Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles what's up everybody? welcome back to my channel! hi, today we have a very special guest we have Mikey AKA Glam & Gore.. hey babe! hi! this is a long time coming.. it's been many years I.. okay so I have been a fan of her work for a long time we've met like once literally at a party we live in the same city well your I mean what sport are you in far from here yeah technically the same city but Ellie is far she's basically in Arizona and like when James comes from downtown he's like you live in Vegas I live ever great so so today we're finally sitting down and I had to like pry her because this is Halloween week so I had to pry from the from your room and get you over here filming yes prior to the filming room and I have been dying to get transformed now you guys know I do not do i do transformation videos but I don't really dive into too spooky of you know makeup and I am I'm ready for it you have the face board I mean no offense when I say that you know what I mean like tell me okay yeah cuz like yeah I'm excited okay anyway Cass Kinney face which means that only put prosthetics on you you're not gonna look bulky like some people have both you gotta vote because I got like a round face okay no I look malnourished so I look more full no I'm sure you guys saw the title and you know what we're doing today but let's let's we're doing Baltimore no I we have a confession about Harry Potter I know no I like no one's gonna watch this if we say these first these next few lines I'll tell you when you're older yeah we're not very experienced with Harry Potter but I haven't called Baltimore now for a few years online that's that I get that too really because my brows okay yeah so at first I was never offended but I was like okay like they're trying to use it as an insult like good to me but I lived for it I I was like Voldemort my god like it looks sick so I was my dream to be transformed into - volta more perfect all the more stars can relate exactly okay so let's talk about what's gonna happen today so first we're going to shave your head okay just gonna get rid of your hair okay so everyone have to dream of mine yeah I'm not kidding I want to have an Amber Rose baby pink moment why don't you do it maybe next year you got wigs I know you're right now I hit you up last minute yes so normally we would like normally ideally I would make this for you yeah but I gave you no time Mama's been busy yes so yeah we bought one I don't know how great of a quality it is it feels okay but I might want to do some work it's spongy right okay yeah that's a good disclaimer so I literally was like yo I would love to do this idea and she's like you know why I have one day here we are and I'm like okay so we're gonna see what happens yes we certainly would have no pressure what do you think the biggest challenge will be honestly bald caps are really hard they're really hard to do and usually when I do them on myself I get like oh really can I say shitty oh yeah I'll get a really shitty one and it'll be wrinkly but I'll just pull it back really hard and I'll avoid it for the shots but because I'm doing it on you and I want it to be as thorough as possible I'm gonna try to go all out but ball caps are hard because they get wrinkly and they're just finicky and painting them as shaky yes I've had one on a few times and it's interesting but I'm ready if you guys are not already check out Mikey's channel you have been on a roll donkey-like you're just in a prison which is my fantasy tell me you just did I've been doing a haunted series where I go to the most haunted places in the country and I do my makeup in them yeah Prison ghost town haunted hotel and a haunted ship oh okay well if there's any residual ghosts or anything with you we'll see you later yes I dropped them all off here when I showed up I was like have fun hon Jeffrey hmm all six dogs are downstairs playing with one yeah that's dark okay we are gonna get started so pray for me all right I just popped in some contacts to get that I see Baltimore hello realness you're twinning now yes we are we kind of are whoa okay it's time to go bald oh my god okay so sometimes I ask people like when was the first time you ever like saw me online what did you just tell me on MySpace throwing up cereal yes how old are you 15 oh my god I was a baby isn't that crazy and now here we are and myspace was the first place that I self-proclaimed called myself Mikey that was no way name was like Mikey massacre okay you know I had make it massacre tattooed on me I love that it's gone laser mm-hmm we moved on then we put Catwoman there hi honey update we'd love a good Michelle Pfeiffer huh my nipples are out that is so cool isn't it crazy like how like just that era you're so like I miss it you were the myspace Queen it's wild can you imagine like nowadays some people are like what's that I'm like thinks that they're untouchable it's like have you ever heard of MySpace yeah exactly mm-hmm I just think about like sidekicks oh my god pink razor flip phones the raise I missed the razor like if I could buy a razor and have all of the same stuff I guess I could yeah all right let's go to eBay and buy one right now I want a sidekick so bad did you ever have you had at every color yeah the Juicy Couture pink one the basketball green one they were so good you had when you were so cool okay I'm literally gonna go on ebay buy an old one going to AT&T and see if they'll activate it content okay this may be a really lame question but what is your like all-time favorite look that you've ever done because I've seen you do so many iconic moments on your channel um what is your favorite