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  • What's up guys my name is Aaron, and I teach English and Spanish on take lessons comm and

  • Today I wanted to make a video

  • To help my students learn a fun way of learning English and of course that is through music so

  • Today we're going to be studying a song by Kelly Clarkson

  • and it's called my life would suck without you and this is just a

  • super-fun song

  • Every time I hear it

  • It just makes me want to get up and dance and go crazy and just enjoy myself

  • So when you listen to this song? It's not gonna feel like studying and of course

  • That's the key to learn any language is to make it fun. I

  • chose this song specifically because it has a lot of informal English and slang words, so

  • You might hear Kelly say some things in this song that someone told you not to say in English

  • Or someone might have told you that this is wrong well

  • It's not wrong. Kelly is not learning English she speaks English

  • She's a native English speaker, and this is just the way she talks

  • So you should at least be aware that English speakers do talk like this and I want you to be able to?

  • recognize it and

  • Understand it when you hear someone say something like this on top of that if you always use the language

  • That's in your textbook

  • they're gonna sound like a textbook so I encourage you to listen to this song and

  • Listen to the way that she talks

  • And if you try to learn from the way that she talks you're gonna sound more like a native English speaker

  • When you speak English.

  • now with that said this lesson is going to be geared a little or towards intermediate or

  • advanced English learners

  • Who can benefit from learning the slang and

  • informal ways of speaking in English

  • But if you're a beginner then still listen to the song because it's still super fun

  • And I still think it'll help you learn English, so let's jump into the song. Here's the first verse

  • So I told you that in this song kelly uses informal English and right from the very start

  • She's already breaking the rules

  • Her first sentence is guess this means you're sorry now

  • You might already know that in English you always need to include

  • the subject of the sentence so what she's trying to say here is I

  • guess this means you're sorry we're the subject of the sentence is I

  • But she doesn't say that here the subject is just understood to be her

  • So when she says guess this means you're sorry she's really saying I guess this means you're sorry

  • which means that she doesn't really know for sure and

  • Maybe no one actually told her this but somehow she just knows

  • Then in the next line were able to see how

  • Kelly is able to guess that this guy is sorry

  • so he's standing at her door which probably means that he left and then came back to her and

  • From that she's able to guess that he's sorry

  • Now we don't know for sure yet what he's sorry about but apparently

  • He's been a bad boy, and he has to come back and he has something to apologize for and we're gonna find that out next

  • Now I want to talk for a minute about the phrase take back

  • Because this is two words

  • But really it's one verb because when you use these two words together

  • They mean something very specific especially when you're talking about

  • Take back some words now when you buy something from the store, and you take it back

  • you're returning it because you changed your minds, and you don't want that thing anymore and

  • This is a very similar concept

  • Because the guy has said something to Kelly and then he changed his mind

  • And he's coming back to her and now he wants to take back the things that he said it's like he's saying

  • I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things. I take it back

  • Now I really quickly want to talk about why she used the word like at the beginning of this sentence

  • It's because she was talking about a list of things all the things that he said that he's taking back

  • Now she didn't tell us what those things are

  • But they might have been something like you're fat, or like you're stupid or

  • You might have said something like I hate you or anything else

  • We'll never know but these are a list of things that he said the one thing that we do know is that he said I

  • Want anyone but you so here

  • She's giving an example of one of the things that he said and this is

  • Really a very serious thing to say to your girlfriend if you say I want anyone but you

  • That's literally saying that I would be happy with any other person on the planet

  • But not you so you are the only person that I don't want that's kind of crappy

  • Now listen to how she pronounces the word wanted

  • Because she does not pronounce it the way that you might expect

  • The proper way to pronounce this word in English is

  • Wanted, but when we're speaking in actual conversations in real life

  • That's not the way we talk we tends to run our words together and speak fast and we get a little bit lazy

  • And if you're good you'll still be able to understand English speakers when we're talking like this

  • so she's dropping the tea out of that word and kind of weakening the D at the end so instead of

  • Wanted she says wanted just listen to the difference between those two a few times

  • wanted

  • wanted wanted

  • wanted

  • and this is a very common thing for English speakers to do such as words like painting or

  • mounted or

  • hunting

  • Like I'm going deer hunting this weekend

  • So pay careful attention to that when you listen to people if you don't

  • Understand one of the words that they're saying it might be because they're pronouncing it this way

  • Here is another example of Kelly's informal speech where she takes a sentence and drops the subject

  • Now what she's saying here is you said you'd never come back

  • But what she actually says is just said you'd never come back

  • And it's understood that the guy is the one who said this

  • because he's the one that she was just talking about so the subject of a sentence kind of carries over to this one and

  • Now we're going to go into the chorus, and this is honestly the most fun part of the song so here it is

  • The only thing I want to say about this line is that she does not use the full word

  • because she shortens it in two cuz and

  • honestly that is much more kind than using the whole word and

  • Honestly these two words mean the exact same thing the first one is just more formal the second one is less formal

  • Now here she's using the word got in the same

  • sense as the word have and

  • This is not a correct way of saying that but that's how she talks in everyone understands her

  • So when she's saying you got a piece of me what she's actually saying is you have a piece of me?

