Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles The Hive is one of the most popular Minecraft servers and it has a lot of hidden secrets not known to the public. A few months ago I made a video talking about a small dent of these secrets and I said that I'll make a part 2 eventually. So in today's video I'll be showcasing some secrets that I guarantee you guys don't know at least one of these. On the Deathrun map Metropolis there's actually two unused areas that you can't see without going in replay. Yeah you can't even see while spectating. Near the end of Metropolis you do some parkour and then you jump up here to escape. But originally you were actually not supposed to go up here and by flying to the right you can see that this map actually continues here. Welcome to the two unused parts of this map. These areas both have traps laid out and the death area as well. The first one features some puddles and what looks like a TNT trap. The second one is in the same area but you go down here. This area features a red box that has a sign that says fire. Next there's a TNT trap and some parkour where the death can remove the red blocks. And next there's a poison trap and that's it for all the traps. But there's a sign at the end that says one minute. This likely could mean two things. One this might be where the finish line might have been and two this isn't where the finish line is and it just marks the one minute point of this map. There's also pink wool blocks which I'm assuming is supposed to represent where the checkpoints are supposed to be. I'm not exactly sure why they ended the map here but I'm guessing they wanted you to come out of here eventually but you couldn't because the rest of the map is made up here and they didn't want this part of the map and the map itself to be too long. These unused areas also exist on Snow City, the Christmas version of this map. But this is one of the few maps that were originally limited time onlys but now they're not. There's actually another unused section on the Deathrun map Relic. This map was originally supposed to be even longer than it is. If you go behind the ending there is plans on having another checkpoint. This section is detailed and everything just missing the traps and the death area. Pretty cool right? On the Deathrun map Toys, you can find two swords hanged up above this bed which is a reference to the Minecraft Battle minigame that existed on Legacy Edition. In the battle mode there is a map called Shrunk which the premise of the map is that you're fighting in an oversized bedroom. In the Glide minigame there is also a Shrunk map which contains the reference that starts with are you tiny or is everything else just really really big. These map descriptions fit really well with Toys on Deathrun and this little mouse trap on the floor even empathizes on that idea. This map also has some references to some of the Hive Zone work. There are paintings that contain some of the Hive's costumes in it as well as two hide and seek blocks which fit well with the theme of the map. But something I've noticed with these two blocks is that there's a dark prismarine one which represents the two blocks used in the old hide and seek NPC. But that's not all because on the block drop map rooms you can also find references to things like Hive costumes and even mailbot. Also these maps have this exact same bee thing and I don't even know why. But speaking of references did you know that the old Treasure Wars NPC was inspired off of Porkrind the shopkeeper in Cuphead? This was changed with the biggest Treasure Wars update in November of 2021 with a more updated design that's 100% original and fits in with the Hive's art style. The April 2020 Questmaster costume is Isabelle from Animal Crossing and most of the Hive costumes are literally taken from Fortnite. But since again they've been making their own costumes. Well I mean unless you ignore the 5 different axolotl costumes and if you ignore how there's literally an endolotl costume, hat, pet, and a mount. Like what are they gonna do next? Like a blue axolotl with a crown on it? Alright so unless you've been living under a rock you know that SG4 has a lot of secrets. You've likely seen this hidden parkour that exists under these bushes or in the basement of this house that has lava at the bottom. Or the secret parkour that you can get into by breaking these leaves. Which is a fun little thing to do if the last people are hiding. I'm sorry I can't. I mean look at Hive they're even encouraging you to complete this parkour. Like just look at that little smiley face. Something that won't make you smile however is the reward you get. Because you literally get no reward whatsoever. You've also likely seen this hidden bunker below these leaves but you probably don't know that there's actually a sign here. Now I thought this was some sort of code relating to the next Survival Games update and the only Survival Games update but I was completely wrong. This code is actually a reference to the show Lost according to Lostpedia. The numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42 frequently recurred in the show and each corresponded with one of the final candidates to replace Jacob as protector of the island. These numbers also formed the coefficients in an equation that predicted mankind's extinction. Whatever that means. Trouble in Mineville. Wait no not that Trouble in Mineville. This Trouble of Mineville. Trouble in Mineville is a game that has been seen on the Java server of Hive and to keep this brief it's basically Murder Mystery but more complicated. And this is what the NPC was going to look like. One thing that's definitely different from Murder that exists on every map that players can enter to test their innocence. This mission actually exists on the hide-and-seek map Chinatown which signs that says this is not a traitor tester. Pretty interesting Hive. I talked about some Hive maps that are actually real places in part 1. The main two being Iso Hotel which is in Chile and O2 which is inspired off of Singapore's Gardens by the Bay. So let's talk about more. Pripyat is inspired off of Pripyat, a real abandoned city located in northern Ukraine. Hacienda is inspired off of Haciendas which I think are estate in Spanish speaking countries. But in Mexico there's also a hotel that kind of looks like the map called Hacienda de... actually I'm not going to pronounce this so I'm just going to put it on the screen. In my Murder Mystery rankings video and part 1 I referred Iso Hotel as a hotel that you can actually go to. Something that plushie won't tell you is Iso Hotel is actually a real hotel. Like I said that Hive like casually just goes on vacation there but uh knowing Hive uh they only go to these places. So yeah when Treasure Wars Seasons release uh I wonder what place they're gonna go to next. So yeah no you can't actually stay. Iso stands for European Southern Observatory which is kind of like an oasis. I mean you can look outside and just find out why. On the Ground Wars map Azure or I don't know how to pronounce this. You can just casually escape the map as easy as that. Like I can't even believe they didn't even think of this one. Or at least you used to. But the interesting thing about this escape is that it only exists on green team. If you try on blue team you can't. They actually patched the secret way. A month ago Hive released their newest game mode Block Party. And this is one of the few Hive games to have the game lobby as its map. But did you know that there's actually a secret hidden inside the lobby? Behind the podiums there's a secret room with ducks. It says ducks in Minecraft equals. This is likely one of Dr. Zook's experiments. And speaking of Zook did you know that he was actually teased before Block Party released? In one of the Hive's newsletters there's a pair of goggles which tease Dr. Zook's goggles. And in the arcade portal before Block Party you can see a music disc come out of the arcade portal. Which is interesting. Because maybe this could secretly indicate new Hive games but most of them are projectiles from Ground Wars. But something that isn't a secret is how Just Build is one of the most popular games on Hive. Or is it a secret? Click here to find out.
B1 US hive map parkour iso hotel secret Hive's Most ABSURD Secrets... 13 0 林天送 posted on 2024/06/06 More Share Save Report Video vocabulary