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  • ♪♪

  • -Today we're talking about chapters 27 and 28,

  • the season three premier "Everything is Bonzer!"

  • Directed by Dean Holland, written by Jen Statsky,

  • including guest cast Andrew Bering,

  • Dominic Burgess, Matthew Foster, Keston John, Mike O'Malley,

  • Lisandra Tena, Jama Williamson, Harvey Guillen,

  • Josh Siegal, Eugene Cordero, and Adam Scott.

  • Michael goes to Earth to save the four humans

  • from their various accidental deaths.

  • We see the last year in each of their lives

  • between their near-death

  • and Michael illegally giving them a second nudge.

  • Chidi asks a neuroscience professor,

  • Simone, to study his brain

  • and agrees to help Eleanor become a better person.

  • Eleanor inspires Chidi to start a cross-departmental study

  • on the effects of near-death experiences

  • on ethical decision-making.

  • Tahani's near-miss with sister's statue causes her

  • to travel to a Tibetan monastery

  • to shed her desire for attention.

  • She backslides, writing a book about the trip,

  • and creating a lifestyle brand,

  • until Michael shows up as a hippie investor

  • who loves her scam, which prompts Tahani

  • to accept Chidi's invitation for his study.

  • Michael saves Jason from the safe,

  • inspiring Jason to attempt a series of dance competitions

  • with his 60-person dance crew.

  • He ultimately goes back to a life of petty crime

  • until Michael poses as a talent scout

  • and nudges Jason to join the study.

  • Meanwhile in the Bad Place, Shawn and his demons

  • hack the Judge's system

  • to see if the humans are getting better,

  • and they realize Michael has also been cheating.

  • Just when Michael and Janet think they've gotten the four

  • together without the Judge catching them,

  • they realize that a demon, Trevor,

  • has infiltrated the group.

  • My guests today are cowriter of the episode Jen Statsky

  • and Jameela Jamil, who plays Tahani.

  • Jameela and Jen, welcome.

  • "Everything is Bonzer!"?

  • -Hi. -Well done.

  • That was quite a read.

  • -Thank you. -Really impressive.

  • -Do you need to lie down? You all right?

  • You need a hug? -Yeah, I need a little break.

  • Let's talk about general things to begin.

  • -Sure. -First of all,

  • did you have this experience? I had this experience.

  • I missed these people. -Yeah, no.

  • -Did you feel that at all?

  • -Yeah, I felt very emotional watching it again.

  • -Yeah. -I watched it on the way over

  • and felt real sadness.

  • -You watched it while you were driving.

  • -Yeah, yeah, yeah. -You had it on your dashboard,

  • one eye on the road, one eye on --

  • -Exactly. -I live on the edge, people.

  • I was being driven, obviously.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -I love how you do stuff like that,

  • and you still insist any time I bring up, like,

  • not a lot of blue sky between Tahani and Jameela,

  • you're like, "How dare you?"

  • -No, I don't mind how dare I, I just think if I -- You know,

  • I haven't brushed my teeth in like two days.

  • I feel like there's just like, "Don't look, but it's bad."

  • You know, I don't bathe regularly, I'm uncouth.

  • -You can't say that and then say, "Don't look," right?

  • -I'm disgusting. -That's an invitation.

  • -Yeah, it's tough.

  • It's a tough -- -And so, I aspire

  • to actually be more like Tahani, 'cause I feel like

  • it would be a more hygienic and healthy life.

  • -Mm-hmm. Anyway, these characters, you missed them.

  • -Yeah, I miss these characters.

  • So glad I talked about brushing my teeth.

  • I really did.

  • And, also, this season, we are much more separated,

  • especially in this episode.

  • There's so much that I didn't get to see.

  • -Right, I was gonna ask you about this.

  • -And so, it really felt like I was just watching it as a fan.

  • And I was giggling and clapping, and, like...

  • -Yeah. -...I had my hands, like,

  • clasped around my mouth.

  • Is that the right word? Yeah. That's fine.

  • And I -- it was just a very emotional experience.

  • I feel so proud of this season.

  • I'm so excited for everyone to see it.

  • -I can't imagine how fans of the show that don't work on it

  • must feel, because I miss them,

  • and I've read lots of these scripts.

  • -Totally. -And I've been on set

  • for lots of it.

  • We wrapped a month, month and a half ago,

  • something, like, not that long ago.

  • -Yeah, end of July, yeah. -But watching this episode,

  • I legitimately find myself thrilled to find out

  • what happens with these folks and get back to it.

  • -Yeah, and it's so funny that you say that because --

  • I was on -- I mean, obviously I wrote it,

  • but I was also on set, so seeing stuff shot.

  • But then, yeah, you guys were kind of siphoned off, you know?

  • -Mm-hmm. -So abstract.

  • -Very much so on your own story.

  • You have, like, a scene with Ted,

  • but so all the other people,

  • you didn't really get to see what was happening with them.

  • So, yeah, that's kind of cool that, as a fan, you were like,

  • "Oh, wow, Jason's doing an insane dance."

  • -Even having read the scripts, you want to see

  • which takes that they used and how it turned out. -Totally, yeah.

  • -I can remember being in a table read

  • about halfway through season two,

  • and Morgan Sackett, the executive producer,

  • one of the executive producers, had his sort of Mona Lisa smile.

  • This one was particularly wry, and I was like, "What's up?"

  • And he said, "Do you want me to tell you?"

  • And I said yes. And he said,

  • "If there's a season three, it happens on Earth."

  • When did you guys begin discussing that,

  • how did that come up?

  • -Man, that's a great question.

  • We definitely knew, again, like Morgan

  • saying it then, we knew pretty early on in sea--

  • like, when we were trying to figure out season two,

  • where we were gonna go and what was gonna happen,

  • at some point very early on in talking about season two,

  • the idea of going back to Earth came up.

  • -Mm-hmm. -And I remember specifically

  • one day, Mike being like, "I'm so excited about them

  • going back to Earth, I just want to get to that."

  • Like, we knew that that was kind of at the end of the runway

  • and there was still, obviously, so much

  • to deal with in season two.

  • But we definitely, pretty early on,

  • had that morsel of an idea, of, like,

  • "Wait, what if they went back?" -Right.

  • -And so, it's been in the works for a long time.

  • So it's very satisfying to see it finally happen.

  • -Jameela, when was it first presented to you?

  • -I really actually just found out today.

  • -Oh, God. -The whole time,

  • I didn't understand what was going on. -You're not really

  • paying attention to the scripts, are you?

  • -I think we found out just before.

  • I think there was a muttering of it the year before,

  • but, really, about three weeks

  • before we turned up to start filming,

  • Mike sat each of us down and broke down the whole kind of --

  • in a two-hour speech that he gave individually to all of us.

  • -Right.

  • -He broke down the entire season.

  • So this time, it was the exact opposite of season one,

  • where we weren't told anything,

  • including our names, our characters,

  • whether or not we would be fully nude for the whole season.

  • Nobody knew. -Were you disappointed?

  • -I was so sad.

  • 'Cause, as you know, I'm just big on...

  • big on getting this body out.

  • But, yeah, season three,

  • we knew exactly what was going to happen.

  • It was really, really exciting.

  • And such a new experience to be out and about in the world.

  • -Now, in order to record this podcast today,

  • the episode doesn't drop until the 27th,

  • so we're about two weeks before that.

  • In previous seasons, have you ever had

  • advanced screeners of the episodes,

  • or do you watch them on television like a normal human?

  • -No, I watch them on television.

  • Sometimes we get -- I think we're given them

  • a couple of hours before the episode runs

  • so that we know how to live-Tweet along

  • so we know what's coming. -Oh, very good. Okay.

  • -But I don't like to do that,

  • so I just watch it with everyone else.

  • In fact, season one I didn't watch at all.

  • -Really? -Yeah.

  • Not until the very, very, very end.

  • So I would just read other people's Tweets,

  • about what they were talking about,

  • sort of copy and paste those onto my own Twitter,

  • 'cause I was just mortified.

  • -Were you not watching 'cause you were like,

  • "I can't watch myself?" -No, yeah.

  • I can't watch myself destroy Mike Schur's comedy.

  • And then when I heard it had gone okay

  • and I hadn't been fired,

  • I then watched season one just before season two.

  • -Jen, were there any changes in the writers' room

  • between these seasons?

  • -Yes, we -- between season two and three, yes.

  • We added a couple people.

  • We added Kassia -- writer-wise you mean? -Yes.

  • -Yeah, we added a really great writer named Kassia Miller.

  • She had been on "Last Man on Earth."

  • -Oh, great. -Great show.

  • And also, like, really cool in that both,

  • I think something we share with --

  • or shared with -- "Last Man on Earth,"

  • it's unfortunately not on the air anymore,

  • is, like, a kind of like a show, a comedy,

  • a network comedy that is a cliffhanger show.

  • -Yeah. -Like, really, plot and story

  • is such a big part of the DNA of both of those shows.

  • So Kassia's great.

  • She's super funny and smart and great.

  • And then a stand-up named Rae Sanni.

  • She came, yeah, from the stand-up world.

  • She had written on

  • "The President Show" back in New York.

  • -Oh, great, yeah. -Yeah, which is great.

  • And so, yeah, it was --

  • This was, I think, our biggest writers' room year.

  • I think we had like 13 or 14 people.

  • I remember you coming up and just being mortified

  • at how many disgusting writer bodies

  • were crammed into a small room.

  • -That is not the nature of my disgust.

