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  • Hi, Bob the Canadian here!

  • I thought it would be fun for you guys to learn a little bit more about Christmas, but

  • to learn it from other people.

  • So I made this sign, it says, “Hi!

  • I make Youtube videos to help people learn English.

  • I'm making one about Christmas!

  • Would you like to be in it?”

  • And I went down to the local grocery store and I stood outside for a few hours and I

  • just asked other Canadians what they liked about Christmas.

  • So in this video you'll learn some English from me, and you'll learn some English from

  • some other Canadians at the same time.

  • I hope you enjoy it!

  • Hey thanks so much for watching this video if this is your first time here don't forget

  • to click the subscribe button below and the bell notification icon, and don't forget

  • to give me a thumbs up at some point during this video if it's helping you learn English.

  • So like I said we're going to hear from a bunch of different Canadians telling you

  • why they like Christmas.

  • I hope you can understand someone speaking English who's not me.

  • Let's get started.

  • So I'm here today with...

  • Alanna.

  • Alanna, and Alanna what is one of your favourite things about Christmas?

  • Of course getting together with family, with family awesome, and do you have any unique

  • Christmas tradition?

  • Our Christmas tradition as a family is on Christmas Eve we always watch, “Home Alone

  • andHome Alone 2”.

  • So you watch a movie together, that's awesome.

  • Thank you very much can you say, “Merry Christmas

  • Merry Christmas everyone!

  • Thank you again.

  • Hey, I'm here withJohn

  • John, and John I'm just going to ask you a couple of questions.

  • What do you like about Christmas?

  • The best part about Christmas is getting together with your family.

  • Ah yes.

  • It's not about the presents, it's about everybody being together.

  • It's having a happy day.

  • Yeah, having a happy day.

  • Second question, does your family do anything fun, is there a tradition that you guys do

  • for Christmas that's unique or just….

  • Nah, everybody usually comes to our house.

  • My parents come down, in-laws come down, everybody comes to our house

  • Yepmake sure everybody's well fed.

  • Big meal?

  • All the fixins' Always all the fixin's.

  • Very cool.

  • Well thank you very much.

  • Have a great day. No problem. Thank you.

  • Have a Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas!

  • Hey I'm here withCarol. And she is going to answer a couple questions about Christmas.

  • What do you like about Christmas?

  • I love the lights, the twinkling lights, ah yes for sure, yes, and I just love that everyone

  • is just usually so joyful, they are yes, and second question, does your family have any

  • unique Christmas traditions?

  • 00:02:56,160 --> 00:03:06,760 Well we celebrate the birth of Christ, so we often go to a Christmas Eve program, yep, we have a program at our church, is that like a Christmas concert?

  • Yeah, we do a Christmas concert and, yeah, just the kids love to get together and sleep

  • all together in the same room, for sure, right on the floor, yeah, and just things like that.

  • Christmas Eve type stuff.

  • Family. Very much family. Yeah.

  • Awesome.

  • Thank you very much.

  • Hey I'm here today withCarla.

  • Carla, Hi Carla.

  • Could you tell us what do you like about Christmas?

  • I like being with family and celebrating and opening presents.

  • Oh presents, yeah, we didn't have anyone say that one yet, so family and presents and

  • is there a Christmas tradition that you guys celebrate?

  • That you could tell us about?

  • We make gingerbread cookies, oh gingerbread cookies, that's awesome.

  • Well thank you so much, can you say, “Merry Christmas” “Merry ChristmasThank you,

  • have a great day!

  • Ok, so I'm here again with

  • James.

  • James.

  • Or Pastor James.

  • James what's your favourite thing about Christmas.

  • Christmas is family.

  • Enjoying family time.

  • Ah yes, and anything else?

  • Yeah, well for us Christmas time is when we get together have Pepsi and cake.

  • That's it.

  • Very fun.

  • And do you have any unique Christmas traditions?

  • Ah, unique Christmas tradition?

  • Nope.

  • Just get together with family.

  • So lots of time with family.

  • Family and friends.

  • Awesome.

  • Could you say, “Merry Christmasto everyone. Merry Christmas to you and may you know the reason

  • for the season which is Jesus Christ.

  • Awesome. Thank you very much. Have a good day.

  • So I'm here with

  • Julia.

  • Julia and Julia what do you like about Christmas.

  • I like that we get to get to get together with our families, yes, and sing songs all

  • together and everything.

