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  • Happy birthday to you

  • Happy birthday to you

  • Happy birthday dear Finn

  • Happy birthday to you

  • (fun exciting music)

  • Let's live it

  • Live forever

  • (fun rhythmic music)

  • - Buzz Lightyear reporting for duty!

  • What is up, you guys?

  • The last time I was dressed as Buzz Lightyear,

  • I looked a lot different.

  • (deep tense music)

  • (yodeling)

  • A toy in trouble, to infinity and beyond!

  • (deep tense music)

  • Approaching destination.

  • If you guys haven't seen that video,

  • I'm gonna have it linked in the I card because

  • it's a really funny one and it's kind of like a

  • full circle moment.

  • We dressed up as Toy Story characters for Halloween,

  • Ollie's second birthday party was

  • a Toy Story themed birthday.

  • We are huge Toy Story, huge Disney fans.

  • And this year, Finn wanted his third birthday

  • party to be Toy Story also.

  • So it's super fun.

  • If you haven't seen the entire family make complete

  • fool of ourselves and dress up like all

  • the Toy Story characters, be sure to click the I card

  • and go watch that video because it was so funny.

  • Oh, hey, babe.

  • - Hey!

  • - [Man] Can you believe Finn is three today?

  • - Oh my gosh, I know.

  • - [Man] Is he our baby, he's our baby and he's three.

  • - He's three, that's not even a baby anymore.

  • He's fully potty trained.

  • - [Man] Do you know where he is?

  • - Actually, no, I haven't seen him.

  • (light talking)

  • - [Man] Hello?

  • - [Woman] Hello?

  • - [Man] All right, let's play search for the birthday boy.

  • - Where's the birthday boy?

  • (yelling)

  • - [Man] What?

  • Is he in here?

  • Oh, you're not the birthday boy!

  • - You're Buzz Lightyear.

  • - [Man] Happy birthday!

  • - Happy birthday!

  • - He's like, too much attention.

  • - Happy birthday Finny, how old are you, dude?

  • (yelling)

  • All right, Finny, show me how old you are?

  • You've been working on this all day, right.

  • - How old are you?

  • - [Man] Show me with your fingers.

  • - I'm--

  • - [Man] No.

  • - And.

  • - [Man] So hard.

  • This many, yay!

  • - Remember, I told you you could do it this way too.

  • - [Man] Good morning, Buzz.

  • - You could do that, I mean, that is--

  • - Yeah, that's a good way to say three.

  • Yes, Finn, is three, you guys!

  • Smash that thumbs up button and comment down below,

  • happy birthday, Finn,

  • because we love this little dude.

  • - Guess what, Finn.

  • - [Woman] What?

  • - I have a surprise for you.

  • - [Man] Finn, he's got a surprise.

  • The first birthday surprise, what is it, buddy?

  • (yelling)

  • Silly string!

  • - You love silly string.

  • So I am actually decorating right now, setting up,

  • and I've got actually a Zurg here that I wanna set up

  • somewhere like where he's looking over the party.

  • What do you think of Zurg?

  • - Yeah, there's two of them.

  • - [Woman] Yeah, there's two Zurgs.

  • (child yelling)

  • Wait, Finn's really excited about something.

  • What do you see?

  • What do you see?

  • (gasping)

  • What is that?

  • - I wanna crawl in it!

  • - [Woman] Let's wait until it's fully set up, okay.

  • (exciting inspiring music)

  • - [Man] Hey Woody, hey Buzz,

  • I brought you here because I want you to see

  • Finn's new costume!

  • - Say, hi!

  • - [Man] Look at him, he looks like Woody, you guys.

  • - He's so shy but look how cute he looks.

  • - [Man] He looks so cute, he's got the Woody hat,

  • the cowhide vest.

  • Wow, look at this costume, this is detailed, you guys.

  • - I actually have a special surprise for you.

  • Do you wanna see what I got for you?

  • - Yeah.

