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  • - [Hikosaemon] The food has been great,

  • the music entertainment

  • was astounding, in terms of experiencing the North Korean

  • culture and what it's like.

  • It was super cool.

  • - [Narrator] North Korea's government owns and operates

  • around 130 restaurants across Asia.

  • The restaurants are called Pyongyang,

  • named after the Capital of North Korea.

  • Serving North Korean food and liquor

  • and featuring live music, the chain offers

  • visitors a rare glimpse into the reclusive nation's culture.

  • - The food is excellent, actually.

  • - [Narrator] Tokyo based video-blogger, Hikosaemon

  • visited the Pyongyang restaurant in Dalian, China.

  • - It looked like fairly standard Korean food,

  • it was variants of kimchi, various sort of,

  • soups and meats and so on.

  • It wasn't that much to look at but it really

  • was very good.

  • It was really tasty.

  • The beer, as well.

  • I think it tasted a bit like Tsingtao.

  • It was one of those, sort of light, sweetish

  • beers that they make in China.

  • But I have to say, I wasn't expecting much of the food.

  • Again, you just have this idea

  • that it's a resource poor country that you don't

  • expect the food to be a little bit austere or something.

  • - [Narrator] The wait staff is made up

  • only young North Korean women.

  • They serve food, perform pop songs and traditional

  • Korean music and chat with the diners.

  • - The people who are serving your meal,

  • they sit down at your table and you get to chat

  • with them for a time and ask them about North Korea

  • and they ask about Japan and so on

  • and then they go up and they sing, they dance,

  • they play multiple instruments.

  • I've never experienced anything like that at all,

  • I suppose.

  • - [Narrator] The Pyongyang restaurant chain

  • generates about 10 million dollars for North Korea each year

  • but here's the catch:

  • the restaurants are a direct violation of UN sanctions.

  • - The United Nations Security Council has required

  • any country in the world that's a member of the

  • United Nations to enforce sanctions

  • on North Korea to limit its access to foreign currency

  • and to foreign products and these are very wide-ranging

  • sanctions and they include things

  • like allowing them to operate joint ventures or businesses

  • in your country.

  • So, the United Nations has passed this resolution.

  • It was agreed to by all the major countries,

  • including China and the United States

  • but it's up to each individual country

  • to enforce those sanctions and so countries

  • can choose to either look the other way

  • or lightly enforce it or not enforce it at all.

  • - [Narrator] Pyongyang employees are selected

  • by the government and kept under a watchful eye.

  • - The one thing that's interesting about these businesses

  • is what it requires North Korea to do

  • is send its own people out into the world.

  • In North Korea, you're not actually allowed to leave

  • the country. That's why people will call it a prison camp.

  • You have to get special permission and it's

  • really hard to get and almost no one gets to go abroad

  • and when they do go abroad, they're tightly isolated

  • and kept away.

  • - I just appreciated the fact that

  • it sort of humanized the image of the country

  • just a little bit while at the same time

  • still having all that thing,

  • that you know them and

  • the restaurant's there for hard currency for the regime

  • and the people there are not strictly free.

  • They are, they have minders.

  • They can go out in town with minders and so on

  • but basically, they live in a dorm

  • attached to the restaurant.

  • It didn't feel like I was at a prison camp

  • or being spied upon,

  • as much as you might expect that to be.

  • It actually surprised me at how normal it was

  • and it was a pleasant evening in spite of

  • perhaps knowing what else is going on.

  • - [Narrator] The restaurants made news in 2016

  • when a crew of 13 workers defected to South Korea.

  • South Korea's foreign ministry has advised people

  • to not dine in Pyongyang restaurants

  • because the profits benefit the Kim regime.

  • But with warming relations between North Korea

  • and the rest of the world,

  • these chains may become less taboo in the future.

- [Hikosaemon] The food has been great,

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