  • Cool.

  • And do you have any unique Christmas traditions.

  • Every Sunday, like twice, two weeks before Christmas we'll get together and sing German

  • Christmas songs and English Christmas songs, as advent.

  • Awesome, very very cool.

  • Can you say Merry Christmas to everyone that's watching?

  • Merry Christmas!

  • Thank you very much.

  • So I'm here with

  • I'm Cassandra.

  • Cassandra, and Cassandra what do you like about Christmas?

  • Well one thing I like about Christmas is that all of our family, extended family, gets together.

  • This year we're actually hosting Christmas for the first time.

  • Oh fun.

  • We're expecting 35 to 40 people.

  • That's a lot of people.

  • All from one side of the family.

  • Oh man!

  • Yes.

  • And do you have a favourite Christmas tradition?

  • Well, I guess our Christmas tradition is that we would get up in the morning and would make

  • cinnamon rolls.

  • Oh fun.

  • So we'd all open up presents together and then eat cinnamon rolls.

  • Oh that must smell nice and taste nice.

  • Yes!

  • Well thank you very much, can you just say, “Merry Christmasto everyone who's

  • watching.

  • Merry Christmas!

  • And thanks again. You're welcome.

  • Hey, so I'm here withBill.

  • And what do you like about this time of year?

  • Oh, we celebrate the winter solstice.

  • Oh yes, cool.

  • The rebirth of the sun. Yeah.

  • So it's like, a style of pagan new year.

  • And Festival of Yule.

  • Oh very cool.

  • And spending it with all our family, friends, and a big feast.

  • Oh yeah, and what, do you have any kind of special food when you eat?

  • Ham.

  • Ham.

  • Very cool, very cool.

  • And can you just say hi to everyone who's watching.

  • Hello everybody!

  • Thank you very much. Thank you.

  • That was awesome man, thanks.

  • Hey I'm here withRichard.

  • Richard, and Richard what do you like about Christmas?

  • I like Christmas just for the food, and the family, and the time off from work.

  • Awesome. And do you have a Christmas tradition?

  • So every year at Christmas we usually, we get these oven mitts and we get a game gift,

  • and we have to wrap it in all this tape and you have to get through the layers, With the

  • oven mitts? with the oven mitts on.

  • So it's usually about the whole family and everyone's got to put an oven mitt on, you gotta

  • try and try and pass it.

  • You get five seconds and you got to pass it you got to pass it, and eventually you get

  • to a prize.

  • Eventually you get to a prize and then at the end of it everyone has a game gift that

  • they brought and then you can choose who gets to open the first gift and then you get to

  • trade it off for other gifts.

  • Very very cool.

  • And then lastly can you just a say Merry Christmas to everyone who's watching.

  • Merry Christmas to everybody who's watching and have a Happy New Year!

  • Thank you very much.

  • No problem. Thank you.

  • See you. Take care.

  • So I'm here with

  • Chad.

  • Chad, and Chad what do you like about Christmas?

  • My favourite part of Christmas is spending time with my friends and family.

  • Oh yes, and do you have a Christmas tradition?

  • Something that's unique?

  • Not really.

  • I just, I enjoy making gifts for people, so I usually spend quite a bit of my December

  • month making gifts for people.

  • That's really really cool.

  • What are some of the kinds of things you make?

  • Usually just art, usually do flowers or other things.

  • Very very cool.

  • And could you just say Merry Christmas to everyone who's watching.

  • Merry Christmas!

  • Thank you very much. That's awesome man. Have a good day.

  • So I'm here with

  • Christine.

  • And Christine what is something you like about Christmas?

  • One of the things I love about Christmas is how very very friendly people are, they make

  • the extra effort to get out and say hello to someone, and there's extra courtesy,

  • they're extra polite, and people have a general feeling of warmth and towards each other.

  • Just happiness?

  • Happiness.

  • Yeah, and do you celebrate any specific Christmas tradition?

  • Just mostly making a point, I'm not sure just what you mean by tradition, but making

  • a point to get out and see those family members that we don't normally get to see during

  • the year.

  • So that was probably one of our main ones.

  • Awesome.

  • And if you could just say Merry Christmas to everybody.

  • Ok Merry Christmas to everyone.

  • And thank you again. Thank you!

  • So I'm here withFerdinand. Ferdinand. And Brenda. And Brenda.

  • And what do you guys like about Christmas?