  • -I read your face, I read your face.

  • I knew what it was. -No, it was --

  • -Do you have resting disgust face?

  • -I have resting "I'm not welcome in this room" face.

  • -Oh. -That's how I enter a room.

  • -Are you English? -I'm Scottish.

  • -That's such an English trait. Okay, sure.

  • -Yeah, yeah. That's what you were reading.

  • -Okay, got it, got it. -Not that there were so many --

  • And I felt like I was interrupting,

  • 'cause Mike was like, "Oh, here's Marc.

  • Let me briefly tell him

  • what we have until episode 11 of season three."

  • -Right, yeah.

  • -So it was simultaneously a ton of information, and also,

  • I felt like I was not invited to this dinner.

  • -You're always invited.

  • -And I'm not gonna eat the soup until I do it.

  • -Both of you, always invited.

  • -Let's get into the episode a little bit.

  • We open on this mysterious, weird bridge,

  • the out-est outskirt of the nether realms of the afterlife.

  • And there's a doorman.

  • A doorman played by Mike O'Malley.

  • -The Doorman. -Yeah.

  • -Oh, my God.

  • -This show is, as we've said, the smartest, dumbest show.

  • And to give such high stakes to a key --

  • a key made with the very first atoms

  • created in the universe and it can't be duplicated

  • and then to make it so mundane that it's printed on the key

  • like we've all see every day, "Do not duplicate."

  • Do you remember whose joke that was?

  • -Oh, my gosh. I don't.

  • I believe "do not duplicate"

  • was Mike's joke. -Okay.

  • -And then I'm pretty sure the frog key chain

  • was Matt Murray's joke, I want to say.

  • -Okay. -That is what I'm remembering,

  • and if I'm wrong, I'll have an angry Joe Mande

  • texting me when this episode airs.

  • -We are at a weird impasse.

  • This is the first place in this new generation

  • of "The Good Place: The Podcast"

  • where I want to ask about the significance of frogs

  • and I don't want to ask about the significance of frogs.

  • -Oh, right. -If it makes a --

  • -If it pays off or not. -If it gets a call-back, yeah.

  • -I will -- I won't say anything.

  • All I'll say is, like, yeah, just enjoy the frog joke

  • for being a frog joke in this episode.

  • -For however long it may last. -Yeah, yeah.

  • Live in the moment.

  • -I was -- sorry. -No, go ahead.

  • -I was just gonna say I was so starstruck

  • when I saw Mike O'Malley.

  • -Is that right? -Yeah, fully starstruck.

  • I love him.

  • We get the best, like, guest stars for this show.

  • -Oh, forget it. -Yeah.

  • -I mean... -It's too much.

  • I don't even know how I recovered from season two

  • with Maya Rudolph.

  • I don't know how I made it through.

  • -I know, it's still kind of a dream, right?

  • -Yeah. I was sure I would be

  • murdered shortly afterward.

  • I was like, "This is it."

  • This is, "I've peaked, and now it's over, and good-bye."

  • -And he does so such an amazing job of this episode

  • of being so low, so flat.

  • -So flat, yeah. -And we knew,

  • 'cause that was the direction Dean gave him for sure,

  • and when we wrote it, that's the intention, like,

  • "Be as flat as you can, 'cause then that's gonna make

  • the frog joke pay off so much funnier."

  • And he did such a great job with it.

  • -This show is super nonlinear anyway.

  • We go back and forth in time, we go back and forth in reality

  • and what can and what's happened.

  • In one sense, this episode is no different.

  • In another sense, it's different in the sense

  • that we jump around,

  • we go back in time to their first times on Earth.

  • -Mm-hmm.

  • -We revisit their near-death experiences.

  • Certainly, you didn't restage

  • the statue scene with Kamilah, right?

  • That was something that you shot how long ago?

  • -So we shot that season two,

  • episode four, is "Team Cockroach."

  • That's the episode we learn about Tahani's death.

  • And at that point, we were already kind of

  • figuring out this thing of going back to Earth.

  • And so, we knew then that we should also

  • shoot Ted in disguise, saving her.

  • -Ted as her -- yeah.

  • Is the same true of Jason?

  • Did you restage the safe scene? -But -- yeah.

  • So with Chidi and Jason, those were shot --

  • Season one, we find out how Chidi died.

  • And we also find out how Jason died.

  • So in season one writing, we had not come up with this idea yet.

  • Tahani was kind of the only character we saved

  • till season two to reveal how she died.

  • And so, Jason and Chidi, we both had to go back

  • and reshoot the scene on the sidewalk

  • where Chidi is arguing with his friend and then --

  • or trying to decide on what bar to go to.

  • Excuse me, not arguing.

  • And then the air-conditioner, he gets crushed.

  • Or in this version, gets pushed out of the way.

  • -Doesn't, yeah. -And then Jason, yes,

  • we also had to go back to the Mexican restaurant

  • and shoot in the parking lot.

  • -So those things were restaged.

  • -Those things were restaged for the shooting of this episode.

  • The only death-saving thing

  • we didn't have to restage was Tahani's.

  • -Because the brilliance of you guys and Mike knew a year ago

  • that you were gonna maybe need that, might need that.

  • -It wasn't explained to me why we were doing it.

  • I wasn't told, I was completely kept in the dark.

  • -But imagine how brilliant we'd seem if we had known season one

  • and we hadn't had to reshoot any of the Chidi and Jason stuff?

  • -But I think it's credit to you guys that you write this

  • not having a clean,

  • like, blueprint of everything that's gonna happen.

  • -Yeah. It would be cool if we did.

  • -Yeah. -It might be easier.

  • -Much less stressful, yeah.

  • -It would be much less scary, yeah.

  • -It's daunting to talk about this season three premiere

  • because it's almost a series premiere.

  • I mean, it's a "we're learning," you know,

  • "meeting these people all over again." -Totally.

  • -I'd be remiss, though, if I didn't point out

  • the banner on a blueberry muffin cart --

  • "We Crumb From a Land Down Under."

  • -Sure. -Is that who I think it is?

  • -What is crazy is it actually isn't Megan.

  • -Really?!

  • -Wow. -It isn't Megan.

  • It's -- -So it's catching.

  • -Yeah, the disease is spreading.

  • -Oh no. Are we safe? -No one's safe, yeah.

  • It's actually Cord Jefferson.

  • -Was it Cord? -It was Cord.

  • There was some -- Ian Phillips came in one day and was like,

  • "We need signage for the muffin cart,"

  • and so we're all pitching.

  • And, obviously, when this happens, we all go,

  • "Well, Megan's got it. She'll handle this."

  • -I mean, she's been important. -And I think we're all pitching,

  • and then we actually ended up going with one of Cord's, but --

  • -Was Megan okay when that happened?

  • -She's furious. She's gonna ruin Cord.

  • Cord's in trouble, yeah. -She's already going through so much.

  • -She's going through enough. -Yeah, losing two Emmys,

  • Cord gets a pun in the show.

  • It's a nightmare for Megan.

  • -Jameela, you did an International Sophisticate

  • 582 questions kind of thing.

  • -Mm-hmm, my favorite play on the "Vogue"

  • 73,000 questions or whatever they do.

  • -That's great. Yes. -Is the number 582 significant

  • in the numerology of the show?

  • -I'm okay with saying that that, I think, is just a joke.

  • -Okay, it's just an excessive reference.

  • -Yeah, so we, in the writers' room, became --

  • as Jameela says, those "Vogue" 72 questions,

  • we became -- Is it 72 or 73?

  • -Oh, God, I don't know. -Doesn't matter.

  • Now, 582 is in my brain.

  • But we became obsessed with watching these celebrity --

  • Have you seen them? -I've seen a couple,

  • and they're so staged that I -- -So staged.

  • -They make me furious. -We, yeah --

  • -They're the opposite of candid.

  • -Yes, it's so funny.

  • And the fake trying to pretend it's off the cuff and candid.

  • -Right. -Kills me, yeah, kills me dead.

  • -It's so mortifying. -But I can't stop watching.

  • I cannot look away from the accident.

  • -They're addictive. So we were like,

  • "Oh, yes, please, we have to do this with Tahani.

  • It's so Tahani."

  • And it, yeah, turned out awesome.

  • -We haven't yet spoken about the monastery.

  • -Right. -Are we going to get on to that?

  • -We are.

  • -Should we talk about it later when you were gonna talk

  • about it, or should we now talk about it?

  • -I guess later. I don't know.

  • I want to talk, first of all --

  • -No, fine. Yeah. -Getting there.

  • This might be the purist distillation

  • of a Tahani name-drop, though,

  • because it's a misdirect where they say,

  • "Who is the most famous person in your phone,"

  • and you sort of deflect and say, "It's not about that.

  • The Dalai Lama texted me back."

  • I mean, that is the perfect-est version.

  • -It really is such a perfect Tahani joke,

  • 'cause it's like she's trying so --

  • and especially with where she goes with this,

  • the whole get out of the spotlight.

  • -Yeah. -She's trying so hard to pretend

  • to be earnest and above it all, but she's not at all.

  • -No. -She can't do it.

  • -No. -I mean, she is who she is.

  • -A douchebag, yes.

  • -Bleep that.

  • -Oh, sorry. -No, it's fine.

  • There's so much in this episode.

  • I love that Jason proposes to the police officer

  • and calls her "Kay"

  • 'cause I think the name tag says "K. Ramirez." -Yeah, "K. Ramirez."

  • -And he inadvertently confesses.

