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  • The President: On your mark.

  • I've got to say this thing always looks bug spray.

  • (laughter)

  • The President: On your mark, get set.

  • Narrator: Welcome to the special year end edition

  • of West Wing Week.

  • We know you all are busy with the holidays,

  • so we'll keep it short.

  • Here at West Wing Week, we have a word to describe

  • the funny bit we put at the end of each episode.

  • Female Speaker: Yay!

  • The Vice President: Folks, thank you very much.

  • I'm going home.

  • (laughter)

  • Narrator: That word is sting.

  • The President: Solid.

  • Narrator: So, for the end of the year,

  • we thought we'd string together a little

  • entertaining compilation of stings.

  • Enjoy and see you next year.

  • Bill Nye: Take it away Mr. President.

  • The President: POTUS on board.

  • POTUS on board.

  • (music playing)

  • The Vice President: Straight A's?

  • Whoa!

  • The President: I'm going to press this.

  • Zach Galifianakis: Don't touch that please.

  • Male Speaker: Over the counter.

  • (applause)

  • The President: Everybody.

  • Child: My favorite is 'Body Moving.'

  • Body moving, body moving. ♪

  • ♪ A-1 sound, sound so soothing. ♪

  • Mrs. Obama: This is good.

  • Multiple Speakers: ♪ Body moving. ♪

  • Male Speaker: I'm going to do a selfie.

  • I've never done one.

  • The President: Oh, come on.

  • We'll figure it out.

  • Male Speaker: Tilt the chin up a little bit.

  • The President: See what you started.

  • Here, grab and take a shot.

  • Male Speaker: Whip that around.

  • Boom.

  • The President: Take a picture of him.

  • Male Speaker: Hold like this.

  • The President: That's the shot right there.

  • Let's see how it's turns out.

  • Male Speaker: We tested the light.

  • Male Speaker: Look at the lens, not at yourself.

  • Multiple Speakers: Oh.

  • Male Speaker: That happens all the time.

  • The President: Don't tell Tim Cook.

  • Male Speaker: All right, people.

  • Male Speaker: One of those are good.

  • Male Speaker: That will work.

  • The President: Oh, you've got to in here.

  • Female Speaker: Oh, come on Ryan.

  • Oh, Pat do you want one too?

  • The President: Come on, Pat.

  • He'll take it.

  • He'll take it.

  • Female Speaker: Oh my gosh.

  • Someone's going to think you're like wax.

  • (laughter)

  • The President: This is Kevin.

  • Oh, I haven't been recording this whole time.

  • (laughter)

  • The President: Yeah, I thought you already

  • had it on record, Kevin.

  • This is Valerie.

  • Valerie is doing an outstanding compulations

  • here, describing right angles and that's Mike,

  • my Secret Service Agent, he never smiles.

  • (laughter)

  • The President: He's sort of smiling.

  • That's not bad.

  • I won't impale myself.

  • I'm not sure I can actually impale myself.

  • I mean I'd have to be like -- impaling is hard to do.

  • Female Speaker: A running start?

  • The President: Yeah, unless you're like falling from

  • a building or something or you're jousting,

  • which I don't -- I don't joust.

  • Female Speaker: Mr. President, I have to announce your name.

  • The President: Please do.

  • Female Speaker: Barrack Obama.

  • The President: That's me.

  • You're offering me job?

  • (laughter)

  • The President: I'm going to have to check out your

  • perks I mean --

  • (laughter)

  • The President: Do you have, like, a Sushi bar at Sensay?

  • Female Speaker: On a bad hair day.

  • The President: I mean that's some kind of outfit there.

  • I'm telling you.

  • All right, I like the smile too.

  • Female Speaker: I'm always happy in the lab.

  • The President: How old were you when you

  • went to the University of Mississippi?

  • Male Speaker: I was about eight or so.

  • The President: Is that right?

  • Male Speaker: Yeah.

  • The President: Yeah.

  • (laughter)

  • The President: All right,

  • I'm such an underachiever.

  • (laughter)

  • The President: I love this guy.

  • Male Speaker: So, you put -- you put this in.

  • The President: How did you get the idea

  • for the whole polymer thing though?

  • One last question, where do I buy stock in you?

  • So, how do I log on?

  • Fantastic.

  • Love these kids.

  • Female Speaker: I'd like to welcome

  • you to our highway driving simulator lab.

  • The President: Okay.

  • My first job was scooping ice cream.

  • One of you might be president.

  • (laughter)

  • Male Speaker: It's like Halloween.

  • The President: It's like the haunted house.

  • The Vice President: I don't know.

  • I don't think this one's on TV.

  • Child: It has to, because that camera is there.

  • (laughter)

  • The Vice President: Oh, wait a minute.

  • Actually, you know that's the White House cameraman.

  • So, actually it will be on TV.

  • (applause)

  • Zach Galifianakis: Thanks for the interview

  • and thanks for letting me shoot my show here

  • all these years.

  • The President: You've been shooting these

  • shows here in the Diplomatic Room?

  • Who gave you permission to do that?

  • Zach Galifianakis: Bush.

  • The President: Seriously?

  • Who gave him clearance?

  • Zach Galifianakis: Watch the spider bite.

  • The President: That's the other hand.

  • Zach Galifianakis: No, it's everywhere.

The President: On your mark.

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