  • It's really for me it's really a time about getting together with the kids and family

  • and the grandkids.

  • Lots of food and I'm not supposed to have sweets, but I fall off the wagon.

  • And the same for you?

  • Yes, but also of course the celebration of the birth of Jesus.

  • And do you have any Christmas traditions?

  • They have evolved over the years.

  • They're different.

  • When the kids were younger we would, my background is German and Polish, and we would do midnight

  • mass, and then open the presents when we come home from church.

  • Cool.

  • And now the kids are older, we no longer do that, but we still have Christmas, Christmas

  • day.

  • Yes, we're all together with our children and grandchildren and that's the important

  • thing.

  • And lastly, can you just say Merry Christmas to everyone.

  • Merry Christmas.

  • Merry Christmas everybody.

  • Have a wonderful time.

  • Joyeux Noël!

  • Yeah, thank you very much. Oh you're very welcome.

  • That's awesome.

  • So I'm here withAndrew.

  • Andrew, and Andrew why do you like Christmas?

  • I like Christmas cuz exams are over and I'm back in Grimsby.

  • So you're a student.

  • Yeah.

  • So you're on a Christmas Break right now.

  • Yeah I'm on a Christmas break.

  • That's really awesome.

  • Do you do any Christmas traditions?

  • We like to order on Christmas eve, we order Chinese food from the place downtown.

  • Very very cool.

  • Well thanks a lot.

  • Can you just say Merry Christmas to whoever is watching this later.

  • Merry Christmas.

  • Thanks a lot eh, have a good day.

  • So I'm here withAndrew. Andrew. Andrew how are you doing?

  • I think the last person was named Andrew, oh really? actually.

  • And what do you like about Christmas?

  • I just like getting together with the family and enjoying good times together you know.

  • And do you have any specific Christmas traditions?

  • We do the turkey dinner at one of the family member's.

  • And then before that I'll go to the cemetery and visit my mom and dad.

  • That's what I'm here for, I bought a nice little wreathfor sure.

  • And could you just say Merry Christmas to everyone who'll be watching this later.

  • Merry Christmas!

  • I hope everyone has a great time. Thank you.

  • Thank you very much. Thanks.

  • Yeah have a good day.

  • Ok, so I'm here with... Shelly Shelly.

  • And Shelly, what do you like about Christmas?

  • Everything.

  • Everything about Christmas. Everything!

  • Everything. Everything about Christmas.

  • All the craziness.

  • All the wonderfulness.

  • Cool.

  • All the family.

  • And do you have any specific traditions that you have?

  • Everyone gets socks.

  • Everyone gets socks.

  • And homemade dishcloths.

  • And homemade dishcloths, very cool.

  • And could you just say Merry Christmas to everyone who will be watching this.

  • Merry Christmas everyone.

  • Have a Happy New Year.

  • All the best to you and your loved ones.

  • Thank you very much. Merry Christmas.

  • Yeah you too.

  • Ok, so I'm here with... Dave.

  • Dave, and Dave what do you like about Christmas?

  • Oh, I like all the good food.

  • Have a, sharing a drink with family.

  • And, spending some time with the good holiday cheer.

  • Awesome.

  • And could you just say Merry Christmas to everyone who's watching.

  • Merry Christmas to everyone who's watching.

  • Ok, so I'm here withCole.

  • Cole. Cole? Yeah.

  • Ok, and Cole what do you like about Christmas?

  • Snow. Snow.

  • But there's no snow right now. There's no snow right now.

  • Are you a student?

  • Yeah.

  • Are you on break right now?

  • Yeah.

  • And you must like that too right?

  • Yeah. I do like that.

  • And do you have any Christmas traditions?

  • We have a Boxing Day family event, we do every year.

  • Ah very cool.

  • So you get together with a bunch of family.

  • Yeah so it's like my whole mom's side will get together.

  • Very very cool.

  • And could you just say Merry Christmas to everyone who is watching.

  • Merry Christmas.

  • Awesome.

  • Thank you very much.

  • No problem. Yeah. Have a good day.

  • You too.

  • So hey, I hope you enjoyed this video where you got to hear some other English speakers.

  • I hope you were able to improve your English by watching this.

  • Bob the Canadian here.

  • Don't forget to click the subscribe button below and give me a thumbs up if this video

  • helped you learn English.

  • I'll see you next week in the next video and I hope you have a great week!

Hi, Bob the Canadian here!

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