  • - Okay.

  • - [Man] Momma's got a surprise for you, Finny.

  • - You wanna see?

  • I got a happy birthday boy sign!

  • - [Man] It's a birthday ribbon.

  • - A little badge.

  • - He's so shy.

  • He's three today, Missy, and he's our little shy boy.

  • What's going on?

  • It's so crazy because our Finn is always full of energy

  • and he always is like the life of the party,

  • he loves having fun with all the kids.

  • But I feel like whenever the attention is on him,

  • he kind of clams up and he like gets all shy.

  • Happy birthday, Finny, I love you, dude.

  • Looking cool.

  • - Working on this awesome little box fort right here.

  • Check it out.

  • What do you think I'm making, guys?

  • - [Man] Oh, that's awesome.

  • So let me guess, are those,

  • is that a strainer to strain pasta?

  • - Almost, close.

  • - What else, oh, these could be bars.

  • Oh, is that like a jail?

  • Oh, cool, it's like a little cardboard jail.

  • Oh, like Andy made in Toy Story, huh.

  • We have got a criminal on the loose, you guys.

  • Be on the lookout for Mr. Potato Head.

  • Apparently there's a 50 bazillion dollar reward

  • for this guy, so if you see him anywhere, let me know.

  • I honestly haven't seen any type of Mr. Potato Head

  • anywhere, so if you guys see him anywhere,

  • please let us know because like I said,

  • there's a 50 bazillion dollar reward and

  • that's a lot of money.

  • (fun exciting music)

  • She's recruited you, huh, Jessica?

  • Poor Jessie.

  • Where's your Jessie costume, Jessie?

  • - I should've.

  • - [Man] You should be wearing one!

  • Oh, this is looking cool.

  • So you're taping the bars with black tape.

  • - Yeah, that was we don't have to use a marker.

  • - [Man] Oh hey, it's Live and Kay, what's up, girls?

  • Welcome to the party.

  • Whoa, what is it, dude?

  • - Cars.

  • - [Man] Cars!

  • The girls are here and they showed up with air chargers,

  • that's so cool, Finn.

  • What do you say, dude?

  • - Thank you.

  • - [Man] Thank you!

  • Finn loves anything Cars right now, it's the funniest thing.

  • Look at these center pieces Missy made, you guys.

  • It's a little cardboard box, it says toys,

  • and then she put packing peanuts

  • and the actual toys in it, it's so funny.

  • Giant bounce house time!

  • Look, we got a giant Toy Story bounce house.

  • CJ and Bailey out here, you guys having fun?

  • - Yeah.

  • (playful rhythmic music)

  • - [Man] Kiddos are getting their face painted.

  • Ollie, what did you choose?

  • - Spiderman.

  • - [Man] Spiderman, that's a great choice.

  • (lighthearted music)

  • Check this out, you guys,

  • we even have Pizza Planet deliver Ollie and Finn's

  • favorite pizza.

  • What's going on here, babe?

  • - Mr. Potato Head needed a new identity.

  • - [Man] Oh, because he's on the run, right?

  • So Missy is transferring all of the Mr. Potato Head

  • parts from the hat to the cantaloupe.

  • That's amazing, babe.

  • (fun rhythmic music)

  • Dude, I love it.

  • Do you feel like Spiderman?

  • Do you have magic web powers now?

  • - No, I'm gonna have Flash powers.

  • - [Man] Oh really, whoa, he's so fast!

  • Now it's Finn's turn, is he doing Spiderman too?

  • - Yeah.

  • - [Man] Oh my gosh, you're so funny.

  • Check it out, you guys, Buzz Lightyear's got a face.

  • This is the weirdest mask ever but

  • look at it with my shirt,

  • it totally looks like a mini buzz, he's like.

  • (shooting)

  • This looks like one of those masks that someone would

  • wear to rob a bank in,

  • if I was robbing a bank as Buzz Lightyear,

  • that wouldn't be a good idea though.

