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  • I don't need a bump.

  • I don't need a bump.

  • I don't need a bump.

  • Coke is for the weak. Coke is for the weak.

  • I am strong. I am strong!

  • Winners win and losers hit the rails

  • and nail hookers.

  • I am in control of my own destiny!

  • I need a job.

  • I've been disbarred from the law.

  • But I'm in control.

  • I've done it. I'm clean!

  • I'm cleaner than a new toilet seat.

  • I don't need a bump!

  • Ha! Ha!

  • Ha...

  • I could use a ride.

  • Ah, this sucks.

  • Listen to me, son, I don't give a fuck about you,

  • about your principles, I don't give a fuck about your friends.

  • People who step in my way get fucked with.

  • Now, you got paid. You took the money.

  • I'm trying to set you up for life here, boy, and you're inadequate.

  • You're no use to me at all, boy.

  • Maybe I should kill you instead.

  • - Eddie, organize a hit squad. - Not a problem.

  • You hear that? You feelin' me here?

  • You about to wake up with your head 50 feet away

  • from your body, son. Do what we agreed.

  • Oh, you think you can put one over on me?

  • Do you? I don't think so.

  • So do it! This week!

  • - All good, pal? - Pal?

  • I'm your superior officer and don't you forget that shit!

  • - But yeah, all good. - So is he gonna do it?

  • Didn't I say it's all good?

  • - So we gonna go get the kid? - Yeah.

  • Let's initiate the little bastard into the force.

  • Tell him Ken Rosenberg called.

  • Ken Rosenberg. You haven't heard of me? Who are you?

  • Ken Rosenberg. Rosenberg!

  • Oh! Oh really? You told him I called?

  • Look, I made that ingrate, and now he won't take my calls?

  • Just put him on the phone right now!

  • Hello? Hello? Damn it!

  • I got the signature! I am now the proud

  • and legal manager of The Gurning Chimps.

  • You're mine, Maccer, son. You're mine.

  • 50 grand it cost to me to buy you out of your contract.

  • You're like a race horse or a great little sloshpot.

  • Guaranteed banker. This time, my son, this time!

  • Fucking great, kiddo. Bowing in!

  • - Give us an hug! - Come here!

  • I love you, lad. I love you.

  • - I've never felt like this before. - Fantastic, son.

  • A bit of emotion never hurt no one. Er, great.

  • Yeah, let me go now. You're sweating.

  • Wow! These doves are blinding.

  • - I'm rushing me cock off! - How many have you done, then?

  • 19. Come on! Give it some!

  • - You got any B, Pablo? - No!

  • 50 grand for this northern prick.

  • America! America!

  • I can't fucking wait!

  • - Give me your fucking money! - All right, man. All right, man.

  • - Here, man. Here, man, take it. - Yeah.

  • Come on, man, just don't shoot me.

  • Punk ass motherfucker!

  • Hey, how's your woman?

  • She's a ballbuster. Ever since we moved to Venturas,

  • all she wants to do-- spend, spend, spend.

  • For Chrissakes, I got better luck on the tables.

  • Yeah, I hear you. Hey, give me a hand

  • - with this guy, will you? - Yeah.

  • I mean, why'd we whack Mickey anyhow?

  • - He was a stand-up guy. - I dunno, something about money.

  • Oh man. What, he was on the take?

  • Nah, he was kosher. A little too kosher.

  • - That's why he had to go. - Oh, I get it.

  • Yeah, he was declaring too much money,

  • so we gotta get a new guy in. You know,

  • I hear the Leones are lending the bosses some money.

  • - The Leones? - Yeah.

  • Get the fuck outta here. We hate the Leones.

  • I know. That's what I said to Johnny,

  • but he said they needed the money.

  • Buona notte, dirtball.

  • So, Mickey gets capped, so we get a new guy in,

  • who everybody bullies. Then, when he misbehaves...

  • - We dig another hole. - Exactly.

  • Hey, you hear about Bobby back east?

  • - No, what? - He's gone queer.

  • - Can you believe that shit? - Oh Mother of Christ Almighty,

  • - I've seen everything! - Minchia!

  • So, we got a vacancy. We kept our end of the bargain.

  • Then I guess we're on. You want something to drink?

  • No, no, I'm good, thank you. So, who's gonna run this casino for us?

  • Hey, we're gonna need a real idiot. A guy we can all push around.

