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  • Psst. Alex..

  • Alex?..

  • Hey.

  • Alex.

  • Alex.

  • Alex!

  • ALEX!!

  • Wuh?...

  • Oh good, you're awake.

  • Okay, so I found something super-duper cool I want to show you.

  • But, you know, whenever you're ready. I'll be out here waiting.

  • ..okay..

  • Any time. No rush.

  • I said I got it.

  • You ready?

  • That's it!

  • Ouff.

  • Ouch.. what the?

  • Looking for someone?

  • How did you--

  • -get all the way over here?

  • Alex, let me introduce you..

  • To the Ender Pearl!

  • With this, I can throw it as far as I want and-

  • WOOSH!

  • I'm there.

  • OOOOooooo...

  • Hand sized teleportation.

  • How cool is that?

  • Oh, oh, oh, can I have a go?!

  • Hah, and let you break it? Okay, Alex. Like that's going--

  • ooohh.. it cracked.

  • What was that?

  • Oh! Oh, nothing. Nothing! Look, see?

  • Everything is completely fine, and definitely not cracked.

  • See, look!

  • Okay, before you say anything.

  • I need to make clear..

  • I planned this.

  • This is all part of a plan, that I made.

  • That is going perfectly to plan.

  • It's not- It's not dumb.

  • It's all really smart.. and you don't get it.

  • Hey, Steve. Have you done something with your hair? You look different.

  • Oh my gosh, Alex. You're so funny.

  • No, go on. I can't wait to see what you come up with next.

  • Steve, watch out for the Chicken--

  • Don't you dare.

  • This really cracks you up, doesn't it?..

Psst. Alex..

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