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  • R: Hey guys!

  • Soooo um

  • We've had this cage outside for our cats for like

  • How long?

  • A year?

  • J: Like I gotta say about a year. R: Two years? More than two years?

  • J: Oh yeah-- R: I don't know, we made a video

  • when we first got this so you guys can see exactly how long

  • It's not bad for being outside

  • Plu-- (startled giggle)

  • Look at his little paws

  • Look at his little paws down there.

  • um

  • And also these are plastic

  • When we first got these we were a little worried

  • that they might eventually BREAK because of our fat-ass cats.


  • P: (indignant meow) R: (scoff)

  • R: BOII

  • He's on a diet.

  • We've had him on a diet for a little while now cuz he's getting a little chubby...

  • and just yesterday when we came home

  • This drawer was open:

  • It's a drawer he's never opened by himself before

  • And he managed to dig through *everything* and get into the **bottom** and open the closed bAG OF FOOD

  • You little butthead

  • So we gotta get some more child locks

  • But most importantly we can't use these anymore

  • Because our cats are too heavy and they broke one

  • We've had this for a couple days without

  • Um

  • A third (ledge) one of these in it

  • Understandably the cats are very distressed about having to jump from here

  • all the way down to the bottom if they wanna come back in

  • So uh

  • we decided we're gonna DIY

  • And try to build some new shelves

  • Ourself!

  • So, we're gonna go to the store now

  • and pick up some new STUFF

  • R: We'll see you there! J: Let's get to it!

  • R: Sorry for the crappy iPhone quality here!

  • It was also too loud in there, so I'm just gonna voice over what happened

  • but we found some shelves that were coincidentally like the exact size we needed 8)

  • So we ended up just buying those.

  • And in some home centers

  • they have a work section

  • where after you buy something you can use their tools for free!

  • To cut it or drill holes if you don't have any power tools where you live

  • Or you can't use power tools where you live because they'd be too noisy. :(

  • So after we bought the shelves we just went right over to their little work section.

  • And Jun drilled some holes into the shelves

  • which we're gonna use some wire to attach to our cage.

  • So I just thought that was pretty neat!

  • That they have a section there that you can use for free.

  • (if you need to)

  • We also did this on a different day actually so if we're wearing different clothes

  • Then

  • *scoffs* IT'S FINE JUST--


  • So yeah! See you back at our house!

  • Okay, so wuh back!

  • We got our new shelves

  • With the little holes in it

  • Umm

  • I don't think I mentioned this while we were there,

  • so I'll go ahead and explain it.

  • These are supposed to be indoor shelves, ~but~ it was basically the exact same size.

  • So it kind of worked out perfectly plus this has a waterproof coating on it.

  • But even THOUGH we got a waterproof coating:

  • We got a tarp to put over our cage anyway.

  • Just to keep these safe for the rain because

  • This is too--

  • I figured this would probably be too slippery for our cats.

  • Maybe especially when they're trying to jump

  • I don't want them to slip while they're jumping and get hurt falling.

  • So

  • we got--

  • We got some

  • "step sticky pasty carpet"

  • that you stick on stairs.

  • And actually we went to another home center after we bought this too

  • And they literally had this exact same thing in their pet section.

  • That said it was like for ~dogs and stuff~ walking up steps, and it was--

  • What

  • twice as expensive as this? >:(

  • Really, so I'm glad we got this one even though this was quite expensive the way it was.

  • But because it's carpet we don't want it to get wet--

  • so we got thuh-the TARP!! ⊙ᗜ⊙

  • And

  • For

  • our shelves

  • (oh my gah)

  • For our shelves, we got wire

  • to wrap it around the edges.

  • J: Can I... R: Yup.

  • J: Show you the...

  • This is the limit of how heavy they can support.

  • This says twenty-one kilograms.

  • R: (laughter) H-Haku...

  • J: Haku is about five, close to six kilograms:

  • Nagi is about four,

  • and Poki... is... close to six. --_--

  • So even if three of our kitties get on it, should be fine.

  • R: With just one of these!

  • But we've drilled a whole bunch of holes so now it's gonna have a bunch of wire all the way around.

  • The only thing I need to be careful about now is...

  • making these flat enough,

  • And out of the way so that the cats can't accidentally get their claws stuck on it or something.

  • If it seems like it's gonna be an issue when we're done,

  • then maybe...

  • I don't know

  • we can get some glue??

  • Or something to go over the edges

  • so that the cats can't accidentally get their claws stuck under this.

  • J: I think that'll be fine, but let's see!

