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  • There is breaking news now on Fox News Channel

  • Conan O'Brien has just announced

  • He is leaving NBC

  • we had a lot of fun being here these last seven months but like everything in life

  • The fun has to come to an end a decade too early

  • so now everybody says what will Conan do

  • Conan might be going to a competitor of NBC's

  • he's a marketable guy who does appeal to younger viewers and may go to Fox or some other outlet

  • he can go to Fox or come here and take my job

  • Who would have imagined that the Mexican talk-show host would have the most job security

  • I'm not going nowhere

  • I'm right here every night, I'm not going nowhere

  • same channel, same time

  • Could you offer me position like Secretary of State Ambassador to Mexico, you know something where I could wear a badge

  • You know George you need to change late-night. That's the kind of change

  • I can believe in my fellow Americans. I stand before you an instrument of change

  • There are many Americans who become disenfranchised with the landscape of late-night TV

  • Correction perfect exist that we're taping the show in the middle of a street

  • When I started they're like

  • How are you gonna make it different but everybody has their own way to see what makes it different is the host

  • I mean the format is basically the format and the host kind of dictates what the show is and you'll be different because you're different

  • I

  • Think you got I think you've got some Latino in you bring our buildings you put Trump in gold letters. That's true

  • We love that you got five kids from three different baby mamas

  • Check it out. It's creepy. No white girl Jorge. There's no smoke machine up here. I

  • Know enough about you to know that you don't do talk show already though

  • He does not do not my kind of thing, but for you

  • What this moment is

  • Glory my guest Sandra Bullock

  • People said how did you get the president to do a promo? You know, I helped him get a birth certificate and that

  • Had a Kenyan one. I swapped it out

  • Check this dude out. Have you ever made gay porn?

  • Do you watch the Conan O'Brien?

  • Coenen fan not a Conan fan

  • Welcome to lopez tonight 2010

  • And it's already a good year for me i'm still on the same network

  • In the same time spot

  • Six weeks. I've been on with a three week break

  • That's Latino. That's full-time

  • and

  • that dude the other one the one with the gray hair cause I'm not the

  • Leno

  • I'll quickly they forget

  • Jay Leno

  • Hey, he's doing better than I thought

  • He's moving back to 11:30 and then the other dude

  • Conan

  • O'Brien

  • Maybe moving to Fox. Is that right? No, wait, he's moving in with Jamie Foxx

  • But you know, I don't care that nobody watching

  • Conan is like that girl in The Bachelor who gets the Rose, but then gets the boot in the post show

  • It opens Everest and

  • We've got big breaking news in the world of entertainment David according to the New York Times calm Conan

  • O'Brien is now saying he won't do the Tonight Show following Jay Leno

  • Conan O'Brien sent a letter to NBC. Why did he send a letter?

  • Only white people can send a letter.

  • To say that he's unhappy. A Mexican would just walk in: "Hey, tell them I'm not moving, eh?"

  • He no longer wants to host The Tonight Show if the show is to air in any other timeslot

  • angry at Conan for not accepting his offer NBC president Jeff Zucker

  • Said that he'll keep Conan off the air for three years

  • But that he'll also punish America by keeping Jay Leno on for seven more

  • Conan O'Brien on The Tonight Show as he's taped his final show

  • Seven months after it began after the taping was over Conan came out in front of the audience with a very personal message

  • I could happiest man in the world. Thank you so much for everything that you've given us and

  • We'll see

  • You have got to get a job we have 14 kids

  • Do something for this family Conan?

  • The last Wednesday Steve, Koonin

  • Who is the head of TBS?

  • flew from Atlanta to Burbank sat in my office and said I have something that sounds really crazy and I want to propose this to

  • You and let you know if I don't have your blessing this deal does not go forward

  • He said what would you think about Conan O'Brien coming to TBS? And

  • Taking the 11 o'clock spot and you go into midnight. I said, I think it's fantastic

  • He says will you call Conan and tell him how you feel about TBS? How you feel?

