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  • Wu Yi Fan Happy Birthday

  • (The brightest star shinning upon darkness)

  • (Can you hear)

  • (the sighing of loneliness in my soul?)

  • I hope

  • I can fly

  • fly to any places that have fans

  • (The brightness star shinning upon darkness)

  • (Can you remember)

  • (that there was a person who came with me and is now gone?)

  • Thank you every you I like

  • Thank you for always being here

  • (Please listen to my prayer)

  • (I would like to have the heart of sincere and eyes with tears)

  • (Please give me the courage to believe in you)

  • (to embrace you beyond lies)

  • Wu YiFan, I love you. What should we do ?

  • (Whenever I feel confused to the reason to live,)

  • (Whenever I lost myself in darkness,)

  • (The brightest star shinning upon darkness)

  • (please lead me to you)

  • Even if it’s the whole world, I can give up on it

  • At least I still have you, who is worth cherishing

  • (The brightest star shinning upon darkness)

  • (Do you ever know)

  • (where the person who stayed with me is now?)

  • 2012 YiFan comments for fans

  • (The brightest star shinning upon darkness,)

  • 2013 YiFan weibo and letter for fans

  • (Do you ever care)

  • (about whether the hope or the accident would come first?)

  • ( I would rather disguise my pain from you)

  • (instead of forgetting the pureness in your eyes. )

  • (Please give me the courage to believe in you)

  • Wu Yi Fan is always here

  • Welcome back, Wu Yi Fan

  • (Whenever I feel confused to the reason to live,)

  • 2012.11.06

  • (Whenever I lost myself in darkness,)

  • 2013.11.06

  • (The brightest star shinning upon darkness, please guide me to you)

  • 2014.11.06 Wu Yi Fan Happy Birthday

  • Growing up with him

  • We met when we were 13

  • Ten years already

  • Normally I call him Kevin

  • That's his English name before

  • We ...

  • love playing games

  • Because our personalities are alike

  • I am Scorpio, too

  • After we met, we went to play basketball eveyday

  • What he experienced is what I experienced

  • We trained together

  • When I finished, he still continued to train

  • He is good at discovering interesting things in life

  • When he likes it, he will keep talking about it

  • Just like when we were teen.

  • When he liked it, he would ask me to do together

  • When we just met,

  • It was a coincidence

  • I entered the house and saw him coming out

  • "he looks fine"

  • "it might be great for him to work in the entertainment industry."

  • He told me when we were young

  • "When I grow up, I want my name remembered by world"

  • I believe he can do it

  • From friends to working partner,

  • it feels very secure

  • We are not just working,

  • it is like an alliance

  • He wants to cooperate,

  • see what we can do together

  • Our studio call "Home Stereo"

  • translation in Chinese is ...

  • Basically, we are quite unanimous

  • Sometimes, we have little arguments

  • ,but talk awhile and it will be fine

  • I think many people have seen this photo

  • Let's me draw the scene that we play basketball

  • We bring some Little Fan style into it

  • Little Fan,

  • Little Fan,

  • it has been a long time for us to celebrate birthday together

  • Happy Birthday

  • Listen to me !

  • Because I am older than you

  • Remember you are the best

  • The best the best the best

  • (I can see)

  • (your eyes)

  • (gazing at the horizon)

  • (An empty street corner)

  • (a silent embrace)

  • (love is quietly ablaze)

  • (woo I can hear your voice)

  • Welcome Wu YiFan

  • Fan: Hello

  • Please sit

  • MC: Give you all 10s for screaming

  • Our building did not have that much people for a long time

  • Fan: really?

  • Today is especially for your birthday

  • Fan: Thank you

  • Let's say Happy Birthday first

  • (fans: Wu YiFan, Happy Birthday)

  • Fan: Thanks thanks thank you all of you

  • MC: Welcome Wu YiFan to our show

  • Let's say Hello to all your fans

  • Fan: Hello, all of you

  • MC: You all are so awesome

  • From we woke up this morning,

  • look at the weibo, newspapers,

  • are all about your birthday

  • even the bus stop advertisement

  • MC: Those are all your work, right?