  • But then we see, you know, throughout this episode,

  • we find Michael and Janet

  • monitoring the ticker tapes of what's happening back on Earth,

  • and it's not going well.

  • This is a very interesting Janet, though.

  • It's a new Janet. -Mm-hmm.

  • -It's a very human Janet. -Yeah.

  • -It's the humanist Janet I think that we've seen to date.

  • -She's kind of mothering Michael at the beginning of this episode.

  • -Yeah, yeah. -I really enjoyed their dynamic shift,

  • 'cause it always felt like he was her dad and her baby.

  • And despite the dialogue that then occurred,

  • her mannerisms with him and her general way

  • is, she's looking after him, which I think is really nice.

  • -Right, and he's trying to push the envelope and keep cheating,

  • and she's really trying to rein him in.

  • Yeah, it's really interesting.

  • I mean, just always with Janet across the three seasons,

  • it's just she's getting more and more,

  • you know, human as we go.

  • And so, pretty much every episode,

  • unless it's a flashback,

  • Janet's more human than ever when you see her.

  • -There's even a little bit of fear there.

  • Like, she's going, "Now, Michael,

  • don't forget the Judge," who's the judge of --

  • like, there are stakes to Janet. -Yeah, yeah.

  • -Janet didn't have stakes before.

  • -Exactly. She's internalizing, like,

  • now his goal and the group's goal is her goal, too.

  • -Yeah. -Which is really cool.

  • 'Cause that, again, like you said, that's not

  • where she started from and now she's part of the team.

  • -We flash back -- Michael is gonna nudge-nudge these people.

  • So we flash back to season two, we see Eleanor in the bar,

  • and then we, you know, follow her

  • to Chidi's office in Australia.

  • You've written the joke that the two biggest exports from Arizona

  • are racist sheriffs and HPV. -That's right.

  • -Are those the meanest jokes you wrote,

  • or were there worse ones that you decided not to use?

  • -I think that those...

  • I would say meanest, but, also, there's truth to them, right?

  • They don't ring false when you hear it, right?

  • You're like, "Yeah."

  • -Oh, no, I think everybody knows.

  • I think Joe Arpaio knows.

  • -Yeah, he knows. -Yeah.

  • -Hopefully.

  • I'm sure he's a huge fan of the show.

  • -We get a little bit of explanation

  • about Chidi's languages. -Yes.

  • -And accent. -Yeah.

  • -Is there more of that coming, I feel like, Mike has said?

  • Or is this the --

  • -This is kind of... -Okay.

  • -I think this is kind of our main --

  • -I'm not trying to trap you, I just...

  • -This was kind of -- It was something we were aware of

  • that, in the pilot, he says -- the pilot of the show, he says,

  • "I'm speaking -- What you're hearing is English,

  • but I'm actually speaking French."

  • -French, right. -And so, we always knew

  • going forward that that was a loose end to tie up.

  • And so this was kind of our way of explaining

  • what the deal is with that.

  • And then Eleanor, of course,

  • has a very Eleanor response to it.

  • -We learn that "zonkatronic" is Khloe's word for "crazy."

  • Is "bonzer" a Kardashian word? That's like an Aussie word, right?

  • -No, that's an Aussie word.

  • That's an Aussie word which kind of is colloquial.

  • It means, like, good, great, you know, so it's --

  • -I think about it in terms of, like, waves.

  • -Awesome. -Like good waves, surfing.

  • -Like a bonzer -- -Yeah.

  • -You hit a -- you got a bonzer wave.

  • -I think so. -Okay.

  • -Why do the writers know what the Kardashians' words are?

  • -That -- I gotta be honest, that's actually just a joke.

  • That's not actually a Kardashian word.

  • -Oh, is that true? -Yes.

  • -Interesting.

  • -'Cause she knows the actual Kardashian words.

  • -I was going to say, she knows the cannon.

  • -I will say, I wrote this whole Kardashian joke

  • because I have a pretty extensive Kardashian knowledge.

  • -Do you? -Yes.

  • And this is not part of their cannon.

  • -Eleanor says "jiff" for "gif" in there.

  • Was that a topic?

  • -This was a whole discussion in the writers' room.

  • -It has to have been. -I'm so glad you brought it up.

  • -I found it really jarring. -Yeah, I did, too.

  • -I couldn't even hear -- I couldn't hear anything else

  • that was said for a couple seconds.

  • -So we had a very heated debate in the writers' room,

  • 'cause a lot of -- like, I remember, I think, Cord was like,

  • "No, it's gif, it's gif."

  • But Mike was firm on this,

  • and I agreed that the creator of the jiff is like,

  • "No, it's jiff."

  • -Right. -So we -- I kind of,

  • and I agree with Mike, have gone with -- We're like,

  • "Well, he created it, it's jiff."

  • But you guys say "gif"?

  • -I say "gif." -I say "gif."

  • -Interesting. I say "jiff."

  • -But I also say aluminum, so...

  • -Yeah, you do. -What do I know?

  • -We can't go by that.

  • So weird and charming.

  • -It's very charming.

  • So Chidi, we see his life.

  • We see -- First of all, it's very charming to see

  • Ted riding a bike and trying to yell at the same time.

  • -Oh, yes. -'Cause it was 90% solid,

  • and there was just a little bit of, like,

  • acting while riding a bike! -Totally, totally.

  • -Like, there's a little bit of --

  • That was kind of great and fun to see.

  • -Yeah. -Chidi is still Chidi.

  • You know, like, we haven't gone back in time --

  • I mean, we've gone back in time, but it's a different timeline.

  • I don't know how any of you keep this straight.

  • But his takeaway is that he, you know,

  • shouldn't be more decisive, it's that he shouldn't use

  • Freon in air-conditioning because it's bad for the environment.

  • His friend tells him that his brain is broken.

  • And I do love that in this rejoined, revisited timeline,

  • he's still working on that tome, that 3,600-page thesis.

  • -Oh, yeah, yeah. Yep, yep, we're -- Yeah,

  • you're basically going back as if he had --

  • You see if he had never been crushed by that air-conditioner.

  • So he's still the old Chidi,

  • hasn't made any of the progress or gotten out

  • of his insane brain. -Mm-hmm.

  • -So, yeah, he's still typing away at a 3,000-page thesis.

  • -And he's still Chidi in the sense

  • that he can't choose a chair when he's talking to Simone,

  • played by Kirby Howell-Baptiste.

  • -The opening shot, where he's sitting there

  • straddling each buttock on an armchair of each chair,

  • was unbelievable.

  • I laughed so much when I saw that.

  • -So that's joke enough, right? -Yeah.

  • -But then you have him move to the one at left

  • in the middle of the his own dialogue, he goes, "Nope."

  • -Yep. Yeah, and that was a Dean pitch on set,

  • and it was such a funny,

  • smart addition, that, yeah, he was like,

  • "Can you just not even break stride with the line?

  • Can you sit down and then be like 'nope'

  • and move to the next one?"

  • -Will's execution of that is --

  • -Will nailed it so perfectly. -Perfect.

  • -Oh, good heavens.

  • So his brain is broken, they're gonna put him in an MRI.

  • Let's throw to a clip.

  • -Okay, I'm all set.

  • -I'm just gonna ask you some basic questions, Chidi.

  • What is one plus one? -Two.

  • -What color is the sky? -Blue.

  • -What color are Simone's eyes?

  • -Brown. Uh -- uh, what?

  • -If you could take Simone anywhere on a date,

  • where would you take her?

  • -Sorry, is this part of the experiment?

  • -It is now, yes. Please answer the question.

  • And keep in mind, we can see your brain.

  • -Next question -- You're into Simone.

  • -That's not a question. -So you agree, it's a fact.

  • Next question's for Simone.

  • Simone, are you annoyed at Chidi

  • for waiting so long to ask you out?

  • -Yes, I am. -Chidi, same question for you.

  • Are you annoyed at yourself

  • for waiting so long to ask out Simone?

  • I mean, I'm annoyed with you,

  • and I've only known you three weeks.

  • -Yes, I am obviously very annoyed with myself.

  • Can I get out now?

  • -No, you can't, it will ruin the science.

  • There's only one question left...

  • and you gotta ask it, bud.

  • -Simone, would you like to have dinner with me?

  • -Wow, that is highly inappropriate.

  • -Uh... -I'm just kidding. Yes, I would.

  • Thank you for asking.

  • -"No, you can't, it will ruin the science."

  • Jen, that's...

  • that's world-class rom-com.

  • -It's very rom-com, yeah. -But, I mean, it's perfect.

  • -Well, thank you. It's very --

  • I mean, it's all -- Kristen and Kirby

  • and Will do such a good job in that scene.

  • And what's crazy is this scene and kind of this story line

  • where Eleanor pushes Chidi towards Simone

  • wasn't really in our -- I believe,

  • when we outlined it and kind of broke the episodes,

  • that wasn't really part of it.

  • There was an earlier version of this episode

  • where when we checked in with Chidi

  • and he has his kind of epiphany, your brain is broken,

  • et cetera, he and -- the Simone and Chidi relationship

  • kind of, like, that was --

  • he did that on his own. -Mm-hmm.

  • -And then in rewriting and re-breaking

  • and talking about the episode, like the premiere,

  • you know, I think we -- Every episode in various forms

  • goes through a lot of rewriting and re-breaking

  • and talking about it, and every episode is different.

  • But we definitely -- This episode,

  • because it's the premier,

  • because we had so much to catch up with, there was --

  • We just were working on it a really long time.

