Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles IMHO what Scott said today was way out of line. Hmm. IDK what he was thinking... SMH. What? [English Internet Acronyms] Hi everyone! Welcome back to VT English. I'm your host, Kelsi. Today, I'm going to teach you 10 English acronyms that are often used on the internet. IDK IDK stands for "I don't know," and it's a very common response used in texts or messages. Hey. What do you wanna eat later? IDK. JK. JK stands for "Just kidding." People usually use it after they've said something to explain that they weren't serious. They were just making a joke. It's also sometimes used when someone wants to take back what they just said. Cindy, I have something to tell you. What? I really like you. Oh... JK!!! SMH. SMH means "shaking my head." It's used when someone finds something stupid or ridiculous, since shaking your head at someone can mean that you're annoyed or dismayed at them. I lent Scott money over a week ago and he still hasn't paid me back. He owes me money too!! SMH. TMI. TMI stands for "too much information." If someone tells you details about something that you think are too private or that you just don't want to hear, you can type TMI to let them know that they've crossed the line! Ugh, I'm having such a bad day. Why? Cramps. Awe that sucks. Yeah, my flow is super heavy today. TMI. NP. NP is short for "no problem." It's usually used as a response when someone says thank you! Thank you so much for helping me out yesterday! You're a lifesaver! NP! TBH. TBH stands for "to be honest." People usually use this before they say something honest or straightforward to try to make it sound a bit less harsh. What do you think of the new guy? TBH, I think he's a bit of a suck-up OMG, same. IMHO. IMHO stands for "in my humble opinion." Someone might type this before they share their opinion on something in order to let people know that what they're saying is only their opinion. It's not fact. Me and Ariel's anniversary is coming up. Do you think I should get her flowers or jewelry? IMHO those are both super cheesy. ROFL. R. O. F. L., or ROFL, stands for "rolling on the floor laughing." It's a way to say that something is hilarious. And it's similar to LOL, which stands for "laughing out loud," but it's a bit more exaggerated. ROFL. TL;DR. TL;DR stands for "too long; didn't read." People might send this in reply to a message that was so long that they didn't bother reading it. Some people also write TL;DR at the end of long posts online, and then write a sentence that lets people know their main point. (A very long message.) TL;DR. TTYL. TTYL stands for "talk to you later." Instead of just saying bye at the end of every online conversation that you have, you can try saying TTYL. What's up? Not much. Just about to start work. Oh ok, TTYL then! Try making a sentence using one of these acronyms in the comments below! And don't forget to like and subscribe. We upload new videos every Tuesday at 7 p.m.
A2 US np dr opinion shaking people scott VT English | English Internet & Texting Acronyms 28254 1524 Kelsi posted on 2024/04/06 More Share Save Report Video vocabulary