  • (fans: yes)

  • MC: What did you feel when you saw that?

  • Fan: When I saw it,

  • I am very touched and glad

  • From debut to now,

  • they always give me support and encouragement

  • They are so great. The best !

  • Without them, I will be totally different.

  • MC: Normally, we saw the recent movie on the bus stop with large budget.

  • MC: You all are great. Give yourself a big hand.

  • MC: I believe the Netizens watching our live cannot hear the sound on site

  • The sound of shutter are so loud on site

  • never stop

  • It's so happy today to have YiFan on our show

  • There are two good news

  • First is your birthday

  • Second, you have a "son"

  • Fan: Yes

  • MC: Please introduce your "son"

  • Fan: My "son"

  • MC: Why are you sighing?

  • Fan: Not easy

  • Because it is my first solo song

  • and also my first creation

  • and production

  • , so it means a lot to me

  • MC: What's the name of the song?

  • Fan: It's related to my movie

  • "There is a place"

  • MC: Is it tailor-made for the movie?

  • Fan: Yes. when I were filming in Prague

  • we thought the movie need a theme song

  • and I am very interested

  • in acting and creating music at the same time

  • That's why my frd - Bin Young and I

  • worked on this song slowly at that time

  • MC: So you got the idea back in that time?

  • Fan: At the beginning, the idea was kind of vague

  • I just felt it should be

  • different from Chinese music

  • As our movie was shot at Prague, it needs more foreign elements

  • so the song is more like European and American music

  • MC: is it different to write song there and in China?

  • like the view, people is different, the feeling is different

  • is it different to write song there and in China?

  • Fan: Yes! It must be different

  • Prague is so beautiful

  • MC: Are you talking about the people or?

  • Fan: No, the view! view!

  • You all are the most beautiful

  • Fan: I believe it is the difference in the atmosphere

  • Different places have different atmosphere

  • so the song is affected by the atmosphere in Prague,

  • which is different from the mainland

  • MC: Did you go to try different local activities?

  • such as some people will go to hiking

  • go to the farm

  • Did you go rowing in Prague

  • or somewhere romantic to experience?

  • Fan: I went to rowing

  • but grounded for many times

  • MC: You don't know how to row, right?

  • Fan: I think I did fine

  • but my friends are...

  • not okay...

  • MC: Are you blaming on Bin Young and you friends?

  • Fan: No, they were not with me

  • They were still oversea at that time

  • MC: someone from the crew?

  • Fan: Yes, some friends

  • Don't mention their names here

  • You know who I am talking about

  • MC: who? leave it for your fans to find

  • Fan: Yes, don't talk about the name here

  • MC: Do you have some habits while creating a song?

  • Someone loves to do it in toilet

  • , somewhere private

  • and turn off the light;

  • someone likes to clear everything in their room

  • including all the clothes wearing

  • Do you have some weird habits?

  • Fan: I ... I ... don't

  • I will not be that weird

  • I am quite normal

  • I just write what I think of

  • MC: Where do you go to make song?

  • on the plane?

  • or your room

  • or everywhere

  • Fan: mainly at home

  • Mostly at home

  • Because my friends and I

  • made a recording area at home

  • mini studio

  • We always work there.

  • Working round the clock!

  • MC: Working round the clock.

  • so this song is made by you and Bin Young

  • Fan: Yes

  • MC: just you two?

  • Fan: Yes

  • MC: Working round the clock at home...

  • Fan: Yes

  • MC: to write this song

  • Why do you (fans) laugh like that?

  • Fan: Yes, that's right

  • MC: But from the beginning video,

  • He talked about minor arguments on the process

  • Fan: Did we?

  • MC: Did you?

  • Fan: Did we, Bin Young?

  • Fan: I think it is fine

  • because we are friends for many years

  • It is great to have some different opinions

  • making us to improve

  • MC: What kind of argument you two had?