  • And that kind of developed.

  • We changed the story to have it be more

  • of an Eleanor/Chidi story,

  • where she is the one who pushes him to ask her out.

  • And it just -- Yeah, I love --

  • that scene is my favorite scene, I think, in this episode,

  • and I'm so glad we kept working on it,

  • 'cause we wouldn't have gotten it.

  • -I love that scene. -It's great.

  • -But I also -- I didn't like seeing Eleanor push.

  • -I know.

  • -I felt it was fine in the read-through,

  • 'cause it all feels very abstract.

  • But when I saw it, I felt angry.

  • -Yeah, yeah. -And I felt disappointed.

  • I was -- I wanted to break stuff.

  • 'Cause it just didn't feel right. I didn't like it.

  • It was very well-performed and executed.

  • I can understand why it's happening,

  • but I feel territorial of them as a couple.

  • -Yeah. -I've become like

  • a real psycho fan of the show.

  • -Oh, yeah. I mean, that's real.

  • And I think that when you look at this episode,

  • there's a moment and it's --

  • Some of it might be a little bit of Kristen Bell

  • knowing the previous seasons of the show,

  • but it's definitely Eleanor just being territorial.

  • When they're walking down the park,

  • the sidewalk in the park or what have you

  • and Simone comes up,

  • at first, there's a little bit of like, "Oh, hold up.

  • "Like, who's this?"

  • And then she softens and goes, "Hey, dork, she's into you.

  • You guys should get together. I promise I won't get you two together."

  • -Cut to, "So you're into Chidi." -"You're into Chidi, right?"

  • Yeah. Yeah. -But you can feel a little,

  • I don't know, a hint, a whisper,

  • an echo of a past life of her going,

  • "I'm jealous of this person and I don't know why yet."

  • -Well, it's interesting you say that because we were really,

  • in writing it, we really --

  • one thing we were very cautious of

  • was we did not want this to turn into a story of a love triangle,

  • of two women fighting over a guy.

  • -'Cause why, right? -'Cause why?

  • 'Cause I think it's been done, pretty sure.

  • -I don't know, has it? -I don't think so, actually.

  • -Yeah. -But that was also avoided

  • in season one between Tahani.

  • -Totally, exactly, exactly.

  • -Like, Mike and the writers, they all veer away from --

  • -Yeah, yeah. One of --

  • and I think you would maybe agree -- for me as a woman,

  • who has other female friends, I'm like,

  • "No, my girlfriends and I, we're not fighting over men.

  • That's -- It just doesn't happen, sorry."

  • -Then you're doing it wrong.

  • -I know your experience is different, Marc.

  • But it's interesting. I think, of course, there is always

  • this supernatural element to our show, which is like,

  • "Oh, these people's brains have been erased,"

  • but is there any --

  • you know, we know what they've been through.

  • But it was important to us, and Kristen really nailed it

  • and got it right away, that she should play this --

  • She's Chidi's friend,

  • and she's genuinely helping him. -Right.

  • -And even though she's only known him three weeks,

  • Eleanor has no boundaries with people, so she's gonna do that.

  • So I think it's interesting. For us, I really --

  • And Mike agreed and everyone agreed

  • that we didn't want it to feel like any kind of two women

  • fighting over a guy, basically. -Right.

  • And you address it so well because in the next scene,

  • I think, Janet and Michael, there's concern that now there's

  • this jam-car of a third party

  • and that they're not going to get together.

  • And I think it's Janet that says there were plenty of reboots

  • where Chidi and Eleanor weren't soul mates,

  • and he still agreed to help her, which, of course,

  • he does in this, given the nudge from Michael.

  • You have Janet calling the Judge "Mommy," which is...

  • it feels a little inside writers' room, maybe.

  • -Oh, yeah, "Daddy." -And also, trying on Michael as "Dad."

  • -Yeah, I mean, yeah.

  • It's still just Janet, I think, evolving

  • and being like, "Oh, yeah, relationships.

  • People have moms and dads.

  • Who's my mom, who's my dad?"

  • -And I feel like, as a reminder of the timeline

  • of the previous two seasons, we do see Shawn and company

  • in the situation room going back to things.

  • The song that made it -- When I say, "Put something on

  • that's deeply terrible to put us in the mood,"

  • you played Richard Marx's "Right Here Waiting for You."

  • I've forgotten what song you played on set

  • that broke me completely.

  • Do you remember that?

  • -God, what song was it? I'm trying to remember.

  • -Dean thought it might be Blues Traveler or something.

  • -Oh, it was "Run-Around" by Blues Traveler.

  • -That's what he thought, okay, yeah.

  • -So I think it's okay to say this -- Basically --

  • -How does that song go? -Oh, I'm not gonna sing it.

  • Marc?

  • -I played it in the car on the way here, and I don't...

  • -Do you remember Blues Traveler? -No.

  • -Harmonica. -I'm only 15 years old.

  • -Right, right.

  • Your great-great-grandmother remembers Blues Traveler.

  • Basically what it is

  • is when they have to clear these songs for the episodes...

  • -Right.

  • -...the person giving the rights to the song

  • has to be okay with saying, "Hey, is it cool to say

  • this is a song literal demons use

  • to psych themselves up 'cause it's so bad?"

  • -Same thing with Puddle of Mudd and "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer."

  • -Exactly, exactly.

  • So I think that we're always dealing with what's funny

  • and, also, who's gonna be down for the joke.

  • And I think, from what I've heard,

  • Richard Marx is a very funny --

  • gets comedy and is totally down for his music to be made fun of,

  • which is cool.

  • -Shawn goes on a bit of a cocooning spree,

  • and others join,

  • I suppose, Vicky, wherever she is --

  • somewhere in a cocoon.

  • I do love that you have Chidi thanking Eleanor

  • for bullying him into asking out Simone kind of thing.

  • -Yeah. -That seems like a really

  • baseline dynamic for those two.

  • -It's totally a baseline dynamic.

  • Eleanor is -- -So infuriated.

  • -Jameela's upset. She's upset about it.

  • Yeah, Eleanor. But she's all action, you know.

  • Chidi's -- Obviously, his greatest flaw

  • is that he overthought everything and never took action.

  • And Eleanor is such a like, "All right, man, let's do this.

  • What's the plan?"

  • And so they make each other great in that way.

  • And, unfortunately, she's made him great in a way that is --

  • or fortunately, however you want to look at it --

  • looking at Jameela, who's devastated

  • by this couple being broken up.

  • -Don't... Don't look at me.

  • Don't forking look at me. -Don't forking.

  • -It's so interesting to hear you say that,

  • 'cause, like, you know, we all writing it,

  • we're like, "Wow, how are people"--

  • I'm very protective of the Eleanor/Chidi relationship.

  • You know, like, I love them together.

  • So it's interesting, people's reaction to this premiere,

  • I'm really interested in how they're gonna feel about it.

  • -Am I wrong in saying that apart from, obviously,

  • like, towards the end, I guess, of season two,

  • this is palpably the warmest I've seen Eleanor so far?

  • She's the most, like -- -Interesting.

  • -I think that's true.

  • -She's still pushy, but she's warm and affectionate

  • and doing something for other people.

  • Like, she's a giver.

  • -Yeah, this is the first time you've seen her not...

  • like a caged -- like, with her back against the wall,

  • season one, season two.

  • -Like a caged animal? -I was going to say

  • like a caged animal, then I was like,

  • "That's not exactly the right metaphor.

  • Let me try something else."

  • But, you know, she --

  • in season one, she's so scared she's gonna get caught.

  • -Her antenna is that she's gonna get screwed.

  • -Her antenna -- exactly.

  • All her instincts are saying, "Fight, fight, fight,

  • self-preserve, self-preserve."

  • So I think, you know, she's suspicious of Tahani

  • when she first meets her.

  • And that was something that was really cool for us

  • to explore, in them being on Earth.

  • -This one's totally different, right?

  • -Yeah, totally different.

  • -They meet in different circumstances.

  • -Yeah. -Was that weird playing --

  • meeting your character meeting Kristen's character

  • for the first time

  • when you, the actor, knows

  • that you've been together for several years?

  • -Yeah. And I feel like we played it

  • in slightly different ways

  • on set to kind of see what would work later.

  • -Yeah. -We tried a variation.

  • I'm really glad they went with the kind of,

  • like, warm, open, like -- -Yeah.

  • And in that first scene when you guys meet, it's immediate.

  • Like, she's like, "No, I'm not that into Kamilah,"

  • and you're super happy,

  • and your reaction of it is so, so funny.

  • -That was so genuine and dear, for real.

  • -But, yeah, you guys -- She has no reason

  • to feel anything but like, "Oh, cool.

  • Here's this really interesting British woman

  • who I've never met anyone like before,"

  • but she's not worried about getting caught.

  • She doesn't think you think you're better than her,

  • and that's bad in the Good Place.

  • -Also, I'm not the only person in a village

  • that has an English accent by choice.

  • -Exactly, exactly. So it's really cool to --

  • I can't think of any other show

  • where you get to explore relationships

  • from so many different angles

  • over and over again with characters.

  • It was very fun to write.

  • -That's also a fun scene to -- When we flash back

  • to your near-death, Tahani's near-death,

  • it's fun to see Tahani out of control, going,

  • "Who was it that saved me? It was a man, I think."

  • They're like, "No, it was Kamilah."

  • And you're like, "No, it was a man, I think."

  • -I love that scene so much. -That scene is great.