  • We do business and I said absolutely TBS and Warner Brothers and Telepictures has been nothing but great to Lopes tonight

  • They've been nothing but great to me and Conan is a wonderful asset to the TBS family

  • and also

  • I believe that this combination almost the same sex Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball if you will

  • will take late night into the nude into a new generation and

  • Change the landscape Larry. I'm a Latino. I know something about landscape. It's gonna be fantastic. Come November

  • George what did Conan say to you when you called him and said it was all right with you What did he say to you?

  • You know, everybody's been asking me this question I haven't really answered his questions from the time that Conan I last spoke on Sunday

  • I'm gonna tell you and I think

  • Respectfully Conan will not have an issue with this

  • What he was concerned with was that he wasn't gonna do to me what was done to him at NBC

  • That was his biggest concern that he did not want to get as they say on Twitter

  • Leonard I am NOT getting Leonard I welcome Conan. I think that moving to midnight

  • Hey, I've got to work in Howard later. Come on

  • It's a dream come true and the pays the same

  • Conan O'Brien only wanted to know that he could do the type of show that he wanted to do and his biggest concern

  • Was that he was not going do to me what was done to him?

  • That is not the case. And if you hear about that, you didn't hear from me

  • That is not the case Conan O'Brien announcing yesterday. This is a great story that

  • He's signing with her. Yes already signed with TBS Turner Broadcasting System

  • To do a late night show at 11:30. I guess I think it's 11 o'clock 11 o'clock to do a late night show

  • He's now gone from the host of The Tonight Show

  • 2 TBS turn abroad just to basic cable system

  • Conan I think you'll find our terms

  • very attractive

  • The network announced Monday the comedian will host a late-night talk show in November

  • The cable channel says it will be an hour long and air Monday through Thursday at 11 p.m

  • Lopez Tonight the show currently in that slot on TBS will shift to midnight

  • The news comes as O'Brien begins a comedy tour in Eugene, Oregon

  • He was quoted in the TBS news release saying in 3 months

  • I've gone from Network television to Twitter to performing live in theaters. And now I'm headed to basic cable. My plan is working perfectly

  • Like I said, I 100% totally agree and think he is a great asset to the TBS late-night family

  • Live via satellite here. He is my new partner in late-night Conan O'Brien

  • Hello everybody

  • Conan I'm happy that you're here, but I heard NBC was very strict about letting you appear on TV

  • I'm not on TV George. You're my basic cable

  • Recording come to the TBS. Yes. Yes to Conan's come. Yes

  • Will you go I'm going I'm staying I'm going to midnight

  • He's coming at 11 o'clock, and I'm going to midnight get the hell out of here. So

  • You're gonna move for the white man

  • Hey, he appreciate this I think the white man does appreciate him. Okay, you don't gotta clean up

  • How you doing, you know, I'm doing I'm doing please save your words

  • I'm doing great. I'm doing great. Thanks so much for having this is beautiful here. I'm just thrilled

  • I'm just I'm thrilled to be here. Welcome to TBS and really welcome to basic cable. It's thrilling. Basically I

  • Never heard basic cable get shrieks of excitement

  • Remember

  • This is really the kiss of death for a guy like Conan because TBS, you know, it's tough

  • When you're on NBC you're you know

  • You're you're a factor as I told him for many years stay on NBC at 12:30

  • Stay there be the guy who they're always gonna say boy. If only Conan had the tonight show would be huge

  • That's what they used to say

  • He'd get the young audience, you know become the myth. So to speak he had a great gig at NBC

  • But he hungered for this Tonight Show

  • hungered and

  • He got it. He went from being the next big thing to you'll follow Jay Leno

  • You'll take over the Tonight Show. You'll get the second-rate guests

  • You'll be the you know

  • it'll feel like four o'clock in the morning because Jay will already have done a ten o'clock and you will be screwed and

  • then after we fire you

  • Jay is gonna come back a hero. I mean you couldn't orchestrate the end of a career better than that

  • all by your good friends at NBC and

  • Beijing

  • WNBC and now Ted insult injury didn't go to Fox

  • For you, I was shocked. I wasn't Fox

  • Listen, they're afraid they're not gonna put up all that money and get a to share

  • They're not they make a fortune. How what is it rating at?

