Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles - I made fun of them for--women weren't allowed to drive to drive in Saudi Arabia, and I was going in on it. I'm like, "Well, maybe you should let the women drive, 'cause you guys drive like shit," you know, "And that"--so I was like, "Oh, my God. "This is payback. I'm gonna lose my head, and they're gonna blame fucking ISIS or some shit," right? [dark electronic music] ♪ - Oh! Ahh! ♪ Ugh! Oh! Ahh! Augh! ♪ [cheers and applause] Super stoked to get this guy. Everybody fucking loves him. One of the biggest comics in the world, to be honest. Please give it up for Mr. Russell Peters, everybody. [cheers and applause] ♪ - I've been doing stand-up for 27 years, so when you're doing it this long and you start to progress, things in your life change. Like, my situation changed from being this broke brown kid in Canada to a doing-okay kid in L.A. now, right? Or old-ass man, but whatever. And I get to go around the world. That's the beauty of what I do for a living is I get to go around the world, and I go to places that the American media tells you not to go to because they want you to be scared and keep your moustache like that. [laughter] So recently I was in the Middle East. I can't say which country because I signed an NDA, but... [laughter] But I was there. I did a show in this place in the Middle East. Well, I can say this. I was in Saudi Arabia, and-- and it was very different. I'd never been to Saudi Arabia before, because I was always scared to go to Saudi Arabia. Everybody was like, "Saudi Arabia." I'm like, "Fuck you." And that's based on watching the news in America, and I'm like, "Well, you better not go to Saudi Arabia "or they'll tie you to two different camels and they'll make them run away," you know what I mean? That's all you ever hear about Saudi Arabia is that torture and beheadings and they'll kill you and watch what you say. That's all true. [laughter] But--but you don't see it. In the Middle East, it's very quiet. It's like, "No, don't tell anyone what we do. Just..." so anyway, I do the show there, great--had a great time. There's 10,000 princes is Saudi Arabia, so there's a lot of fucking royalty just running around Saudi Arabia. So I do a show. I'm tripped out because when I get onstage, the audience is segregated. Not--not like this. Not like hipsters on one side and, you know, like-- but it's, like, it's women on one side and men on the other. And--because they're not allowed to be together. And I was like, "Why can't the women be together with the men?" And this is the honest answer I got. I thought it was fucking hilarious. I go, "Hey, why can't the women and the men be together?" "'Cause they'll go crazy, want to fuck everybody." I'm like-- [laughs] You're--it's not the men that are gonna go crazy, just so you're aware of this. These women are lunatics apparently, and they're just gonna fuck everybody, right? So I go, "All right. Good plan." Right? And so we do the show, and then one of the other princes who was a little more higher up, I guess, in the prince hierarchy, hears about the show and tells the other prince-- I guess, who's his cousin--and he goes, "I want a private show with Russell." And then he comes to me at the--they have this little after-party for me, and you would think, like-- you're like, "All right." You know, 'cause it's Saudi Arabia, you're gonna be like, "There's mad bitches. They got the doors closed." Fucking two chicks in the whole room, and they're, like, sisters of somebody in there, right? You're like, "Ah, come on, guy." And then there's guys-- guys are dancing with guys. It's not--it's weird. It's not, like-- but it's not like here. You know, 'cause over--here in America, we've lost the idea of what dancing is, you know? White people have won the dancing war. I mean, let's be honest. Like, when you go to, like, an EDM thing, everybody's just jumping up and down, and nobody's dancing anymore. That means white people won. [laughter] And it's either that or you're just fucking ass fucking everybody all night, know what I mean? [laughter] So when I say the guys are dancing on each other, they're not like, "Hey, bro, do it." You know, like, they're just-- I'm not exaggerating. There was a dude doing a dance-- [laughs] It looked like a camel. That's what--that's what his dance--his dance was this. [laughter] He was fucking--I was like, "Is that how you pick up chicks over here?" "One hump or two?" You know? And then-- [laughter] So anyway the other prince calls this prince and he's like, "Private show tomorrow," and then my brother, who's my manager, is like, "All right, well, "let me talk to him, and then we can sort the details out." And I go--I go, "I'm scared about this, 'cause we're already here, and, you know, we already don't know enough about these people, but..." and then he comes over, and he talks to him, and he's like, "Oh, shit. That's a lot of money." [laughter] So I go, "Uh, yeah, we'll do that show, right?" And then my brother goes, "Okay, well, we're gonna need lights. "We're gonna need the cameraman. We're gonna need the DJs. We're gonna need the opening act." And he's like, "No. Just Russell." And I'm like, "Oh, fuck. All right." And he goes, "Has to be private event." And I go, "All right. Well, can you give me any information?" "No information." I'm like, "Well, how many people?" He goes, "It's a very small party for the prince." And I'm like, "Okay." And I'm thinking small, all right? Private thing. Maybe 50 to 100 people, right? I've done worse. 27 years of stand-up, I've done shows where there's two people in the audience. I literally put the mic down and just sat with them. I was like, "All right, listen. "It's--it's fucking stupid for me to try and-- uh, what do you do?" You know, so... so... So I go, "How many people?" And they go, "Maybe 10 to 12." I'm like, "Oh, come on, guy," right? "This is ridiculous." And then my brother goes, "Doo-doo-doo," and I go, "That's a lot of money. Yeah, you're right. Let's--let's do it." So I go to the palace the next day, right? And I get there, and they put us in, like, a waiting room, and then this guy comes in, he goes, "Mr. Peters, please." And my brother and I--'cause, you know, obviously he's got the same last name--we both get up, and he goes, "No, no. You stay. Just him." And--and I'm thinking, "Great, I'm gonna get beheaded or some shit," right?