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  • WOAH

  • *CLICK*

  • Blocks?

  • Break

  • [Grass Break]

  • COOL

  • [Building Noises] Will it break and build just like that block?

  • *Selecting noises* and everything

  • Let me build a house!

  • What are you doing?

  • I made this house with this tool thingy!

  • Really? Let me see

  • WOAH

  • So it can do all that??

  • Wanna give it a try?

  • Yes

  • This is how you do it

  • 00:01:13,280 --> 00:01:14,560 WOAH!

  • You gotta let me try

  • Here

  • Lets test it out

  • Ooh! i see

  • ...


  • Wait!!!!

  • Time to take these blocks a part

  • Ow

  • hits

  • Won't it work?

  • hits

  • Finally!

  • My bare hands? works with it.

  • LETS DO IT!!

  • This block is too strong

  • [im lazy to do the captions ;-;]

  • So its going have to be by ALAN BECKER

  • [Shuffling Blocks] ...but with hearts?! And food!?

  • I'm surprised!

  • [Hit]

  • Wait...

  • [Hitting]

  • [Break]

  • Wooden planks!?

  • [Break]

  • Sticks now!?

  • Wait... (Why am i doing this...?)

  • Maybe... I can make something using that crafting thing!

  • [Click]

  • [Crafting]

  • Oh my god!...

  • I got a wooden pickaxe!

  • [Mining] Oh Yeah!

  • [Block Break]

  • Yeah! I got it!

  • It works!!!

  • Sam:Hey dude! Come here and see this!!

  • David:OK!

  • [Creaking] *Sigh...* What do you want again--

  • OMG!! What the heck!?

  • Hey, buddy...

  • It's awesome don't you think?

  • This thing is AMAZING!!

  • Cool building man! (Max: What is that block? I want to use it, too!)

  • Max: Gimme that!

  • David and Sam: Hey! Get back here!

  • [Building Noises]

  • Max:Let me try...

  • Sam and David:Hey!

  • [More Building Noises]

  • [Pow!]

  • [Pow] Max:Ow!

  • Yes!

  • [Building Noises]

  • Max: Hey, give it back!

  • Crash: Haha, sucker.

  • Let me build this!

  • Guess what I'm making

  • ... Wait for it

  • *ding* Oh my god!...

  • It lights up!

  • Hold on, I'm going to blow your mind...

  • [Building Noises]

  • [Clapping]Max: Wow! Cool guy!

  • Luke:What's going on here?

  • Wow! Interesting...

  • [Hop!] I wanna see it.

  • Rainbow! *clapping*

  • Luke: Hey guys. What's going on?

  • Crash:Hey dude. Look what we've found

  • Luke:What is it?

  • Crash:Come and try it!

  • Luke:sure.................

  • [Suspense] (Wait... That blocks.)

  • Minecraft... BLOCK!!

  • [Pow] Luke:Give me!

  • Everyone: WTF!?

  • Luke:Hahahaha... This thing is mine!

  • [Shuffling]Luke:Imagine... (I've been stuck with my stupid friends forever... I can get my revenge!!)

  • David:Hey man, are you okay...?

  • Luke:Go... away....

  • [Pow!] From ME!!!

  • What the hell!?

  • [Fast Building Noises and Punching]

  • Max:Huh!? Hey, no fair! Get me out of here!!!

  • Crash:Owwwwwww!!!!!!!!

  • Sam and David:Aaaaaaaah! TNT!!!! [BOOM!!!!]

  • Owwwwww!!!!!!!!

  • Luke:*Evil Laugh* You'll never catch me!

  • (Luke is going to "STORAGE" folder)

  • Everyone:What the hell just happened?

  • [Punching] *grunts, trying to find another way to escape.*Max: Get me out of here!!

  • Crash:Ugh...

  • Hey, Guys!

  • We've gotta stop Luke from doing his stupid THING!!

  • Where is he!?

  • Hmm...

  • Max:Hey-HEY!, he-help me!!!

  • Crash:Oh! Hey, are you alright?

  • Max:Get me out of here!!

  • Crash: I'll try!

