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  • -You've been coming on "The Tonight Show" for almost

  • 20 years. Do you believe that?

  • -I do. Yeah, you were --

  • -I lived it, yeah. Yeah, you were --

  • That was you. Well, this is you

  • and your brother, Dylan Sprouse,

  • on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno."

  • [ Audience aw's ]

  • I can't even tell which one is me.

  • That's you.

  • -Yeah, yeah. -That's you right there, yeah.

  • -Uh-huh. -Look at this little guy.

  • What do you remember about that, anything?

  • -Uh -- nothing. -No, nothing?

  • [ Laughter ]

  • I remember my brother -- and you can see by --

  • by his posture, he was talking the whole time and I was

  • actually sitting the same way I am right now.

  • -You really are just sitting just like that.

  • -Now that I realize it. -That's how you sit, yeah.

  • Amazing. But you --

  • Look, Jay's holding a picture.

  • You drew a picture of Jay Leno. -Yes.

  • And gave it Jay.

  • Which I -- we had a zoom-in of that which is kind of --

  • Well, it's just interesting.

  • [ Laughter and applause ]

  • I mean, you were young. -I --

  • -You were young and --

  • -Well, in keeping with tradition,

  • I actually drew you one tonight, as well.

  • -You drew a picture of me? -I did.

  • I wanted to make sure that we -- we kept this in line and --

  • -Well, this is a tradition. -I mean, it's been

  • a little while so -- -Yeah, it's been almost

  • 20 years later. I'd love to see it.

  • A little bit better. -Thank you, buddy.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • There it is, right there.

  • Fantastic. Wow.

  • [ Band plays ]

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • Not bad. I mean, you've gotten better.

  • I can definitely see the improvement.

  • It's just amazing. I love it.

  • -You don't like it? -I will cherish this.

  • Are you kidding me? I'm gonna hang this on my fridge.

  • -Do you like it? -I'm gonna hang it on my fridge!

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -Thanks.

  • -Uh -- I love that, pal. Thank you for doing that.

  • I also want to thank you... -It took a lot of work.

  • ...for doing. I want to thank you for doing

  • this thing you're doing on Instagram.

  • Do you know what I'm talking about?

  • Camera duels?

  • Camera-underscore-duels. Now here's the idea of this,

  • and this is why I think it's very funny.

  • Now and then you go out and people recognize you,

  • and they try to sneak photos of you.

  • And they, like, put their phone up and they sneak,

  • and they act like you can't see what they're doing.

  • -Yeah. -You beat them to the punch.

  • You take a picture of them taking a picture of you.

  • -Yes. -And post that photo

  • on Instagram.

  • -And it's -- -It's a real process of shaming.

  • No, it's --I think it's just --

  • Here's one girl, she's like, "Well, I'm just not --

  • I'm like -- what am I doing?

  • [ Laughter ]

  • What am I doing? I'm not doing --"

  • -You were much kinder than me. You blurred out the face.

  • -Yeah, yeah, yeah, I did, yeah.

  • We had to blur out the face here.

  • -Right. But then, here's a girl

  • on the airplane, and you're just like, "Nah, what?

  • I'm just checking my e-mail on, like --"

  • That's pretty blatant right there.

  • -It blends in with her shirt, too.

  • -Oh, yeah, the phone itself is almost camouflaged.

  • And then here's a picture of this -- KJ Apa.

  • Is KJ napping? -No, that's just

  • his normal state of being.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -You have to paint his eyes on during the show?

  • -Right. -I love that girl right there,

  • back there. But now --

  • So, camera duels --

  • If you want to see, they're very funny, but now it's kind of

  • backfired on you. -Well, yeah, I mean,

  • it starts as any other small art project through, like,

  • rage and annoyance and existential dread.

  • -Yeah. -And I -- I never --

  • I never imagined that when I started doing this

  • and started making it game it would, one,

  • be a small therapy for this situation that happens

  • all the time, but it would also inspire

  • everyone to start doing it.

  • Which is problematic. And when were in school

  • it was just a nightmare. So now people are trying

  • to fight to actually get on the Instagram which is completely --

  • -They actually want to be on camera duels?

  • -Completely backfired for me.

  • -So now they actually do --They're like, "Don't catch me.

  • Don't catch me." -Right.

  • They're like, "Can you see me?"

  • 0"I can't believe you got me. I'm totally --"

  • -"Whoops." -"I just had a blowout,

  • I can't believe it. Oh!" -Right.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -Can we talk about "Riverdale,"and maybe give us a spoiler

  • or something fun? You don't have to, but maybe

  • just sneak-in, and so we won't even get it now, but then...

  • -Right. -...when you come back months

  • from now -- -Yeah, I die.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -Alright, alright, alright. That's a good hint, okay.

  • But -- [ Laughter ]

  • Season two happens, right?

  • And I'm all excited about season two.

  • And man, oh, man, it gets scary.

  • It's frightening. It frightens me.

  • [ Light laughter ]

  • Hard -- The first scene --

  • -Do you want me to comfort you? Is this is why you're --

  • -I just want you to feel my --what's going on

  • and analyze it and tell me what's up.

  • But you --The first season, i go,

  • "Oh, there's a murder. Some kids were killed,

  • and who shot these -- this boy?" -Who shot this boy?

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -You have a Southern --"Who shot this boy?"

  • -"Who shot this boy?" -And you can't --

  • and I've said this before, I think you have the best cast

  • on TV right now. -That's great.

  • -On "Riverdale," you guys are unbelievable.

  • Every single person on the show is fantastic.

  • And you work so well together. -Oh, yeah.

  • -And it's really, really fun. So then, season two happens.

  • -Season two, I'm riding a motorcycle

  • and wielding a switchblade,

  • which is something my little quivering Disney self

  • never thought would happen... [ Laughter ]

  • ...if I'm being quite honest about it.

  • -This little guy has a switchblade and a motorcycle.

  • -A switchblade and a motorcycle.

  • -That is the greatest. -Right.

  • -No, you really are. I mean, you're --

  • You're in --You're in the gang now.

  • -I'm in the gang. -You're at a new high school.

  • -Uh-huh. -But now you have a --

  • It's the mid-season that premieres Wednesday night.

  • -Mm-hmm. -What can people expect,

  • or what should they do?Should they binge watch

  • what they haven't seen or get ready,

  • or can they just kick off? -Catch up.

  • The first half of the season has been us preparing for

  • this impending impossible riot.

  • And that --Much of Jughead's narrative

  • was him being positioned on either side of this

  • and trying to mediate this.

  • So the second half of the season is me in a leather jacket

  • with a comb on a motorcycle. -Yeah.

  • -One foot on either side of this impending war.

  • -Wow! That's what I'm talking about.

-You've been coming on "The Tonight Show" for almost

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