  • R: I really-- (stutters)

  • You just never know! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • (plastic rustling in the background) Well maybe this--

  • maybe this can cover...

  • Yeah--

  • Actually, I think this can cover them.

  • J: ん.

  • R: PERFECT!!! 8)

  • R: So...

  • R: We brought our cage inside to do it all in here.

  • We're gonna have to clean the bottom before we send it back out.

  • R: I don't know if you guys can see...

  • There's leaves and junk all in the edges of the bottom...

  • J: I think those are my Momiji leaves from my Bonsai ;; R: (giggles)

  • (R: His grandma's Bonsai. ^^)

  • J: Not the uh--

  • J: Drug. >:(

  • J: Drug leaf...?

  • R: OHHHHAH J: It's a Japanese maple leaf. :(

  • R: He used a Momiji leaf in one of his cooking videos.

  • R: Uhh...

  • R: With the sharpening of--?

  • No

  • Polishing a Rusty Knife video?

  • J: ん

  • R: Was it?

  • J: ん

  • R: And some people thought--


  • R: I told him!

  • R: People were gonna say that :/

  • R: Right?? Cus like they look kinda similar...

  • J: It's only you guys, AMERICANS.

  • (laughter)

  • J: It's a Japanese maple leaf. :(

  • R: Uhh, so question Jun.

  • We've got these wires. Do you have a wire cutter?

  • J: Uhh...

  • R: Cuz that's not something I thought about until literalLY RIGHT NOW

  • J: I thought that we had one of the tools...

  • J: I thought we had a (nib?)

  • R: Do we??

  • J: Let's look. ;;

  • R: DO WE??? (laughs)

  • J: Can I drop this camera on the counter--

  • R: Yeah I gotta-- J: and look?

  • R: I gotta figure a way to--

  • R: I gotta get them scissors to open these anyway so...

  • R: All right, this is not what this tool is for...

  • J: I think we got this from the dollar store.

  • R: This is not what this is for.

  • J: It is! This part is!

  • R: No.

  • J: It is! (more bickering)

  • R: No, I got this at a home center, that was not a dollar store tool :/

  • J: Really? R: Oh, god don't let it--

  • R: Wait...

  • R: Angle, it's gonna-- yeah J: Cool?

  • J: See!! (it cuts!!)

  • R: Okay.

  • R: Uhhh now can you find that before the cats eat it?

  • J: I don't kno-- oh here it is. ^^ R: (laughs)

  • R: Okay good

  • R: All right, all right. J: See??? It works!

  • R: It's okay. (phew)

  • R: GOOD!! GOOD JOB!!! J: We can do this!

  • R: GOOD JOB JUN 8D!!!!

  • J: *inaudible*

  • J: Hakuuu~

  • J: Are you going to help us?

  • J: By...

  • J: Messing things around here?

  • J: Hm?

  • J: *Jun cat chuckle*

  • R: Uh...

  • R: I don't want to get the saw dust all over the ground. :(

  • J: We will vac--

  • J: We'll have to vacuum anyway so.

  • R: I KNOW BUT :((

  • R: Now it'll get stuck to my socks :((

  • J: ...You have your slippers! ^^

  • R: (roar of frustration)

  • J: Sniffin' around?

  • R: UM...

  • R: I would like to vacuum before we move on to the next stage:

  • R: so the cats can't get all this sawdust stuck to their paws.

  • J: You just dropped the sawdust on him

  • R: I know, he's in the way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • J: (cracking up)

  • J: You need to vacuum him now.

  • J: Vacuuming time~! Vacuuming!

  • R: Boi! BOII

  • J: That's not how you do it

  • R: He's so slippery--

  • R: (shouts) He's too long!

  • R: Hang on...

  • J: You're just picking a fight with him!

  • R: I know!

  • (so much laughter in this household, so pure)

  • R: He thinks we're fighting now!

  • J: He's like "scuse me MA'AM, WHAT DID I DO???"

  • R: I'm sorry I got you dirty through no fault of your own ಥ_ಥ

  • R: All right, good job!

  • R: Wuh!

  • R: All right, I'm gonna get the vacuum.

  • *cleaning montage*

  • R: Hakuuu~

  • R: *cracking up*

  • R: Poki~!

  • R: What happened to Nagi?

  • R: Did he run away cuz of the vacuum cleaner?

  • J: He's probably hiding.

  • R: Oh there he is!

  • R: Nagi~!!!

  • R: (giggles)

  • R: Come here, baby

  • R: Come here!

  • R: Nice. Thanks!

  • J: Look-- it's so much better, it's cleaner now.