  • Oww!

  • David: Hey, use my Pickaxe, guys!

  • I bought it fresh from my house creation earlier.

  • See? No problem. I want you to have it.

  • Max:Thanks, Davie.

  • Let's mine it out!

  • David: Meanwhile, I'll craft more stuff for you guys, OK?

  • Crash: Ok...

  • David:Here, take this!

  • Go, get some iron!

  • Crash:Alright!

  • One, Two, Three!

  • [Breaking Noises] Sam: I'll take that!

  • David:Hey, give me the iron.

  • Sam: Ok!

  • David :Thanks!

  • [Crafting]

  • Here, go help Maxie, you'll get the diamonds much easier.

  • Max:I can't destroy the diamonds!... Why!?

  • Sam: Max, try this, it's much easier.

  • See?

  • The Iron Pickaxe is stronger, you know...?

  • Sam:Hey! My diamonds!

  • Max: I'll take the Iron Pickaxe...

  • Thanks!

  • Sam: Whoa! What is that?

  • David:Hey! Sam, take this armor.

  • Sam:Oh Yeah!

  • David:I'll give you boots, pants, and a helmet before you go.

  • [Super Fast Crafting]

  • [Pop!]

  • David:Looking good... mate!

  • Sam:Yeah!

  • David:Go get some more items

  • Sam:Ok, Sir! :D

  • Max:Dude, Check out these DIAMONDS!!

  • [Drops a stack of diamonds]

  • WTF!? That is a lot of diamonds!!

  • [Streching Hands] Alright, then...

  • Here we go!

  • [The "ULTIMATE" Crafting Challenge!]

  • Crash:Try these thing, David!

  • [Drops a lot of items]

  • David:Alright!

  • [Advance Crafting]

  • Crash: Oh, Yeah!

  • Sam: Ok...

  • Sam: Here you go!

  • David: Whoa, that is a lot of stuff.

  • Max: Pow! POW! Wow, Now We've Like Real Cops

  • [Wear Armour] David:Ready guys?

  • Let's save Luke!

  • Everyone:Yeah!!

  • David:C'mon!

  • Last time... he went to the Storage

  • Sam:Ok!

  • David:Let's GO!

  • [Hop!]

  • (Storage Folder oppened)

  • Remember guys... Stay Alert!

  • [Silence] ...

  • Max:There's nothing here now!

  • Sam:What should we do!?

  • David: Hmm...

  • *GASP* Watch out!!! A zombie!!!

  • *Zombie Groans*

  • [Hurt Max]David:TAKE THIS!! (Slow mo...)

  • [Slashes Sword] David:STAB!!!

  • David:We beat the zombie!!

  • Everyone:Uh-oh!

  • [More Zombie Groaning...]

  • David:Let's take them down guys!

  • [Zombie Groans] [Fighting]

  • David:Oh there's a slider!

  • Maybe I can use it to scroll up to find Luke...

  • [Scroll Up]

  • Max:Got it!

  • [Scrolling Up...]

  • (And so, Crash, Max, Sam, and David set off to find Luke!)

  • Max:Over there!

  • David:Let's go into the "STUFF" Folder!

  • A spawner...!?

  • [Zombie Groan]

  • What the...!?

  • David: Again!?

  • Sam: Hmm... Lemme try...

  • [Dig-dig...]

  • [Fizzle Out]

  • David: What the...

  • Sam: Um... What?

  • All: Nice!

  • David:Great!

  • Let's go guys!

  • Sam:Ok!

  • Ooff-Owwwwww!!! All: What the heck!?

  • [Arrow Fires] [Skeletons Coming...]

  • David:We need to make a shield to protect us from the skeletons!! And Fast!!

  • Please hurry!! It hurts!!

  • Phew! That was close.

  • All: Yay!

  • Crash:I have an idea!

  • David: What is it, Crashy?

  • Crash:Check out this thing!

  • (Dispenser Menu Oppened)

  • Crash: One, Two, Three...

  • Max,Sam & David:Yeah, your idea does kinda work! Let's put all of our arrows in here!

  • All: Go!

