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  • - We're breakin' down the big twist

  • of The Mandalorian Episode five.

  • Folks, another week has come and gone,

  • and with it arrived a brand new chapter

  • of The Mandalorian.

  • And while every episode so far has had the occasional

  • nod or wink to a previous Star Wars film,

  • it's this latest outing, the Gun Slinger,

  • that pretty much looks exactly right into the camera

  • and says, "Yup, this one's for the fans."

  • So it should come as no surprise that there's some division

  • forming online over this episode,

  • with many die-hard saying that it's too fan service-y,

  • while others are going all in on it screaming,

  • "Give me more! Put it in my veins!"

  • But despite all of that, there's one thing

  • that everyone seems to be in agreement about,

  • it's how the twist at the end of chapter five,

  • straight up confirmed a huge fan theory

  • about the end of the season.

  • Now, before we break all of this down,

  • we gotta throw up a dewback-sized spoiler warning

  • for the fifth episode of The Mandalorian.

  • Now of course, if you don't care,

  • or if already seen this episode,

  • please feel free to take this time to like,

  • subscribe, or both if you're nasty.

  • And I know you're nasty.

  • So first off, what happened in this episode?

  • Well, after the Razor Crest takes damage

  • during a space battle with another bounty hunter,

  • who explodes like he lost a game of Asteroids,

  • Mando and the wee-baby Yoda are forced

  • to set down for repairs at the nearest planet,

  • Tattooine.

  • Specifically that wretched hive of scum and villainy,

  • known as the Mos Eisley spaceport.

  • However, with Mando running pretty low

  • on the funds needed to get his ship back in working order,

  • he locks up baby Yoda on the ship,

  • and sets off to find work at the local Cantina,

  • where Luke and Obi Wan enjoyed a glass of blue milk,

  • and found Han and Chewbacca and Maclunkey.

  • - Maclunkey.

  • (gun firing)

  • - And it looks like things have changed

  • since the last time we set foot on Tattoine.

  • Apparently the owners have loosened their restrictions

  • on Droids since we see them both in front

  • and behind the bar.

  • Which is suspicious, considering the previous bartender.

  • - We don't serve their kind here.

  • - What?

  • - [Dan] But after learning that the bounty hunter's Guild

  • doesn't operate there anymore,

  • Mando stumbles on a young up-starred Gunslinger,

  • doing his best Han Solo sitting cosplay

  • by the name of Toro Calican,

  • who's looking to make a name for himself within the Guild.

  • He is a bounty puck, and he's willing to give up

  • the entirety of his reward, in exchange for Mando's help

  • and taking out his extremely high level target.

  • The Mandalorian reluctantly agrees,

  • and the two set off on their speeder bikes

  • towards the Dune Sea, to find the sniper assassin

  • Fennec Shand.

  • Now after negotiating with some Tuscan Raiders

  • to cross their land, the two find a dewback

  • dragging a dead bounty hunter clearly murdered by Fennec,

  • and they're forced to wait until nightfall

  • to make their attack.

  • Using a combo of a high speed approach,

  • as well as blinding flash bangs,

  • Toro and Mando are able to capture Fennec,

  • played by the incomparable Ming-Na Wen.

  • But they lose one of their speeders in the process.

  • With no other options, the Mando sets off

  • to track down the dewback from earlier,

  • as you know, like a chunkier ride back,

  • while Toro keeps an eye on Fennec.

  • Of course, these things go as they always do,

  • Fennec temps the rookie bounty hunter

  • with promises of an even greater reward,

  • more glory and a massive, legendary reputation,

  • if he betrays the Mando and turns him into the Guild.

  • Toro agrees to this proposition,

  • but then turn and kills Fennec,

  • shooting her point-blank.

  • Because he knows that if he set her free,

  • she would just do the same thing to him.

  • After all, she already kicked his ass six ways from Sunday.

  • And then he sets off back to Mos Eisley

  • to ambush Mando at his ship.

  • Finding the dead Fennec, Mando has no other choice

  • but to return to his ship,

  • where he's confronted by Toro,

  • who's now captured the wee-baby Yoda, and lest we forget,

  • Amy Sedaris doing her best Ellen Ripley cosplay.