  • that-air

  • Robin they aired The Simpsons

  • They've got reruns that make a fortune

  • pods were still negotiating with

  • with Conan and

  • TBS just kind of swept in there and one of the problems Fox was having it's not a secret was a

  • Lot of the affiliates didn't want to do it because the affiliates were making more money off of these sitcoms that they bought like Everybody

  • Loves Raymond and

  • Seinfeld and all these shows

  • where they were making a lot of money and then if the network came in and said look you after a network show they weren't

  • Gonna make nearly as much money. So it was a problem for the network's it was

  • very expensive to do

  • While Fox was kind of mulling it over TBS just kind of swept in and then just made the deal

  • George Lopez made the right move

  • Because listen, he wasn't getting any attention over there, right good guy good town, but these on TBS let's cone and go on

  • Maybe he'll bring in an audience and then I'll get the UH and I'm gonna have the prayer and I won't have the pressure

  • smart man

  • Gets it. He probably just extended his show for another two or three years at least

  • What can I?

  • played again

  • Well, listen conan needs a job

  • Job job

  • He's a young man who wants to continue work. He got a 40 million dollars

  • So I'm some crazy number like that pay it was making money before so it wasn't like he needed even 40 million

  • I know he's got a four day a week schedule which by the way for kid to put yourself on the map on TBS

  • he ought to be working a five day a week schedule doesn't sound like

  • No, it does not. It sounds like a guy who just got 40 million dollars and he can coast

  • He should be on Monday through Friday and I doubt they're paying him a lot of money over a TBS. I really do it

  • He wasn't in any position to negotiate

  • So well, they gotta pay him something. Oh sure. I can't have their guy, you know

  • Taking the subway to work. All right, but listen, I'm happy for him

  • You got a job, but you really you know, the guy feels damaged

  • Going it premieres, November 8th at 11 only on TBS very funny

  • Welcome to my 2nd annual first show Oh

  • In the ratings barbarian they're our good buddy Conan O'Brien show premiered Monday night boy

  • Did he woof everyone take that Jay Leno while the ratings jumped in today?

  • I can tell you Conan's new show called Conan drew more than 4 million viewers on its opening night on our sister network

  • TBS that beat the daily show The Colbert Report David Letterman's the Late Show

  • And yes, the show that Conan was done from The Tonight Show

  • Well, people worked very hard to make this space for us

  • We set up a special time-lapse camera in here to record the amazing transformation from what the studio used to look like

  • Into what it looks like now

  • There's just one drawback to being on basic cable, and that's that there are hundreds of channels

  • Ok, and thanks to the whims of local cable providers finding TBS on your dial can vary wildly from town

  • To town. I didn't know that yeah isn't within one town. It's on differences

  • Yeah, and I had I had no idea when I made this deal. I

  • really should have put some thought into this but

  • Thankfully a good friend of mine has come up with a simple little song that's gonna help us all remember where to find TBS

  • Anywhere in the country if we can all memorize this song, we'll be set please welcome my good friend raisin

  • Oh

  • This is a fun rhythm

  • Mentone is either 17 or 62 depending how close to Florida you live

  • Anis 10 is 39 and for Birmingham

  • Here's advice. I give different providers have different rules over either on four five or 16 or 42 49. Yeah

  • anything in between

  • Hey, I get it. This is fun and it's so easy

  • Well then sing along you guys, okay?

  • Ready, here we go

  • Thor's be

  • 3085 Bruton

  • 1857 enterprise Pennington to Columbia 109 piney 107. Those are woods with pine

  • board

  • No excuses, Alabama

  • Well, first of all, I want to thank you for how gracious you've been and how great you've been for

  • You know welcoming us over here to TBS and how that means so much to me in Conan and just this is a wonderful man

  • I always wanted him to come over. So you read things in the press all I wasn't happy. None of that was true, right?