or can you pick one it's one that I actually did recently I would have had a hard time answering that up until a couple weeks ago okay the one that I did on the Queen Mary is my favorite okay like a realistic Ursula mm-hmm oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah mm-hmm you guys have to go watch that that is that's cool okay okay so what are we doing right now so I am using acetone to dissolve the edges of the bald cap and I just kind of melts away and okay well into the skin you can see what's going on in their head it's wild she said grab a paper towel just in case just in case hey safety first not so so this is our prosthetic yes okay gonna make it so that you can't breathe okay the end of it mm-hmm for five second intervals okay so where do you go oh wow okay yeah so you pad prosthetics before you know that it's not the most fun yeah I always looks amazing so you're putting down what are you putting down this is pros-aide same stuff that we glued the bald cap down with okay get ready to not breathe you're gonna be a mouth breather okay are you mouth breather no are you asking okay seem like a mouth no what was the last thing I used to be because I had broke my nose had a deviated septum oh sorry okay well let me try that fantasy okay you so I have really deep set eyes I know a lot of you guys know that hello so the chat tell them what the challenge is well the challenge is that you know these are made for a generic face supposed to fit most face types and sizes but this doesn't want to sit back into your eyes so it's not actually even with glue it's not we need filler call the doctor hold on pretty much hi everyone so I currently can't breathe out of my nose thank you okay so what is this but now I and by the way we're gonna just cover me yes okay so this is Ben I colorless luxury powder I look like I didn't bring the cheap shit like airspun who loved that I actually don't know who that is okay okay perfect okay yeah no so you're really sticky right now so we need to do a lot of powder okay should I close my eyes sure all right what's a text paint we're gonna start painting you so Voldemort you know I'm an expert on Voldemort I've seen all of his films love him huh he's a solo movie he needs a solo movie yeah I think just him running the show yeah is there a world probably oh yeah we go okay we're artic ourselves right now okay I'm really embarrassed I've said this points with Nate on camera and everyone was mad or Shaw maybe not mad they were like what like I live for Lord of the Rings I love like that type of moment but I've never seen a full Harry Potter movie and I've technically seen the first but I don't remember it so so yes here we are but but I learned something that I think gives us an out okay when the actor was getting cast to play Baltimore he didn't know who Voldemort was either and I didn't know anything about Harry Potter either so like which is worse really got to play in the iconic so I when you were on the way here I googled how they made the transformation I had no idea that they did a green screen on Baltimore's nose during the entire movie and I was shook when I saw the footage they tried to do a prosthetic first but what they really wanted was to make him look completely not completely inhuman but they wanted to make him deformed enough in a way that they just couldn't do with makeup and it looks so cool all right what are we mixed in here so these are pax paints they're basically you know the the sticky stuff that I used to seal all your edges and gluto stuff it's pax paint mixed with acrylic paint safe firm skin acrylic paper monster gray and you need it to put on things like foam latex because since it's film it'll absorb other paints like water-based paints alcohol paint so this kind of seals it off first and then you can paint anything on top of it I did not know that okay I'm gonna mix these colors and hope that we get like the right Voldemort gray they didn't have any Voldemort graves in the make up stories I'll bet going we're gonna make one my launches next fall just kidding okay we got a gray it's basically just so when you look at someone's face where do you start there huh dip it right I mean I want a base coat over your whole in hit yes over this whole mother Dina had fun facts I have a potty mouth that I hide pretty well on my channel okay to the point that when I have when I see friends sometimes they'll curse in front of me and be like oh sorry and I'm like oh I your like mouth of them yeah okay good like a floating head paint me green now I just have my eyes I'll be floating eyes you'll be jennamarbles she has some info psychotic videos I've never better of you know but I think I'd die if I didn't love her Sam hi Jenna I feel like she's figured out the best system because she can do videos that just are like genuinely her having fun and people also love them yeah that's camouflage herself into the chair girl I may have watched it twice hi Jenna Marbles what a collab we're both whoring ourselves alright now I'll turn you into a really green catch Wow she's like I've already done it and where's your house okay I'm picking in the monitor and I'm like home well it looks like my eye is like oh my god look at I'm looking like that movie powder yes flashback all right so we're just laying down the base we meaning Mikey you're getting all up in my eye I'm getting all up in your eye yeah so right now is just about getting one color down because this like whitish gray is throughout the whole look but after that we'll go on with the detailing and then we have one surprise at the very end to really make you well the more I take it there I am oh just go to the market no big deal