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  • - It's about right, was that right?

  • - [Woman] That was right, I think.

  • - Oh, my God!

  • (laughs)

  • (funky upbeat music)

  • (mellow electronic music)

  • - I really (laughs) need this class

  • 'cause I think I'm going to be doing

  • my makeup for my wedding.

  • I'd just love to learn how to have

  • more fun with my makeup.

  • - I've always kind of had bad skin

  • and Mom was not really good at makeup.

  • We didn't really do the girly things,

  • so I just never learned that kind of stuff.

  • - I was a tomboy growing up,

  • so I never really cared about it,

  • butt now, as an adult, I just would like to be

  • able to do more than just slap some mascara on.

  • - I don't know much about makeup at all,

  • but I have gotten my makeup done before,

  • and afterwards I felt super confident,

  • so I think it would be really empowering

  • to be able to do that myself

  • and to give myself that confidence.

  • - Hi, I'm Deepica,

  • and I'm a YouTuber and beauty expert,

  • and I am so excited to be here today to show these girls

  • how easy and fun makeup can be.

  • - What is all this stuff?

  • (laughs)

  • - I'm excited but a little overwhelmed. (laughs)

  • - I don't know what any of these things are for.

  • - Hi, guys.

  • (all say hi at once)

  • Don't eat that,

  • but it does sound really good.

  • (laughs)

  • Are you excited?

  • (all say yes at once)

  • We're starting with the contouring.

  • For the contour, you wanna focus on sort of

  • making a three shape on your face,

  • using a shade of foundation, bronzer, or eyeshadow

  • that's two to three shades darker

  • than your actual foundation color.

  • - Am I using one that's too dark

  • or does it just look dark right now?

  • (laughs)

  • - It looks dark right now and you're going to blend it,

  • oh, but you're doing it in the right spots! (claps)

  • (laughs)

  • - Was I not supposed to connect it at the top?

  • - No, you are, you are, you are.

  • - Oh, OK.

  • - What that does is, if you connect it at the top,

  • it makes your forehead look smaller.

  • You're gonna be the first to lead the blending.

  • - Pray for me.

  • - Wait, I have a question.

  • Am I ready to blend?

  • (laughs)

  • - Yes.

  • (all laugh at once)

  • Key here is dabbing.

  • Instead of swiping, you're gonna dab.

  • - Do I look beautiful?

  • - It's working!

  • - Is it working?

  • - It's working, it's working!

  • - Is this what working looks like? (laughs)

  • - Jody looks fabulous.

  • - Jody, get out!

  • - I can't believe we did it.

  • - You did it, you did it.

  • Now, to make the rest of your face match,

  • let's do the brows.

  • There's some really easy DIY ways to do it,

  • by using a darker brown eyeshadow,

  • and the key to filling in your brows

  • is really doing light, feathery strokes.

  • - Jody, yes. (laughs)

  • - Oh, that looks great.

  • You can use the spoolie on the other end.

  • - The spoolie?

  • - Yeah. (laughs)

  • (all laugh at once)

  • If you have smaller eyes

  • and you want your eyes to look a little more big

  • and kind of wide-awake look,

  • take the eyeliner and put it on your actual lash line.

  • Someone like me, who has really big ol' eyes,

  • you wanna take the eyeliner and put it

  • on the actual waterline,

  • which is the teardrop mark line,

  • right here, in your eyes.

  • - Sometimes, I do purple, is that weird?

  • - Not at all.

  • - OK. (laughs)

  • - I really like to focus on the ends of the eyes,

  • rather than on the inside,

  • because the inside of the eyes,

  • if anything, you wanna put a highlighter,

  • to get that twinkle.

  • - If you wanna do the highlight on the inside,

  • what do you use?

  • - Yes, yes, yes, yes.

  • - Do you use a spoolie?

  • - No.

  • (all laugh at once)

  • What I'm gonna start by doing is taking

  • a lip liner that's two shades,

  • roughly two shades darker

  • than the actual lip color that you're using.

  • The reason you wanna use something that's

  • two shades darker than your actual lip color

  • is you're essentially lip contouring,

  • and that contrast between those two shades

  • is gonna create this kind of look of fuller lips.

  • Just remember that the further out you go

  • from your actual lip line,

  • the more dramatic lip look you're gonna get.

  • - Which of these do I use, these two?

  • - That's an eyeliner.

  • (laughs)

  • - I'm just gonna keep it like this.

  • - [Deepica] Mm-hmm.

  • - Signature look.

  • - Deniece!

  • - You guys, I'm quitting my job,

  • I'm going to the runway.

  • - It's about how big you want your lips to look.

  • Oh, wait, guys, do you wanna know

  • the best trick for lipstick?

  • Everyone do a hook, go like this.

  • - Oh, the thing?

  • - And you get all the side,

  • so it doesn't get on your teeth.

  • Look, that would have all gone on your teeth.

  • I can't, I'm just so obsessed with how all of you look.

  • I feel like it's all, matches your personalities.

  • So pretty. (claps)

  • - Yay, this is so awesome, thank you.

  • - Thank you so much.

  • - Of course.

  • - (sighs) I feel like a million bucks.

  • The brow moment, for me, was the best part of this.

  • OK, these are the brows I've always wanted.

  • You know when you just feel good?

  • It's, I feel great.

  • - I never, ever wear lipstick,

  • and I never thought that I looked good in it,

  • but I guess I was just doing it wrong,

  • because now, I really dig it.

  • - I never had ever tried contouring in my life,

  • so that was an experience.

  • After this, I'm feeling a lot more confident

  • that I could do my own makeup for my wedding.

  • - I just feel so much more confident

  • being a woman and being able to control

  • and take my beauty into my own hands.

  • - Don't try to master things that you're not confident in.

  • Try and play up the things that you are.

  • - Other people can tell you you're beautiful.

  • Other people can tell you you look good.

  • But when you feel that way yourself,

  • and you feel like you have achieved that on your own,

  • that's so different.

  • (camera flashes)

  • (whip)

  • (squeak)

- It's about right, was that right?

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