  • All right, it's time to play pin

  • the face on Mr. Potato Head.

  • - Eyeballs.

  • - [Man] Put the eyeballs on, buddy.

  • - This is the nose.

  • - [Man] Whoa.

  • Is he cheating, babe, is he cheating?

  • - He's cheating.

  • - [Man] Oh my gosh.

  • - Let's see!

  • - [Man] Look at him!

  • - [Missy] Oh my goodness.

  • - [Man] He's so silly. (laughing)

  • (fun rhythmic music)

  • All right, Ollie, you got this?

  • (fun rhythmic music)

  • Ollie!

  • Ollie, look, you almost had a centaur Mr. Potato Head

  • with one eye, huh?

  • How's it going there, Jessie?

  • - You guys should just go take a break or something.

  • Get the next game.

  • - [Man] There you go, that's the mustache, perfect.

  • - It is, I thought that was the mouth.

  • - [Man] Yeah, that's the mustache again.

  • There's three mustaches.

  • Did she...

  • She took it apart.

  • (laughing) - What?

  • - [Man] No, it's okay.

  • Oh my gosh.

  • (fun energetic music)

  • There you go.

  • - What happened?

  • - It's horrible.

  • You ripped it apart!

  • You made an extra piece.

  • Poor Mr. Potato Head cannot catch a break today, you guys.

  • (fun rhythmic music)

  • So, we just got a knock at the door

  • and look who's here, it's Mr. Buzz Lightyear!

  • Welcome to the party, yo.

  • Hey guys, someone here's to say hi!

  • Go Finn, go, go, go, you're so excited.

  • - It's Buzz Lightyear?

  • - [Man] Yeah, he came to see you, dude!

  • Finn, say hi!

  • - Hi! - Hi, Buzz!

  • - [Man] Buzz is here!

  • So we got Woody and now we got our Buzz.

  • Oh, Buzz, you silly goose.

  • (laughing)

  • Hey Finn, did Buzz just put you in jail?

  • - Yeah.

  • - [Man] Yeah, you can't get away with nothing

  • with Buzz around, you know that.

  • Oh no, they escaped!

  • I don't see them anymore.

  • Oh no!

  • (screaming) (deep tense music)

  • You gotta go the other way!

  • (screaming) (laughing)

  • - (mumbles) and pass it around.

  • Just toss it (mumbles) hand on you, you're out.

  • And the last person holding Mr. Potato Head gets a prize.

  • - [Man] We've got some prizes.

  • Buzz is pretty stoked too.

  • - Pass, pass, pass (mumbles).

  • Pass it!

  • - [Man] Pass it, Ollie, pass it.

  • Oh, he is savage.

  • (fun playful music)

  • Oh!

  • (fun exciting music)

  • Tough luck, buddy, huh.

  • - I really wanted to...

  • (laughing)

  • - [Man] Oh, Buzz is egging him on.

  • (laughing)

  • Final three, hot potato.

  • Who's it gonna be, Buzz, who's it gonna be?

  • He's voting for CJ.

  • Oh man, who's gonna be the winner?

  • Who's gonna be the winner?

  • Oh!

  • (fun exciting music)

  • - All right, ready?

  • - [Woman] We're gonna sing.

  • Happy birthday to you

  • Happy birthday to you

  • Happy birthday dear Finn

  • Happy Birthday to you

  • (cheering)

  • - [Man] Good job, buddy!

  • Happy birthday, big guy!

  • Oh babe, wait, I forgot to get a good picture of the cake.

  • Oh.

  • Oh no, just kidding, I got plenty of pictures.

  • Look at all this yummy cake.

  • - Finn has named the last two from

  • his Buzz Lightyear badge.

  • - Oh, that's awesome.

  • So we have chocolate and vanilla.

  • Vote in the I card poll above, you guys,

  • what kind of cake you guys want.

  • It's always chocolate for Missy.

  • (mumbles)

  • Thanks, Buzz!