  • Fan: like we listen to the same sound,

  • same instrument

  • same area but had different feelings

  • He think that one is better

  • I think another is better

  • At that moment,

  • we might find the third person to listen

  • as we may be all wrong.

  • When you are working on a song,

  • you may listen to too many sounds

  • you will become insensitive

  • and cannot identify the best sound

  • That's why we need a third person

  • MC: Who is the third person?

  • Fan: It might be my mom,

  • or my friends

  • MC: So, when you get into argument

  • you two can work it out objectively.

  • MC: Didn't fight (physically)?

  • Fan: No

  • MC: work it out peacefully

  • Fan: He will just lose if we fight

  • MC: Talking relentlessly on screen,

  • you always bully him

  • MC: At the moment that finished the song

  • at that exciting moment

  • Who do you want to share the song with?

  • Fan: Of course is everyone like and support me

  • it must be.

  • Finally, it is released to meet you all

  • , I am very happy.

  • MC: Today is the date releasing, right?

  • and they have already known how to sing it

  • Fan: Are you?

  • Fan: Awesome !

  • MC: At the beginning, they practiced together

  • Fan: really?

  • Fan: I need to listen later

  • MC: We listen to it later, okay?

  • MC: As we have spoken, all your friends around

  • When did they appear in your life?

  • like Bin Young, when did you met?

  • Fan: Bin Young and I first met in Korea

  • The time working in Korea and he was there

  • It is a coincidence when we met

  • We are connected

  • As back in Canada, we met once

  • We met once at that time

  • and discovered we work together in Korea

  • We are quite connected

  • MC: Met once in Canada

  • Is it like dining together in a restaurant?

  • Fan: No no, he lived in my home for a day

  • He come over and some friends introduced him to me

  • That's how we met

  • MC: Living in your house for a day?

  • Fan: Yes, it is not just a day, is a period of time

  • MC: Even a period of time!

  • People said "Meeting in this lifetime is, how many looking back in the previous life?"

  • MC: So many times you two needed to look back to each other in the previous life, to be that connected now.

  • Fan: I don't know, so I feel connected with him.

  • In the previous life, we might be .....

  • I am not sure

  • MC: "Lover", who said "lover"?

  • Fan: Don't be like that

  • MC: Did you guys like each other in first sight?

  • very connected or don't like each other at first?

  • Fan: We don't fight,

  • I think first time he met me,

  • he must feel "you are handsome".

  • Just kidding

  • MC: You continue your appreciation

  • Fan: Nonono, I cannot continue

  • At the beginning, we admired each other

  • I think friends are always like that

  • It might be his charm attracting me

  • I felt we can be friends

  • then we started to communicate

  • It is coincidence that we worked together

  • in the same place

  • Korea

  • so we felt so connected

  • MC: You two have consensus in music

  • Fan: Yes

  • MC: many connection.

  • Fan: Yes

  • MC: How old were you when you two met?

  • Fan: 17

  • MC: Did you sing together?

  • Fan: I cannot beat him in singing

  • He is better than me

  • MC: What song did you sing when you are kids, like nursery rhymes?

  • Fan: You got me there

  • I did not sing nursery rhymes

  • I am mature, I did not sing children songs

  • It's not much, we sing some pop songs only

  • MC: Pop songs, no nursery rhymes.

  • MC: When you were kids, did your mother sing you some songs?

  • The first song you know

  • Fan: when I am kids... like ...

  • (fans: "Two tigers")

  • MC: You all grew up with him, right? You always know

  • Fan: No, I like ...

  • "Twinkle twinkle little star,"

  • "How I wonder what you are!"

  • Then, I cannot remember.

  • MC: Every kids know this song.

  • Your mom sang you this when you were little

  • Fan: Yes, mom did sing this song

  • She also told me a story about pony crossing the river

  • always tell me that, many many times

  • MC: Let's share with us

  • Fan: Do you want to know?

