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  • everybody feel like the sports locked out here in culver city california verse

  • from a few yes i a m back for my trip on the east coast

  • in case you had no idea i was there

  • you can follow me i mean sarandon see all the photos i took in which i went in

  • the green monster when on the field at fenway

  • took any yankees game in new york city it was great but

  • so you'd be orc city

  • they let jeremy wouldn't go as uh... decided offer c

  • to the houston rockets

  • in which he will be paid roughly twenty five million dollars over three years

  • the poisoned pill that

  • many have

  • branded the thirty-year of many

  • for ethic contracts

  • many will argue this is one

  • uh... when will be getting paid fourteen point nine million dollars in his third

  • year

  • on sunday

  • the next sign raymond felton prior to that bayside thirty nine-year-old jason

  • kidd to be a leader and mentor through some of the younger players on the same

  • meanwhile jason kidd

  • crashed his cadillac escalade over the weekend

  • also he had a d w y

  • when he crashed is kinda like escalade with his girlfriend in the passenger

  • seat now

  • this is uh... getting that done on point here u_s_a_ today was quoted as saying

  • aj every lead

  • honestly i preferred new york but my main goal of free agency was to go to a

  • team that had plans for me and wanted me

  • i wanted to have fun playing basketball now i'm definitely relieved sports

  • illustrated dot com

  • i had that quote and continues the story tuesday night an hour before the mix had

  • to make a decision on keeping when his cell phone rang

  • makes general manager glenn greenwald and the conversation lasted no more than

  • thirty seconds from wall to message

  • lynn told us i dot com a simple indirect we wanted to keep you but it could work

  • out for your family a sale of and good luck the rest of the way michael watson

  • who took over from nineteen twenty during the season

  • uh... told lend and

  • in l_a_ at master of state house which is

  • bombed by the way

  • we want you

  • i wanna make you the starting point part of the new york makes its gonna work out

  • it's gonna be great

  • obviously this is a business

  • you know no hard feelings but

  • and again

  • going by that quote if you believe that it's a business they should capture

  • mingling because of the revenue that he would have produced the attention that

  • he

  • brought to the new york yes whether it's

  • taiwan united states globally

  • is pretty much tighter think about it

  • he put the dates back on the map carmelo anthony did not

  • and they could not gel these two players they could not get the group one allele

  • was out

  • fairly laid to go to the new york next one carmelo came back

  • they could not get the groove in the two could not play together

  • at least it appeared to be

  • sports illustrated dot com continues

  • getting lane that much

  • would have taken new york's payroll based on the for russ george about

  • ninety two point five million nearly twenty million over the projected luxury

  • tax for next season deletion new harsh tax rates will be in effect then n

  • exceeding the threshold by twenty million would come with it actionable

  • lopping forty five million dollars wins salary would create the bulk of that

  • penalty

  • now could you say that that ministers terror that occurred

  • after twenty five games of the dates on jerry lin

  • was in a blessing in disguise

  • one could argue that because as i stated earlier and it is obvious

  • the two could not play together

  • carmelo was taken of wild shots you want to take over the team and jeremy

  • wouldn't let him with those wild ass shots

  • also

  • uh... carmelo called turbulence contract

  • ridiculous in j rsmith followed up with that

  • i'm sure the city will love them back with the team decided to go to different

  • directions

  • it's nothing personal i don't think just business

  • we just hope everybody can benefit from here

  • i don't really know how mr dolan

  • feels at this point with what the luxury taxes now and what it used to be but i

  • just hope it works out for the best for both of them

  • passed it the way the contract

  • could cause a challenging dynamic with his teammates smith agreed

  • and he was quoted as saying without a doubt i think some guys take it personal

  • because they've been doing it longer and have received any reward for i think

  • it's a tough subject to touch on for a lot of guys

  • just that

  • shut the fuck up

  • okay i'm just gonna come out and say it the fact that you have to say all will

  • be he'd be rewarded over other guys and he's a newer player

  • did that's how life works that's how works when you're at the star player

  • when you're grabbing the headlines so clearly terrace with his butt hurts

  • by not reading the headlines over his amazing dunks

  • and the fact that lynn sanity took over new york city now carmelo anthony

  • following up with that calling his contract ridiculous

  • shut your mouth you don't have to participate in these talks of

  • are what is getting paid more and why is he getting headlines applies to getting

  • more attention

  • because he just days

  • deal with it you don't have to vent in new york media and the media overall

  • when these sorts of things come out uh... jerry linen closing

  • seven aisle of the new york they have said that that's the biggest reason why

  • i wanted to return to new york

  • the waiting brace be lately supported us this past season was better than

  • anything else ever seen or experience i'll go to my grave saying that what new

  • york did for me it was unbelievable i one of the plane from those fans for the

  • rest of my career so without a doubt it's a good signing who knows if it is

  • for the right price

  • but a good sighting for the houston rockets

  • getting jimmy lane and fulfilling billing their starting point car roll

  • would you guys say that it is a good contract would you say that the knicks

  • lost out on jeremy went

  • today have brought him back

  • because the global revenue that he brings and and the global attention that

  • he brings in

  • so what i hear your thoughts

  • you can let me know those if we don't every every time you can also follow me

  • on their are face-to-face is in the description below don't be afraid to

  • tweak and share and like this video and also please use a favor guys support

  • what we're doing here subscribe if you like the sports

everybody feel like the sports locked out here in culver city california verse

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