipulate insults and attacks

  • well my goodness in a hurry

  • freight

  • like fucking card of sorts

  • and i think i don't see how that before with michael

  • excuse me for being comfortable it was like i love my policies that bears

  • offers i had to not use signs are good

  • supreme was just lunch

  • right

  • we had said let's meet for lunch meat and finally extra bands that i don't do

  • anything else

  • for the castle and then but i was going to set the select zuni possums wing had

  • recommended

  • so we go

  • two admirals

  • in and he was the m_g_m_ we were in the engine u_s_-canada fuckin sandwich

  • an outline

  • uh... what worries you email it

  • when i have sandwiches and like work tougher says that this was controversy

  • rights but you are using minus point blackberry

  • doesn't happy

  • and look there

  • we had lets me know

  • and to explain to the weight of the plaintiffs' lawyers is instructing tend

  • to get it

  • searing means like lightly senior

  • seen net

  • i hate when nixon is over

  • insight actually comes to food

  • website but the book about it

  • any cheque arrives

  • he said

  • shanice invite you

  • if you say he should i invite sheila and mike wedding invite me i'm already there

  • i think that mentions the previous stories but yet

  • i'm already here

  • and stan

  • and i take out money they deny justly and half anyway

  • which i also think that he realized where it's at that point because i had

  • heard that uh... are right hand

  • was this handed down

  • it was all right hand

  • and his friend and the site and used hand and

  • and instead must are there any points

  • you what manny with each of these accidents like

  • o'connor hectic time

  • wasn't expecting you're going to

  • gandhi

  • you

  • visit

  • antonline the gondola ride

  • surround alliances z

  • and you get to the and there's like you know the regular price for each ticket

  • and then they think the private

  • cn joinery donilon despised visit

  • forty enough doggone left what does that work for us

  • entanglement so right

  • and indicated that instead

  • there's no way can handle instrument amiloride

  • it's yes very romantic thing against i think it's a lot to be done water

  • blueprints for the information that i couldn't stop

  • the divisions within hours it

  • with that said

  • and yet

  • on the gondola ride who did you happen to come across

  • yeah mom family deciding what planned playing pop roxie

  • that didn't stop in for other outstanding out infection let me just a

  • picture and now must have been really upset was ten author interrupts

  • eighteen does

  • jacob i just look at pictures of their

  • at the time twenty five-year-old daughter so out uh... the bill

  • mission relied on to the uh... caesar's palace and just talked about that

  • if you took a picture that it seems to confront we went and they resent

  • serendipity is

  • it's anything extra

  • an ice-cream shop from new york originally

  • admin base and their families for their thousand-dollar son something

  • about that

  • sam

  • wednesday now

  • and i think it can you let that go beyond the chocolate factory says the

  • test is chocolate knowledge

  • and my head i thought that you know they figured out that it was just making a

  • joke about the trip to factory and

  • him

  • units and theirs

  • gravimetric family canyon seminarian

  • telling us that stuff that's fine you know there is a town close every five

  • minutes to see if you're still alive yes it is an interesting guarantees along

  • unique nightclub as any other time accurate buzzword the satisfaction of

  • big shots

  • that was cool

  • it was alerted to the other rights whether those stupid rather it actually

  • started raining and it was lame

  • which is very

  • faces like a desert

  • religion rainbow iran because i think i looked at here

  • and then we ended up going up the set the standard by the stratosphere

  • it units and eight months and tell

  • that one day them acting can run off for those who said to select and they need

  • to send me after again

  • justin does

  • handsome jammin menus that was the last day that he was my last day in vegas

  • cell we may have for dinner rohit that's insurance fraud

  • the social well the last year

  • usage it

  • wins as poor

  • i was lucky if i get the at the end up by their tied up in about uh... yeah i

  • do the same expect that s even better needy yet but i liked in annapurna like

  • them both cell asteroids we

  • uh... and then m

  • unites why i like my mom is they don't go back to his hotel room whatever you

  • do

  • double antes up sound uh... we haven't really changed associate you asking me

  • whispered

  • and should it puts it that was having a great

  • because it wasn't that i was actually tired

  • because lit

  • i'd say

  • he really sleepy allison him

  • infamous for taking random acts and i think it's after five thirty p_m_ i

  • think so so he went back to you

  • ants hotel

  • which may not tell them look like guarded t

  • it's just too

  • thoughtful was ridiculously yes the sort of just that completely new

  • it's really nice in thanks our and that and you know and hotel room in separate

  • shower and that

  • hands-on obtained a stripped it was like

  • quite impressive at this point i actually did fall asleep in your taking

  • this is how i met his end x flattening sebastian who came and to anything to

  • get his wallet purse marine crackling something and sees me unplugged sleeping

  • that this is how we met because unlike

  • kindness to me too

  • asbestos mechanical adolescent badavatz pace admire six miami

  • handily and some estimate useing

  • and standing is longer and hand i couldn't because it can and and and and

  • others

  • crazy parenting time this passion and a man and a casino exempting him line so

  • are you and uh... that uh... central trip to san francisco and

  • weaver

  • and meet you at amy aunty's because a scheming address book

  • and then and he said i had a really good time unit that this uh... coziness

  • subtext but began to try to convince me to come to miami

  • and guess what

  • was successful

  • because that probably the leading wrote this email

  • it's uh... but

  • seeing the smoke is a bit sup

  • massey says he's coming too

  • he gives me his flight

  • when he's coming and i said okay and and and uh... it yet

  • and jenny airport

  • uses for ludhiana part which is farther away in miami international airport if

  • anyone to burn down than a half hour

  • my daughter to drop off and i want to accept that and i'm not going to show up

  • in my practicum yes

  • nigerian scamming until i got to the airport dot

  • is this sunday elaborate frank and here saying

  • in my car waiting for someone to get from the airport there

  • many of the show

  • did what i was thinking

  • kiddos of

  • that's way worse than

  • is suing

  • i thought that uh... uh...

  • banking and buying she chill out the car

  • system

  • and

  • if anyone would like to leave

  • evening in response to the

  • when you see our greatest love story

  • follies a nineteen-year but

  • online all those roles we want front of you

  • directly

  • but lafayette peoples that

  • that love stories women the comments seem as if he responds axelrod already

  • as c_n_n_'s valentine's day

Let's begin. Apparently our swine

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