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  • Shanghai is one of the best places in the world

  • to eat some really amazing food

  • and today, we're gonna be trying out

  • five completely different restaurants

  • that really capture the spirit of Shanghai.

  • From more local, casual Shanghainese fare

  • to some fancy dining.

  • Let's eat!

  • So, this is Jianguo 328

  • it's a small popular Shanghainese restaurant

  • that's named after its location.

  • And they make some pretty darn tasty dishes.

  • Alright, so we got one of the most

  • iconic Shanghainese dishes

  • this is Hong Shao Rou

  • braised pork with chestnut and quail egg

  • Let's try it.

  • So I've got all three things in my mouth right now

  • the egg, the meat, chestnut

  • Goes so well together

  • With the sauce, I just think it would go amazing

  • with a bowl of rice.

  • Can I get some rice over here?

  • So this is Scallion Oil Noodles

  • It's got 3 ingredients

  • obviously the scallion oil,

  • we got spring onion, some dried scampi

  • and you can have this anytime of day

  • you know, breakfast, lunch, dinner.

  • Let's try it!

  • No joke this is really good

  • So simple, yet so delicious

  • This will definitely fill me up.

  • Daimon is located on the famous Bund

  • this place is really cool

  • it looks like Hong Kong from the 80s

  • with the neon signs

  • we got Hong Kong money coaster

  • they also serve up some reinvented Canto classics

  • and I'm from Hong Kong myself, born and raised

  • so let's see if the food lives up to my expectations.

  • Alright, so I got some pretty interesting Xiao Long Baos

  • here with flavors I've never seen on any menu

  • I'm gonna go for the most interesting looking one

  • Let's try this chili crab

  • The spiciness is starting to come.

  • It's really different, obviously

  • from the traditional Xiao Long Bao

  • but it still has that very soft meat

  • It's my first time eating a spicy Xiao Long Bao

  • I've been eating Xiao Long Bao my whole life

  • It goes really well together.

  • Alright, so now, we've got this Cha Siu Bao

  • It's like a barbecue pork bun but inside a pineapple bun.

  • Which is like a sweet bun with barbecue meat inside.

  • Mmmm!

  • Oh there's so much meat in there

  • I feel like I am eating half dessert and half savory

  • No, it's really good!

  • Oh, thank you.

  • So this is the clay pot rice, very Hong Kong.

  • And uh, instead of maybe chicken feet or the usual pork

  • we got ham, Spanish ham and got a egg yolk

  • and he just poured in some lard as well as soy sauce

  • So, gonna mix it all up and see how it tastes.

  • Let's try it.

  • As you all know, I'm a rice lover.

  • It goes really well together

  • especially with soy sauce, and bit of the fat.

  • Although clay pot rice is also known for being really

  • kind of burnt and crispy on the side

  • because it's cooked in a clay pot.

  • This one lacks that quality

  • but it's still a little crispy on the side, delicious.

  • This is Jia Jia Tang Bao.

  • One of the best places if not the best place

  • apparently to have Xiao Long Bao in Shanghai.

  • They specialize in pork and crab Xiao Long Bao.

  • These are a bit trickier than your average dumplings.

  • What you do, you dip it in the vinegar sauce

  • you bite the side, drink the soup

  • and then eat the whole thing.

  • Alright, so we got this pork and crab

  • and look at the color!

  • You can just see the crab dominating this dumpling.

  • You can feel like a powdery kind of crab

  • because in Chinese, it is crab powder.

  • It feels very seafoody, and you kinda lose the pork in it.

  • But this one is a perfect balance.

  • Alright now, we got the pure crab dumplings

  • these massive, massive dumplings.

  • Wow, this is full on, so much soup.

  • Each dumpling is like a bowl of soup in itself.

  • I'm literally just drinking soup.

  • These were all so amazing

  • gonna have one more, then uh, onto the next place.

  • So, Hakkasan serves Cantonese food with a Michelin star.

  • And this one looks pretty familiar.

  • It looks like a Har Gow

  • which is a traditional Cantonese shrimp dumpling

  • expect this one's got lily bulb inside

  • and it obviously looks a little bit fancier.

  • Let's try it.

  • This one really reminds me of home.

  • The shrimp is so fresh, you know

  • it's still crunchy to your mouth

  • and this sauce is honestly

  • my recommendation for any dim sum.

  • Next, we got a pretty interesting dish

  • it's like a fun-size Peking duck pancake

  • pancake, the cucumber, scallions, sauce, Peking duck

  • but this one is topped with some extravagant caviar.

  • What's coming out the most flavor-wise

  • would be the caviar

  • the saltiness kinda takes over, but in a good way.

  • Normally when you have Peking duck you taste

  • the sweetness of the sauce that kinda overpowers things

  • but this one's got a nice balance with the meat

  • and the caviar.

  • Really interesting!

  • Okay so this is pretty cool, this is a chicken dish,

  • and they just pump some smoke in there,

  • it's been smoked in jasmine tea leaves, so

  • Let's open it.

  • Ooo, that's really cool!

  • The leaf smells really strong.

  • The look of it really reminds me of zaa zi gai from home.

  • Let's see if it tastes similar.

  • Whoa!

  • It's got such a strong, smokey flavor.

  • I've never had any chicken that tastes like this before.

  • You should definitely try this one.

  • I'm gonna go for more.

  • So we're at super-hip Xin Tian Di

  • and this is XiXi Bistro

  • where they do a pretty unique combination of

  • Italian and Chinese food.

  • It's all pretty new to me

  • So, let's try it and find out if it's weird or if it works.

  • Okay, so I am really excited to try this one

  • because it's got rice on it

  • although, that's not the type of rice I am used to.

  • This is crispy rice on top of some Ma Po Tofu

  • But instead of having meat with the Ma Po Tofu

  • like the traditional way, it's just tofu.

  • Hope it's not too spicy.

  • Let's go for it.

  • You know what?

  • It's surprisingly really good.

  • I'm not getting any feel like a rice crispy feel.

  • It just feels more like a crispy tofu

  • It's quite spicy, but it works really well together.

  • So next we got this

  • Hong Shao Rou terrine sushi box, bento box.

  • Let's try it.

  • Love it.

  • This is really weird, like a good weird

  • like a mix of I feel like

  • Japanese, Chinese, French, Italian.

  • I just love simple rice combinations.

  • It works so well together, it's a really fun dish.

  • Okay so I have probably eaten better in this video

  • than in my entire life.

  • I've spent the entire week visiting

  • different types of restaurants.

  • If I had to choose my favorite though

  • not being biased here

  • but Daimon would be my pick.

  • I mean you go in, you see the Hong Kong neon signs

  • they have such thoughtful decor

  • you think it's a traditional type of Hong Kong styled food

  • but it's actually got surprise elements to each one

  • to keep you on your toes.

  • So, I will definitely go back for that clay pot rice.

  • Okay, I think I am done eating

  • gonna go get a drink at the Bund

  • so see you all later!

Shanghai is one of the best places in the world

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