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  • so my favorite class in high school was physics

  • they open my eyes to the facts

  • that we can understand and predict so

  • much of the everyday world around us

  • using math and equations so today I want

  • to revisit the classic high school

  • physics egg drop competition where you

  • have to build some sort of contraption

  • around an egg to make sure it doesn't

  • crack when it hits the ground originally

  • I wanted to do a bunch of research and

  • testing to find the single best way to

  • win the competition every time but what

  • I found out with that each competition

  • sort of has different rules in some

  • you're not allowed to use popcorn or

  • parachutes and in others you win if your

  • contraption is the smallest or the

  • lightest or both so i'm going to show

  • you five super easy options and then

  • we'll talk about why each one works

  • let's go crack some eggs

  • okay so let's start with the popcorn

  • ball the basic principles that you put

  • your egg in the middle of a box that

  • contains some kind of cushioning

  • materials such as bubble wrap or packing

  • peanuts or popcorn personally I think

  • this one is the most boring but it works

  • and that's why every shipping company

  • ever shipped this way i'm using a ball

  • here because it's more weight efficient

  • in a box where you have unnecessary

  • cushioning in the corners plus the

  • stretchiness of the ball will help

  • absorb assembly energy

  • the moment of truth and we have an

  • intact egg before I show you the other

  • four ideas let's talk about the science

  • behind landing with an uncracked egg so

  • the starter you dropped your egg is up

  • high and it's stationary so it has

  • potential energy which is the energy

  • associated with height so these red

  • blocks represent the potential energy

  • and the higher I go the more blocks of

  • energy I start and then as the egg fall

  • that potential energy is converted to

  • kinetic energy which is the energy of

  • speed so you start up high and every

  • single block is over here as potential

  • energy but as you start to fall and fall

  • faster and faster every single block

  • comes over here is kinetic energy or

  • speed and now your egg is about to

  • impact the ground and have all this

  • energy in the form of speed that got to

  • go somewhere now this broom represents

  • the standing energy that holds an

  • eggshell together it makes it hard so

  • the way to think about this is when your

  • egg hits the ground do you introduce

  • more energy than the binding energy of

  • the molecule holding the hard eggshell

  • together at any point you're going to

  • break at that point so the question that

  • becomes what can we do to keep our

  • blocks below the broom because simply

  • put below the broom your egg is safe

  • anything above the broom and your egg is

  • busted well there's two things we can do

  • the first is that we can make this pile

  • of green blocks not as tall this is why

  • no matter what your contraption is to

  • protect the egg if your rules allow it

  • you should make a parachute the bigger

  • the better and it does not have to be

  • fancy this is like old-school army guys

  • style just cut up

  • bag little bit of string little bit of

  • tape and just looking at this you can

  • see the difference a parachute could

  • make so the second thing you can do is

  • not to remove any green blocks by

  • reducing your speed but to spread them

  • out so if we say left to right as our

  • time axis the more we could stretch out

  • this impact event the more we can lower

  • that high energy spike and this is a

  • cool way to think about any two objects

  • impacted the longer the duration of the

  • impact the more you can spread out that

  • force so stuff doesn't break so for

  • example this is the point of car air

  • bags instead of your head hitting the

  • steering wheel and stopping near

  • instantaneously it stretches out the

  • impact force overtime so you don't get a

  • quick spite that exceeds the broom line

  • for your skull this is exactly why long

  • jumpers prefer to land it's sand and not

  • on asphalt and why parkour runners will

  • always roll after a big jump it's all

  • about defusing the force over a longer

  • period of time so what does that mean

  • for our egg contraptions it surely is

  • something to keep in mind because it can

  • make it more intuitive for example to

  • see why putting your egg in the middle

  • of a jar of peanut butter which is a

  • popular and not a very good idea isn't

  • as good as putting your egg in the

  • middle of a popcorn ball okay back to

  • the bridge

  • you

  • so a lot of people like to build

  • contraptions out of straws and in some

  • competitions that's all you have to work

  • with how you configure your straws

  • depends a little bit on how stiff they

  • are the good folks at wendys have fairly

  • stiff straws which means I didn't have

  • to use quite as many so my idea was to

  • take six like three inch long straws and

  • build a regular triangular pyramid and

  • then put the egg in the middle and then

  • I took two of the Wendy straws and join

  • them together to sort of make a mega

  • straw and I use this wide tape to help

  • prevent it from buckling and then I made

  • six of those mega straws and simply

  • taped one to each edge of the pyramid so

  • the main point here is that there are no

  • straws pointing directly at the egg when

  • it impacts the ground the force goes up

  • the stiffness path through the straw I

  • saw a ton of examples online where the

  • straw was actually pointed at the a we

  • could create a puncture load in our case

  • we have this pyramid so all the loads

  • path next to the egg so you don't get

  • that primary impact three two one so

  • you'll notice we've got a couple of

  • broken pieces but that's okay because it

  • took energy to make those breaks and

  • that sort of protect the shell of the

  • egg and receiving that energy so success

  • ok so our egg finally broke but it took

  • about 20 tries and you can see there's a

  • lot of busted straws here all in all it

  • was pretty resilient yeah

  • so this one is a throwback to my NASA

  • roots in 2004 the emmy our Rovers landed

  • on Mars using giant airbags and even

  • though Mars has one-third the gravity of

  • Earth I figured it would still work I

  • started by cushioning the egg in four

  • little balloons that I barely filled up

  • and then I blew up bigger balloons and

  • then just tied it all together with some

  • string and tape and then if there's any

  • gaps in coverage you can just tape a

  • balloon directly to the stream you just

  • tied around in addition to the balloons

  • extending the impact time this design

  • benefits from a large cross-sectional

  • area relative to his weight so in a

  • sense it becomes its own parachute of

  • course if your rules allow it you should

  • still throw an additional parachute on

  • it anyways stop it from

  • I'm 2012 we landed another rover on Mars

  • called curiosity but this one was too

  • big to use airbags so we had to have a

  • power to send pretty much like a jet