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  • here we go

  • come with me

  • there's a world out there

  • that we should see

  • close your eyes

  • with you right here i'm

  • a rocketeer ... let's fly....

  • a lot of people will think that if you want to be a flight attendant

  • you have to be really tall like a supermodel or something

  • yes they ask beauty pageant questions

  • I have applied so many times for this position

  • I honestly could not remember

  • how many times i applied because I didn't count my failures

  • I just counted the times that

  • the next time I would apply...

  • Hi guys! its me kaykrizz from

  • and welcome to my channel!

  • In this video I will just talk about the entire

  • process on getting the job as a flight attendant

  • and for the tips and tricks

  • on how to get the job I think this an entirely different subject

  • and it's very broad and

  • I can not cover it in one video :(

  • this is based entirely on my experience and i'm not representing

  • any any company. it is just

  • me. anyways this introduction is becoming too

  • long so let's get right in to it

  • so the topics that I will be coveing today

  • will be the process or steps on how to become a flight attendant

  • which is summarized on these steps first you need to meet the basic requirements

  • and step 2: pass the interview process

  • step 3: pass the medical exams

  • and finally pass the flight attendant training

  • number one you have

  • to meet the basic requirements that is

  • the required height, required weight

  • that is proportionate to your height

  • the educational experience you'll have to check

  • on the company that you are applying for the height that they require

  • usually it would be about 157 cms

  • it really depends. So once you have your height

  • you have to make sure that your weight is the proportion

  • weight for your height. it doesn't mean that you have to be really skinny

  • to have the supermodels figure to get this job

  • actually it can get in trouble for that because

  • if you are below your required weight,

  • sometimes they don't pick you and maybe sometimes they do

  • but if you are not just the exact weight for your height

  • um, they can be a point against you

  • you have to check your BMI or Body Mass Index

  • just google it and you will see how to calculate for it

  • they have these tables and all that this is your height

  • this will be your weight range or something

  • so you can just check it out in google the educational experience

  • If you have graduated high school,

  • that will be good enough for international flight attendants I guess

  • because

  • they do not really put the educational requirements that high

  • but if you're applying for local

  • company in your in your home country

  • I believe that the have higher standards like for me

  • they required college graduates and the minimum

  • if not college graduates is two years

  • in college aside from the height

  • weight educational background requirements each and every company

  • also have their own standards when it comes to each

  • and single status so once you think that you

  • meet all these requirements make sure on the day of the interview

  • that you bring your resume pictures

  • and wear business attire

  • so for the interview process

  • there are four basic steps

  • The first step is the impact interview

  • This will usually

  • last about a minute or two minutes

  • and a gruop discussion and the examination

  • and the final interview so that is all

  • the four process on how they go about

  • the recruitment and this

  • is like I said just to basic way to do it some companies have more

  • some have different styles after you have gone through

  • talented (the whole interview) process you me (may) know the results

  • immediately or if the (they) net (let) you re (wait)

  • you like (might) me (be) asking for how long do you think we should break (wait)

  • sometimes it takes a month are more

  • but usually to (the )basic ballpoint will be to (two)

  • peaks (weeks) for duration unseen (of) two (the) views (interview)

  • on up in (Open days) (is will be an event)the east the serbian events that I had (held) in hotels

  • it usually is just two consecutive days

  • however for regular into used(interviews) eat me

  • barry it could be that you are set an initial interview on this date

  • and you will be called to continue on it depresses (process)

  • for another month two weeks and you never know

  • so it de serie

  • it's not like opened a case where in its consecutive

  • sometimes there's in Reading PA in between the intake makes

  • them

  • there so the next step after the gym (interview)

  • process do medical examinations this will be shouldered by

  • you pressure (for sure)

  • the gotta see he said

  • the illegal posts about 2,000 ass and this is just a cheap

  • you need the help Lex any immediate once you get the job

  • sold him a check for CB CE

  • blood chemistry think and then he has is the case is still works

  • also they will check for x-ray a CEO earns a three-year hiatus

  • I'm ozzie have scoliosis some companies the internet access but

  • some in a half this range from than 250 East

  • endure since to look also that exam

  • I got a lot of questions about I ace and the ASCII

  • simon doesn't get it yeah flight attendants

  • E I have this kind be have my own yeah I decided this farsightedness can I still

  • be inflated

  • and answer to that question yes by

  • bad there's another for the medical exams usually get the results

  • the day three days or week or so and then after you get the results you have

  • to pass that on to your employer

  • and decile

  • yesterday and hearing samples of procedures that you have to go through

  • for your medical exams once you have best all your

  • interviews them

  • less and least

  • Sep did you have to go through to become a flight attendant

  • is chorus Trey you would say that

  • past interviews I have that is the medical

  • I yes that not kill you

  • nuts you still have to pass the chain

  • some companies are very strict with test scores

  • and some not really and I can see Florida International latency

  • its name pass cuts through s it is

  • in them we'll see because sometimes the best in me

  • about eighty-five percent sold it s questions

  • about the test chorus in the local over in my home country

  • the peasants courses the ninety five to ninety percent

  • its tops in the UK only theyll

  • well once I the file thanks

  • in 10 feel you about the program

  • but where the international scene

  • are the necessarily be about 18 eighty-five percent

  • and that is a good did you see so

  • you still have to say that there's just more money

  • where anything that one is buried in the other

  • but arm for me personally eighty percent

  • is much better day think I raised so

  • that is the latest scores yeah has everything in you can only play

  • feel 385 diets in that is it and a

  • and one more strong winds are important point that you haven't seen

  • he said you always have to be on time

  • victory I don't know if this I'll

  • economies I know most companies have this policy that you can never really

  • in any treaty you can only be late once

  • arts like this and then you other the company are you up to the program

  • you could never be absent if you're upset longtime

  • and is it yeah nice to know you

  • bad soggy you are very successful

  • each and every step of the process good after Cielo that is it

  • for my video today, all about the question: How to be a flight attendant

  • I hope that you enjoy it you learn something

  • if you want more information about my writing

  • on that's okay I usually write about

  • the salary yeah experiences have in the mean companies

  • route it down in my blood I will be putting the link down below

  • which is

  • the end I'm just browse my are times I have all the time the same

  • I will be available for you on social media

  • I have made to your account my facebook page in Lehi see him in town

  • and I hope that I help you is only or any other

  • I really appreciate all my readers in my blood

  • and I'll that I could just give you are at the heart

  • because you supported me through my

  • luxury in the hope that you will also support me

  • yes you should check today so if you like this video

  • the city is also me unions

  • add to my channel to get more videos like this I said like to ask for your

  • help

  • if you want me I tell you what kinda use

  • heated E in my feet and which

  • to do it I cannot promise that I'll posting

  • video everyday or every week

  • because they killed my feet I am definitely once

  • thats from C I wish you all the best

  • good luck and I was live in Houston

  • much

  • do the visage

  • that

  • then

here we go

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