  • There's this lawyer, used to work for the Forellis down in Florida.

  • I heard he's sniffing around for a job.

  • Just got out of rehab or something.

  • - Yeah, that'll work. - I'll make a call.

  • - Great. - Hey...

  • don't fuck this up, kid.

  • So, you're the new kid, huh?

  • Yeah, been working on the streets three years though,

  • and I realized there is only one kind of crime in Los Santos--

  • gang crime. That's why I joined CRASH.

  • Get in the car, kid.

  • I was called in on this domestic dispute case once.

  • You got this young kid, okay?

  • Can't be more than 20 years old,

  • beating up his wife. So I figure, easy, right?

  • No man hits a woman. Well, it turns out this woman

  • spends all day freebasing and nearly let their kid starve to death.

  • All right, so what do I do?

  • I could take this guy in, and leave a little kid with a drug-addict mother,

  • or I let a guy off with beating up his wife.

  • - I mean, it's difficult out there. - Domestic violence?

  • Yeah, yeah. Serious stuff, man.

  • Yeah, I'm sure. Pulaski, pull over.

  • Well, I deal with drug dealers, gangbangers and psychotics,

  • all of them chasing after a lot of money,

  • none of them scared to kill me, you, or all our families,

  • if they think it'll help them.

  • Now, this is a bit more serious than a domestic dispute, pal.

  • I didn't mean anything by it. I was just--

  • I'm not really interested in what you meant to say.

  • See, what you said was you found a woman on drugs a difficult situation.

  • Now how the hell am I supposed to trust you

  • - if you're so easily confused? - Look, I'm a good cop.

  • This ain't about being a good cop, Pepe.

  • It's about taking control of the streets from the fucking savages

  • - who've got it now! - I know!

  • - Then you'll do what it takes? - Yeah, whatever it takes!

  • 'Cause this is a game of percentages, 24/7, 365. We're just trying

  • - to screw as many bad guys we can. - Yeah, I know.

  • That means letting some bad guys get away with things.

  • And sometimes it means doing shit that you ain't proud of,

  • because you're strong enough and smart enough

  • - to understand the bigger picture. - Look, I know.

  • You don't know shit. Get the fuck out the car, ese.

  • Are you enjoying yourself, huh?

  • N-no! I just-- you know, just getting a feel for the place.

  • So this is the way it is. You're sitting here already,

  • having a good time. Me, 5 million in the hole to the Sindaccos,

  • and you not doing a thing about it? Huh?

  • No, not at all. I spoke with Johnny.

  • - He explained everything. - Oh, you spoke with Johnny?

  • - Yeah, he came by-- - You spoke with him, huh?

  • - Yeah! - Did you suck him off as well,

  • you little fucking weasel? You're my man, not his!

  • I've got a good mind to end this here and now, you Judas, you rat!

  • Come on, sir! I thought that was the job.

  • Oh, you thought that was the job? Mike, get the door.

  • I'm the job! Me and my money.

  • And I want it back, and I want it back fast.

  • Johnny fucking Sindacco even so much as blinks at you,

  • I want to hear about it. You find a way

  • to get me my money and fast. Understood?

  • Yes! Yes! Understood! Understood.

  • And cheer up. Have some fun around here.

  • This is supposed to be a casino, not a monastery.

  • Christ, I've had more fun taking a crap than I've had here.

  • Come on, go get me a drink.

  • Smile, schmuck!

  • - Who you gonna tell now? - Eddie, chill out, man.

  • - The prick's still breathing. - That's good.

  • Hernandez...

  • - finish him off. - Come on. Please.

  • - Don't make me do this! - Say what?

  • - I can't. - Hey, I thought you understood.

  • - He's a fucking cop, you maniac. - Not no more he ain't.

  • We went over this. It's about percentages.

  • - I know! - So who's side you on,

  • - his or mine? - Yours, Frank! Yours!

  • Then be a fucking man. You cap him, or I cap you.

  • Come on, do it! Pull the trigger!

  • No! Oh shit! Hell!

  • - Oh Mama! Mama! - No! No! No!

  • Come on, girl!

  • - Mama! - No!

  • - Damn! Damn. - No!

  • CJ, it's your brother.

  • Okay. What you want?

  • I think you better come home.

  • It's about Mama. She's dead, bro'.

I don't need a bump.

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