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  • Next stop, NeoMars Convention Center. Pshew!

  • Thanks. Pshew!

  • Heh, thank you. Pshew!

  • Thanks. Carefully sever the aorta. P-P-P-POWER UP!!!

  • Hi, I'm Chris.

  • Hello.

  • You look familiar. Don't I know you from somewhere?

  • No I, wait... I think I do know you. I think you're... aren't you my friend?

  • What? My name is-- Beth!

  • I think you're someone I care about. A lot.

  • Why can't I remember? You're like, my closest friend... or... my...

  • Boyfriend? Shoot, I could be your husband! Or your dentist! I have no idea!

  • We could be anybody!

  • This guy says his name is Wallow. Hey.

  • And I'm Danny. And this is... Jelly Kid. Pshew! [coughs]

  • This is your pilot speaking. I don't remember how to fly. We're all going to die.

  • [screaming]

  • Wait, wait!

  • Has everyone here lost their memories?

  • [crowd muttering] Yep. Uh-huh. Yes indeed. No memories. I've forgotten how to dance! [clears throat]

  • What the dickens is happening to us?

  • I think we're going home... To Mars.

  • Warning! Reduce your speed!

  • Hey, maybe Jelly Kid can pilot the shuttle!

  • Self-destruct initiated. ...Nnnope.

  • Cancelled. Check it out guys! I've got a sticker on my

  • belt, and when I rub it a little cat comes out. Haha!

  • Hahaha oh crap! The four of us all have these little sticker pets? Maybe we're in a band.

  • Woah!

  • Yeah! Maybe we're all rock stars! And Beth is our mom.

  • Maybe the three of us are assassins and we're all sent here to kill Danny.

  • Haha awesome! High five, dog!

  • I get it -- So, you're the cool one, you're the funny one and you're the...

  • Girl.

  • Which one am I? [fart]

  • Okay, check the wax. The steering controls

  • are I.D. locked and we're picking up speed, so we're going to crash right into the NeoMars

  • Convention Center and die.

  • No, NO! We can dig a tunnel to freedom!

  • Ballerinas are natural burrowers! Someone

  • has to help him! I'll help!

  • Really?

  • Help... We're here to help

  • you... [gasps]

  • That's why we're here!

  • Yeah that's right! Yeah! We assist peeps!

  • Ballerina dude, I promise you, you will dance again!

  • Raaaah! Blargh! Blaaargh! What do we do now?

  • I don't know it just feels right to pose like this!

  • I remember: that thing's a Memory Donk... an alien creature who steals memories!

  • Ahh!

  • Jelly kid can make anything! Make us some weapons!

  • Pshew!

  • Jelly Kid No!

  • Hey, my dog became a sword! [barks] Ha-ha, we're warriors!

  • Activate heat sensitive stickers!!

  • What do I do with you man? I don't know, I'm a bee!

  • I'm just a little bee!

  • Punch it!

  • AHH!

  • [crashes] This Donk suuucks! You guys? The Convention

  • Center! Five seconds to impact! Do something!

  • Cats always land on their feet! Go Cat Bubble! [glass shatters] [meows]

  • [cheering] Greetings my friends! Yes, I finally made it. It's a Memory Donk Convention! I don't

  • know how to thank you. I'm getting on in years, and last month I had my license taken away.

  • So you had to take public transportation?

  • Yes! But people lose their memories whenever

  • they're near me and the pilot forgot how to fly!

  • But why did you attack us? Oh I just Donked out for a moment. It happens.

  • I'm okay now. Indeed, I am President Memory Donk! You Bravest Warriors have delivered

  • me safely to my followers! [cheering]

  • We did it, Beth. All of us. Together.

  • As a reward, I return to you... your memories!

  • I think I know which one you are... [smooching] OOOOOH!

  • You're my best friend! Wow that's insane, ha-ha. You're just my best friend!

  • Oh, right! Just friends. Dance for us Ballerina Man. Dance while the

  • world is watching! [music]

Next stop, NeoMars Convention Center. Pshew!

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