  • I would tell people that's true. I'm happy that he's coming in that you're coming because together

  • We are going to take late night into the future Andy Richter after beyond, baby

  • Were from what I understand you were so eager to have us come over that you actually sabotage just the tonight tradition

  • You were in Jays ear the whole time

  • Whatever, you know, you were you were trying things that were different that we're funny that were innovative things in the studio things outside of

  • The studio. Yeah, so you that's why the fit at TBS and you guys at 11:00 and me at 12?

  • It's two hours of late-night talk that you will not see anywhere on any channel on TV

  • Now maybe there'll be talk shows that actually make people stay awake as opposed to have help them go to sleep god I hope so

  • Jim tell us what your title is. I am a manager of original productions for standards and practices

  • They have standards and practices at Network my understanding when I moved to cable was that there's no standards and practices. Was that a mistake?

  • Yes, I took a big pay cut

  • to come to cable

  • with the understanding that I could pretty much do whatever I wanted and

  • you're saying that that was

  • incorrect incorrect

  • Okay, I can say brass right? Correct. How about bazongas? Yes, the scoliosis twins

  • That makes no sense. Why would you okay that scoliosis is curvature of the spine

  • I guess if you've got really big ones in that scoliosis

  • Sexual positions, I'm gonna fire some slang at you for sexual positions. You tell me if they're okay the old Tokyo sandblaster

  • Have you ever had you ever done the old Tokyo sandblaster

  • Together Conan and I think that we can go into the future late night keeping it young keeping it real

  • Are you doing Conan gonna be doing anything together? Oh, you know we did some promos but the shows are gonna overlap

  • It'll be a little thing where I run over there and he runs over with me. So, okay

  • Before we get started. Could you really quick punch my talkshow card? Because if I get them all then I get a free frozen yogurt

  • See that all bro

  • You know what? I can't man because you didn't get Conan to punch it. Oh, man. I forgot to get him it

  • I got it. Anyway, I got in trouble. I did Sam Jackson's card and they came down on me, bro. All right

  • I mean

  • My next guest is an artist who builds miniature versions of the country's largest roadside attractions and homes

  • What's my card, I'm so sorry. I forgot to get a punch from you. Oh, that's cool

  • Take it easy

  • All right, brother, yeah

  • All I need now is Larry King and I am it's the first time that I've been on your set and it's very nice Conan

  • It's been it's been three weeks. Yes, how are you enjoying? Basic-cable Conan? I like it. I love basic cable. That's great

  • I'm not sure if you're aware of this A+E's

  • Intervention Conan. I want them to know that they're going down if he and I have to become heroin addicts your ass is going down

  • We will do what it takes. We will do what it takes. TLC has a show 19 kids living in a house

  • I'm Latino, but this is by choice

  • The ShamWow guy

  • Is apparently Latino. hi, it's Vince with ShamWow. You'll be saying WOW every time you use this towel. It's like a chamois

  • It's like a towel. It's like a sponge. This is for the house the car the boat they RV

  • All I can say is Sham Wow

  • Anybody who thinks you could clean your whole house with one rag has to be?

  • Has to be a Mexican

  • Who does that?

  • Conan O'Brien would make a good Sham Wow guy

  • Sham Wow the dude is all hyper

  • he's got the hair

  • Hi everybody

  • You were just kind enough to be on my show I'm not used to not having a desk

  • I'm usually how no one wants to see this

  • I am I am

  • 98% leg. That's why I have a desk those fuckers as no one wants to see all those are some tremendous gams. Thank you

  • this is the sad thing and maybe you can relate to this but a lot of comedians we

  • We just want to make people laugh and we're so needy for laughs that will do almost anything

  • I think on the spectrum of comedians

  • I'm on the really sick end

  • Where if someone tells me we've got this idea and we're gonna shoot you with a gun in the shoulder with a real bullet

  • But it's really gonna be funny. I think there's part of me that would say like, how do you think it really?