  • (mumbles)

  • Oh no!

  • Don't give Finn the mic--

  • (mumbles)

  • This is what happens when you give Finn the microphone.

  • (mumbles)

  • That's his talk.

  • Finn, did you get some presents for your birthday?

  • Look at all these amazing presents.

  • Whoa, what is that?

  • - It's like a little (mumbles) that--

  • - It turns into a roller, and then it goes straight,

  • and then it rolls.

  • - Whoa, that is so cool.

  • Finn loves everything like that.

  • - [Missy] All right, this is from the Martin fam.

  • - [Man] Oh, awesome.

  • - Hot wheels.

  • - Hot Wheels, what is it?

  • Oh yeah, Hot Wheels.

  • This is so cool, look at this Hot Wheels set he just got.

  • It's the Thrill Drivers Corkscrew!

  • Whoa, dude, what do you say?

  • - Buzz Lightyear!

  • - [Man] Buzz Lightyear, look at his Hot Wheels he just got!

  • Aren't those crazy?

  • Whoa, look at all those cars!

  • - Say thank you!

  • - Hey Finn, what's your favorite toy?

  • - Hot Wheels!

  • - Hot Wheels, that's right.

  • Finn loves playing with Hot Wheels,

  • he literally plays with them for hours.

  • So he's gonna have hours of fun.

  • (playful music)

  • - Say thank you everybody.

  • - Thank you everybody!

  • (laughing)

  • - Happy birthday, buddy!

  • (mumbles)

  • (spitting)

  • (fun rhythmic music)

  • Finn is beat boxing.

  • Hey Finn, are you having the best party ever?

  • - Yeah.

  • - [Man] I think so.

  • Any luck?

  • Oh, Finn is hanging out by the dispenser,

  • so anytime you put anything in the hole,

  • he can just grab it.

  • Finn, you gotta let them grab their candy

  • or whatever they get, okay.

  • (soft playful music)

  • Whoa, Ollie got himself some cotton candy.

  • That's awesome.

  • - Thank you, pop pop!

  • - [Man] Nice.

  • - Yes!

  • (laughing)

  • - [Man] Hey, you got some--

  • - I think that's a spider web.

  • No, it's not. (laughing)

  • - [Man] It's like on your neck.

  • - Hey Buzz Lightyear, I have another tooth!

  • - [Man] Isn't that crazy, Buzz?

  • Let's see it, show him, open your mouth, show him!

  • Ooh, isn't that crazy?

  • So you're basically part robot, huh?

  • - Yeah.

  • - [Man] Maybe you should cool it on the cotton candy, bro.

  • (laughing)

  • Um, so, this is what's on the pinata.

  • It's Buzz Lightyear, right.

  • Hey Buzz, you're on the pinata, I'm really sorry,

  • don't take it personal.

  • It's just, you know, I apologize.

  • - Down here, Buzz Lightyear.

  • - [Man] That's you!

  • There it is, get it, swing, oh!

  • Nice!

  • All right!

  • (fun exciting music)

  • Whoa, whoa, whoa!

  • Bailey, Bailey, Bailey, stop swinging!

  • You almost destroyed Buzz, the wrong Buzz.

  • CJ, you gonna bring this home?

  • - Yeah.

  • - [Man] Spin him.

  • You gotta spin him.

  • (fun rhythmic music)

  • Okay, pretty close but back up, back up.

  • Okay, oh, there it is!

  • (fun exciting music) (screaming)

  • Candy!

  • (fun rhythmic music)

  • Everyone say, bye, Buzz!

  • - Goodbye, Buzz.

  • - [Missy] Give Buzz a hug and say bye.

  • - He wants his candy now.

  • Thanks for coming, Buzz.

  • Good guy.

  • Bring it in, Buzz.

  • Toy Story 4, let's make it happen.

  • Aw.

  • - Bye, Buzz.

  • Bye, pa!

  • - [Missy] It's not papa.

