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(keyboard keys click) (relaxed music)
(door slides open)
(sighs) Well, Christmas is over,
I see it's still winter though.
Let's go thrifting.
♪ On the first day of thrifting ♪
♪ It ended up snowin' a whole bunch! ♪
And I ended up getting about 15 inches
by the time the day was done,
it was just starting here
and the poor lucky rock out front
gettin' all wet and cold and icy and snowy and what not
but oh well, I headin' inside
and noticed this right away,
'cause of course I'm going to,
it's a pretty large movie poster display
holder box light thing (laughs),
had like neon around the edges
and I don't know, it was debatably ugly
but kind of neat at the same time,
$155 though, too large for me to want to get
and put anywhere, but still, I like the idea,
I don't know, the more I think about it,
the more I kind of want one
and also want one of these
if I didn't have it already.
This is the CD sleeve insert for Baldur's Gate.
It's just the insert though,
it doesn't have the box, or anything
I've already got the box and everything else
that goes with it but I still like seeing these.
Same goes for VHS tapes and all the other related things
over here on the shelves next to that,
including these Betamax blank tapes.
These are all L-750s.
Got some chrome ones and some other things in here
and even a head cleaner set.
Most of it still sealed and I don't know,
I just kinda like the packaging
and they were all cheap, like 50 cents,
so I just got one of each.
Over in the glass case was quite a variety
of interesting thingies including a box of rocks
and one of those Sony high scan wide band radio receivers,
some PSP and DS Gameboy, Gameboy advanced things,
mostly loose, just all sorts of things, tossed in here.
There is even an interesting looking TI calculator
from the late 70s.
I already have it, turns out,
but just a whole bunch of things
that I don't normally see in this case.
Like this basket of old Rolling Stone magazines
from 1970 and 71 and even a boxed
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Collector's Edition set.
It was 50 something dollars though so, nyeh.
There were also a few very sad looking CRTs
hangin' out over here.
I mean the CRTs themselves were emotionally stable
but I mean just the whole idea of all these CRTs
poppin' up at Goodwill and then nobody ever buys them.
They just sit there for $1 or 50 cents each.
And just knowing that 90 something percent of them
will never sell.
Oh hey, look at this, we got one of these IBM Home Director
Room Expansion Kits.
This is an X10 device set up.
I've covered this before in LGR,
I have a ton of these things,
and yet I still get a whole bunch of offers from folks
saying do you want more X10 things?
No, I don't, let me just put that out there,
I've got plenty, thank you very much though.
And hey check it out, an original gray NES Zapper.
They're askin' 12 bucks for it, but I mean,
you don't see 'em as often as the orange ones,
or at least I don't.
Now let's see, we've got some assorted lenses over here
and some rather appealing looking packages.
I'm honestly not interested in the lenses so much
as I am the cases.
I wish more lenses came wrapped in leather
with crushed red velour inside.
Got some more camera things down here
and this was kinda different.
This is a Kodak Kodamatic instant camera, the 980L.
It was mostly the form factor that interested me,
it's kind of that binocular style,
but without looking exactly like binoculars,
it's just kinda a big plastic block.
Mmm, hey what's this?
I see red buttons.
Alright so this is an Eliminator Lighting ET-PRO 8,
an eight channel lighting control system
for performances of various types.
Chase modes and flash modes and sound patterns
and I'm not putting on any concerts but if I was,
I might want something like this.
Oh hey, I've got one of these, a couple of these actually.
This is a Rabbit VCR system.
A couple of different parts for it here.
It's pretty much just a video transmitter,
takes one signal
and just wirelessly puts it all over your house
so that you can have the same signal on multiple TVs.
I might cover this at some point.
Ooh, now this is even more my style.
Got some classic Labtec computer speakers here.
The LCS-1012 variety. Never actually seen these before
but I like the look of it,
and honestly I really like that packaging.
And opening it up, it looks to be brand new in here
or at least extremely well repackaged.