  • Really like that

  • Yeah, they're very low all y'all just try and shoot me like little took this part over here

  • What if you hit me in the heart Linda let's get you

  • That's it. I'll tell you what. Have you ever are gonna get shot by an audience. This would be the audience that would shoot you

  • People who come together but they applaud violence that's very nice what I hate for wash you up. Oh

  • Man, this is a great idea. I love being on your show. Thank you for how you were you were hilarious and thank you

  • So much for having me here

  • Go find everybody

  • Mr

  • Of the way we were

  • Hey, so in case you didn't hear the news TBS has decided not to renew Lopez tonight, but that's alright

  • You guys see the news unemployment is at an all-time high for Latinos it just got a little higher

  • TBS is cancellation

  • Wednesday of late night series Lopez tonight has also put the spotlight on the ratings

  • Performance of its lien and Conan both series have been declining at roughly the same rate

  • with Lopez registering the same 30 percent declines across demos that Conan has faced when you had the talk show on TBS, right and

  • You were doing great

  • You were averaging about a million. Oh, yeah, let's keep this clear

  • You were on TBS that's not easy to have talk show on TBS and get any kind of rating

  • Okay, your ratings were really good on TBS with like the first year we struggled to get picked up

  • struggled to get picked up and then

  • the second year

  • Your the ask Conan they came to ask me that the guy Steve Koonin over there TBS flies in and he sits in the office

  • And he's like, you know, we have a chance to get Conan. You know, what do you thinking about?

  • What do I think you know, I'm gonna run this company. My understanding was that the George Lopez talk show

  • Yes was doing 140 it was doing well really well and getting a good sized audience. I mean suppose the best

  • An average age of 33, which is remarkable 33 years old

  • And then TBS decides, this is the part. I can't

  • Understand TBS decides they have to have Conan O'Brien. Yes, they have to have them they must have or they lose them to Fox

  • And so that comes out on your ass because what time are you on at 11:00 at 11:00?

  • So they decide they want to put Conan at 11:00. Yes, and in a sense, that's it for me

  • Well, what's kind of funny is that that's what was being done to Conan with Jay Leno. That's right

  • Did you say to call him? What wait a second you taking my job? No, I did not I actually told Conan

  • truth truth

  • I call it. They asked me to call him. So so I called Conan victim

  • I've never I've known Conan. I want you to call Conan tell him that it's a great place to work

  • Even though he's gonna take your time you're slots in my slot

  • And you did that I what the fuck are you doing? You know listen, man?

  • Even they do if you don't if you say no then you're not gonna move then though. You're out that year

  • So you were smart. You said you know what rather than lose my gig I'll move my show to twelve o'clock

  • What do I care? Yeah, but that did you in right?

  • When you move to twelve there's less people watching. His numbers weren't strong at the end of the hour. There's really nobody watching and

  • You know less faces less eyes less rating litora number stronger than Conan's. Yes, isn't that some different right now, even with the

  • 70 million dollars that they spent on Conan. My numbers are better than his do you think?

  • That is a loaded question contraction. We had traction. Why do you think they did that to you?

  • well, I think they wanted Conan and I think you know, they they

  • I'm gonna tell you something. Nobody knows this guy Conan comes into my office. He calls Conan a folk hero

  • Really? Oh, and I said, he said he's a folk hero people love him. And I said, oh, alright. He's a folk hero

  • And I said it and I guess I'm you know, nothing in the Latino community and that's an audience

  • That's not watching fucking TBS. All right, not a folk hero. So I said, okay cool. He's a folk hero

  • listen

  • When when when they don't want you there just write it out as long as as you can go don't you think it's amazing in?

