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  • Hi Bob the Canadian here.

  • Last week I made a video where I explained 5 different ways to agree with someone in

  • English, and that was part 1.

  • This is part 2 where I'm going to look at 5 more ways that you can agree with someone

  • in English.

  • Hey Bob the Canadian here.

  • If this is your first time here don't forget to click the subscribe button below, and if

  • at some point during this video you could give me a thumbs up that would be awesome.

  • So last week we looked at 5 ways that you can agree with someone in English, this week

  • we're going to look at 5 more ways that you can agree with someone in English.

  • One of the simplest ways to agree with someone in English is to just say the word, “Exactly!”

  • So for instance maybe your brother thinks that the government could do a better job

  • of helping people find jobs.

  • You could agree with him by saying, “Exactly!”

  • Exactly!'

  • Just one simple word that means that you agree with them.

  • The second way to agree with someone in English is to say, “You have a good point!” or

  • That's a good point.”

  • So imagine for instance that your wife says that you should bring her more flowers.

  • You could agree with her by saying, “That's a good point!” orYou make a good point.”

  • A third way to agree with someone in English is to say, “That's so true!”

  • So for instance someone might say to you that people on their street drive way to fast.

  • You could agree with them by saying, “That's so true!

  • Just the other day I saw several people driving too fast on your street.”

  • That's so true!

  • A fourth way that you can agree with someone in English is to say, “I see where you're

  • coming from!”

  • Now this doesn't mean that they're coming from a place far away, it means that you agree

  • with them.

  • So for instance, let's say your sister thinks that the government could do a better job

  • of stopping people from speeding.

  • You could agree with her by saying, “I see where you're coming from.”

  • I see where you're coming from.

  • The fifth way that you can agree with someone in English is to simply say, “I see what

  • you mean.”

  • So mean is from the word meaning, and what you're indicating to someone is that when

  • you say, “I see what you mean.”

  • Is that you are agreeing with them in the sense that you can understand the point that

  • they're trying to make.

  • So for instance if someone was to say, “There are too many geese in the river at Bob the

  • Canadian's house.”

  • You could say, “I see what you mean, I can count probably 100 of them right now.”

  • Well that's five more ways to be able to agree with someone in English.

  • If you didn't watch the first video, there'll be a link up here that you can watch.

  • Bob the Canadian here.

  • Learn English with Bob the Canadian.

  • Don't forget to subscribe by clicking below and give me a thumbs up if this video was

  • something that was helpful for you.

  • Have a great day!

Hi Bob the Canadian here.

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