  • R: Nice!

  • J: Ye


  • R: I gotta put these on now...

  • R: (grunts)

  • R: (laughs) Oh god.

  • R: I should have locked the door!

  • R: Well, that worked.

  • R: All right

  • R: Soo next step...

  • R: IS WIRE~

  • J: OH! This is another DIY I did:

  • J: Cat Scratch Board for Corners!

  • R: Okay, let's do the twist ties...

  • R: The twist ties are intense

  • R: My delicate little fingers T⌓T

  • J: Need my help?

  • R: No!


  • That's a lot of wire!

  • J: Do you wanna untie that one too?

  • R: I have to, how else am I gonna get the wire out?

  • R: There we go!

  • J: Nagi, can you jump from there to here? R: (laughs)

  • J: NAGI!!! *cat whisperer Jun at work*

  • You smell this?

  • Yeah, it's a cat food. (❁´◡`❁)

  • N:

  • J: あ

  • J: (laughs) Hey, it's here!

  • J: Uh...

  • R: (cooing)

  • R: Oh my god, he's so cute

  • J: Nagi! It's here!

  • J: Can you jump?

  • R: Haku's gonna get in there.

  • J: OH YOU???

  • おおお!!

  • Haku!!!

  • Poor Nagi :( I'll feed you later.

  • All right. Let's get back to work. (laughter)

  • R: All right--

  • R: I'm gonna go ahead and cut a couple wires--

  • I think like, this is long enough

  • J: ん

  • If it's too long you can cut it later.

  • R: It's like a slinky~ 8)

  • (laughter)


  • R: Whoo?

  • R: All right!

  • Where did we have it before?

  • Did we have it here?

  • J: Yeah, somewhere like that. We can adjust. No?

  • R: Or do I put it lower?

  • J: Whichever.

  • R: Down here?

  • J: How bout lower?

  • R: (roars)

  • J: Sorry, I need these. ;;

  • I need these!! ;;;;

  • (giggles)

  • R: Hoo boii

  • R: They're really-- (clatter)

  • R: Come on, come on, you're gonna get hurt! J: (laughing)

  • J: No, he's trying to play with this!

  • R: Can you just hold this so I can do the wire? J: Is here okay?

  • R: Mm-hm

  • J: Kay

  • R: This wire is very...

  • R: THICC (ノ・д・)ノ

  • R: C'mon! (´Д`)

  • R: It's not exactly easy to bend with your fingers! (・`ヘ´・)

  • J: Do you want a glove?

  • R: No...

  • R: It's not gloves I need, I mean PHYSICALLY

  • R: this is very thicc wire

  • (clatter) R: Okay, I need to use the tool--

  • R: That's literally what this is for!

  • R: Okay

  • R: Here's another one.

  • Forrr, over here:

  • R: I know this doesn't look very professional (ヾ; ̄▽ ̄)ヾ

  • BUT! Just one of these can hold more than all the weight of our cats combined.

  • Sooo, with as many holes as we have

  • It's gonna be more than... fine

  • It's also quite difficult to bend with your fingers

  • So this is not gonna come out by itself.

  • R: This already feels really stable

  • This is A LOT sturdier than the previous ones were.

  • I can't lift it--

  • Or move it

  • Even though it's only got four wires on it

  • instead of the total (one two three four five...

  • six, seven) eight that we're gonna put on it.

  • So next:

  • I'm gonna put a CAT on it ( =^● ⋏ ●^= )

  • Even though it's kinda slippery now--

  • And I'm gonna have them make the jump

  • and then once they make the jump,

  • and that's fine

  • I'll put theeeee

  • CARPET on it,

  • because once I put the carpet on it, it's gonna cover these holes.

  • R: Aaand we won't be able to get it back off without, I don't know--

  • J: Yes kitties! R: messing up--

  • J: I have, yes, kitty R: (stuttering)

  • J: And there's a Poki (=ↀωↀ=)

  • P: (distressed meow)

  • R: Aww, Jun he's not happy! (;´Д`)

  • R: Bring him here! (;´Д`)(;´Д`)(;´Д`)


  • R: Come here, buddy!

  • R: C'mere!

  • R: Here, can you hold the camera? Poki!

  • R: Poki! (cat whisperer Rachel at work)

  • P: (food trill)

  • R: Oh no nooo he's--

  • J: It's low enough for him〔´∇`〕

  • R: Poki!

  • Jun: They jump from the counter over here--

  • R: Getchur-- Get your whiskers out!

  • R: Poki, come here!

  • R: Kay go IN the cage!