So yeah, I am getting this, it was $5.
I'm always looking for more retro computer speakers
if they're as immaculate looking as these anyway.
And my goodness, this particular Goodwill,
half of the shelves right now are just completely trashed
and full of trash
and it makes me feel like trash
but it's okay, you never know what you'll find in here
and that is truly half of the appeal
of wandering these stores, especially this time of year,
it's just all a crapshoot.
Ya never know what's in here.
Look at all these golf things.
Upper Deck Premiere Edition 2001 Tiger Woods,
like golf cards, like collector's cards.
I'm not gonna pretend to know what that is
but I do know what this is.
Check this IBM Supply Kit box out.
It doesn't actually have anything in here
that was originally in here,
it's just somebody's yarn and stuff.
But back in the late 70s,
the famous graphic designer Paul Rand,
actually designed a bunch of these boxes for IBM.
And a crap load of other things.
Anyway it's kind of an iconic yet forgotten design
and I did not expect to see this hangin' out at Goodwill.
Over in the toy section and there were some PC games in here
in their big boxes, like this Escape from Monkey Island,
and the later re-release LucasArts Archive edition.
$5, it really didn't have much of anything in there,
just the CD.
I already got the original release, don't need it,
but cool to see.
Ooh, 1972 edition of Clue.
Anyway, found some more PC games over to the left of that
including Monty Python's Complete Waste of Time,
again, already own a copy, don't need it.
Did not have this Hoyle Classic Games collection from Sierra
but my word was it in bad shape.
It smelled like mildew.
I was just torn up inside and now that is a shame.
However in beautiful, immaculate condition
was a copy of Adventure Barbie Riding Club.
Yeah this was still sealed for $2.50.
I am absolutely getting this because, I don't really know.
Well the snowfall is picking up
so let's pick up the pace and move onto another Goodwill
and see what they got in store.
Like literally inside the store, oh my goodness,
what am I doing?
Yeah it's a bunch of Christmas stuff, go figure
because it's about Christmas as I'm filming this.
They sure did have a lot of random tat lyin' around
and doin' nothing but lookin' like discarded memories
and sadness, let's not think about that.
Yeah let's think happy thoughts instead (laughs)
because here's a big giant happy face
in the back of the store.
I guess it's, I don't know what this is for.
It's made of foam, it's just a large smile.
Now this is not large, it's actually rather small.
A little toy piano over here
that almost looks handmade or somethin', I don't know.
It's just a weird little design compared
to other toy pianos I've seen,
it didn't even make noise.
Over in the electronics we got an older-ish
Apple keyboard over there,
interesting ergonomics goin' on.
And an Olivetti Letters 22 typewriter.
Kind of a neat design.
I like the red return key.
And I really like this, oh man,
got a Sears PD12 calculator, it's very brown.
I don't think there's anything too special about it
so I didn't grab it, but look, it's so brown.
Just like this thing is so all sorts of colors.
Always something appealing about electronics
with differently colored plastics than you'd expect.
Now let's see, the cable selection is pretty normal
and down here we have an Atari Flashback 8.
(keyboard keys click)
Wow there were a lot of these things.
Anyway, whatever, don't need it.
Hey look another Apple keyboard.
And then this caught my attention (laughs),
what's Bosmere Aerator lawn sandals?
That looks dangerous in a very enjoyable way.
If I ever needed to aerate my lawn,
this is the way that I would wanna do it.
Just stomping on it with spikes.
Over in the junk section there was some junk
as well as something that kinda stood out a little bit.
There's a Popular Mechanics Video 2 Output Amplifier.
It's just a splitter for your RF connection.
Nothin' terribly special but the packaging caught my eye.
Hey look it's Blelliet.
Eww, everything tastes better with dog hair in it.
I'm gonna have to respectfully disagree on a massive level.
That just is friggin' gross.
Oh here's not the most common site in the world anymore,
a bunch of Xbox 360 games, three bucks each.
