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  • A tense calm has returned to the legislature days after this brawl that injured several lawmakers.

  • But there's little sign the issue that sparked this violence is getting resolved.

  • The opposition, led by the Kuomintang, has proposed five laws that would expand the legislature's powers.

  • One's already passed its second of three readings.

  • It would require the president to take questions from lawmakers after a regular state-of-the-nation address.

  • From here, things get more controversial, though.

  • The Kuomintang also wants to give the legislature the power of investigation and to summon people to testify.

  • It also wants to subject cabinet officials to fines or jail time if they lie or withhold information during questioning.

  • It wants lawmakers to have more power over approving government appointees.

  • And it wants an open record of votes for legislative speaker.

  • These changes are meant to give the legislature more power to oversee the executive branch.

  • But even within the chamber itself, there's deep division along party lines.

  • The ruling Democratic Progressive Party has just won its third consecutive term in the presidential office.

  • It doesn't want to dilute its own power, especially as it only holds a legislative minority.

  • Office chair barricades and protest signs scattered across the chamber floor show that the calm may just be a lull in a long battle.

  • Klein Long and John Van Triest for Taiwan Plus.

A tense calm has returned to the legislature days after this brawl that injured several lawmakers.

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