  • R: All right ALL OF YOU IN!!! (`Д´)

  • At some point, one of them is gonna jump.

  • I'll just put all of them in!

  • R: SOMEONE'S gonna do it.

  • J: Cat Sasuke?

  • J: Nagi went up! 〔´∇`〕 R: Nagi~

  • R: Nagi!

  • P: (distressed meow)

  • J: It looks perfectly fine.

  • R: Yeah? It does seem quite low for them to jump up here.

  • R: Poki!!

  • R: (laughter) Oh no he can reach it

  • J: Oh my god

  • (cat owners giggling)

  • R: Poki!

  • R: Look! See?

  • R: Ah, there you go

  • R: Poki!

  • (inaudible)

  • (Rachel giggling)

  • R: Well, okay J: These are not replaced yet!

  • R: He ca--

  • He can make the jump. :)

  • J: If Poki can do it, then any of our cats can do.

  • R: Nagi!

  • R: Cat dammit, cats

  • R: Come on!

  • R: Haku!

  • R: There you go!

  • J: The cage seems to be doing well.

  • R: Nagi~

  • R: C'mere!

  • R: Pokiii

  • J: We'll replace the other two? R: Put it down with some wire--

  • J: And we still need to do the cover too.

  • R: Yeah.

  • R: We'll do the rest-- Okay (Ò ‸ Ó)

  • R: Well, we'll get these guys out--

  • R: And I guess we'll stop the camera for now,

  • R: Or should we do a time lapse?

  • (timelapse)

  • R: Doo doo doo! ♪

  • R: These are all done.

  • They're SUPER (bang bang) stable,

  • I mean,

  • Literally they don't even bend--

  • Like the plastic ones were--

  • I think this is very very stable.

  • The only thing we're going to have to watch out for is rusting wires.

  • So I'm gonna go get some-- maybe duct tape or something to put over these

  • To just kinda protect the wires in the long run.

  • R: I don't know if that's necessary. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • R: But it gets really humid here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • R: Better than nothing maybe! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • (plastic rustling) R: Uhh,

  • R: So now I gotta put these on! (more plastic rustling)

  • R: Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo~♪

  • R: ♪It's the Moment of Truth™♪


  • R: All right--

  • (grunts) (๑・`▱´・๑)

  • R: We have a bunch of extras!

  • R: For the future~

  • R: In case we ever need to redo this.

  • R: It's just a sticker~

  • R: It's like basically,

  • Perfect size.

  • R: Where should I--

  • R: Should I have it more along the edge?

  • So they have more of a grip?

  • J: ん.

  • R: So away from here?

  • Jun: ん.

  • Jun: Yeah.

  • R: ... kay.

  • R: Then I guess I can just go over this with tape.

  • R: ... later

  • R: Hey buddy~

  • R: Yup, do you think there's like, white duct tape?

  • R: To match the cage?

  • J: Maybe.

  • J: I have-- I've seen black ones.

  • R: Oh, it's not sticky at all--

  • R: (huff) 눈_눈

  • R: I thought it'd be... sticky.

  • R: I guess it's for reusability?

  • J: It says it can wash, so...

  • R: Oh!

  • R: Cool.

  • R: We ca-- Wait we can wash it??

  • R: Neat!

  • R: NOW it makes sense why they're so expensive.

  • R: (chuckle) J: Those are for stairs.

  • R: These are like, twenty dollars.

  • R: (grunts)

  • J: Good that these plates are coated with--

  • J: Special coating so that it doesn't slip much.

  • R: This is totally good!

  • Now that I know it's not sticky I can just easily peel it up again.

  • J: Hmm. R: And place it back down later.

  • R: Soo, if I get tape I can go over the edges first,

  • R: and tape.

  • J: They look nice.

  • R: NAIIICE. (✿´ ꒳ ` )

  • J: Haku~

  • (Rachel bumbling in the background)

  • R: You guys!

  • R: Oof!

  • R: Goddammit that's the second time I've hit my head. J: It's almost ready, Haku~

  • R: Keep hitting my head on the board :(

  • J: You understand my pain that I get every now and then? R: Noo, because

  • R: This is moving, I've set it here:

  • R: and then it slowly goes like this without me noticing

  • R: and then I stand up and I hit my HEAD >:(

  • J: I was telling you about hitting your head on things, every now and then ...


  • J: You're still smart enough to do it! :)

  • J: You're so smart. :)

  • R: ♪I'm so smart~♪

  • R: I'M SO SMART~♪

  • J: That song sounds like R: (cracks up)

  • J: ... you aren't very smart.

