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  • An official language exam can open so many doors.

  • These days, a CV is not complete without a qualification showing your proficiency

  • in at least one international language.

  • This applies both for entrance to university, undergraduate and post-graduate programmes,

  • and for applications for employment in international environments.

  • Many students realise that if they pass one of these official exams,

  • it will really make a difference to their future.

  • My name is Sarah. I'm from France, and I'm 21.

  • When I was in France, I studied Business at university, but I decided to change.

  • So, I'm going to take the TOEFL test in May, which is the end of my academic year,

  • and I really hope I am going to have a good score like around 600 or even more.

  • I really hope I'm going to get there.

  • There are many different types of English exams that are popular in certain countries

  • and useful for different purposes.

  • EF organises preparation courses for all of the most popular exams.

  • TOEFL stands for Test of English as a Foreign Language,

  • and is one of the most well-known exams.

  • It measures the reading, writing, listening and speaking skills of foreign students.

  • The TOEFL is required by many universities, especially in the US, Canada and Australia.

  • EF has great expertise in preparing students for the iBT,

  • or internet-based TOEFL, that is becoming standard throughout the world.

  • TOEIC means Test of English for International Communication,

  • and is especially popular in the business world.

  • Some companies use it as part of recruitment. It's also used by American community colleges.

  • The Cambridge ESOL Exams are a range of certificates for learners of English.

  • Taken by nearly 2 million people each year,

  • they are used to gain entry to university or to improve job prospects.

  • Here at EF, we prepare students to succeed in all of them,

  • from the Preliminary English Test at Intermediate Level through First Certificate at Upper Intermediate.

  • Then there's a Cambridge Advanced English, and then finally,

  • the Certificate of Proficiencythe highest level of exam.

  • The Cambridge Business English Certificate tests students'

  • knowledge of the business environment.

  • These are available at three levels from Intermediate through to Advanced.

  • IELTS, the International English Language Testing System,

  • is an exam taken by more and more students each year.

  • Testing your academic English is recognised as an entry requirement

  • to universities in the UK, Canada, Australia and even New Zealand.

  • Apart from English exams, we do offer preparation in all the languages we teach.

  • So, the official language exams in Spanish, French, German, Italian and Chinese.

  • For Spanish, the most important exam is the DELE,

  • "Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera".

  • This comes in 3 different levels, so it's "Inicial", "Básico" and "Superior".

  • For French, most of our students try for the DELF exam,

  • "Diplôme d'études en langue française", which comes in 4 different levels.

  • For the more advanced students, there's also DALF,

  • "Diplôme approfondi en langue française",

  • and this gives access to the French speaking universities worldwide.

  • In German, we have the Zertifikat Deutsch, which is the most popular one.

  • We also have Zertifikat Deutsch für den Beruf,

  • which is for the students preparing for a career in business primarily.

  • Those who would like to study at a German speaking university

  • might want to go for the Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache,

  • or for Swiss universities, the Zentrale Mittelstufenprüfung.

  • But there are other language exams as well.

  • We do offer the official language exams in both Italian and Chinese.

  • Apart from the pure language exams, we also offer entry tests for universities;

  • SAT, for instance, and GMAT.

  • But we always recommend students who are interested in these exams

  • to contact their local EF representative.

  • EF offers a range of Exam Courses from 8 to 24 weeks,

  • and we also offer longer examination courses for Academic Year students

  • that run the length of an entire year.

  • Courses are typically 32 lessons per week with 10 lessons focusing on exam preparation

  • and special interest classes, which the students choose themselves.

  • Also, EF students enjoy general English language classes,

  • multimedia language lab sessions, and they have lectures by visiting guest speakers.

  • EF has over 40 schools worldwide in 15 countries,

  • and exam courses start at various points through the year.

  • The exams themselves are offered at specific times, typically between 2 and 12 times per year

  • depending on the exam.

  • Students should turn to their nearest EF office to find out when their favourite exam is offered,

  • and where.

  • EF will arrange the course and help the students book the exam,

  • and we will also help out with any student visas,

  • air tickets, transfers, accommodation, and activities.

  • International language exams are more important now than ever before.

  • These official qualifications open up so many opportunities to study and work around the world.

  • Our exam courses can help students succeed.

  • Not only will they master key skills and strategies for the exam of their choice,

  • but they will also live abroad, experience a new culture, meet new people,

  • and become fluent in an international language.

An official language exam can open so many doors.

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