  • -I love the writing of that so much.

  • And then how everyone just starts chanting,

  • "Kamilah, Kamilah, Kamilah!"

  • And how broken I had to look.

  • -So good. -That was really fun.

  • That was a really fun scene to shoot,

  • and we almost took out Ted in that scene,

  • 'cause, like, one of the takes, we both missed the mat.

  • Almost definitely my fault.

  • -Oh, you mean you almost killed a real-life actor Ted Danson.

  • -Oh, my gosh, you almost, like, clipped his knees?

  • -He'd just had a knee operation,

  • so we had to be really careful with him.

  • And I think, like, I just --

  • I lack spacial awareness. -That's true.

  • -I'm taking the full blame for this.

  • You know, I'm Bambi on ice.

  • And so, I think I missed the crash point,

  • and I think, therefore, I took him down with me and just --

  • -Oh, no. -I was like Rose on the Titanic.

  • Like, I think I took up the whole crash mat

  • when there was space for two, Rose!

  • There was space for two!

  • -There was space for two, yeah.

  • -And so, yeah, Ted landed on the ground.

  • And there was, like, a couple of minutes where we were like,

  • "Have I re-broken Ted Danson's knee?"

  • -Oh, my God, I never heard that. -Yeah, it was very stressful.

  • It was nice to see it all work out.

  • -Tahani decides to find herself again

  • and goes to a Buddhist monastery.

  • Did you want to talk about that? -Yes.

  • I have photographic proof of what I'm about to say right now.

  • -Oh, interesting. I wondered what this was about.

  • -Oh, my gosh, I remember this.

  • -I just didn't want to forget.

  • So we'll put this out with the episode.

  • -You don't know that.

  • -But I don't know if you can see.

  • We're gonna -- yeah, I run things.

  • I'd like to speak to your manager.

  • -Oh, please.

  • -So I am in crutches in this photograph,

  • and Dean Holland is also on crutches.

  • -Oh, that's right.

  • -Because the week before filming --

  • 'cause I've had two seasons now where Ted Danson,

  • who is several decades older than me, runs rings around me.

  • -Sure. -And his energy is just, like, beyond --

  • way beyond whatever I could even contemplate for myself.

  • So I was like, "You know what?

  • I'm tired every year, and we do these long hours.

  • And I'm sick of seeing someone 40 years older than me

  • just run rings around me. I'm tired of it."

  • So I thought, "I'm gonna start taking up sports

  • so I can be more energetic."

  • -Oh, boy. -So I decided to try sports

  • for the first time in 20 years one week before filming.

  • That sport was tennis.

  • Tennis seemed -- no, why is every--

  • Now I know that everyone's like, "You idiot."

  • I thought tennis seemed very civilized,

  • I associated it with champagne and strawberries and cream.

  • You know, it just seemed like -- -Again, nothing like Tahani.

  • Nothing like Tahani. -Yeah, you know.

  • But I haven't played since I was 12,

  • because when I was 12, I played, and I went to swing the racquet,

  • and the racquet, I just never stopped.

  • You know, you just, like, stop your arm,

  • but I brought my arm all the way back 'round

  • and smashed myself in the face and broke my nose.

  • So I never played tennis again for 20 years

  • until a week before the show.

  • Played it, was in a warm-up round with

  • my just unbearably competitive boyfriend, who, even though --

  • -James Blunt. -Yeah, James Blunt.

  • Who just kept on spinning the ball, and I ended up,

  • because I'm also competitive,

  • tried to meet him and impress him.

  • And just ended up falling over my ankle to the point where,

  • if you're watching this, you can see what my ankle did.

  • It just went way the other way

  • that it was supposed to in nature.

  • -Yeah. -And I heard it snap

  • from five foot, 10 inches in the air, like, loud.

  • It sounded like a...

  • And I'd snapped, like, a ligament

  • and damaged it so badly that I could not walk again

  • without some sort of aid for about two months.

  • So it was fun for me that the first thing I --

  • I had the first day of filming

  • all on my own, and it was all day,

  • and it was up a mountain that I had to keep --

  • -Where were you? -Malibu, I believe.

  • -Yes. -Yeah.

  • -Is that a hill, then? -Yeah.

  • -I've exaggerated with a mountain.

  • -No, no. -It was mountainous.

  • -We were at --

  • I mean, the place we shot at the monastery

  • was this really interesting property in Malibu

  • that someone owned, and we shot there.

  • And it was -- there was a lot of, like, dirt hills

  • that we were walking up.

  • And you and Dean Holland, our director, was --

  • they were on crutches. -Yeah.

  • -I made him do everything that I had to do.

  • I was like, "If I'm doing this

  • and I'm risking my ankle, you're risking yours."

  • -You made him play tennis? -And we had to keep going up

  • and down these different hills at different parts of the location.

  • -It was an interesting first day

  • of season three shooting. -Yeah.

  • I was in agony for a couple of weeks.

  • -Oof. Ooh. -But Tahani is wearing flats

  • in season three, and that is my bad.

  • And I'm sorry to all of my fashion followers

  • who feel let down by this decision.

  • Shame on me.

  • -Let's listen to another clip.

  • -You should be selling whatever crap you can think of,

  • 'cause these people will buy it.

  • -That is quite enough! -Hmm?

  • -And how dare you insinuate that I'm not authentic.

  • -I finished signing your head shots.

  • -Oh, not now! -Miss Al-Jamil, it's okay.

  • You and I are the same.

  • I love what you're doing here.

  • You get to be rich and famous

  • and not have to do any of the work of helping people.

  • -But I am helping people.

  • You need to go, right now. -Suit yourself.

  • Look, if you change your mind, I'm online.

  • Just Google "crystals that prevent erectile dysfunction."

  • -[ Scoffs ] -I'm sorry,

  • but Miss Al-Jamil doesn't have time to participate

  • in an ethical study at some random university.

  • If you want to meet her, you can sign up

  • for the "Get Out of the Spotlight" cruise,

  • with special guest Deepak Chopra and

  • -Hello?

  • This is Tahani Al-Jamil.

  • -Oh, hi.

  • I didn't think I'd actually get you.

  • My name is Chidi Anagonye, and I'm doing an academic study

  • on near-death experiences and ethical decision-making.

  • I read an article about you -- -Will it help people?

  • That's all I want to know.

  • Will this help people? -Yes, I-I-I think so.

  • I mean, that's the goal.

  • -Send me the info. I'll be there tomorrow morning.

  • -"Will it help people? That's all I want to know."

  • Maybe there's no blue sky between Tahani and Jameela,

  • 'cause that sounds like you to me.

  • -Oh, sure! -Yeah.

  • -Yeah.

  • That and mouthing off on Twitter.

  • It's a sort of combination of the two.

  • I lack Tahani's grace and class when I try to help people.

  • That is a thing that we have learned about me

  • in my private life.

  • -Also about dental health.

  • That's such a wonderful scene because, you know,

  • she's become this major brand, Tahani has.

  • -Yeah. -And Michael shames her

  • into realizing it.

  • She's, you know, in the course of trying to be humble

  • and shed fame and things material.

  • She's made a business out of it.

  • -Totally. -Yeah.

  • -Oh, that moment where you see her say,

  • "And that's why I decided to get out of the spotlight,"

  • and we come in, and she's on a stage

  • in front of hundreds of people on her book tour.

  • So, so funny.

  • I love the writing of this show so much.

  • This is my favorite season.

  • -Oh, great. -Oh, this season.

  • -My favorite season, yeah. -As I said,

  • I can't wait for viewers to see this season.

  • -Yeah, it's exciting. -It's special.

  • It's special.

  • I also love that this show is so ambitious.

  • Like, you got an auditorium and lit it and put,

  • I don't know, a hundred extras, a hundred background actors

  • into that scene to shoot a two-second TED Talk.

  • -All of whom had a copy of my book.

  • I have a photograph that I took of all of them holding it up.

  • -Yeah, they are. -So the props department made --

  • -Oh, yeah, props department,

  • they're so amazing, yeah. -Oh, yeah.

  • -Every extra had a copy of the book, yeah.

  • -Yeah. No, I was gonna say, really pay attention

  • to the book launch that you can see,

  • because there's all these different amazing photo setups

  • that I had to do photo shoots for of just different takes

  • of me pretending, essentially,

  • to be Gwyneth Paltrow, which was really fun.

  • And also... but it was worth it.

  • -I -- this is, because we're doing this

  • so quickly with the tight turnaround

  • because we're doing these, you know, next to live,

  • near live, I haven't zoomed in on

  • every back of every book, of every magazine.

  • -Sure. -I'm sure there are Easter-eggy jokes

  • that I haven't gotten on this episode yet.

  • -I forget if there's anything on the actual book jacket.

  • Again, our props department, like Gay and everyone,

  • is so good that I guarantee you there are jokes on that.

  • But, like, when Tahani's giving the TED Talk,

  • there's a quote from, yeah, I believe it's --

  • I wrote it, I should know.

  • It's basically, like, "This book

  • is some of the best writing I've ever seen.

  • It's made me decide to quit writing completely,"

  • and then the next quote is "Ditto," Cormac McCarthy.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -It did not escape my attention--

  • -I'm trying to see if I've got the photos here.

  • -Yeah. -But I'm not sure,

  • you're going to have to look out for it.

  • It's an unbelievable book cover. Really is.

  • -It's really good. -Ridiculous.

  • -I also like the use of the name Charles Brainman.

  • -Oh, my God.

  • That is one of, I think, all of the writers.

