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  • America there is a flood killing your people

  • Wait I'm trying to figure out

  • if this glass if half empty of half full

  • we have a bigger problems than a glass of water right now

  • I think I got it... just... just give me a minute

  • your cities are flooding

  • Wait I'm almost there

  • yeah, definitely half full

  • ahhh shit

  • hehe, well there is at least two things that are half full right now

  • yeahhh....

  • Hey, do you remember the old days?

  • They were good days

  • we totally kicked your ass in the war of independence

  • and you totally were the best swimmer

  • well.. okay yeah...

  • at least our leader didn't f*ck goats

  • what did you just say?

  • I said at least our leader didn't f*ck goats

  • what happened to Greece?

  • I happened

America there is a flood killing your people

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