  • P: (meows)

  • R: Oh, meow.

  • R: How's it feel? :D


  • R: Sniffy sniff!

  • R: Look at it, smell it, experie--

  • R: Oooh, Haku's tired.

  • J: Yeah...

  • R: A bit too much excitement for him for one day >

  • R: Nagiii you precious babeh

  • R: So light and smol

  • R: How's it?!

  • J: It's not bending.

  • R: He's smelling it!

  • R: Ohhh you like it buddy! [●´︶`●]

  • R: (giggle)

  • R: "Sniff sniff sniff"

  • R: (coos) Aww, sleepy~

  • R: Aww, sleepy baby?

  • R: Juuun he's so sleepy.

  • R: (giggles) J: Maybe you should just leave him there?

  • R: Hakuu~

  • R: I need you to test something from me~

  • J: Oh?

  • J: Nagi, are you going to get off?

  • J: Ooh!

  • R: OooH~

  • R: (giggles)

  • J: (laughing) Rachel, we should definitely need one more here.

  • R: Yeah?

  • J: So that our cats can be on the same level.

  • J: Like the cat tower we saw at the home centre?

  • J: The wider one?

  • R: Yeah.

  • R: (giggles)

  • R: Poki's good.

  • J: If Poki's good, everything's good. (。◝‿◜。)

  • R: If we get another one, we'll put it here?

  • R: So they'll have to jump from down there?

  • R: Have a very narrow jumping...

  • J: Maybe. R: ... range?

  • R: I'm not sure that will work well. --_-- ;

  • J: Mm, we can have it this way. (in an L shape)

  • R: Oh yeah!

  • R: Maybe we could do that.

  • J: Mm.

  • R: They all seem content.

  • (giggles)

  • R: You like how it feels?

  • J: Can you hold this?

  • J: Look at the camera.

  • R: Compared to THIS?

  • J: You can lift it up a little bit.

  • J: I-- you're covering Haku.

  • J: (laughing at his wife)

  • J: I don't know.

  • J: God--

  • J: Rachel-- (laughing)

  • J: Uhh--

  • J: I don't know

  • J: I can't get a good shot. :(

  • J: (more pure laughter)

  • J: Maybe we should use that as a thumbnail.

  • J: Oh? Nagi's getting off.

  • J: Ye--

  • J: Whoo!

  • J: Looks perfectly fine!

  • J: But yeah, I think it'd be better to have one over here.

  • J: Maybe.

  • J: Anyway,

  • J; It worked out! :)

  • R: Yeah, it worked well.

  • R: Maybe we can put the other one up here?

  • R: Because they all like the top.

  • J: Mm, that sounds about right.

  • J: We can get two more!

  • J: Yeah! R: That'd be good!

  • J: Yeah?

  • R: So we can get an extra one there, and an extra one there?

  • J: Mm.

  • J: Maybe even THERE too, but lower.

  • R: But I can put this over on this side--

  • R: And I can put another step over here so it's not as hard for them.

  • R: To jump from there to there.

  • J: ん.

  • J: Yay (*´︶`*)

  • R: These were like ten dollars each :/

  • J: Seven, I think.

  • R: Seven-- it was really expensive. :(

  • R: Compared to what you would expect



  • R: YEAH


  • R: YEAH

  • J: (laugh) Good. Yay. (*`ー´)

  • R: (laughs) J: Good job.

  • R: Yeaaaaah high five it worked

  • R: They can finally go back outside again. :')

  • R: Freely!

  • R: Uh where's-- did you put the

  • R: ... here it is.

  • R: So this is forty-five centimetres,

  • R: this way!

  • R: Oh!

  • R: It's exactly forty-five centimetres this way!

  • R: Jun!

  • J: I hope it'll fit!

  • R: So it'll fit exactly!

  • R: So there'll be no space in between them!

  • R: Actually, that is perfect :)

  • R: Now I really want to do it.

  • J: (watching his beloved kitties)

  • R: Um,

  • R: So there miGHT be A paRT TWO tah this vIdEo!

  • J: All right.

  • R: Nice!

  • J: All right.

  • R: Thanks for watching gaiz! :D

  • J: See ya~

  • R: We'll see you later, COME WATCH US ON TWITCH 8D

  • J: Look at Haku's tail

  • J: He's happy ^^

  • J: Nagi and Haku can be on the same plate just fine ^^

  • J: We need to get more plates though

  • R: Ya I think I'm gonna get more now

  • J: Yup!

  • J: Let's go!

R: Hey guys!

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