And they're in good shape and actually have the discs
and all that kind of stuff inside of 'em (laughs).
I think I still own all of these from when they were new,
but you know, at this point in thrifts,
I'm gonna show anything half interesting.
Like check it out, there's a whole bunch of beanie babies
in their little cases
that somebody really put some care into.
Again, the stuff inadvertently making me sad,
like, man this was somebody's pride and joy
or somethin' probably, like what happened?
What's the story?
They're seven bucks each, is that even a good price?
I dunno, it's beside the point.
And the puzzles and boardgames
and this is still exciting for me
to just look through here because I always just feel like
I'm gonna find something super neat.
And I thought this was at first because it kind of looked
like some packaging that was PC game-ish, but nope.
However, take a gander at this gigantic section
of kids' books which is very precariously stacked
I might add.
And it's not just like kid, kid books,
they've got some comics in here,
graphic novels, like fables.
Some other run of Goosebumps I'd never heard of.
Goosebumps Most Wanted.
Got some Pokemon books and who knows,
there's just a big pile of stuff,
I could spend a while in here.
Then I run across a fantastic little blast from my own past,
this is the Complete Idiot's Guide to Creating a Web Page.
I didn't have the fourth edition,
I think it was like the second or something,
maybe the first, I don't know.
But it had this lovely little CD in the back
filled with a fantastic amount of web creation materials.
I got a lot of images, line breaks and animations
and backgrounds and all of the late 90s webpage stuff.
I spent a ton of time learning how to code HTML
through these kinds of things
and it got me into FTP and setting up early CSS
and Java things for my websites in the late 90s
and early 2000s.
I still wanna find a complete version of the book I had.
And then look at this (laughs),
that design is the most 70s thing I've ever seen.
This is kind of beautiful in a weird, twisted hideous way.
I'm not even sure exactly what this is,
some kind of little organ deal.
I didn't see a model or company or anything,
but it was sold by the Eric L. Menken Co.
from Charlotte, North Carolina back in the day.
And yeah, it's just a little compact woodgrain thing
with 70s carpet on the front.
I dunno, it just made my brain do a back flip of excitement.
Alright, so another couple of days later
and it has snowed a whole bunch
and spent a couple days snowing and then got scraped up
and now we're movin' on to another Goodwill
because I've been cooped up at home for days at this point.
And immediately I found some stuff.
Admittedly nothing terribly exciting,
just an Allsop five and 1/4 inch floppy disk holder,
but it's in good shape and I needed another one of these.
Over in the electronics I ran across this little black box
which I actually don't know entirely what it is,
but the fact that it had one single dial amused me.
It had this Fred Van Liew's Essential Water & Air sticker
on the back.
Doesn't tell me much.
I assume it's some kind of a thermostat
but again that one dial just amused me.
Checkin' out puzzles and boardgames 'cause I have to.
Didn't see a whole lot goin' on but this (laughs),
that logo and this family for Trivia Adventure.
It's just one of those things that when I see it,
I gotta look at it and flip it around
and see what's goin' on
and it makes me wish I had a logo like that.
Oh my goodness, now this brings back some odd memories.
This is like identical to the entertainment center
that I had as a kid.
The door down here looked a little bit different,
didn't have that meshy material
but everything else is identical.
We had a record player radio in the top left,
a VCR in the top right,
of course the TV over there in the square section,
a whole bunch of books tossed in there
and a bunch of knickknacks,
and one of our cats gave birth behind this thing as a kid.
She just had a bunch of kittens behind it,
and man, weird memories.
You never know what you'll come across at Goodwill.
Like this stunning piece of art right here.
That is, it was eye catching, let's put it that way.
Whoever had this, it just makes me wonder
what else they had hangin' up at home.
Alright onto my final Goodwill that I usually check out.
This is the day before my birthday,
just a handful of days before Christmas.
Naturally there were lots of Christmas things hangin' around
including fully formed Christmas trees.
Do you buy these whole trees
and you get the lights and ornaments with them?