  • Luckily, the Mandalorian's able to use one of his flare guns

  • to blind Toro and merk him.

  • He then takes Toro's cash, pays off Amy Sedaris,

  • and he and the sweet baby Yod's

  • fly off into the twin sunset.

  • The end.

  • Just kidding!

  • We're then teased with a short snippet

  • of some person with a tracking fob,

  • as they walk up on Fennec's dead body

  • and just as they kneel down to reveal who they are,

  • the camera cuts to black.

  • (intense booming)

  • So wait, who could this person be?

  • Well, we have an answer,

  • and it's something that we theorized about

  • earlier this week on Nerdist News.

  • It's, dun dun dun!

  • Boba Fett.

  • Pshaw! You may be saying.

  • This is just more wish-fulfillment.

  • (intense music)

  • - Maybe.

  • - But let's run down the evident, shall we?

  • Why would the worst bounty hunter in the galaxy

  • be on Tattooine?

  • Well, as we reported earlier this week,

  • we know the finale's gonna focus on

  • an unexpected enemy per the episode description.

  • While we ran down the odds of all the characters

  • that could be expectedly unexpected,

  • we eventually settled on Boba Fett

  • due to the narrative and thematic ties

  • of the Mandalorian's, the bounty hunters,

  • and the fact that Fett's reputation

  • as one of the most feared bounty hunters in the business,

  • has been tarnished by the fact

  • that he straight up sucks ass at his job,

  • and fell into a sarlacc presumably for all eternity.

  • (roaring)

  • - So what's the new evidence that we have here,

  • you may be wondering.

  • Well besides all this episode's call-backs

  • to a new hope in Tattooine,

  • there is one specific nod to old Robert Fett himself.

  • - [Robert Fett] She's no good to us dead.

  • - It's basically the same line Boba says to Darth Vader

  • in Empire Strikes Back.

  • - [Boba Fett] He's no good to me dead.

  • - Now while Star Wars has always had a fondness

  • for reusing lines from film's past,

  • this seems more clear-cut,

  • as if it were to jog our memories of Boba Fett himself.

  • But that's not all,

  • let's zero in on that sound at the very end.

  • Roll that beautiful Fett footage!

  • (intense music) (boots clanging)

  • - Hear that?

  • (intense music) (boots clanging)

  • Do you hear that metal, spur-like sound?

  • (intense music) (boots clanging)

  • Where else have we heard that before, I wonder?

  • (boots clanging) (heavy breathing, growling)

  • Hmm.

  • (intense music) (boots clanging)

  • Where could this be from?

  • (boots clanging) (heavy breathing)

  • I mean, come on people!

  • Look, of course it's possible

  • this just happens to be some other bounty hunter,

  • who just happens to have a tracking fob,

  • who just happens to wear similar sounding armor and boots,

  • and this all just happens to take place

  • on the same planet where we last saw Boba Fett.

  • It could all be one big old coincidence.

  • But let's be realistic.

  • It's Boba Fett. (dinging)

  • Unless of course, it's not.

  • Unless, but maybe.

  • Unless, but what if?

  • Anyway, no matter what happens,

  • this little twist seems to confirm

  • that we're gonna get some sort of major showdown

  • when the finale of The Mandalorian

  • drops on Disney Plus, December 27th.

  • But tell me, what do you folks think?

  • Is Boba Fett back from beyond the grave,

  • or whatever you call the inside of a sarlacc's stom?

  • Who else could that mysterious figure be?

  • And, you think that Boba Fett deserves

  • the reputation that he has?

  • Well, we have a video all about that.

  • Let's discuss.

  • Thank you so much for watching.

  • If you enjoyed what you saw,

  • why not give us a like, and subscribe while you're at it?

  • And if you wanna get notified every time we go live

  • with a new show, or drop a new video,

  • please feel free to mash that little bell.

  • That way, you can stay up to date

  • on all the latest theories, news and rumors

  • in the pop culture world.

  • (futuristic music)

- We're breakin' down the big twist

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