Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles - Hi, we're Joel and Lia. - And today's video is British versus Canadian versus American english words. - Yeah! - Yeah! (quirky music) So, lots of our followers are American. But we also get messages from a few Canadians that are like, please can you include us? (laughing) So, that's kinda where the idea for this video came from. - Yeah, so we're gonna try to keep doing this. We want to branch out and include Canada more and Australia. We want to include everyone. - It's like when someone's kid is left out. We just want to include everyone. - We just want to include everyone. - Everyone. - We're bombarded with American culture here in the UK. So that's why we know, sort of more about it. Where as, these other places, we don't really hear about Canada. - No one chats about Canada. - Which is a travesty. - Isn't it, we're really sorry. - Yeah, we're sorry, so we're gonna talk about Canada today. - And we're gonna celebrate Canada. - Yeah, woo hoo! - If Canada was a child, we'd be like this is our kid. - Yeah. (laughing) - Right, what's the first word? - So the first word is the word toilet. - Ugh, do you know, I hate that word. Can I just say, as an aside, I remember once I was with someone's very posh mom and I said "Where's the toilet?" and she was like, "Don't you every call it "a toilet ever again, it's a loo." - It's a loo. - And, I've never said the word toilet since and that was in 2011. - Yeah. - Anyway, toilet. - So Brits will say toilet or loo, but that's what we tend to say when we want to go to the loo! - To the loo! (laughing) - So, that's the word for the loo. So, yeah, you've got the British one, toilet or loo, and the American, you've got - Bathroom or restroom. - Bathroom or restroom. And then, Canadians call it washroom! - Washroom! Which I think is really, - I'm gonna wash in there! - Which again is even more weird, I think, than bathroom. - Or restroom. - When Americans say bathroom or restroom, because, it's like, if you're going for a wee, you're not washing. I mean, you'll wash your hands. - Yeah, you'll wash your hands after. - Maybe that's why. - [Both] The washroom. - It's like I'm just washing my hands. - And when you pee in the loo and you flush it it washes it away, so maybe it does make sense. - Yeah. - Right, so, there are a couple of words that Americans don't have a different thing. They either side with Canada or they side with the UK. On this one they side with Canada. We call that stripey thing to cross the road we call that a zebra crossing. - Zebra Crossing. I love a good zebra. - Americans and Canadians call it a crosswalk. - Oh, is that what it is? - Yeah! - Oh, it's a crosswalk! - It's a crosswalk. - Oh, okay. - Yeah no the zeb, I'm all for the zebra crossing. - And I heard a Canadian talk about this and Americans will probably feel the same. They're like, not only is zebra crossing weird because you think of the animal and it's not what we call it, but you call it zeb-ra, not zee-bra. - Oh! (laughing) Zebra, they're like what on earth are you on about? - Yeah, what is a zebra? - Zebra crossing. - But I really like zebra. - I love a good zebra crossing. - If someone says zee-bra to me, it just triggers me, I don't know why. - Aww, do you get triggered? - Yeah. - Aww, Joel, zee-bra. - Zee-bra. - Do they say the letter "zed" in the alphabet Z? - Zee, I think that could be why. - A, B, C ... (mumbles through alphabet) X, Y, Z. - Yeah, they say X, Y, Zee and we say X, Y, Zed. - I love how I had to do the whole alphabet - [Both] (mumble alphabet) (laughing) I forgot the alphabet as well. I was like, they're gonna know. Okay, so let us move on to the next one. The next one is clothing. Do we call it footwear? - Footwear, yeah. - So, in the UK we would call the shoes that you workout in trainers. So, Joel loves trainers. - Love trainers. - Joel has got more trainers than anyone I know. And, as he gets more successful (laughs), - It's getting worse! - he just keeps buying trainers. (laughing) He's getting ridiculous! - I've said to my family all the way along, I was like, I think that's going to be my thing. My thing is trainers. - Yeah you love your trainers. - I love trainers. - If you could maybe wear, this is too extreme. If you one day, could wear different trainers every day, would you? - Oh yeah. - Oh wow. - Yeah. - But then what happens, do you give them away after? - Yeah. I'd give them away. - You've worn them, then you're like, oh they're a bit dirty, they go to charity. - But then the thing is, I get really attached to things. So, I will wear them and wear them and wear them and wear them and wear them, so. - Okay. - I would like lots of trainers, - Yeah. - but I wouldn't just dispose of them after using them once, because if I like them, then I like them and I would want to wear them. - And, you're attached. Okay, that's interesting. - Yeah. - You'll be like, oh, I miss Monday. - Yeah, I miss Monday's trainers. (laughing) - Okay. - Anyway. - Anyway. This is what you get with Joel and Lia videos by the way, you get a bit of informative stuff, then you get tangents. So if that's what you're into, then subscribe. If that's not what you're into then, shh. - Oh they'll be some triggered people that aren't subscribed. They'll be like, "You two waffle too much." I'm like, "That's what this channels' about." - That's what it's about. - It's all about waffle. Someone called us we should be called Being Stupid. (laughing) - That's amazing. I screenshot it. I shared it on our Instagram pages that this is amazing. - Yeah. - Being Stupid, dot dot, Joel and Lia. (hysterical laughing) - We should rebrand as that. - We should, Being Stupid.