I don't know, that's just kinda what it looks like.
And check it out,
there's a Black Friday deal going on,
this is way past Black Friday,
but still, they had their kinda crappy desktops
being sold for 90 bucks.
That's a whole lotta Christmas just dumped in one spot,
and surprisingly nothing was broken.
Mmm, got some sort of fountain fondue type of thing here.
That's a rather industrial design.
Maybe it's just a water fountain,
maybe that's not meant for food, I don't know.
Now this definitely was meant for food though.
This just cracked me up,
this is literally just a Bojangles' Tailgate box.
This is just the box, you're supposed to throw these away.
It's just an empty cardboard box,
they're selling it for $2.
Panthers branding ain't worth that much.
Ooh now this caught my attention
because of course, alright,
say hello to this realistic Clarinette 101 stereo system.
You got a record player, a cassette tape player,
an 8-Track player, an AM/FM stereo receiver,
and some honestly satisfying switches and knobs.
Plus some speakers, that's a pretty neat,
although technically not super impressive, all in one unit
from back in the day.
(laughs) And then there's things like this,
I just imagine there's a story behind it,
like somebody bought this Granite Ware thing
and they just were so intent on getting rid
of that stupid sticker and grrr,
they just gave up and just left it for years.
Oh man, I haven't seen one of these in a long time.
It's just a clock but it's got one of those fiber optic
floral displays, I used to really like these.
I still kinda do,
I just haven't thought about 'em in 25 years.
Got a Kodak Land camera, got a square shooter too up here,
it's not a Kodak, it's a Polaroid,
the heck am I thinkin'?
Anyway, ah, check out these
neat little Sony bookshelf speakers.
They appeal to me, I didn't get them.
And we got some IBM computer speakers over here
which didn't have the power or anything,
and I already got some speakers earlier in this episode,
but you know, IBM stuff, I always gotta look at it.
Hmm, what is this, they got a little Sync cradle
here for products (laughs).
The serial connection looks like it syncs
with Outlook 97 and 98.
I assume for a personal organizer or a PDA.
Huh, well this is a little different.
Looks like a marching band got, I don't know, dead.
(screen beeps)
Huh, well this is a little different,
it appears a marching band or something
just evaporated and left all of their equipment here
or at least their hats.
They're just empty containers
and Goodwill put the hats out there,
that's a nice little display.
Over in the CDs, and you know like nine times out of 10
I never find anything here anymore
but today, today's a little different.
I found a bunch of PS1 games,
a couple of which I actually didn't have,
that being Twisted Metal III and Tokyo Highway Battle.
Actually I think I had Twisted Metal III,
just it was greatest hits.
And then finally in the puzzles and boardgames,
found a complete in box copy of the game Fly!
And I have been looking for this flight sim
for a very long time in box.
It was made by Terminal Reality
and this is the Mac version but I do have the PC one loose
so that'll go and match with this box and I'll be happy.
Actually not too bad for $6.
And that is it for episode 41 of LGR thrifts.
Got some neat Labtec speakers that appear to be
new in the box,
a couple of PS1 games and a copy of Fly!
and Barbie Adventure Riding Club
in the big boxes, some Betamax blank tapes
and a floppy disk holder that will replace
one of my broken ones.
And there's my loose PC version of Fly!
That'll go in the box, so yeah, you have Mac and PC
versions of that game.
And well, that's about it.
I don't know what else to say except
thank you very much for watching
and thanks as always for sending in your own photos
of all the stuff that you've found.
Thrifting is continually fun.
Honestly, whether or not I actually find anything
that I want to buy,
I just like making these episodes
and I love seeing what you've found as well.
So keep on sending things my way
and I will keep filming these things whenever I can
and putting together episodes.
Hopefully in 2019 I can get more together
than I did in 2018, I don't know,
it's always just completely down to luck and persistence,
a lot of persistence.
Once again, hope you enjoyed
and many thanks for watching what you just did.
(relaxed music)