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  • Anya, I must just quickly mention, you've finished filming Mad Max Furiosa, is that what it's called? Yes. In Australia.

  • And you put this clip online.

  • So, basically, here's what you're going to watch.

  • So, I believe I'm right. Anya, you were in that car, right?

  • Yes. OK.

  • Anya's challenge is to drive down here, do a handbrake turn, and end up with the back of the car in between these two poles.

  • It's called a juicy lift one, I think. Wow.

  • OK, let's see how Anya gets on.

  • Here we go, here we go.

  • OK, doing very well so far. Thank you.

  • Excellent.

  • Here we go, here we go. Has she done it yet?

  • Yes, she did!


  • That's impressive, isn't it?

  • But what's really, like, crazy and slightly obsessing about that is that that's my first time in a car.

  • Really? So, I don't have a licence. That's so good.

  • I can't parallel park, I can't go on the highway,

  • I still don't have one, but I can do that.

  • That's all you need to do, you don't need to know anything else.

  • At some point, that will come in handy, I'm assuming.

  • Yeah, for a very tight parking spot in a supermarket or something.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • Imagine how hard it is to do a three-point turn when you drive.

  • Sometimes I've been driving like...




  • The way that they've trained me how to drive now is as if I'm, like, in a high-intensity chase at all times.

  • I'm kind of nervous to get my licence now.

  • I'm, like, concerned about society.

  • I think your instructor will be quite nervous as well.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • It is fun, though, and I'm...

  • Would you like to pull into this space, Mr Diderot-Joy?


  • Why were you in prison, Chris Hemsworth?


  • Research. I'm sure that's the question that you start the show for.


  • No, it was research. I did a movie about a guy.

  • It was research.

  • I'm in for research.

  • I'm... I'm research. I'm research.

  • I'm research, probably.

  • Do you have a story to tell?

  • No, you guys. I'm still taken...

  • I'm trying to listen to Kevin.


  • And a couple of stories back, it was the story about...

  • I don't even know what the story was.


  • You were saying... You kept saying Beals.

  • Beals.

  • What is that? Beals?

  • Beals?

  • Beers. Beals.

  • Beers?! Beers.


  • Beers. Beers.

  • All right, so that was about beers?

  • OK. That's a Beal.


  • And then just now, when you were talking about playing a prison...

  • Yes. said, and this gay... I can't imitate it.

  • No, go for it. It's sad. No, I can't.

  • It's like, I'm going to try, but it's going to be embarrassing.

  • You can go for it, Chris, and you can try your Celtic accent.


  • He can be the intermediate or...

  • And this gay...

  • This gay stands up, and I'm thinking, well, he must say a gay person stood up.

  • Oh, no, no. Wasn't that great?

  • No, it's a guy. I finally got that it was a guy.

  • A guy. Yeah.

  • One vowel away.


  • It was prison. Maybe he was prison gay.


  • You had actually quite a good gig in the prison.

  • I had quite a good show, cos I used to have a routine about...


  • You're looking at me the way the dog looks at you.


  • Is he saying, out?

  • Is he saying, treat?


  • I done this joke about how, like, attempted murder, you get a lesser sentence than you get for murder, but you still tried it.


  • Just because you weren't very good at it.


  • In my opinion, you should get double the sentence for making an arse of it, right?


  • And there's these murderers pointing over at attempted murderers, going, ah, that's you, mate, that's you, mate.


  • It's a strange joke.

  • So, what did I just say there, Chris, if you just want to...


  • Murders. Potato white men.

  • Murders. Did you get that?

  • Murders. No, I didn't get that.


  • You said murderers, and it was like, murders, murderers.

  • Murders. Murder, murder, murder.

  • D-U-R. D-U-R.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Why were you in prison, Chris?


  • Murders.

  • Murders.

  • Well, I got a prison sentence.

  • So, no, I was researching a film, and we had to go in and basically see what the inside of a prison looked like and speak with prisoners who were willing to talk to us.

  • And I walked in, and I remember thinking...

  • And I had a ponytail, long blonde hair, and I had a hat on.

  • And the warden...


  • I think Lily knows where this is going.


  • So I spent the night.

  • And the warden said, you can't wear your hat and so on, and I said, OK, no worries, and I thought, oh, shit, they're going to know who I am.

  • Then I thought, oh, no, they don't get Thor in here, they watch movies, and I don't know, I've never been to prison.