  • Television how when they want you they will build you up to be a god

  • Yes, and then when they decide they're done with you. They will actually put you down and knock you mm

  • you know, you know the thing is the thing is

  • Is that you know, we were very diverse

  • You know why at 50 cent on I had Far East Movement first time bieber's first late-night talk-show Prince was on

  • Janet Jackson was on a very diverse

  • Show and different kind of book had no desk and edgy. You know, we I gave up marijuana brownies

  • We took shots and sometimes I think did you give up marijuana bro? Yeah, you smoked a lot of weed

  • I said no. Not anymore. I did I did it. But anyway, so getting back to TV, so get it back to the TV so

  • We go to the up fronts the second year and Conan is like the guy they extend us

  • they cancel show they extend it and they pick him up - like

  • 2017

  • People have said that ponen may have actually saved Lopez from cancellation before second season back Onan mandated it for his

  • reputations purposes while some trying to spin Conan's bumping of Lopez tonight to midnight as a demotion for Lopez if

  • Anything it was a life preserver

  • So we know it, you know, we know it's a word like we'll just do the shows that we want to do

  • Let me ask you some is it racism you think because she had the ratings?

  • No, it's not but the embracing its love of its love of white they love each other so much

  • But it doesn't we have the tape. Do you think that's it? Because really what you're describing is

  • Everything our race this is not about race. It's about numbers. It's about money and it's about love of

  • Themselves so I would not I'm not gonna say it's about race, but when you say that it's a love of white

  • No, they love to they're working with each other. So they're in love. So that's a rate

  • So, you know, you're left out of the party cuz your brand no, no. No, I didn't say that. You said that?

  • Sony announced they're doing a sequel to The Smurfs movie

  • So today I lost some work because I'm brown, but also I got some work because I'm blue

  • I just say no. I don't feel it's racism. Was it racism that Jay Leno went and took did to him?

  • No, no, that's the same situation. But but then again, you know Conan went out of year

  • He went on tour he flew around

  • You know lamenting about he'd been fucked over and they gave him a check for forty million dollars. I didn't get shit

  • I got two weeks

  • When they went when you went on @midnight it kind of was the death knell for the show

  • We're having a good time Howard. If you're gonna die die that way I want to take one second talk about something serious

  • today not long ago couple hours ago

  • it was announced that TBS is not renewing George Lopez's show for a third season and

  • I know you do. I have very strong feelings about this and I wanted to talk about it. Had it not been for George

  • Being so incredibly supportive of me a year and a half ago

  • I would not have come to TBS and we would not be doing this show right now

  • I owe that man a lot and frankly. It makes me very sad the TBS and George could not work this out. I

  • Really like the part of a late-night lineup with George and I wish that this could have continued

  • So tonight all of our thoughts are with George and his entire staff and crew

  • We understand believe me how hard this is for all of you and we wish you all the best

  • When they asked me to do a talk show, I wanted it to be inclusive and I wanted it to be fun

  • I want to thank my fans who have followed me from stand up to my sitcom and to Lopez tonight one more time, baby

  • Let's do it. This is it

  • Shane the banished or late night

  • You still watch Conan and you keep in touch with Conan at all, no, you know, I don't you know, he said to me

  • When he called me when I got canceled he called up and said listen man if you ever need anybody to bend to

  • Call me and I'm like dude you got a paycheck for 40 million dollars

  • I'm not gonna vent to you exactly I got 36 hours to get out of the building being all my posters and you know

  • I took my computer. Obviously. I always try to take a computer

  • But but you know, we didn't get the same respect that NBC gave him and he bitched for two years. Yeah

  • I mean I took my hit like a man and I went away

  • So you think Conan do you think Conan was a little soft and how he took that off? Oh, yeah

  • You know act like the world had ended. I've been through a transformative event in the last three and a half months

  • Just really nice. I got screwed give you a big jack man. People lose their jobs all the time

  • I'm not sure really Sam to be completely honest if that was a job that I

  • Would have wanted to do the rest of my life

  • It seems to be a job where you're a lifer, you know, and and it takes so much time

  • that you know

  • I'm enjoying the fact that I can do so many different things animation or being this and being that you know

  • That's what he wants to do. Yeah, it should go to somebody that that's what they want to do

  • So so I think he's in the right place. So he was cool. Yeah, yeah he was very cool

  • I'll be happy if I leave this place with the computer that they gave me

  • Seriously?

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