  • (fans: YES)

  • Fan: I love listening story before I slept that time

  • She always tell this story

  • since I am a Horse in the Chinese horoscope

  • It is about a pony want to cross the river

  • but he see the current is so rapid

  • so he is not brave enough to cross the river

  • then he told his mom that he cannot cross that river

  • then his mom told him to be brave

  • "If you try, you know you can do it"

  • so the pony crossed the river.

  • because the river is not that deep


  • Fan: Great

  • MC: You all are so nice

  • so you have fallen to sleep when your mom told you that story?

  • Fan: Yes, I slept, slept at ease

  • Fan: I believe there is no "river" I cannot pass

  • MC: It is amazing

  • Mother told us some stories when we were kids

  • and we become the characters when we grow up

  • Like creating a song and acting

  • This time work with Director XuJingLei

  • Do you think acting is fun?

  • Fan: It's fun

  • MC: Acting or singing, which is more fun to you?

  • Fan: Both

  • Acting is my dream

  • and singing is my ...

  • hobby

  • and something I am passionate in

  • so I cherish both of them

  • MC: Any difficulties faced ?

  • It's the first time you act, you might face some harsh requests from the Director or the crew?

  • Did you feel pressure making you get pimples or don't want to shoot tomorrow?

  • Fan: I did not

  • but I am sure that sometimes I felt pressure.

  • Since it's my first time,

  • at the beginning, I went through a phase of adaptation

  • I did not get used to many stuff

  • and didn't know how should I perform in a movie

  • so I need director to teach me and she helped me a lot

  • MC: Is she a strict person?

  • Fan: Nonono

  • Director Xu is a nice person.

  • MC: or she is just nice to you?

  • Fan: Nonono, she is nice to everyone

  • ...

  • yes...

  • MC: Did you want to say something just now?

  • Fan: No, I don't

  • She is very nice

  • MC: I felt you want to say sth

  • Fan: I hope she is not watching

  • Actually, she is quite harsh to me sometimes

  • like asking me to practice cello,

  • to have a diet

  • making me do many things

  • but it's worthy

  • MC: She planned all your schedule

  • Fan: ... It's quite full

  • very enriching

  • MC: How did she make you have a diet?

  • Fan: She asked me to stop eating

  • everyone was eating and she was like"Stop, you cannot!"

  • I tried to take some food after awhile

  • and being discovered again and the food is taken away

  • MC: so she did try her best to watch over you

  • Fan: I'm always discovered by her since I am too tall

  • I am too large to steal the food

  • a very large back of mine,

  • like a bear.

  • MC: so is it the most painful thing that you can't eat during the movie filming?

  • Fan: It's before the filming

  • During the filming, I am free

  • MC: Is this character a challenge for you?

  • Fan: It's quite challenging

  • Actually, he is a very complex person.

  • but I cannot tell you

  • MC: Cannot tell us now ?

  • Fan: Right!

  • MC: When we are acting, we always have...

  • it's normal ...

  • basically we will have some intimate scenes,

  • kissing scenes, body touching.

  • Did you have it?

  • Fan: Did I ?

  • I cannot tell you

  • MC: Okay, let's me change the question.

  • Which do you think is harder, Kissing scenes or...

  • crying scene?

  • You all want to know about crying scene?

  • You all are so nice to him .

  • Crying or Kissing?

  • Fan: I think...

  • crying ...

  • both are difficult.

  • MC: There must be a difference.

  • Which one did you have to redo more?

  • Fan: ... crying...

  • MC: so you kiss...

  • Fan: kissing...

  • MC: so your skill in kissing is so good

  • Fan: wait! wait! wait!

  • MC: Expert!

  • Fan: I feel so hot here...

  • MC: Do you want to take it off?

  • Fan: I am fine

  • (fans: Take it off)

  • MC: They ask you to take it off

  • Fan: Wait awhile

  • MC: Come on, you think crying is more hard

  • why?

  • Kissing scene is easier. why?

  • Fan: ....

  • no...I think...

  • Actually, its my first time acting

  • so everything is new to me

  • I feel...

