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  • - Obama... catching fireflies. - Yes!

  • [music playing]

  • You are wrong, I just tricked ya!

  • Hey guys, welcome back to Camp Nick.

  • Hope you're hungry, 'cause we're making sandwiches.

  • We're gonna be playing Made To Order.

  • Lobster Chef, hand me the order.

  • Bread, cheese, bacon!

  • - Cheese, cheese, bacon. - Bacon, turkey!

  • - Turks... - Tomato, onion!

  • - Onion! - Bread!

  • - Bread... - Onion!

  • - Onion... - Lettuce!

  • Bacon!

  • We can't eat turkey club sandwiches anymore,

  • but we could eat the turkey off the ground?

  • Let's do it!

  • [music playing]

  • What's up, campers? Let's see what Camp Nick's got in store for us today.

  • Ring-ring, campers. It's time for a game of dance telephone.

  • Wait, what's that?

  • Dance telephone? You don't know?

  • Oh well, basically you have to make up a dance on the spot

  • and you have to pass it around to us,

  • and hopefully we don't mess it up at the end.

  • I can do that. Are you guys ready?

  • - No. - Always!

  • You're gonna go one, two, three, four, five...

  • Good luck, buddy!

  • I completely forgot it. No, I forgot it all.

  • - I forgot it all. - Can I help him?

  • Annie, it was something like...

  • And then I forgot how she ended it, so I'm gonna end it my own way.

  • - Close your eyes. - Hi, Annie.

  • Hi, ready, OK.

  • - Here's what Isaac did. - OK.

  • - Oh, OK. - That's exactly what he did.

  • - OK, everybody open your eyes. - I'm so sorry I forgot it.

  • Matt, let's see it.

  • I think it was something like this... I think it was one, two,

  • three, four, five, six, seven, eight?

  • Not even close.

  • Not even in the same ball park.

  • One, two, crunch, back, out, in.

  • Oh, that's what it was.

  • What is this?

  • I forgot it so I just came up with my own thing.

  • This is the only part I remember.

  • Four, out, in.

  • One, two, three...

  • [music playing]

  • - It's Isaac. - And it's Annie.

  • - Today we are playing two truths... - And a lie.

  • I've eaten frog legs, durian, and crickets.

  • The second one. You've never eaten durian.

  • You are wrong, I just tricked ya!

  • I've actually never eaten frog legs.

  • I've fallen off a horse, I've swam with sharks,

  • and I've gone bridge jumping.

  • - All those seem so fun. - Yeah.

  • I think that you did not swim with sharks.

  • - She got it right. - I got it right?

  • Good job!

  • You guys up for a game of Who Am I and What Am I Doing?

  • - Yeah! - Alright.

  • We all will be doing celebrity impressions,

  • while doing a classic camp activity.

  • Arg matey!

  • - Pirates! - Yep.

  • - Rowing a canoe. - Yeah.

  • I got it?

  • Uh, I am running through the fields...

  • Oh, are you...

  • Obama catching fireflies.

  • - Yes! - I got it!

  • Me? Annie?

  • - It's Jayden. - Yes!

  • - Doing something... - Hammering!

  • Doing something... I'm gonna go with...

  • Building a bird house. Pitching a tent!

  • There you go! There you go!

  • That was-- That was good!

  • Good impression, you did good.

  • I did my best.

  • - Wait, so who won? - We tied, no we tied.

  • We tied!

  • [music playing]

  • What's up, you guys? Welcome back to Camp Nick.

  • I'm here with Tex Hammon and Andre Robinson

  • from The Loud House and we're about to play

  • Who's Most Likely To.

  • Who is most likely to get a brain freeze while eating ice cream?

  • Oh, that's Clyde, definitely.

  • That has to be me.

  • Lincoln's always drinking the flippies, so I mean, Clyde couldn't handle it.

  • Who's most likely to make an awkward joke at a bad time?

  • - I feel like that's Clyde though. - What?

  • I feel like he is.

  • We got a little interference though.

  • Clyde doesn't even joke though.

  • Who's most likely to get scared while watching a horror movie?

  • - I think that has to be both of them. - That has to be both.

  • Lincoln went to a horror movie without his parents,

  • and he got scared.

  • What's up, guys? It's me and Jayden,

  • and we're about to play the Head shot Hats challenge.

  • OK...

  • - Come on, Jayden! - You are a girl.

  • - OK, I'm a girl. - You're edgy.

  • - Edgy... - You have a lot of siblings.

  • Oh, um, um...

  • - Luna. - Yes!

  • Am I Luna? Oh, thank you!

  • So you live in the ocean.

  • - You're chilling. - SpongeBob?

  • - No, no. - Patrick?

  • - Uh, she has a fish bowl-- - Sandy!

  • Yes, I love Sandy!

  • What's up, guys? I'm here with Tex Hammon and Andre Robinson

  • from The Loud House and we're playing Rock, Paper, Scissors, Slime!

  • Rock, paper, scissors, slime!

  • Rock, paper, scissors, slime!

  • Rock, paper, scissors, slime!

  • [screaming]

  • [screaming]

  • Let's go! I finally did it!

  • Congratulations, Tex! Guess what?

  • - What? - Here at Camp Nick,

  • even the winners get slimed.

  • [screaming]

  • [music playing]

  • Thank you so much for watching the video.

  • We'll be here all summer, so make sure you like,

  • comment and subscribe to Nick's channel for more Camp Nick.

- Obama... catching fireflies. - Yes!

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