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  • {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf350 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ComicSansMS;}

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  • \f0\fs20 \cf0 \kerning1\expnd1\expndtw8 Welcome to \'93Read My Lips\'94 with Miss

  • Mildred, teaching you how to speak English properly. Now, today we\'92re going to learn

  • how to say the \'93R.\'94 R. Now, the English \'93R\'94 is not made with the tip of the

  • tongue. The English \'93R\'94 is not made by doing something strange with your face,

  • like putting it on one side, or the other side, or on both sides like a pirate. No.

  • The \'93R\'94 is made with the tongue and the lip. So here\'92s what you have to do.

  • You take your tongue in the back and lift it up against your teeth. Feel it. In the

  • front, your tongue is down. Don\'92t move your tongue. You can\'92t talk like that,

  • okay? You can\'92t talk. You have to do one more thing. Alright? To finish the \'93R,\'94

  • you have to take your lower lip and stick it out. Like pouting. You know how, like a

  • baby pouts? Exactly. Just like a baby. You were a baby once. You can pout. So, tongue

  • in the back, up; in the front, down. Lip out. Very simple. See, you can do it. Very simple.

  • Right? Right. Tongue up in the back. Lip out. Practice with a mirror and you\'92ll be saying

  • it perfectly in no time. That\'92s it for today. I\'92m Miss Mildred. This is \'93Read

  • My Lips.\'94 Bye-bye.}

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf350 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ComicSansMS;}

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