  • One of favorite running jokes in this episode

  • is Michael's fake names when he goes and meets everyone.

  • -Yeah. -It's so good.

  • Gordon Indigo for you.

  • -Oh, Gordon Indigo is my favorite.

  • What a creep. -Charles Brainman.

  • -Charles Brainman.

  • -And we're coming up on Zach Pizzazz.

  • -Zach Pizzazz.

  • -So Jason meets Michael on a pier.

  • He's throwing rocks and says, "Are these your rocks?

  • I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

  • And one thing...

  • production design-wise, art department-wise,

  • the pier that Jason's on feels a lot like the bridge

  • that Michael walks out to meet the Doorman on.

  • -Ooh! -Like, the lights are sort of similar.

  • -Interesting. -The spacing of the lights.

  • -I love this... -It's gotta be deliberate.

  • student read into the --

  • -I don't know, it felt -- it struck a visual chord.

  • -No, you're right, you're right.

  • All I remember from that is that it was so cold that night.

  • That's what I remember.

  • But, yes, an artistic reading is that it's kind of a nice bookend

  • to where we start the episode.

  • -You've done another nice misdirect here.

  • Jason's had a rough year.

  • His year started about a year ago, and he --

  • you know, we see everything that's gone wrong in his life,

  • and he decides -- he says aloud, "I need to change my life."

  • He then sees a poster that says "Change your life!"

  • And he zeroes in on the completely wrong poster,

  • and it's about dance competitions.

  • -Yeah, yeah. The Swamp Stomp.

  • -I mean, that's such a -- such a Jason Mendoza.

  • -It's so Jason, yeah.

  • -You've also mentioned the Carmen Electra Auditorium

  • in the Smith & Wesson Performing Arts Center and ATV Repair Shop.

  • Is this a statement on gun violence?

  • -[ Laughs ] Yeah. You nailed it.

  • It's our statement.

  • I'm glad you read into the subtext of this episode.

  • If you take one thing away from this episode...

  • No, I think it's, we had so many alts,

  • and I think Manny did a bunch of them,

  • and I wish we could have used them all.

  • But it was like -- it was always Smith & Wesson,

  • but then it was like ATV Repair Shop.

  • I think I pitched him Sex Toy Depot.

  • Just so many stupid Florida jokes

  • that I wish we could do all of them.

  • -Getting to see him dance,

  • 'cause Manny is such an extraordinary dancer.

  • -Oh, we get to see what he can do.

  • -Yeah, it's really --

  • And I really hope that there's some, I don't...

  • -Manny Jacinto is a real-life hip-hop superstar, right?

  • -Yes. When we were casting the show,

  • Manny's audition was -- I'm sure people talk about it --

  • so good, so incredible.

  • His take on Jason was so unique and special, and it was like,

  • "Yes, this has to be Jason." -Yeah.

  • -But in addition to that, we Googled him.

  • We're like, "Who is this guy? We've never seen him."

  • And so many, like, hip-hop dance videos,

  • and we were like, "He's an incredible dancer

  • in addition to being a great actor."

  • -Which is so funny for Jason. -Yes. It's so perfect.

  • -So perfect and funny that his brain works

  • so beautifully in one way

  • but doesn't work at all in any of the others.

  • -Totally, totally, totally. -Yeah, he's incredible.

  • That dance scene was longer.

  • I hope there's a longer cut. -Yes, I was gonna say,

  • I hope that on NBC

  • or an extended cut or something we see,

  • 'cause they, I mean, they did -- You know,

  • Manny and the rest of those guys were in rehearsals for,

  • like, a day -- a whole day and a half

  • before that, learning this dance.

  • And it's pretty intricate.

  • Like, so even what we see is amazing,

  • but there's a longer version that's even...

  • -Oh, I can't wait. -Yeah, he's great.

  • -It's so incredible. He's so ridiculous.

  • -I feel like they get disqualified

  • because they've got lots of -- they've got 40 people

  • and it was meant to be eight or something.

  • -Yeah, I think Jason's not

  • a great rule-reader. -Sure.

  • -He's not -- -Not generally a good reader.

  • -Yeah, not a great reader. Yeah. -Not big on reading.

  • -We meet Donkey Doug.

  • Have we met Donkey Doug before?

  • -We've never met Donkey Doug.

  • We've heard -- -We've spoken of him.

  • -We've heard Donkey Doug. I believe he --

  • Jason had his girlfriend, Sheila,

  • he framed her for boogie board theft or something.

  • -That's right. -So Donkey Doug

  • has been mentioned as one of Jason's kind of --

  • other than Pillboi, one of his best friends.

  • But we've never seen him until now.

  • -We've never seen him until now.

  • He says, "You know, you're my boy,

  • but I can't handle it," and he bugs out.

  • Little Peanut also bugs out.

  • -Yeah, and we've mentioned Peanut.

  • So in my mind, Little Peanut is Peanut's daughter.

  • Yeah. -That's lovely.

  • -A wonderful rapper name.

  • -Yeah, Little Peanut is good. -Little Peanut, yeah.

  • -We hear about the license plate "Got Milf," which is...

  • -So lovely. Florida.

  • -I would 100%, if I ever learned how to drive,

  • would 100% make that and will make that.

  • I vow to make -- I vow on air to make that my number plate.

  • -Yeah, if you're driving around L.A., you see "Got Milf,"

  • you know it's Jameela. -So this plan doesn't work out.

  • They don't win any of these contests,

  • that's how he was going to fund his trip

  • or get his life back on track.

  • We see Pillboi, Eugene Cordero, and Jason

  • sharing a drink at a bar.

  • I was half expecting Michael to show up as Sam Malone again

  • behind that bar to be the Cyrano,

  • to be the -- -Oh, yeah. No, no.

  • -You know, the deus ex machina there.

  • -No, what I kind of love about the Jason part of this premiere

  • is that when Michael first comes to him,

  • I think Michael, and we talked about this in the writers' room,

  • and there was also even kind of a scene at one point,

  • and it got cut, but Michael, I think,

  • is very much, though, underestimating Jason.

  • He's left him for last, he's like, "This will be easy.

  • I can get this guy to Australia.

  • -I'm just gonna say, 'Hey, dance crew.'"

  • And then when Jason says no, you see in the scene,

  • and Ted acts it really beautifully, he's taken aback.

  • He's like, the line is, like, "But you heard my name.

  • I'm Zach Pizzazz." -"I'm Zach Pizzazz."

  • -And Michael takes a step back

  • and then really actually listens to Jason

  • and has this nice moment where he connects with him.

  • And he's like, "Yeah, I get it.

  • I used to run with a crew who had different values

  • and morals than I did, and then I had to change."

  • And they have -- I love that scene,

  • 'cause they both did such a great job.

  • -It's a great job. I also love Jason going, like,

  • "I guess I could go to Atlantis."

  • "It's Australia." -Yeah, yes.

  • -He has a giant realization that there might be more to life

  • than amateur street dancing.

  • -Yeah.

  • -I do like that Michael has to cover himself

  • and say that his crew is the Demons, too.

  • -Yeah.

  • -Jason totally knows that group. -Right, right.

  • -Turns out to be a different group.

  • -They all died when someone brought a hammerhead shark

  • into their hot tub.

  • -Into their hot tub. -Yeah.

  • A lot of Florida --

  • a lot of good Florida stuff in this episode.

  • -Every time have to -- like, we went to

  • Comic-Con over the summer. -Yeah.

  • -And we asked if anyone was there from Florida,

  • and I made it a point to apologize to all of them,

  • anyone from Jacksonville. -Yeah.

  • -People -- Yeah.

  • I guess people from Arizona are like, "Well, we don't have" --

  • Like, fans of the show from Arizona are like,

  • "We don't have it as bad as Florida fans."

  • -[ Laughing ] Also, the French really

  • get it from us in this show. -Mm-hmm.

  • -Yeah. -Yeah.

  • -We see Michael return.

  • He sees the Doorman once again.

  • He's brought him, in this case, a travel mug,

  • I guess, right, for his antimatter.

  • -Yep. -Travel mug's got a frog on it.

  • -Yeah. -Like, it's such an endearing

  • and weird, dorky thing that you see

  • Mike O'Malley's character of the Doorman be like, "Oh, boy.

  • Oh, gosh." -It's so good.

  • It was like we -- -It's still subtle.

  • -Yeah, it's subtle, but it's one of those scenes you write,

  • and you're like, "I have this idea."

  • Like, we all had the idea in our head of how he'd play it,

  • and then he did it exactly the way we hoped.

  • And it's so funny.

  • He's so good doing it, and he's like -- when he goes,

  • "Oh, this guy's a jumper," you can tell.

  • His voice kind of goes up, and it's great.

  • -We then see Janet and Michael and the Judge.

  • The Judge is checking in, the stakes are very high.

  • Janet's panicky, Michael's panicky.

  • We find out the judge is super into "CSI" or "NCIS,"

  • rather, and Mark Harmon.

  • -Yeah. -But they get by with it.

  • Like, they sneak her away from the ticker tapes,

  • and they get her out of the room.

  • -Yep, they get away with it. -Yeah.

  • -You're also in this episode.

  • And you're wonderful in this episode.

  • -Oh, yeah. -Oh.

  • -I really, really loved your performance.

  • I feel like this is the most vile you've been so far.

  • -It's getting darker, right? -Yeah, no, for sure.

  • -I tell Glenn to straight up shut up.

  • Shut up, Glenn. -Yeah.