  • (sigh) forget about it

  • Both are easier.

  • I am so great ! I act so well !

  • MC: First time there is someone giving up about the question on site

  • Fan: I finished everything once

  • I never redo

  • There is no "redo" in my dictionary !

  • MC: Please cut this clip and send to Director Xu.

  • and ask her about that

  • What kind of girl do you like to kiss?

  • Fan: ...

  • MC: in real life, what kind of girl do you like?

  • Fan: I like girl that like an angel

  • MC: really?

  • Fan: You all knew that

  • I always say that

  • MC: like an angel.

  • Fan: It's a feeling

  • I like girl looking pure

  • MC: Wearing a white onepiece

  • and fly into your house

  • Fan: It will be scary at night

  • I think she should be kind

  • and understand my job

  • if talking realistically

  • Actually, it is quite normal

  • What kind of girl you like is what kind of girl I like

  • MC: really?!

  • I also love angel

  • and flying into my house

  • MC: Actually, we have interviewed your friends

  • and the answer is different

  • Fan: really!!?

  • Then, he must not be my friend

  • MC: Let's see if he is your friend.

  • Fan: He is not my friend!

  • MC: Let's watch

  • BinYoung: He likes sexy girl

  • and beautiful and hot

  • nice personality and kind

  • white teeth

  • many requirements !!

  • Fan: I am being mistaken!

  • what the heck is "white teeth" ?

  • MC: just like you, white teeth

  • and need to be hot and sexy

  • Fan: We cannot be friend anymore

  • Don't know how to talk ...

  • You will have no friends

  • MC: Is what he said true?

  • Fan: It's fake.

  • MC: What do you all think?

  • (fans: It's fake)

  • Fan: I only have you all.

  • I am not that kind of person.

  • MC: You know him so well.

  • Actually, there is the second half.

  • BinYoung: Actually, he likes girl feel like an angel

  • beautiful and pure

  • Ray: We like the same kind of girl

  • let's see who make a move first and get the girl.

  • Fan: Okay, we can still be friends.

  • MC: Again, is like an angel

  • You and Ray like the same kind of girl

  • Fan: He copied me

  • MC: He learnt from you?

  • MC: Did you two face situation like that?

  • Fan: No, never happened before

  • MC: He is very nice. He said he would just watch from aside if it happen.

  • Fan: Really?

  • Fan: NICE, we still can be friends.

  • MC: It's happy to have friends around

  • Chatting , hanging out together

  • Guys love playing basketball together, right?

  • Fan: Yes yes.

  • MC: Is the video YiFan playing basketball handsome?

  • (fans: Handsome)

  • Fan: Thank you

  • MC: Do you play basketball now?

  • Fan: Yes, but not that frequently

  • busy now

  • less than before

  • I still play basketball with my friends

  • But I am not that great now

  • I am not that good at it now

  • I cannot run like before

  • maybe I am old

  • MC: You are only 24 (fans: You do not)

  • Fan: I don't? Thank you

  • Fan: I am young now

  • MC: Your energy source are all here.

  • You all need to keep giving him energy.

  • Our show called "bring you to meet him"

  • and we bring many people who like you to meet you

  • and also we put the news online

  • Many people asked you questions online

  • Let's answer some of that!

  • Fan: OK

  • Question 1: her name is...

  • She said"Any secret to be that tall?

  • Is it because you always basking?"

  • Fan: ha...

  • Fan: I need to answer that?

  • MC: Yup

  • Fan: ... YES!! Of course

  • If you want to be taller, you need to sun

  • MC: That's the first time I heard that logic

  • Fan: Actually,

  • yes

  • it's right

  • MC: Is it true?

  • Fan: Is it true? I dont know

  • MC: Don't lie to me. I am not as tall as you.

  • Fan: I think it is fine.

  • maybe I just bask more than other

  • so I am tall now

  • MC: so do you bring a solar energy when you're going out everyday?

  • You can absorb energy everytime

  • Fan: Do I really need to answer that question?

  • Fan: Milk!

