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  • Please do not say I am good.

  • If someone asks you what's happening?

  • Hey guys, it's Shane from English understood here What's happening is a very informal phrase and it's normally used with people that you know, it's not used in formal Situations.

  • For example, if you go to an interview, please don't say what's happening to the interviewer Here are three common ways to answer the question Not much you Nothing much yourself Nothing exciting What about you in?

  • Some situations you can answer by saying what you are doing For example, if you said to me shame what's happening?

  • I could say not much I'm just filming this YouTube video Some other answers could be I'm just driving home from work.

  • I Just finished my workout at the gym So now let me ask you a question.

  • What's happening?

  • Comment down below

Please do not say I am good.

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