  • So I assume that.

  • And the moment I started walking through the cells, and it's like H block of this thing, and it's all just kind of, you know, cell upon cell and so on, and I just start getting heckled.

  • And it's like, yo, yo, Thor's here, man.

  • Yo, Thor, yo, Thor's here, Thor!


  • Where's your hammer, man?

  • And I'm trying to, like, blend in and, you know, research.

  • And just getting heckled left and right about, you know, come spend some time in my cell, baby!


  • I've got my long hair.

  • You'll do.


  • Anyway, so that was...

  • It wasn't a whole lot of research, more just kind of...

  • You survived.

  • Do you know how hard it is to be that mean to Harry Mellon?

  • He is, like, the sweetest individual in the world.

  • Because, yes, he played Harry, his name's Harry Mellon, and you, I mean, that was exciting for you, to do a scene with Harry Mellon.

  • It's not bad. Yeah.

  • Yeah. Harry Mellon was her Rihanna.


  • Tell us why he meant so much to you.

  • Well, I learnt to speak English reading the Harry Potter books, so as lame as it sounds, those characters really were my first friends.

  • So still a big fan of the Harry Potter franchise, love the movies.

  • Oh, my God, look at him! He played Dudley Dursley.

  • I mean, he's not an obvious one.

  • Presumably people don't come up to him all the time.

  • He's still part of the universe!


  • So what language were you speaking when you learnt to speak English through Harry Potter?

  • Spanish. Oh, OK.

  • Yeah, I'm Argentine. So when did you come to London?

  • When I was six, but I only learnt English when I was eight, because I was convinced that if I didn't speak the language, my parents would have to take me home, and that failed miserably.

  • So, yeah, I had to learn.

  • You've posted pictures online, and it makes me think, was bringing your children back there that wise?

  • Like, you pit-posed this... Like, that's your house!


  • Yeah, that is... Yeah, one of the bedrooms, yeah.

  • Is it one of the children's bedrooms?


  • Occasionally, yeah. Not since that snake lives there.

  • And then you pit-posed this one as well, like, is that in your house?

  • It is, yeah.

  • They're better than paparazzi, though, those animals.

  • OK. There's a lot more paparazzi in our life.

  • I would take paparazzi over the spider and the snake.

  • Yeah. You know, that snake, what you don't see...

  • We'd had a couple of drinks that night when we discovered that snake in the bedroom, and...


  • I love Australians. I love Australians.

  • We had a few drinks when we found the snake in the bedroom.

  • It was a Friday or Saturday night, and we're all standing there going, what is it?

  • And someone's like, it's a brown snake, it can kill you, you know, very quickly.

  • Someone's like, no, it's a tree python, it's something else, it's this.

  • And I just launched into, like, action mode, grabbed it by the tail, picked it up, and everyone starts freaking out, and it starts to kind of coil itself back up toward me, which is getting ready to strike.

  • And I remember thinking, what the hell am I doing?

  • So I just kind of threw the snake back into the bedroom...

  • LAUGHTER ..and shut the door.

  • And we don't go in that bedroom anymore.


  • I don't think we're going to upset you, Anya, but you have a phobia.

  • Yes. But I think yours is a legitimate fear.

  • Thank you very much, yeah.

  • I am really scared of revolving doors.

  • Oh, yeah, I get that.

  • I'm terrified of being cut in half or being stuck in one.

  • And to be fair, my first ever scene on Peaky Blinders,

  • I was supposed to... It was a one-er.

  • And I was supposed to run in through revolving doors, grab someone, take them through the revolving doors.

  • But I get stuck in there.

  • So, legitimate, I think so.

  • Yes. And also, you have to match your speed to the speed of the door.

  • Oh, God, and if you're at the airport, everyone with their luggage, I'm just like, I'm going to die.

  • Thank you.

  • I have a fear of my revol... Sort of revolving doors, but my little... Say if I was in flip-flops, my little toe being caught in the groove of the revolving door.

  • Oh, no, why did you make this worse?

  • I hadn't even thought about that.

  • You know what I mean? Because when I go on the tube, you know, like, on the tube, you've got the escalators. Yeah.

  • But sometimes I like putting my shoes on the side and they get cleaned.

  • They've got this little...

  • You ever do that?

Anya, I must just quickly mention, you've finished filming Mad Max Furiosa, is that what it's called? Yes. In Australia.

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