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  • - [Narrator] This Great Big Story was made possible

  • by Wells Fargo.

  • Established 1852, re-established 2018.

  • (jaunty music)

  • This is Myron.

  • - Hi.

  • - [Narrator] Myron is an athlete.

  • - I played a little football in college.

  • - [Narrator] And ...

  • - I was a Rhodes Scholar.

  • - [Narrator] And ...

  • - I played for the NFL.

  • - [Narrator] And ...

  • - I have a Master's degree in Medical Anthropology.

  • - [Narrator] And ...

  • - And, I'm a neurosurgeon.

  • - [Narrator] Sheesh.

  • - My first dream

  • was to play professional football.

  • There's no question.

  • I was very active as a young man, and I knew

  • that I was pretty good at it.

  • When I got to the fifth grade, that's when I knew

  • I wanted to pursue my second dream.

  • I read a book called Gifted Hands by Ben Carson,

  • who looked like me-he was black-

  • who came from a similar socioeconomic background as me.

  • We didn't have much money when we left the Bahamas

  • and came to America, and the more I read about it

  • the more I knew that once I was done playing football,

  • neurosurgery was gonna be the pathway

  • and the second chapter of my life.

  • I was the number one-rated high school player

  • in the country for football-recruited by everyone-

  • 83 scholarship offers.

  • I always felt that football fed academics,

  • academics fed football.

  • - [Narrator] Myron spent his college years

  • playing football and shadowing doctors.

  • He graduated in two and a half years

  • and was expected to be a first or second round draft pick

  • in the NFL with a multi-million dollar contract,

  • but he also had a chance to study

  • at Oxford as a Rhodes scholar.

  • - I ended up deciding to go to Oxford

  • and saying no to the NFL.

  • I spent a year and a half over there.

  • I came back to the United States,

  • went into the draft and got drafted in the sixth round

  • instead of the second or first,

  • made $70,000 instead of six million.

  • Played for three years, got out healthy,

  • felt good about my time there,

  • and, frankly, made enough money to pay for medical school.

  • I didn't have any lasting concussions,

  • and my hands were okay to where I was able

  • to do surgery in the operating room;

  • and so I left on my own volition.

  • Started medical school, and here I am now.

  • - [Narrator] Since head injuries are common

  • on the football field, Myron works to impress

  • the importance of avoiding concussions on young players.

  • But for Myron, his days of tackling are behind him.

  • - Football was great for that season of my life,

  • but now this is it.

  • This is the pinnacle.

  • This is where I belong, and I've told my parents

  • several times over and over again.

  • They ask me, "Myron, how do you feel

  • "what you're doin' now?

  • "How do you feel?"

  • I said, "Mommy and Daddy, I feel like this

  • "is where I belong."

  • - [Patient] So, did you say you played a sport before?

  • - [Myron] Yes, I played football.

  • (soft ambient music)

- [Narrator] This Great Big Story was made possible

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