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  • It looks like a man...

  • A man has been seing flying in the city's downtown area this morning at 8:15

  • People are intrigued about how he does it.

  • Some people say it could be some kind of illusion.

  • All the experts who are analyzing these images say, quote:

  • "This is clearly an extraordinary event"

  • Police can't provide any further details now as they are afraid to put out misinformation.

  • Some say he's wearing a dark gray suit

  • ...others think it's actually his skin.

  • Officials have been ordered to bring helicopters back.

  • Operators say it is too risky and dangerous in case of an air collision over the populated city.

  • Reports have been coming in that our flying man attacked a car this morning.

  • Two people were found dead inside. It seems as if he's demonstrated super strength

  • It's very difficult for the police to respond to this kind of thing

  • since it's unclear exactly what we are dealing with, and if there would be any other potential attack like this one.

  • Over the last 3 days, fifteen other victims have been found dead in similar attacks.

  • He is reckless and violent. The Federal government might intervene and they ask the population to cooperate and stay home.

  • Authorities released the first list of victims and finally confirmed the existence of a pattern.

  • We believe that the flying man who's spreading panic in our city is some sort of a flying vigilante...

  • ...due to the fact that most of his victims have extensive criminal records.

  • That could be a relief for the good citizen and an alert to the outlaw.

  • But the question remains: Who's law is this ruthless vigilante applying?

  • The search is still on for a man who was apparently abducted last night.

  • After surviving a deadly attack he was taken away by the vigilante, hours later, said witnesses.

  • Chances are that he might still be alive.

  • Police are led to believe this is how the vigilante extracts information...

  • for potential leads since the man is assumed to be part of a larger criminal organization.

  • I was listening to that, thanks.

  • Did you hear me?

  • I'd rather not, could you pull over here, I'm hungry.

  • There's no time.

  • We have time. I gotta eat something or my heartburn will act up, ok?

  • Fine.

  • Hi, can I take your order?

  • Do you guys have gluten free selections?

  • No, we have nothing gluten free.

  • I want the burguer without the bum, is that possible?

  • It'll get soggy in the bag. Ok, That's better than nothing...

  • ...and anything lactose free like soy or almond milk?

  • How do you think he knows?

  • Who are you talking about?

  • The flying guy. How do you think he knows who to chose, who deserves it?

  • I don't know, you're worrying too much, he's only one guy, he can't catch everyone

  • I don't Know, Rob. I just think that we should be more careful...

  • ... you know, just take the proper precautions

  • Mike, please, you taking this too seriously. The media is blowing this way out of proportion.

  • He's already got what? 5 guys?

  • 35?

  • 35.

  • Yeah, 35 and that is the last week.

  • Holy... you know? you gotta stop following this shit. Or it'll make you anxious...

  • ...we are not hurting anyone.. No?

  • Take it easy Mike, alright? Once we're done, you take the money...

  • go look after your family, plant your flowers or whatever the hell you want to do.

  • Let's focus here ok?

  • We are just about to open the lines to the listeners

  • ... and actualy just a question I wanna ask everybody listening:

  • What do you think about having a super vigilante in the city?

  • I think he's taking care of us, he's doing the work the cops can't do, I'm not worried

  • Police will never have control over this vigilante.

  • We're living in a new time and I'm glad I'm a good citizen.

  • I'm not in favor of the deaths, he could just bring them to jail...

  • 8:00 we blink the headlights twice and wait for the signal.

  • Rob, I don't feel good about this man, something is off

  • I do. It'll be over very fast.

  • Yeah? How do you know?

  • I don't, relax.

  • What are you doing? What the hell are you doing man, Rob?

  • Jesus Christ, I can't take a leak no more?

  • Did you hear that?

  • Of course I did, just keep an eye out for anything suspicious, alright?

  • Mike? Open up the trunk.

  • We are not in a war here, but unfortunately we are not in control anymore....

  • What the hell is that? It was supposed to be peaceful, remember?

  • Of course. Just a piece of mind.

  • ...many share the opinion that capital punishment isn't a deterrent to crime...

  • 8 o'clock, flash the lights.

  • Man, I don't like this.

  • I say, we just get out of here.

  • For Christ's sake, do you wanna do this or not?

  • Let's do it your way.

  • Now what?

  • They're here

  • So what now? We wait.

  • For what?

  • That's the plan, stop asking.

  • Ok, they are leaving. Are we supposed to follow them?

  • I think so. You think? You think so?

  • Follow them, yes. Just drive.

  • Did you hear that? Heard what?

  • The noise stopped.

  • What the hell is that? He wants to say something, get closer.

  • I'm not doing this. We're getting off in the next exit ok? I'm done.

  • Jesus Christ!

  • Holy Shit!

  • What's that? Drive, it's him!

  • Oh God.

  • Look out!

  • We received information of another vigilante attack on the Highway 30...

  • Three men have been found dead trapped in their vehicle...

  • One body identified as Robert Costelo, a former cop investigated for weapon trafficking...

  • The survivor is unconscious but doctors say he has no serious injuries.

  • Authorities will interrogate the man upon his recovery.

  • Was he missed by the vigilante or spared?

  • Is this the justice we want after centuries of law development and human rights?

  • What is, after all, being a good citizen?

  • if this being acts in absentia of our institutions, have we failed as a society?

  • Maybe.

  • But history has shown that any form of tyranny cannot prevail.

  • How many more family members will lose their loved ones executed without fair judgement?

  • Those who call himherotoday, may consider himenemytomorrow.

It looks like a man...

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