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  • Sup homegirl? This week we gettinin to some devil’s bidness with Doctor Faustus

  • by Christopher Marlowe.

  • Now befowe get started, I gotta lay down some truth real quick. There are

  • actually two different versions of this text- A and B. This summary gonna cover the A- text.

  • So, Doc Faustus chillin at his spot one day bored as hell. Brutha starts crackin

  • open a few books- “hmm Logic? Meh. Medicine? Done that. Law? Psh. Maynee this is some basic-ass

  • sh**.” So he holla at his servant: “WAGNER! Get yo ass in here! Grab dem two magician

  • boys Valdes and Cornelius, cuz those shady cats prolly know a thing or two bout where

  • a brutha can learn some conjurin, you get me?”

  • When Sigfried and Roy drop in, they hook Doc Faustus up with some Magic 101. So

  • the Doc fu**in round with his new magic when ZAP! A demon named Mephistophilis pop up and

  • all likeyo!” Faustus like: “say bruh. Think when you go back to hell you can do

  • me a solid and axe Satan if we can do some bidness? Maybe trade my Soul for some BANGIN

  • SUPERPOWERS? Naw sayin? Mephistophilis like: “Fo Sho.”

  • So Mephistophilis talks to da big man downstairs and a deal is struck: Faustus

  • gonna have 24 years of livinthaballer’s dream, but at the end, he gonna have to hand

  • over his Soul. 

  • Since the devil got plenty of lawyers in hell with him, he make Faustus sign a contract

  • wit his own blood. But when the doc try to sign dat pap, his blood start congealin- like

  • it tellin himhold up son! Da hell you think you doin?!” Eventually, though, he

  • gets deem juices flowinand sells his soul foda world.

  • Erry now and then, Faustus be wonderinif he can axe God foforgiveness and back

  • outta the deal with the devil- but whenever he do, brutha either sayNah... fu** it,”

  • or a scary-ass demon pop up outta nowhere and be likeboo muthafu**a!” Other than

  • that, tho, it’s straight up partying like it don’t even matta’. Mephistophilis like

  • Hey Pssst. Lemme give u da lowdown on some of da universe’s secrets, padna,” then

  • takes Faustus to the Vatican, where they turn invisible and mess wit da Pope.

  • When they done wit dat, they head to the German Emperor’s digs. The emperor wanna meet an

  • OG ruler, so he axe Faustus to conjure up of Alexander The Great. Faustus oblige a brutha

  • best he can, and errybody eatin it up, cept one knight who frontinlikePsh. Dat

  • ain’t even tight.” Faustus likeWhat you say?” and ZOW- gives dat hater a pair

  • of horns. COLD BLOODED.

  • Afta dey peace out, the doc sells a horse to some bruh, but it turn in to hay as soon

  • as it get wet. When da horse-man try to get his cash back from a snoozinFaustus, he keep screamin

  • and hollerinat the doc tryin to get him to wake up. Eventually, he pull his leg- which

  • pops RIGHT OFF. Turn out Faustus was trollin him double time. Daym this cat is cold.

  • Later, Faustus chillin wit his scholar homies when an old geezer pop in and sayYou

  • best get off yo ass and repent if you wanna see Heaven mayne.” Faustus jusbout to

  • sh** his pants with dat clock tickin down, and starts to get his repentance on; but Mephistophilis

  • bust in and be likeFaustus I will jack yo white ass UP if you don’t chill.” At

  • 11 o’clock, Faustus realize he only got one mohour til he gotta give up his soul.


  • Fo Faustus, dat last hour feel longer than the last than last 24 years combined. But

  • time don’t stop fonobody. So when da clock strikes 12, Faustus start cryin out

  • like a lil bitch, and the demons drag his magical ass to hell.

  • This play has stirred up mad controvery over da years. Like I said earlier, there are actually

  • two different versions of it- and Ain’t nobody know which one is da legit version.

  • Scholars been all up on eachotha’s nuts bout it foyears.

  • Da first one hit da scene in 1604, called the A-text, and the othadropped bout 12

  • years later, called the B-text. Some cats think the A text is messy, repetitive, and

  • goofy as fu** compared to the B text. Even tho there’s only bout a 600 line difference

  • between the two, peeps think dat pretty much changes the whole game.

  • Some thugs thinkin dat 600 lines are the difference

  • between Faustus CHOOSINto sell his soul and bein TRICKED in to doin it... like somebody

  • pullin his strings.

  • Since Faustus CHOOSES damnation in text A, most of the sufferinhe beast through is

  • psychological; so all throughout da play he goin back and forth between rollin wit da

  • devil’s crew, or jumpin ship and reppin God’s people.

  • My heart’s so hardened I cannot repent. / Scarce can I name salvation, faith, or heaven,

  • / But fearful echoes thunder in mine ears, / ‘Faustus, thou art damned.’” (2.3.18-

  • 21) “But Faustusoffence can neer be pardoned.

  • The serpent that tempted Eve may be saved, but not Faustus.” (5.2.15-16)

  • Sho, the B-text got plenty o’ dat too. But it got a greater focus on dat physical pain.

  • That’s why at the end of the B-text, Faustus don’t just get carried away. Nah blood.

  • Brutha gets his ass TO UP by demons.

  • But the controversy don’t stop there, sucka. Some scholars sayinthis is one of da most

  • Satanic dramas eva’. Others think it’s one of da most Christian. WHAT? Others arguin

  • bout which denomination and often pullin in ideas of Calvinist Predestination up in here.

  • Predestination basically mean that some hustlas are so legit that they are destined

  • from day one to get in to heaven, whereas errybody else is damned to hell for all eternity

  • and there’s NOTHING they can do about it. God’s choice. THAT’S RIGHT. No matter

  • if you savinthe whales, feedinthe poor, or pre-ordering the Thug Notes book-

  • It don’t matter, you ain’t never gettinpast dem Pearly Gates unless you got da hookup.

  • So is Faustus condemned to hell cuz he actinout? Or is he actinout cuz he condemned

  • to hell? Is the play sayindat you gonna get put in yo place if you try to mess with

  • God’s laws, or is it way mofu**ed up than that? Maybe Marlowe sayindat God

  • divine willis crooked as hell. Is it possible foFaustus to repent like da Good

  • Angel and da Old Man tellinhim? Or is salvation impossible fohim no matter what?

  • Well I sho as hell don’t know da answer to all dem questions. But as far as I’m

  • concerned, I’ll put my money on da old man. “O gentle Faustus, leave this damned art,

  • / This magic, that will charm thy soul to hell / And quite bereave thee of salvation.

  • / Though thou hast now offended like a man. / Do not persever in it like a devil. (5.1.34-38)

  • Erry one of us gonna make mistakes- and sometimes dem mistakes gonna be so big and bad dat we

  • don’t think itll ever get better. Thing is, you really can save yoself.: Even if

  • it feels like itll take an act of God to do it, you just gotta step off all dat and

  • switch lanes to the righteous path. Naw mean?

  • Yo if you liked this breakdown, check me out as I dive in to Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut.

  • And yo- pre-ordering the Thug Notes can only help yo chances at salvation. So click here

  • to claim yo copy of da smartest literature book to ever hit the mean streets. Thanks

  • for watchin’ y’all. Peace.

Sup homegirl? This week we gettinin to some devil’s bidness with Doctor Faustus

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