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  • [Intro Music]

  • Happy Birthday

  • Okay!

  • HAPPY...

  • BIRTH...

  • ...DAY!!

  • [Screams]

  • Can I borrow a pen?

  • Really?

  • [Speaker] Hello and welcome to...

  • [Sings] See anybody could be good to you...

  • [Speaker - Singing] need a bad girl to blow your mind!

  • Alright, who's happy to be back?!

  • Absolutely no one

  • Me neither, let's get the heck out of here!

  • [Others] Go! Go! [Thomas] I'm going, I'm going!

  • Wait!

  • If I'd known it was hot, I would have worn a tank top

  • [Goofy Laugh]

  • Excuse me...


  • The best part of travelling? No school

  • [Teachers bombard with questions]

  • Can I have a normal dream?!

  • May I have a normal dream!

  • Storytime!

  • Of all the works of art in this room

  • She... was the loveliest

  • [Laughs]

  • Togepi, go!

  • Use mirror move!

  • Dude!

  • [Laughs]

  • Dude!

  • [Laughs]

  • For you today, I've prepared Lambs tongue,

  • broiled beef liver, and cauliflower!

  • Enjoy!

  • Yeah... that job didn't work out

  • Guess what I've got!

  • Yay! Computer!

  • [Laughs loudly]

  • NO! It's a box.

  • [Laughs hysterically]

  • Prepare for the incision...

  • You've botched it!

  • Bruh!

  • Call it!

  • Dude, that was a howler!

  • WAIT!!


  • I'm going to run you over...

  • ...TO the shoe store, cos you deserve some sweet kicks!

  • [Laughs]

  • Baller!

  • I'm lost

  • Can you tell me how to get...

  • How to get to Sesame Street!

  • Yeah, that's my jam, man!

  • Wickedy-wack and that's that!

  • OH!

  • [Signing the rap]

  • [Crowd] OHH!!!

  • Disney pranks...with friends!

  • Want some?

  • Oh, yeah!

  • Oh, wow that...

  • OH MY GOD!!

  • [Laughing]

  • [Toy speaks] The cow says, Moo

  • Loser says what?

  • What?

  • [Toy shouts] Oh! Stupid! [Girl laughs]

  • I'm so disappointed

  • I guess I'm going to have to grade on a curve

  • [Class yelps in excitement]

  • Today, we are united!

  • [Students cheer]

  • There is one way to settle this!

  • By epic battle!

  • [Screaming at each other]

  • You're so dead!

  • Guys, we're going to the Grammy's

  • [Cheering]

  • Why are we stopping?

  • [Women cheer]


  • Gram grams, how are you?

  • Storytime!

  • The two were models... and they loved to strut their stuff!

  • Ugh!

  • [Cries out in anger]

  • Magikarp, go!

  • Use splash!

  • [Laughs]

  • But nothing happened!

  • [Laughs]

  • Something's going to happen! [Laughs]

  • [Sings] Vine life...carrying the banner through it all!

  • You guys heard of the internet?!

  • Oh yeah, why are we doing this?

  • Why are we reading these?

  • I'm going to go blog!

  • And...

  • Colonel Mustard in the kitchen with a wrench!

  • Dude, there was an actual murder!

  • You're not helping!

  • [Laughs] Ah, okay... I'll just roll again!

  • Miss!

  • We will fight to the death for you!

  • I'll slay you a dragon!

  • Uh...

  • I have Hulu and Netflix

  • Oh!

  • You win, let's chill...

  • [Outro Music]

[Intro Music]

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