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  • Arrruuuuuuuughhu...

  • Today is one of those days...

  • You know one of those days.

  • The kind of days you wish didn't happen to you?

  • But they did?

  • One of those days...

  • You know the kind of day that makes you wish you didn't flunk college so bad?

  • Then now you gotta come substitute teacher and you gotta...

  • You gotta cover for an English teacher who's sick with meningitis...

  • And you can't do anything about it cause you need the money cause you're broke.

  • And tha-that's the kind of day today is.

  • Aaaaand que phone call.

  • Oh hey Mr. Dickson. I'm doing good how 'bout you?

  • Oh meningitis you say? Hear that's going around like a banshee.

  • Yeah I can cover for Mrs. Floyd today.

  • What time do you ne-

  • Seven o'clock!? Seven o'clock in the morning?!?

  • Fine I'll be there.

  • I love you too...(loser.)

  • These kinda days...(kill me now.)

  • You know the kind of day that makes you wanna flunk a kid for no reason.

  • These kinda days.

  • I am Mr. Cage...

  • This is my life and I-

  • I am your teacher Mr. Cage, do whatever you want cause' I really don't care at all .... So...

  • Where's Mrs. Floyd?

  • Well Mrs. Floyd is s apparently out with meningitis

  • she is allergic to men? I don' know how that really works but uh...

  • You're stuck with me okay? Get on with it, live with it, deal with it.

  • Get on with it, live with it, deal with it AGAIN.

  • Okay? See ya later.

  • Your shirt is stupid nerd!

  • Yeah're whatever.

  • Y'know sometimes I wish I could just insult the stupid gauges and hat

  • but they don't let me because I'm a teacher and I can't say anything offensive.

  • You know what? I rock this polo better than any pethetic nerds ever could!

  • So just think about that we're pathetic lives in a rambling on.

  • Okay? Don't bother me right now I'm gonna try to sleep.

  • Hey! I was trying to dream about Lana Del Ray man! What's your problem?

  • Your polo's my problem nerd!

  • Hey! C'mon!

  • No!

  • Hey! Hey!

  • What th-!?

  • You know what!

  • Detention for you. Detention all the way!

  • Oh boo hoo nerd!

  • See ya later other nerds!

  • Y'know the thing about kids these days is that I hate every single one of them.

  • Alright everyone, go to lunch. Get outta my sight please.

  • Go with your friends. Trade your Yu Gi Oh! cards whatever you do.

  • Is it Pokémon? Has that make a come back? I don't even know.

  • Alright go. Go eat your veggies, eat your veggies. Get outta here please.

  • Please? Your the last one.

  • But Mrs. Floyd let's us eat in the classroom.

  • Well I'm not Mrs. Floyd though, I'm Mr. Cage.

  • Mr. Cage doesn't want you in there.

  • Mr. Cage doesn't want anyone in there, especially you.

  • I don't want people to watch me eat. i think is kinda awkward. I'm sorry but

  • I-I can't have you here.

  • Go eat lunch with your friends alright? Be a normal kid.

  • I don't have any friends to eat lunch with.

  • :'(

  • Not my problem. Okay? Not really my problem.

  • Alright go eat lunch with your non-existant friends I'll be here. Alright?

  • God...

  • Okay...

  • (◕︵◕)

  • Oh God...

  • Why am I so nice? Why am I such a nice guy?

  • Get in... Just get in... Alright? Just quickly?

  • THANK YOU! ^‿^

  • Yeah uhg...Quick. Get, get... Uhhh whatever.

  • teehee

  • Could you please not watch me eat please? I'm kinda self-conscious.

  • Alright? just look at your phone. Jus-Just look at your phone. Pretend I'm not here.

  • Okay. c: teehee

  • Sssooo...You like teaching?

  • I hate teaching more than anything in the world...but I'm obligated to tell her I love it.

  • I love teaching! The kids are great, learning is great, the environment is great

  • I'm doing the world a big favor you know.

  • But all you did was sit on your desk. All day... (-_-)

  • Well I'm a firm believer in self teaching. I think the best learning comes from with in.

  • Okay. I guess can understand that. (゜-゜)

  • Well that's funny cause I can't exactly really understand you. What are you Antarctican?

  • What!? No I'm Italian! (ಠ益ಠ)

  • Never woulda guessed that.

  • You're an idiot. (^ w ^)

  • Hey look at the time... See what that is? Time for you to get outta here alright?

  • So just get your, get your phone put in your pocket

  • everything packed it up leave? Alright leave me alone for now?

  • It's been a pleasure having you here Syndy.

  • All right Syndy, uh get outta here?

  • My name is not Syndy. (>д<)

  • I don't really care what your name is.

  • He's actually really nice guy.

  • Bad teacher, but nice guy (^~^)


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