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  • What's going on? I've never seen Mr. Dadley confused by the fridge before.

  • Yeah, it's the only appliance in the house that he actually knows how to use.

  • Kids, where would I find the say-lord?

  • You mean salad.

  • It's in the drawer at the bottom of the fridge.

  • There's a drawer in the fridge?

  • Mmm...

  • I thought we agreed no secrets.

  • Oh, who am I kidding? I still love you.

  • Dinner is served.

  • I'm impressed. You're really taking this diet thing seriously.

  • Sure I am. My book says if you use tiny plates, you eat less.

  • Um, that only works if you have one tiny plate.

  • What diet is this?

  • Well, that's the no carbs diet, that's the high protein diet, that's the 5-2 diet, that's the 2-5 diet, that's the...

  • Pizza delivery!

  • And that?

  • My reward for dieting.

  • Hey, Mr. Dad, I like your new roll-neck sweater.

  • I'm not wearing a roll-neck.

  • Oh, it's your actual neck roll.

  • Are you sure this diet's working?

  • Absolutely. I feel incredible. It's giving me so much energy.

  • Yeah, you did just sleep for 36 hours.

  • That means I missed a whole day's eating.

  • It's weird. Since I started dieting, we run out of food so quickly, I have to go buy groceries every day.

  • Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

  • Hmm...

  • That's it! I should get the groceries delivered.

  • Done!

  • Let's go to the grocery store.

  • But you just ordered a whole load of food!

  • I've got to have something to eat in the meantime, don't I?

  • Chewing is one of the best ways to burn calories.

  • It's taking him forever.

  • Uh, Dad, I don't think this diet's working.

  • Okay, Darwin and I are going to help you diet properly.

  • What do you know about dieting?

  • The Internet exists. We don't need to know anything.

  • We will be your inspiration.

  • Your slim presarios.

  • You... - Okay, I think he gets it.

  • Now, if you want to take this seriously, you need to be open and honest about what you eat.

  • Do you have any food in the house we don't know about?

  • Uh...

  • Dad!

  • I thought that would throw you guys off.

  • That's not so bad.

  • Wait a minute.

  • That's it. We're putting you in lockdown.

  • Somewhere where there's no food.

  • Fish Finger, do you copy?

  • I repeat, Fish Finger, do you copy?

  • All quiet here. I repeat, all quiet here, Night Owl.

  • Ah, it's Night Owl!

  • Wait, I'm picking up some interference.

  • Sounds like chewing.

  • What's he doing in there?

  • I can't make it out.

  • Do you see anything?

  • Ooh! He has a burger!

  • Repeat, he has a burger.

  • You're gonna have to go in.

  • And Darwin, be careful.

  • Hey, Dad.

  • He's gone!

  • That's impossible! What can you see?

  • Oh, my gosh!

  • The hamburger's fake!

  • It must be a trap!

  • Get out of there! Abort! Abort!

  • Oh, it's just saliva.

  • He's escaped!

  • Fridge!

  • This is a new low.

  • Meh, feels like a very familiar low.

  • Dad moves so fast when there's food involved.

  • Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

  • We use food to trick Dad into exercising.

  • Huh, that never usually works.

  • You probably shouldn't have said your plan out loud right in front of me.

  • Don't worry, his short-term memory is terrible.

  • So, what are we talking about?

  • There it is.

What's going on? I've never seen Mr. Dadley confused by the fridge before.

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