  • And I don't understand entirely what she's saying there

  • She's being a little bit poetic but apparently she's saying like

  • He is captivating her or just that she really cares about him in some way the other thing

  • I want to point out is her pronunciation of gut

  • Because she doesn't say you got a piece of me

  • She says you got a piece of me

  • And that's another example of how we run words together in English you will never experience an English speaker saying the words

  • Gut uh at least not a native speaker from the United States

  • That's just not something we say it's gotta all the time

  • So what she's actually doing there is taking that T. Sound that and

  • replacing it with a flap sound the

  • which you'll be familiar with if you speak Spanish or

  • Maybe some other language that has these flaps and one of the things you're gonna notice

  • If you really start paying attention to the pronunciation of English speakers is that T's are very fragile

  • So they don't survive very long when they're at the end of a word

  • So that's why Kelly doesn't pronounce this word the way that you might expect by saying gotta

  • but she sees that T at the end of the word and gets rid of it and replaces it with a flap and

  • Then matches the two words together into one word and says gotta and that's just what we do in English

  • So she starts this next line off by saying and

  • Honestly, and this phrase literally just means that she's being honest

  • She's not lying to us, but really this is just a filler word that doesn't mean a whole lot

  • It's pretty common to put this phrase before the beginning of a sentence and you can have it there or you can not have it

  • there

  • And it doesn't really change the meaning a whole lot

  • Now let's talk about the word

  • Suck a little bit you might be familiar with this word as in sucking from a straw or sucking on a lollipop

  • Or maybe some other stuff that we're not gonna talk about here

  • And that is one correct meaning of this word

  • But that is not the way that she's using this verb here

  • And this is just a slang way of saying something is really bad

  • so you can say

  • This movie sucks, and it basically means, I don't like this movie

  • Or you can say I suck at basketball and that just means that you are not a good basketball player

  • now you want to be careful with this word because it does have sexual connotations and

  • It is a little bit rude

  • No matter how you say it, so you want to be careful who you say this to um

  • My mom used to scold me whenever she would hear me say this word when I was a kid

  • So maybe don't say this in front of children don't say it in front of old people don't say it at church

  • Or at a job interview, but you can say it with your friends. That's usually okay, so what Kelly is saying here

  • Is that her life would not be good without this guy and she's saying it in a very informal

  • slangy way

  • And this is a way that someone would be likely to actually speak to their boyfriend in real life

  • Baby

  • And I want to talk about this phrase where she says pick a fight because really that's three words

  • But it kind of acts as one verb because you can say pick your nose or pick out a puppy or something and that

  • word pick really has a different meaning from

  • what we're talking about here and the

  • Phrase pick a fight means you're trying to start a fight

  • so maybe that means you throw the first punch, or you try to talk or

  • Behave in a way that makes the other person

  • Want to start the fight so if you know you want a fight?

  • then you can try to get them to start it and that way you're innocent because

  • You didn't throw the first punch, and that's what we're talking about when we say pick a fight now the word fights

  • also has more than one meaning and what she's talking about here is probably not a

  • Physical fight where you're punching and kicking and biting each other, but rather a verbal fight or an argument?

  • where you're yelling at each other and making threats and insults and these kind of things and

  • I want you to notice how she tries to rhyme the word goodbye

  • With fight and that's another example of a word that ends with a T that she does not

  • Pronounce it's like a silent T almost, so that's how she can get away with rhyming goodbyes and fight

  • She just kind of suddenly stops the vowel and that's how we know there was supposed to be a T there

  • We call that a glottal stop

  • So she says that she has a bunch of issues and the word issues has a few different meanings here

  • It just means that she has problems. We don't know what her problems are maybe she has anger problems or

  • Family problems or maybe she has problems with drugs or something we don't know it could be any of those those are all

  • issues that she has to deal with and then she goes on and says you're pretty messed up too and

  • A mess is just something that's really dirty, and it's not clean. It's not tidy its

  • Unorganized so when she says that you're pretty messed up, too. She's just saying that he also has issues

  • He also has problems that he has to figure out so really with these two sentences

  • She's just saying I have problems and you have problems, too

  • And I like how she says Butcher which almost sounds more like the English word butcher

  • But it has nothing to do with this sentence

  • What she did is took the English word, but which ends with a T?

  • And then the word your which begins with the Y and

  • In English when those two sounds come together a lot of times. They lose their original sounds and they turn into whatcha

  • like a CH sound

  • so instead of saying

  • But you're which would be a little bit difficult for an English speaker to pronounce if they're speaking quickly

  • She just says butcher and that's also a very common process that you are gonna hear a lot if you listen to a lot of

  • Native English speakers talk

  • And if you ever listen to an English speaker pronounced the phrase don't you there probably aren't gonna say 'doyng to you

  • They're probably gonna say dontcha and that is the same principle

  • So dysfunctional

  • I really shouldn't miss you, but I can't let you go

  • Now she uses the word

  • dysfunctional and

  • Normally that means something is not working properly

  • Like it's broken or for some reason

  • It's just not working, but we also use that word a lot having to do with relationships

  • Especially family relationships, so if a family is not

  • conforming to the normal social behavior that we expect a family to do and

  • If they're behaving in a way that we see as bad or wrong or they just can't get along with one another

  • We call that

  • dysfunctional so if you've ever seen the TV show Arrested Development, then that is an example of a

  • dysfunctional family

  • Because they can never get along they're always scheming about one another and everyone is just looking out for himself

  • So that's what Kelly is talking about here when she says that her relationship with this guy is dysfunctional

  • It's just not working and that covers all the vocabulary and all the phrases that I wanted to cover in this video

  • so if you have any other questions about the song or about English in general or about any of the

  • Pronunciation processes that I talked about in this video feel free to leave a comment

  • And I will definitely do my best to help you out and get you speaking English. Thanks for watching my video

What's up guys my name is Aaron, and I teach English and Spanish on take lessons comm and

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