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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is lesson 362. The title of the lesson today is be

  • careful when beauty is used as an adjective. Okay. So let's look at the note

  • here. Beauty is mostly used as a noun. Even in cases when it is used as an

  • adjective, it is only used before a noun and it really becomes more like a noun

  • phrase. Okay Beauty cannot be a stand-alone adjective.

  • So this is where students make the mistake. Maybe they look in the

  • dictionary and they see could be an adjective. But it can't, it can't be a

  • stand-alone adjective. It can't be by itself. Okay. Let's see.. Noun phrases that

  • describe activities, jobs, or products that are connected with making people

  • more beautiful. So these are the ones that we usually have beauty in it and here

  • are some examples where it looks like beauty's used as an adjective

  • but it's really more like a noun phrase. So for example, we say beauty salon,

  • beauty treatments, beauty products, beauty care, Beauty cream, beauty parlour, etc. So

  • these ways are correct. We use beauty technically as an adjective before these

  • and they kind of become a noun phrase. All right. Here's where the students make

  • a mistake. They make a mistake if they try to use beauty as an adjective by

  • itself. So of course with the X this would be wrong. I heard a number ... I have

  • heard a number of students sometimes say this. Like she is beauty. Now you can't

  • say she is beauty. You could say, the most correct way would simply say she's

  • beautiful. You should actually use the regular adjective. She's beautiful. You

  • could say she is a beauty. It's okay. Even though a beauty sometimes I don't know if a guy's use a

  • beauty as much with girls. I think they're more likely to use some of these.

  • She's a knockout or she's a beautiful woman. She's a

  • looker. She's a fox. Sometimes I hear guys say

  • she's a beauty. Sometimes they're talking about a car or a motorcycle. Sometimes I

  • hear that she's a beauty. They might say that about that.

  • But anyway that's the way we use it. Of course, you could use it as a noun like

  • that. And you know with the X here. This is one more mistake that students might

  • make. Again you can't use it as a stand-alone adjective. Those flowers are

  • beauty. No you have to say those flowers are beautiful. Okay. Anyway, I hope you got

  • it. I hope it was clear. Thank you for your time. Bye-bye.

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is lesson 362. The title of the lesson today is be

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英語導師Nick P課程(362)使用美貌作為形容詞時要小心。 (English Tutor Nick P Lesson (362) Be Careful When Using Beauty as an Adjective)

  • 16 0
    anitawu12 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary