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  • Hi, I'm Sierra.

  • And today my guest is Brittany Broski.

  • Brittany, are you ready?

  • I am so ready.

  • Let's do it.


  • Ew.

  • Most people may recognize you from your iconic kombucha

  • video, your hilarious tweets, and

  • your incredible impressions.

  • We love the impressions.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you, babe, so much.

  • Aw!

  • Today we're here to chat about all the hottest trending

  • TikToks of the week.

  • Let's Tok It Out.


  • Before we get into the trends, I have a couple of questions

  • for you-- so do the people at home.

  • OK.

  • So what made you start TikToking?

  • So I posted a video called "Depression Meal Check"

  • where I had a bowl, and I had dry apples and chocolate chips.

  • Very sad.

  • Very sad.

  • It was like 4:00 AM, and I was having a manic episode,

  • and I'm eating it with a fork and I

  • said, "depression meal check."

  • And that went viral overnight.

  • Did you want to do comedy?

  • I worked at a bank, girl.

  • I never was like, my name in shining lights.

  • Like, I never ever, ever.

  • Where do you stand on kombucha?

  • So do you like it?

  • Does it look like I'm a health nut, girl?

  • I'm not like, oh, kombucha every day but it's OK.

  • Right.

  • Well--

  • Everyone was making fun of me, but I

  • feel like if I have kombucha, I have a little bit of a buzz.

  • Do you feel that?

  • No.

  • Do people ever say that you look like a celebrity?

  • I get Adele.

  • I get Meghan Trainor.

  • But in my Twitter DMs are where you get

  • real, real honest with me, huh?

  • Mr. Incredible, Buzz Lightyear-- she's laughing, right?

  • I don't see it.

  • This is disrespectful.

  • Yes, you do.

  • I don't.

  • I pull my hair back and it's just white with eyes.

  • Now that I all of that, let's go ahead and begin.

  • Work.

  • Get in-- what does "work" mean?

  • It means, oh, work.

  • Right.

  • Work.


  • This TikTok proves why you should never

  • trust your siblings.

  • Roll the clip.


  • All right.

  • You ready?





  • Why does she have to fall off the chair like that?

  • So dramatic.

  • I just feel like we knew where this was going.

  • I would-- oh, oh.

  • She really acts brand new.

  • She said, ah.

  • Thank God I'm an only child.

  • I'm kidding.

  • I have a brother.

  • I'm sorry.

  • She canceled her brother on Ellen Digital.

  • So this is why I have trust issues.

  • My therapist will be watching this later.

  • Thank you, Dr. Goldstein.

  • I'll see you on Thursday.

  • Every now and then a TikTok comes along

  • that's a perfect reflection of my soul.

  • This is one of them.



  • (SINGING) --face towards the sun.

  • Let the shadows fall behind you.


  • Wait, wait-- that's us.

  • That is.

  • It's you and me.

  • That's what-- me and Post Malone, actually.

  • Oh, my God.

  • That's me and Posty.

  • Do we ship it?

  • We ship.

  • Those outfits-- I think you and I should get them.

  • Wait, can we please recreate?




  • There are DIYs, and then there's DIY why would you ever consider

  • doing this to yourself?


  • [SNIPS]

  • Oh-- no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Oh, my God.

  • I'm about to cry.

  • No!

  • Do you think that this is going to fix it?

  • Oh, my God.


  • This is the thing-- note to self,

  • maybe next time you're cutting your hair,

  • let's use a mirror and not a phone.

  • Oh.

  • But I love you and I hope it grew back.

  • I-- whatever mental breakdown you were going through,

  • just know I see you and I support you.

  • I know she did this at, like, 3:00 AM.

  • Oh, you could tell.

  • She just finished crying.

  • She probably had, like, a Rice Krispie Treat.

  • She sat down and said--

  • This is it.

  • I'mma do it.

  • This is it.

  • Have you ever tried to cut your own hair?

  • Absolutely.

  • Really?

  • Yeah.

  • But my mom would find in the trash can, like, why is there

  • human hair in the trash can?

  • Stop.

  • So I said, snip, snip, snip.

  • Really?

  • Well, that was fun.

  • But before we go, we have to show your loyal fans.

  • Are you ready?

  • [SIGHS] Don't embarrass me, y'all.


  • It really smells like a public restroom.


  • [GASPS] (MOCKING ACCENT) It really smells

  • like a public restroom.


  • It smells like a public restroom.

  • It smells like a public restroom.

  • You know what?

  • You know what?

  • No.

  • Well--

  • Well--



  • Have you ever seen that?

  • No, I've never seen that.

  • That's so good.

  • It's iconic.

  • Talking in cursive is one of the funniest things--


  • Talking in cursive?

  • (ACCENTED) Yes, yes, I's--

  • I-- your-- I-- I--

  • I-- yes-- I--I--I-- and, like, on TikTok people do that,

  • but they, like, talk.

  • Wait, that's literally so insane.

  • That's the first cursive thing I've ever

  • seen with regards to, like, one of my videos, though.

  • OK, good.

  • So that's iconic.

  • So we love that.

  • I love that.

  • I'll send you the link.

  • OK, word.

  • Here, say this--

  • I'm scared.

  • --follow me on TikTok.

  • Wait, can you give me that--

  • (ACCENTED) Follow me on TikTok.

  • Oh, [BLEEP] no.


  • Thank you for joining us, Brittany.

  • For those of you at home, make sure

  • you send us some of your favorite TikToks

  • and maybe next week we'll Tok It Out.

  • That's a good one-- talk, Tok.

  • Tok It Out.

  • Tok it aight.

  • OK, bye!


Hi, I'm Sierra.

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