  • Drinking milk makes you taller.

  • Fan: Am I correct?

  • (fans: You aren't wrong)

  • MC: Ok, it's not wrong.

  • Let's see the next one.

  • She want to ask "Do you have six pack now? or all in one?"

  • and required evidence.

  • Fan: Don't do that to me

  • MC: Do you feel hot now?

  • Fan: I do

  • MC: Do you want to take your cloth off?

  • Fan: Always hot

  • MC: Do you want to take it off?

  • Fan: really?

  • Is it on the script?

  • MC: Yes

  • She commanded

  • Fan: But my cloth inside is quite ...

  • you cannot see my abs

  • MC: Do you all want to see?

  • (fans: Yes)

  • MC: Everyone on the world want to see that

  • I can hear people from America saying Yes

  • Fan: But I cannot show you my abs

  • MC: applause

  • Do you need me to cover for you?

  • Fan: is okay.

  • Okay, I am stuck right now

  • MC: I can help

  • MC: Too slim, right?

  • Is your abs still here?

  • Fan: Frankly

  • I got five-pack

  • MC: Five?

  • Fan: Frankly, I must have five-pack

  • MC: Five?

  • Fan: One Two Three Four

  • Five

  • MC: Is he pass?

  • Fan: Give me some times

  • MC: What? You want to show?

  • (fans: Take it off)

  • Fan: Next time

  • MC: Next time?

  • Fan: Don't be like that

  • I will have no friends

  • Give me a chance

  • MC: Okay, let's see the next question

  • MC: She said

  • Can you cook?

  • What's your best dish?

  • Fan: I can I can

  • I can cook anything

  • MC: Are you sure?

  • Fan: I can cook many dishes

  • I always cook before

  • Fried Rice

  • Fried noodles

  • Instant noodles

  • (fans: Instant noodles...)

  • (fans: You are so awesome)

  • Fan: awesome, right?

  • MC: Even instant noodles count!!

  • Fan: Instant noodles, fried noodles, mixed noodles, fried sauce noodles.

  • MC: That's why you are so slim

  • Fan: Great !

  • MC: I cannot argue with you all

  • You satisfied an answer like that

  • MC: Next question

  • her name is ___

  • she said

  • I got a philosophic question

  • Wu Yi Fan

  • Do you know which digging machine is the best? (It is from a trending commercial in China)

  • Fan: Actually, I heard that question many times

  • I don't have an answer

  • MC: Today, which digging machine is the best?

  • (fans: Wu Yi Fan)

  • Fan: Fan's is the best

  • Fan: YES

  • Fan: It's philosophy

  • Nice

  • MC: This fan called -caiiiiiii

  • she asked

  • Please comment on your own selfie skill.

  • Fan: Oh

  • My selfie skill

  • nonono

  • (fans: You are so great)

  • Fan: I am not good at that

  • I don't like selfie

  • MC: You like people taking photo of you.

  • Fan: ... This sounds weird ...

  • I just don't like selfie

  • It's not my style

  • (fans: Fan fan is not wrong)

  • MC: is not wrong, right?

  • (fans: Fan fan is not wrong)

  • MC: Why are you all redressing?

  • MC: Next question

  • She said

  • Fanfan, when will your new movie start filming?

  • What's your next plan for career?

  • Fan: New movie...

  • when will it start...

  • I don't know

  • That needs to ask my manager

  • MC: Need to ask the crew

  • Fan: Because my memory is not that great

  • MC: Next plan for career?

  • We don't have the next plan yet

  • The song has just come out today

  • Please support his song

  • Fan: There will be more stuff coming out

  • MC: Yes, it will not disappoint you all.

  • Fan: will not make you all disappointed

  • MC: Let's see the next

  • MC: What's her name?

  • Malena

  • She asked Fanfan, how can you deal with your negativity?

  • Fan: I don't have negativity.

  • I am quite happy

  • (fans: You are awesome)

  • Fan: Awesome!

  • Awesome!

  • Fan: How about you?

