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  • Hello, my name is Ronnie. I am going to teach you some English.

  • It's going to be great.It's going to be easy, I think. Something that a lot of you have difficulty with in English

  • is nouns, verbs, adjectives, and all those other crazy, crazy things we have in English.

  • I'm going to teach you two tricks that will help you, when you are trying to figure out

  • if a word is a verb or a noun, or when to use a verb. Is it a noun? Do what? So

  • today's lesson is the birth of a noun. You are going to take a verb, it's going to do some magical things,

  • and by the end of the lesson it is going to become a noun, so birth of a noun.

  • How to change a verb to a noun, the first thing we are going to do is have a look at

  • the verbs. We have the verb "employ, develop, move, judge, advertise, and establish."

  • "Employ" do you know what that verb means? Have you heard that word, "employ, employ?" It means

  • use or work.

  • The next one we have is "develop;" if you "develop" something it basically means you help to grow.

  • The next one is "move." I am moving my right hand, but not my left hand. That would cause much problem.

  • The next one is "judge." There's a noun of "judge" and also a verb of "judge." To

  • "judge" something means to give your opinion.

  • The next one is "advertise." The "s" and the "zed" the pronunciation is the same. Don't worry.

  • "Advertise" means to tell something, usually you do it for money. You "advertise" something on a website,

  • or you advertise on TV to get a product, to make you money.

  • The next one is "establish, establish means to make something. So, what we're going to do,

  • two tricks. The first trick is we're going to take these verbs, and we are going to add

  • four letters to make it a noun. The letters are "m-e-n-t."

  • So we have the verb "employ." The noun changes to "employment." Did you just say mint and not m-e-n-t?

  • I did, English pronunciation is difficult. In English we don't say employment,

  • we actually say it like this word, "m-i-n-t." Like a breath mint. So all of these words

  • you must spell with "m-e-n-t," but your pronunciation is going to be "m-i-n-t," like "mint, employment."

  • The next one we have is a "development." "Employment" means job. "Development," we use it to mean

  • an area that has been "developed." You could use it to say it's a building; this is a "development" of this country, or a building of a company.

  • "Move," we have the noun of movement. "Move, move," not "move, move," do you know why I got distracted?

  • Because, I was thinking of a Bob Marley song that's called "A Movement of the People,"

  • "movement of the people." If anyone is a Bob Marley fan out there.

  • "Movement" of people is a good way to remember what this word means. "Movement" basically

  • means a group of people who try and change something in society, so a "movement" is a

  • group of people.

  • The next one is "judge, judgment." It means the same, the noun, and the verb. You give

  • your opinion of something. "Advertisement," an "advertisement" you will see on the subway.

  • You will see everywhere you go, everywhere you look. In the world,

  • people are trying to sell you something in an "advertisement." We usually shorten the word, and just call

  • it an "ad."

  • Next one is "establish," changes to "establishment." For some reason I don't like the word "establishment."

  • "Establishment" means something that has been "established." We usually use it in the form

  • of government or politics; it can also mean a place like a restaurant. I like restaurants.

  • The next trick, trick number one is you take the verb you change it to a noun using "m-e-n-t"

  • or "m-i-n-t" "employment." Fast word. The next one is this word, "act."

  • The other way to make a verb into a noun is to add "i-o-n." So when you look at this word,

  • it looks like "act on, act-i-on. No, once again English pronunciation is very strange,

  • and it's actually said "action" or "ac-sh-in" So, I would say this word action. Some people

  • might say "action," but that would be a French-Canadian accent, so that would be wrong.

  • So you say "action."

  • The next one, "inspire." Do you know what inspire means? It's a verb. It means to influence someone usually in a positive way.

  • So, maybe you have a teacher or someone in your life that

  • "inspires you." It means you look at them and go, "Wow that person's cool. I want to

  • be like that person." So "inspire" as a noun will change to inspiration.

  • This one we have to change a little bit, but we are still adding the "i-o-n" at the end of the verb,

  • so "inspire" changed to "inspiration." The next word is "protect." "Protect" means

  • you guard or care for something. To change this you are going to add the "i-o-n" and

  • it's going to become "protection - protect-shin."

  • And I think I'm going to save the best for last here. "Destroy," so you look at this

  • and you go "act/ action, inspire/ inspiration, protect/ protection, destroy/ destroy- ion?"

  • Destroy- ion, not a word. What are you doing? "Destroy-ion" is not a word. For some reason

  • we want to change this word into a noun, we use a different verb.

  • We are going to take the word "destroy" as a noun, and we change it to

  • ..."destruction." The verb changes a little bit. The spelling changes the meaning is the same, to "destroy"

  • something means to completely ruin it, so it's no longer there, and then we have the noun "destruction."

  • If you would like some more "instruction" go to Bye.

Hello, my name is Ronnie. I am going to teach you some English.

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