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  • So in this video I'm going to look at how the speaking test is assessed.

  • So how does an IELTS examiner give you the band score.

  • Well the IELTS examiner uses a form that is similar to this.

  • This document you can find in the downloadable resources section.

  • And if I zoom in, you can see there's a description of what the IELTS candidate actually does.

  • So the IELTS examiner tries to match you with the correct part of this gridthis table of descriptions.

  • So I'm going to go through the different assessment areas.

  • There are actually four assessment areas that the IELTS examiner looks at.

  • And they are called fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, pronunciation.

  • Ok. And you get a band score for each of these four different areas.

  • And your overall speaking band score is the average of those four band scores.

  • So let's look at those 4 assessment areas in more detail.

  • So fluency and coherence, to begin with.

  • This is about how fluently you speak, and how well your ideas are structured and linked together.

  • So it's a bit like, certainly for fluency, a bit like a river flowing gently down the valley.

  • So do you speak fluently or do you hesitate?

  • Now, to get a band 7, for fluency and coherence, you need to speak at length without noticeable effort.

  • Don't need to seem that you're trying to speak at length.

  • But you can have the occasional hesitation over language where you stop and you think about some language.

  • If you do that, that's ok for a band 7 still.

  • And you should try to use a range of connective, a range of linking words.

  • The second assessment area is called lexical resource which is basically words and phrases.

  • It's the range and appropriateness of your vocabulary.

  • So how wide a range of vocabulary do you have, and do you use it naturally?

  • Do you use it correctly? So it's your range of vocabulary.

  • To get a band 7 you should use a vocabulary with some flexibility, and you should use some less common and idiomatic vocabulary.

  • And maybe show some awareness of collocation (how words go together).

  • But you can, for band 7, produce occasional errors.

  • You don't need to be perfect to get a band 7.

  • Grammatical range and accuracy is the range and accuracy of your grammar, the nuts and bolts of the language.

  • And to get a band 7, you need to use a variety of complex structures.

  • For example, conditional sentences, if...would conditionals, relative clauses.

  • And you should speak frequent error-free sentences.

  • You can make some grammatical mistakes, that's ok, but your error-free sentences should be frequent, should be most of the time.

  • And pronunciation is about how natural you sound, and how easy you are to understand.

  • So do you pronounce words clearly and correctly?

  • Do you use a range of pronunciation features such as connecting words together?

  • So is it fluent?

  • This is for a band 7: you need to use a range of pronunciation features with only a few mistakes.

  • Now pronunciation features are things like connecting words together.

  • So for example, I would say "I wentuh work".

  • Some people say: "I went to work".

  • But a natural way of speaking English is connecting words together.

  • "I wentuh work" "wentuh, wentuh", instead of "went to".

  • That's a pronunciation feature, so do you connect words together?

  • Do you stress words correctly? So it's about how natural you sound when you speak.

  • And also you can generally be understood throughout.

  • Accent has only a small effect on understanding.

  • So that's to get a band 7.

  • It's important to understand that even to get a band 9, you do not need to have a British or American accent.

  • Pronunciation is not about accent.

  • It's about sounding natural when you speak.

  • Ok? Using those pronunciation features.

  • So don't worry about having an accent, accents are ok.

  • It's about sounding natural when you speak.

  • So that's basically how the speaking test is assessed.

So in this video I'm going to look at how the speaking test is assessed.

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