  • MC: I don't have negativity

  • When I saw you, I am happy

  • Fan: Nice!

  • MC: He is good at ending up a topic

  • MC: The last question

  • She asked

  • Fanfan, which actor/actress do you want to cooperate with the most?

  • What kind of character you want to play?

  • Fan: I am fine to work with everyone

  • I just hope to improve myself

  • and I can learn from them

  • I am willing to learn

  • I think this depends

  • see whether the play is appropriate for me,

  • match my interest,

  • and I can handle it

  • MC: How about the topic?

  • Will you have some limitations on the topic?

  • Fan: No, no limits

  • I am willing to play any character

  • (fans: Ancient costume)

  • Fan: It's fine, I am willing to.

  • (fans: Look forward to it)

  • Look forward to it !

  • How about you?

  • MC: Ancient costume...

  • Fan: Nice !

  • MC: Look forward to it!

  • MC: Let's look forward to your next work

  • As he is back, there is more and more chance

  • to work with great local crew

  • and high quality directors, actors, topics..

  • Right? So please keep supporting him!

  • Fan: Look forward to it !!

  • MC: The questions are fine, right?

  • Fan: Yes

  • MC: Those are not hard at all.

  • Fan: Thank you. thanks

  • MC: Our show is helping fans to get in touch with their idols

  • So, the next part is game-playing with fans here

  • Okay?

  • Fan: Okay

  • called Pictionary

  • Please pick five fans to the stage

  • Let's pick five.

  • You all know your number, right?

  • Fan: Okay? Can I start?

  • MC: Please say it.

  • Fan: ....

  • Number 10

  • MC: Who?

  • Fan: Who is number 10?

  • MC: Please come on the stage.

  • Fan: Continue?

  • Number 39

  • Fan: Nice

  • MC: why are you so surprise? It is just a number.

  • Fan: I don't tell you all

  • Number 22

  • Number 11

  • MC: Where is 11

  • Fan: and the last one

  • Number 9

  • MC: Five lucky fans please come on the stage

  • Fan: Where is my chair?

  • MC: No chair, we will stand for the game

  • Fan: But where is my cloth?

  • MC: You cannot wear it .

  • Do you want it?

  • Fan: I am a little embarrassed.

  • I am very cold

  • MC: Please take the cloth back to YiFan

  • Let's me take about the rule of game first

  • Fan: That side, please

  • MC: The five fans is on stage now

  • I have nine optiona here

  • WuYiFan will choose one everytime

  • and there is a key word under different number

  • and you cannot see it

  • but to guess it

  • and YiFan will draw the keyword out

  • Who answer correctly first can get the prize from YiFan

  • Are you ready?

  • Are you ready?

  • Fan: Yup

  • MC: Please choose first.

  • I heard you are expert in drawing

  • Fan: I am great

  • never lose

  • Can I choose now?

  • MC: You can choose any of them.

  • MC: Let's everyone to have a look first.

  • (Alpaca)

  • Fan: Can I start drawing?

  • I have started.

  • MC: You five need to guess from his drawing

  • MC: You can stand closer

  • MC: I really want to laugh

  • Wu Fan Gogh

  • Fan: Did you see my drawing?

  • Wait, I need to find an angle that you cannot see

  • MC: It is okay for me to look

  • It's just them

  • (fans: come here)

  • MC: You all sound like some bad guys

  • I am very curious

  • Is it okay?

  • Fan: It seems failed...

  • MC: Not wrong!

  • Fan: Okay.

  • I have finished.

  • MC: Please show it to everyone.

  • (fans: It's totally the same)

  • MC: Let's them see.

  • (fan1: sheep)

  • (fan2: Alpaca)

  • Fan: ..WOW

  • MC: How can you guess it!!

  • (fan1: Alpaca get 4 legs)

  • MC: is not wrong.

  • (fan2: Fanfan is not wrong.)

  • MC: Please bring the prize to the stage.

  • ( PART 2 PREVIEW )

Wu Yi Fan Happy Birthday

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