  • -I hope we release a super-cut, 'cause every "Shut up, Glenn"

  • you did was so funny,

  • and Dean and I were cracking up every time.

  • And I would love to see a super-cut of "Shut up, Glenn."

  • -Thank you.

  • That's one of those things that, as an improvisor,

  • especially, you're like, "Well, they got that, and they

  • got it in the close-up." -Totally, yes.

  • -"So I'm going to do it differently."

  • -Yes. Yeah. -Yeah.

  • -Like, sometimes you put periods

  • in it with a "Shut.Up.Glenn." -Yes.

  • The different versions of it were very impressive.

  • -That's a really -- I would really genuinely love that.

  • -Oh, yeah. -That would be my ringtone.

  • -Okay, we gotta release that, yeah.

  • "Shut up, Glenn."

  • -Also, how adorable is Glenn? -Oh, my gosh.

  • -How adorable is Josh Siegal as Glenn.

  • -Oh, my gosh. Josh Siegal is so good.

  • -He's just so lovable, even when he's, like,

  • trying to suck up from inside the cocoon.

  • That's one of my favorite things.

  • -It's so funny.

  • -"Good one, boss," or whatever he says.

  • -Yeah, yeah. -Yeah, yeah.

  • -So Michael has succeeded.

  • He got these four humans together.

  • That was always the recipe in the previous 802 reboots

  • towards getting them to work together

  • and become better people.

  • And everything is perfect, until we hear this.

  • -So this is our MRI machine.

  • Ooh, don't -- don't touch that.

  • Um, each of you will get a chance in here, eventually.

  • Hopefully, none of you is claustrophobic.

  • -Claustrophobic?

  • Who would ever be scared of Santa Claus?

  • Oh! The Jewish!

  • -Are you from Florida?

  • -Jacksonville. -Yeah.

  • -That should be fine for me. It's roughly the same size

  • as Nicole Kidman's cryogenic anti-aging chamber.

  • And I've never had a problem in there.

  • -I'll be okay, too. It kind of reminds me

  • of the home tanning booth I lost my virginity in.

  • -Wow. I cannot wait to take a look at these three brains.

  • -Oh, forgot to mention,

  • there's one more person who will be joining us.

  • Sounds like a really interesting guy.

  • He was almost run over by a train a few months ago.

  • Heard about the study, e-mailed me last night.

  • -This doesn't make any sense.

  • They're all there.

  • What's going on?

  • Oh, no.

  • -What is it? -Something bad, Janet.

  • Something...

  • very dark...

  • and evil.

  • -Oh, yes! Come on in.

  • Everyone, this is Trevor.

  • -Hey, guys! It is so great to meet you.

  • -"Claustrophobic? Who could be scared of Santa?"

  • Who got fired for writing that joke?

  • -I wrote it, and I very much so remember

  • that Mike did not want to do it.

  • -Yeah, it was one of those -- it's like -- it's right there.

  • -I really loved it.

  • I thought it was really clever and nuanced and funny.

  • -Do you have a word for this, do you have a category for this?

  • It's on par with, like, "We have to cheat off of Chidi.

  • Oh, that's why his name is Chidi."

  • -Totally, yeah. -Like, it's on that level.

  • -Yeah, it's on that level of stupid for Jason,

  • where it's like, "Wow, you're really just taking

  • everything at, like, face value, man."

  • You think, like...

  • But it's also one of those jokes, I think,

  • that sometimes, in a take, like, people hear it

  • and think maybe it's, like, edgier than it is.

  • Like, it's not actually a --

  • it's just a joke about Jason being stupid.

  • -I thought it was very edgy.

  • -I was so surprised.

  • I remember writing it, and I was like, "Mike's gonna cut this."

  • And I was so surprised that it's still in the episode.

  • -It's right on the edge. It's right on the edge.

  • It's -- it's a different --

  • it's a cousin of the restaurant puns for me.

  • -In that you don't like them?

  • -That I'm not sure how it makes me feel.

  • -A second cousin. -Yes.

  • -Okay.

  • -Here for you, man.

  • -I do love, though -- this is another dig

  • at the American South --

  • is that upon hearing that, Eleanor goes,

  • "You from Florida?" -Yep.

  • -Like, "Something about you says Florida.

  • I'm from Arizona, so I kind of know."

  • -Yeah, yeah.

  • They're of the same -- they get each other.

  • -Of the ilk. -What's that?

  • -Of the ilk. -Of the ilk. -Yes.

  • -So the thing that gets the four humans back together

  • is Chidi's experiment.

  • He decides to put together an experiment measuring

  • the effects of near-death experiences

  • on ethical decision-making.

  • Did you meet with philosophers on this subject?

  • -Yeah, kind of with all things that we explore in the show,

  • we try to have some background

  • in terms of a philosopher we talk to, a professor --

  • you know, Todd May has been invaluable to the show.

  • And so, for this season, going into season three,

  • Mike kind of e-mailed all the writers, he said,

  • "I read this book 'Moral Tribes' by Joshua Greene,"

  • which is a really interesting --

  • so much smarter than I am -- a book written by a person

  • so much smarter than I am that it was hard to understand.

  • But I got through it.

  • And he is a philosopher and a neuroscientist.

  • And so, he kind of -- The character of Simone,

  • you know, has some of that in there.

  • We were interested in, "Okay, Chidi comes from,

  • you know, a moral philosophy standpoint.

  • What about someone who's a neuroscientist,

  • who loves being a neuroscientist,

  • who loves looking at the human brain

  • and having really, like," --

  • You know, it's in the premiere, when she's like,

  • "Yeah, you guys ponder one question your whole careers."

  • -Right. -"Science is all about

  • getting answers and moving on to the next thing."

  • And so, definitely that study kind of came from a mixture

  • of us reading "Moral Tribes," talking to Joshua Greene,

  • exploring that angle to things that we hadn't really before.

  • And so, that was kind of -- And then also just the fact

  • that morality, you know, it's such a thick --

  • When you're discussing the concept of, like, death

  • and that we know our lives are only so long,

  • how does that affect how we treat other people?

  • That's always been a part of the show,

  • and so that kind of came to a head.

  • It's like, "Oh, four people,

  • they've had near-death experiences,

  • how does that affect how they behave?"

  • And so, that was kind of all rolled into,

  • what if it was a study?

  • -Jameela, you've had lots of near-death experiences --

  • tennis, that sort of thing. -Yeah, yeah.

  • -Why aren't you a better person?

  • -I am not a better person for it.

  • I did -- I have had a couple of actual

  • proper near-death experiences,

  • but I found that they did make me more decisive,

  • and I swear more.

  • -Oh, interesting. -Like, progressively

  • with each one, I swear more and more and more.

  • So, yeah. -Give us an example.

  • -Of the swear words?!

  • No, you told me not to.

  • You know, I -- Did we discuss this on air about the fact

  • that I got chased by a swarm of bees

  • in season one, into traffic, and I got hit by a car?

  • -What the fuck are you talking about?

  • -Three weeks...

  • -On this television show? -Yeah, while I was on season one

  • of "The Good Place," I -- Again, this happens every time.

  • I was like -- -Chidi gets chased by bees.

  • -Yeah, it was very triggering.

  • It was very triggering for me to watch that.

  • -But this was -- This wasn't on set.

  • -No, this wasn't on set.

  • No, don't worry, the insurance is covered.

  • -Okay. -No, again, exactly

  • the same with the tennis thing.

  • I was like, "Oh, I'm an actor now,

  • I should be active and start exercising."

  • And so I went for a run, which I hadn't ever done before.

  • -Yeah. -I went for a run,

  • I was, thankfully, dressed like a ninja, which...

  • -That raises more questions. -As you do for running?

  • -Well, no, 'cause there's some scary people in the evenings

  • out on the streets in Los Angeles.

  • -Right. -So you wear black and a mask?

  • -Yeah, yeah, I run with a big sword.

  • -If you're running at night,

  • wear full black, that's what they say.

  • -Yeah, basically showing --

  • I sort of had my track suit was done up kind of like Kenny.

  • And I had gone for this jog to try and get, like,

  • fit to be a strong actor.

  • And I stopped at this traffic stop in La Cienega,

  • which is six -- six lanes of traffic. -Mm-hmm.

  • -There's three lanes on either side.

  • -We know how six breaks down.

  • -All right.

  • Soak my deck, Marc.

  • -"Soak my deck." -Um...

  • so I'm standing there, and as I'd been jogging through,

  • there's a little tree

  • on this little island, this traffic island.

  • -Mm-hmm. -And I must have, like,

  • touched one of the branches by accident with my head,

  • 'cause I'm so tall.

  • And as I'm standing there waiting for the light to change

  • so I can cross, I --

  • Because my music is so loud, I don't hear anything.

  • But this sort of dark cloud... -Oh, my God.

  • -...appears around me.

  • And it takes me a second to process what it is,

  • because you just don't expect in the middle of the street,

  • in the middle of, like, a city that you're going to have a swarm of bees.

  • As soon as I realize, I start screaming,

  • and they're all around me.

  • And I don't know if they're trying to sting me.

  • They must be, but I'm covered from head to toe,

  • and I can just feel them, like,

  • just like coming at my track suit.

  • -Sure, yeah. -And so, I run --

  • I just run into oncoming traffic.

  • -Sure, yeah. -Which is how my first-ever --

  • When I broke my back, it was one bee chasing me.

  • Wasn't even chasing me, I just saw a bee and ran into a car.