  • [Rapid Fire Mode] Max:Eat this, Skeletons!

  • All:We still have arrows!

  • Crash: Maybe I can use some TNT-- WHOA INCOMING ARROWS

  • [TNT Lights Up!]

  • Skeletons: WTF!

  • [BOOOM!!!]

  • Keith the Creeper: What's Up?

  • Keith the Creeper: Hmm...

  • David:Go Go Go Go Go!!!!

  • Skeletons: Please! I'm SORRY!!

  • All: Almost There!

  • Crash: Behind YOU!!

  • Keith the Creeper: Sup!

  • All: Seriously!?

  • *GASP* Watch Out! Tactical Nuke INCOMING!!!

  • [BOOOM!]

  • (Multiple arrows were thrown at Skeleton Army. Critical hit!)

  • Max:Fudge! That!! (WWII)

  • Is everyone okay!?

  • All: Yeah...

  • Max:Let's grab this and this...

  • DUDE!!! LOOKOUT!!!!

  • Sam:What? Is the Creeper behind me!?

  • STAB!!!

  • [BOOOM]

  • What-the!?

  • All: A secret entrance? Ooo...

  • Sam:Huh, the bottom right of the desktop is broken...

  • [Creaking] David:Hmmm?

  • [Clank!]

  • Crash:Fire in the hole, guys!! Prepare yourself!

  • [BOOM!!!]

  • What The Heck is this!?

  • David:Let's go guys!!!

  • [Deep Mining] [Trough Desktop]

  • David:We finally made it, guys! The secret lair.(means the nether)

  • [Skeleton Noises] [Skeleton and Creeper Spawning]

  • Go!

  • [Epic Fighting]

  • David:Guys, come along

  • [Eat Apples] First, let's heal...

  • Others: Wow! Intresting...

  • [All Eat Apples]

  • David:Alright, let's go!

  • Yeah!

  • David: I knew you made this trap!

  • [Suspense] Luke;Huh! Didn't expect you here. I told you, leave me alone!

  • *Intense Shuffling* David:Uh... guys!? Something wrong with him...

  • Ok... Weird.

  • Guys, let me take care of this...


  • Luke, are you alright...? You got a little crazy back there... Can you just give us the block?

  • Ok?

  • [Shuffling Intesifies] Luke:YOU NEVER RESPECT ME!!!!

  • [POW!!]

  • David:UGH!!!


  • [Pow]

  • WTF!!!!!!!!! OWW!!!

  • Sam: Hey! NOT SO FAST!!!

  • Stop...

  • IT...

  • NOW!...

  • LUKE!!!

  • [Pow!]Luke: Really!?

  • All: Go ahead!

  • *dzzzt glitch sound*

  • What the...

  • Luke: That gave me plenty of time to rest, you know?

  • Sam:Now I must make you die, instead.

  • *dzzt glitch sound*

  • You treated me like a child. Now, You will Taste Despair, DIE!!!

  • All:What...?

  • All: Is that...?

  • All: HEROBRINE!?

  • Luke (Cursed): YOU WILL PAY, AND DIE!!!!

  • [Building MEGA STICKMAN!]

  • Luke(Cursed): MWAHAHAHA!

  • Max:Let's End This!! (Dispenser Ready...)

  • [Shoting]

  • Max: What the-!?

  • Luke(Cursed): Bye-BYE! MAX!

  • [Mega Piston Extender!]

  • Max:UGH!!!

  • Crash: Have a taste of TNT!!!!

  • Luke(Cursed): Hmm... One, Two, Three...

  • Finished!

  • Wut...!

  • All: Let's mine it OUT!

  • Luke(Cursed): Let Me Show You My True Power!!

  • All: Wait... That's not FAIR!!!

  • All: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Luke(Cursed): THIS IS WHAT YOU DESERVE!!!

  • Luke(Cursed): YOU'LL DIE DEADLY!!!

  • [Slow Mode...]

  • David: Noo....!! N-not gon-na ha-happen!!!!

  • Have a taste of me instead, you BIG, Red, LIGHTBULB!!

