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  • Okay, freddy, that was awesome.

  • You're rocking, but it's a little sloppy joe.

  • Tighten up the screws, okay?

  • Zack, dude, what's up with the stiffness man?

  • You're looking... A little robotronic. Okay?

  • Let's, uh...

  • Grease up the hinges, and listen--

  • Loosey-goosey, baby, loosey-goosey.

  • I'm just playing it the way you told me.

  • I know, and you know what? It's perfect.

  • But the thing is, rock is about the passion, man.

  • Where's the joy?

  • You're the lead guitarist and we are counting on you

  • For some style, brotha.

  • So try this out.

  • This is an ancient technique.

  • It's called "power stance."

  • That's it. Power stance.

  • You own the universe.

  • Now give me an e chord.

  • Just go... Ugh!

  • But let me hear, "ugh!"

  • Ugh!

  • Yeah, now raise your goblet of rock.

  • It's a toast to those who rock.

  • Now smile and nod your head

  • And let me see your eyeballs wide

  • Like there's something wrong. Yeah! Yeah.

  • Do it again. Give me that...

  • That's what I'm talking about.

  • Okay, let's do it again

  • From "you're not hardcore."

  • One, two, three...

  • Well, you're not hardcore

  • Well, you're not hardcore

  • Unless you live hardcore

  • Unless you live hardcore

  • And the legend of the rent was way hardcore

  • Yeah! ♪

  • Now we're rocking.

  • Your homework is to listen

  • To some real music. Get inspired.

  • For blondie, blondie.

  • For lawrence, yes.

  • That's the name of the band.

  • Listen to the keyboard solo on "roundabout."

  • It will blow the classical music out your butt.

  • Okay, for you, rush.

  • 2112. Neil peart.

  • One of the great drummers of all time.

  • Study up.

  • Um, are we going to be goofing off

  • Like this every day?

  • Uh, we're not goofing off.

  • We're creating musical fusion.

  • Well, um, are we going to be creating

  • Musical fusion every day?

  • Yeah. Get used to it.

  • Okay, and for you, jimi hendrix.

Okay, freddy, that was awesome.

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