  • This is -- Anyway... [ Exhales sharply ]

  • -Are you scared of bees? Is this like --

  • -Very scared of bees. -You have a phobia of them?

  • -Yeah, no, I have a phobia of bees.

  • -Did you before? Or, I mean, you do now.

  • -Yeah, now we get. -And so, I ran into traffic,

  • and, thankfully, it was light enough for someone to see

  • that there's a woman with a cloud of bees around her

  • running into the road.

  • And they slowed the car down.

  • So when the car hit me -- two years ago --

  • it just hit me kind of coming to a halt.

  • So it just knocked me over.

  • But the bees didn't, like, leave. They came down with me.

  • I had to get back up, keep running, all the way to --

  • from Wilshire to 3rd, which is -- -Oh, my gosh!

  • -Yeah, it's a very long way.

  • Like, these are the most persistent bees ever.

  • And I'm running down this -- I'm running down 3rd,

  • and I see lots of people standing outside,

  • smoking in a smoking area outside a nice bar.

  • -Terrible habit. -And I was just like --

  • I swear to -- I swear my brain just went,

  • "They don't care about their lives."

  • So I ran at them with the bees.

  • I ran at a crowd of people.

  • There will be people who were there at that place

  • that will remember the time... -Oh, they wouldn't forget.

  • -...that the ninja ran at them, covered in bees.

  • And I got down on the ground, left these people,

  • probably being stung, and then crawled into a nearby juice bar,

  • which is now a juice bar that I frequent.

  • -I... [ Both laugh ]

  • I love you.

  • You have too many of these stories.

  • -Okay.

  • It is -- My life is "Final Destination."

  • -Trevor. -Mm-hmm.

  • -Is anyone creepier than Adam Scott in this show?

  • -I think what makes it so creepy is that it's low-key Adam Scott.

  • He's not being creepy here, which makes it worse.

  • -Yeah, he's being, like, dork Adam Scott... -Yeah.

  • -...which is, like, really creepy.

  • It's when you know what's truly going on.

  • -It's an interesting thing because it's --

  • We're reminded of this sort of sleeper faction of the Bad Place

  • that we'd sort of forgotten about.

  • At least I had.

  • I had read this script months ago

  • and had forgotten that he's the cliff-hang of this.

  • -Yeah. -Like, we're about to see --

  • We were kind of at that, "Okay, here we go" thing.

  • And then he walks in, and, you know,

  • this is gonna get difficult.

  • -Yeah, it's --

  • I'm pretty satisfied with this as a cliffhanger,

  • 'cause I think it is a good level, hopefully,

  • that when you're watching the episode,

  • you see you, Shawn, be like, "Michael pushed his luck,

  • and that allowed him to see, like,

  • 'Oh, Michael's going back down to Earth.

  • What have we got here?'" -Right.

  • -And that's where Michael kind of screws himself.

  • That allows you to be like,

  • "Great, we'll send down one of our worst that we've got,"

  • and that's -- You know? -Right.

  • -But I think it's far enough away

  • that you kind of almost do forget.

  • But then when it happens, you're like,

  • "Oh, of course that was gonna happen."

  • You know, it's always weird with, like, twists like that.

  • You don't want it to be so out of nowhere

  • that it feels just random and not earned,

  • but you don't want it to be so telegraphed

  • that people are like, "Yeah, of course.

  • I knew that was gonna happen." -Right.

  • -'Cause I think if it was you showing up -- Shawn --

  • it would have been a little bit like,

  • "Oh, of course, I knew that was gonna happen."

  • -Right, he was right on their heels. -Yeah, exactly.

  • So I hope that it hits a good middle ground of that.

  • -Oh, it certainly does. It's shocking, and it's scary.

  • It's one of those things where you're like, "Oh,

  • I can't wait to see what happens in this new timeline."

  • And then you're like, "Oh, this is an instant thorn."

  • -Yeah, yeah. -"This is gonna be so difficult."

  • -And, hopefully, it's rewarding, too, I think,

  • as a fan of the show, that you're like,

  • "Whoa, I haven't seen Trevor in so many episodes."

  • Like, it pays off in that way.

  • -Also, that thousand-yard stare-smile that he does.

  • Even when he's being low-key, even if he's playing a nerd.

  • I have never seen -- And he looked into

  • each of our eyes in every single take.

  • And I froze from the inside out.

  • -Yeah, it's so creepy. It's so good.

  • -There's a wonderful theme running through this,

  • which is that we are not alone.

  • We are not in this alone. We need one another.

  • -Mm-hmm.

  • -I mean, I suppose that's been the theme for everything,

  • but with these people beginning again as strangers on Earth,

  • it feels heightened to me.

  • Like, it feels like the teamwork aspect of it.

  • -Yeah, there's a certain chemistry

  • these four people have together.

  • There's something intangible about it

  • that when they get together, they make each other better

  • and they work in a really specific way.

  • It is, it's kind of like a very nice sentiment

  • that I think, yeah, is even more heightened the fact that,

  • "Oh, they were in such,

  • like, such different parts of the world

  • and had to be brought together for this to work."

  • But now... -Yeah, I think that's kind of

  • why people are drawn to our show,

  • because in a time where we are being constantly manipulated

  • to separate and distrust each other...

  • -Totally. -...and not work together,

  • this message of, like, with unity,

  • we would be able to defeat evil.

  • -Right, and with unity with people

  • who are different than you are.

  • -Exactly. People who are so different.

  • -So different, yeah.

  • -And people who are from another place,

  • but also people who trigger you, people who are annoying.

  • This encourages empathy,

  • the exact opposite of what we're encouraged to think about in,

  • you know, the news or on social media.

  • -Right. -And I think that there's something,

  • that there's clearly a hunger out there

  • for that level of empathy that people look towards in our show.

  • -Yeah, yeah, that's nice. -We are not in this alone.

  • -Just a joke I wrote.

  • Sorry. -That was beautiful.

  • -I didn't mean to get so serious.

  • -Marc and I are crying.

  • -We are not in this alone. All we have is one another.

  • In a sense, "Okay, here we go."

  • -Yeah. -Mm-hmm. It's on.

  • -Jen Statsky, what's good?

  • -Okay, this is a weird one. -Yeah.

  • -I don't know why this popped into my brain today.

  • -I'm ready. -[ Laughs ]

  • Kind of this great actress who's on our show...

  • -Oh. -...D'Arcy Carden.

  • -Oh!

  • -No, I'm -- This is so weird.

  • Zoe Saldana's husband, whose name I don't even know --

  • You can look it up if you want.

  • This is why he's good, is because I recently learned

  • that Zoe Saldana's husband

  • took her last name when they got married.

  • -Oh. -And I think that is

  • really cool and bad-ass.

  • And I was like, "That rules."

  • More-- -I like that.

  • -I'm all about -- I don't know if you know me.

  • I'm all about smashing the patriarchy.

  • You get it. -Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get it.

  • -So, but that's cool, right? -It is.

  • -Why -- why have -- Let's change it.

  • We don't need to -- There's a lot of women

  • who don't take their husband's names, great.

  • You know, but why can't a man take a woman's last name?

  • -Why can't he?

  • Why can't Marco Perego take Zoe Saldana's last name?

  • -Yes, that's his name! Great, perfect.

  • I hope -- What if he listens?

  • What if he's, like, a huge fan of our show?

  • -Yeah. -He should come and guest.

  • -He should.

  • -Jameela Jamil, what's good?

  • -Season three of "The Good Place."

  • -Ooh! -The whole thing.

  • The whole thing is good.

  • -I'm excited. Are you excited?

  • -No, I'm genuinely -- I cannot wait.

  • This is my favorite season.

  • This is where the writers know us the best,

  • we know the writers the best, we know each other the best.

  • This just felt -- It felt --

  • Honestly, I didn't even feel afraid.

  • I'm not afraid.

  • I'm not afraid to say it, put myself out there.

  • This is, like -- It was just -- Palpably, we were just --

  • There was so much chemistry, it was so much fun to film.

  • All of them have, obviously, been fun to film.

  • But this was with no fear.

  • It was just the best experience.

  • And the writing is absurd.

  • I bow down to all of the writers on the show.

  • So I don't care if I sound like a kiss-ass, it really is.

  • It's the best. And spooning.

  • -I'm having a memory of the season three

  • wrap party from a month or so ago.

  • Mike Schur got up and gave a nice toast

  • and a thank you to the cast and crew

  • and everyone involved in "The Good Place."

  • At the end of which, he said, "See you next year."

  • And I was standing next to David Miner,

  • one of the executive producers,

  • and one of the partners at my management company,

  • and Mike said, "See you next year,"

  • and I whipped around and said, "Oh?"

  • And he said, "That's not a pick-up,

  • that's not a pick-up."

  • And I said, "Eh.

  • Sounded like"...

  • And he said, "We'll be fine.

  • We'll be fine."

  • So, here's hoping.

  • I can't wait for people to see season three.

  • It...

  • This is an unusual half-hour of American network television.

  • -It's a weird one, and it gets progressively weirder.

  • Definitely top -- Yeah. -So weird. Yeah.

  • -Not to sound like I've drank the Kool-Aid too much,

  • but I think this season truly tops itself in weirdness.

  • -Oh, it's so weird that I frequently wondered

  • what's wrong with all of you.

  • That frequently.

  • It's brilliant. I love it so much.

  • -This has been "The Good Place: The Podcast."

  • I'm Marc Evan Jackson.

  • Thank you for listening.

  • Now go do something good.


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