  • - [Man] That's not papa, papa's right over there.

  • He's Buzz Lightyear.

  • (deep rhythmic music)

  • All right, Buzz Lightyear, you are clear for take off.

  • Thank you for coming, have a great day.

  • (fun playful music)

  • - [Missy] We're breaking out mimi and papa's present.

  • - [Man] There you go!

  • - [Missy] Why are you so good at that, Finn?

  • Whoo, press the button again!

  • Go!

  • Roll!

  • You gotta do it while you're going, bud.

  • - We're gonna do it, okay, watch this.

  • And roll!

  • - [Missy] Oh!

  • - I wanna do it.

  • - [Missy] I wanna do it.

  • All right, papa set up a little course here.

  • Hit it, turn, turn, turn!

  • - Police!

  • - [Missy] Okay, daddy's gonna show him.

  • - Three, two, one, go!

  • (dog barking)

  • - [Missy] Oh, no.

  • (yelling)

  • All right, we got a tower now.

  • Go, go, go!

  • Oh my gosh.

  • (cheering)

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah!

  • - He loves this thing.

  • - [Missy] Kids, time for our late night baths, huh.

  • - Yeah, bouncy house!

  • - You guys, I have not even been in the Toy Story

  • bouncy house but I'm gonna get in now with the kids

  • to bounce a little before we go to sleep.

  • Here we go!

  • Let's bounce!

  • (lighthearted soft music)

  • (yelling)

  • Falling, fun.

  • (laughing)

  • - Hey (mumbles), who is that?

  • - [Missy] Wait, what is that?

  • - [Ollie] That's the slide!

  • - [Missy] Wait, show me how it works.

  • (yelling)

  • Show me, Finn!

  • And there's a monkey up here.

  • Wow, go, Finn, go!

  • Go Finn!

  • - Look, guys!

  • - [Missy] Oh wow, okay, that's a little crazy.

  • You're like a monkey!

  • - I pretend I'm like a spider.

  • - Oh, you're like a spider, like Spiderman.

  • Whoa, you're like a spider too.

  • Okay, I'm going down the slide, here we go.

  • (yelling)

  • (laughing)

  • Okay, one more time before bed, here we go!

  • (yelling)

  • Go, Finn!

  • - Hi!

  • - Hi.

  • That was so much fun,

  • it was nice to do one last jump before bedtime, huh, boys?

  • Finn, did you have the best birthday ever?

  • (gasping)

  • I think that means yes, huh, bud?

  • (laughing)

  • Ollie, did you have the best day?

  • - Yes!

  • - Yeah, that was so much fun, huh!

  • (yelling)

  • I think we had the best day ever.

  • This is a happy boy and this is a tired boy.

  • I think he's happy and he's tired too though.

  • It's time for bed.

  • We had so much fun, you guys.

  • Give this video a big thumbs up because

  • Finn just turned three years old!

  • (sobbing)

  • He doesn't even care.

  • And make sure you leave in the comments,

  • happy birthday, Finn.

  • We had an awesome day and I gotta tell you,

  • this was kind of a last minute birthday party

  • thrown together but I think it turned out amazing.

  • This is like my favorite thing ever.

  • What was your favorite thing about your party?

  • - That.

  • - That, oh, this is his favorite thing.

  • So easy to impress.

  • - Like this.

  • - Whoo!

  • How about Buzz coming to your party, was that pretty cool?

  • - Yeah.

  • - Yeah!

  • What about your cake?

  • - Yeah.

  • - What about playing games?

  • - Yeah.

  • - What about opening presents?

  • - Yeah!

  • - Yeah!

  • (mumbles)

  • You really liked that hot potato game, huh?

  • We're gonna go ahead and end this video.

  • Make sure you give it a big thumbs up.

  • We'll see you guys tomorrow!

  • All right, Finn, time to say bye, what do you say?

  • - Bye bye!

  • (fun lighthearted music)

Happy birthday to you

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