  • [Fast Mining]

  • [Block Break]

  • David: Wow...

  • YESS!

  • [Super Fast Mining]

  • David: N-n-nooo, d-d-don't... W-w-we are your f-friends!!

  • Luke(Cursed): SHUT UP AND DIE, DAVID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

  • All:Luke is trying to hurt our best friend!!

  • *flashback* [Sad music]

  • Luke's Mind: Conscious your self...

  • [Punching] Luke(Cursed): Friend? I'm Your Friend? I DON'T CARE OF BEING YOUR STUPID FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • All: We have to get out of here!!!

  • [Boom!]

  • [Back To Desktop...]

  • David:Man, he is just too strong.... How will we beat him...?

  • [Loud Booms]

  • All: What the-!?

  • [In The Nether...] [BOOM!] Luke(Cursed): I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • [BOOM!!]

  • [BOOM!!!]

  • [BOOM!!!!]

  • [Too Many Booms!!]

  • David(Weakly):Let's...go get....him........guys.......

  • [Shuffling]

  • Others: Umm..........

  • David(Weakly): WHAT?!?!? Our... w-weapons...

  • [Loud Boom Again...]

  • All:It's coming closer... (o~o)

  • You know what, Screw THIS!, we don't need any weapons!!!

  • Others: Whoa man!

  • Huh?

  • David:Here guys!

  • Others:Ok!

  • David:We can do it, even without weapons!!

  • Sam: He's right, we can still stop him!!

  • Max And Crash: Yeah, let's Go!!!


  • [Boom!-Boom!!-BOOM!-BOOM!!]

  • Luke(Cursed):Come out-come out, where ever you are....

  • David:Sam, NOW!!!

  • HYAH!!!!!

  • Luke(Cursed): Aaahh!!!!!!! GET OFF ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Hey!! LET ME GO!!!!

  • David:Leave it to Me!!

  • [Ultimate Crafting Chalenge]

  • Luke(Cursed):Wh-!

  • WOAH!!!

  • Max:EAT THIS!

  • [BOOM!!!]-[POW!!]

  • Luke(Cursed): NOOOOOOO!!!! My Blocks!!!



  • Sam: I got your back David, keep going!!

  • Luke(Cursed): ARGH!!

  • David: Oww!!

  • Crash: David, go to the recycling bin and delete Minecraft, I'll handle Luke!!

  • Luke(Cursed): NOoooooo!!! Don't delete MINECRAFT!!

  • Luke(Cursed): Go away from Me!!

  • Luke(Cursed): Not AGAIN!

  • Max: Don't let him get Minecraft, David!!

  • David: OK, Maxie...

  • All:LUKE!, this is for your own good!!!

  • David: AND...! GOODBYE MINECRAFT! Luke(Cursed): NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • [BOOOM!!!!!!!!!] (Biggest Nuke...)


  • David:I... think.... everything is back... to normal...

  • Must... get to Minecraft...!!

  • *static sound* [H3r0bR1nE]

  • H3r0bR1nE: M-ust... G-GET! o-OUT!!

  • H3r0bR1nE: AARGH!!!!!!!!

  • (Herobrine has been killed...)

  • [Poof!]

  • Luke: Wha-What just happened...?

  • Hu-Huh...?

  • ☹ ... ☹

  • I-I'm sorry guys, I don't know what came over me! Please forgive me!!!

  • Luke: Please... don't hurt me!

  • David: Welcome Back, Luke...

  • *sigh*...

  • All:☻

  • David: Ok...

  • Luke;We're just glad you're back bro and bro.

  • Others: Let's go get some pizza, you must be starving from all that madness!

  • [Ching]

  • Crash:Wha...

  • Um...

  • [Ching]

  • Others: DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • ♫-Music-♫ [The End] Subtitles by: The Animation Wheel and Krystel Lavigne

  • Subtitles edited by: Creditor Master, Nature Shy and Subtittle Master.

  • All credit goes to: Alan Becker... (And his team...)

  • ^_^

  • -_^

  • ^_^

  • (♥ Alan Becker ♥)

  • Fin.


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