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  • There are seven very surprising signs that you're eating too much sugar.

  • I think most people know the classic signs of eating too much sugar, which is fatigue, brain fog, belly fat, cravings for carbs, cavities.

  • But I need to clarify exactly what sugar is and the difference between a sugar and a carbohydrate because there's a lot of confusion in the area of complex carbohydrates or simple carbohydrates or simple sugars. It's a big blur for a lot of people.

  • A carbohydrate consists of three things, sugar, fiber, and starch.

  • But starch is the hidden sugar that no one's talking about.

  • Now, of course, you have like starch in vegetables, but then you also have starch in this stuff right here, right? Or this stuff right here.

  • So what actually is starch?

  • Starch is sugar, okay? It's just a bunch of sugar connected together.

  • And so the word that the user described it is poly, which means many, saccharides, which means sugar.

  • So when you're eating starch, you're actually eating sugar, okay?

  • And when we talk about starch in the grocery store, we're talking about this stuff right here, powdered starch. We're not talking about potatoes or vegetables.

  • We're talking about ultra processed food, calorie starch.

  • And this starch will spike your blood sugars way, way, way higher than actual sugar will.

  • On the glycemic index, you have table sugar, which is 65.

  • You have glucose, which is 100.

  • But there's starches like maltodextrin, which can go up to about 185.

  • That's like a massively high spike.

  • And it's not just maltodextrin. It's like modified food starch and modified corn starch.

  • And it's pretty wild because you can make starch from corn.

  • You can make seed oils from corn.

  • And you could make sugar like in glucose syrup or corn syrup from corn.

  • You can buy one metric ton of corn for $198.

  • Now from that investment, how many boxes of cornflakes could you make?

  • And cornflakes are mostly made out of corn.

  • And you can buy those from Walmart for about $4 a box.

  • So $200 of corn will turn into 3,636 boxes of cornflakes, giving you profits of $14,500.

  • That's a 7,150% profit margin.

  • Now, what other investment can you get over 7,000% profit from a raw material to a finished product?

  • Can you do with meat?

  • No. Meat has like a 30% margin.

  • So somehow cornflakes and Cheerios and even vegetable oils are not attacked for being unhealthy.

  • They're heart healthy.

  • But meat, for example, is vilified. That'll cause cancer.

  • But anyway, I digressed from the topic.

  • But I think it's important to know that the biggest reason for ultra-processed food, aka junk food, is massive profitability.

  • So now let's dive into the seven surprising signs that you're eating too much sugar.

  • Number seven is reduced collagen.

  • When you consume too much sugar, you're going to produce less collagen.

  • And that's going to show up in loose skin, more wrinkled skin.

  • People that eat more sugar are going to age prematurely.

  • Number six, a chronic white tongue.

  • So you have a white tongue that just doesn't seem to go away.

  • That is a form of candida.

  • Because you're eating too much sugar, you're feeding this fungus.

  • And it's continuing to grow.

  • I do not think you can get rid of this candida without eliminating sugar from the diet.

  • Because it loves these simple sugars.

  • And number five, we get into chronic sinus problems.

  • Most chronic sinus problems are a fungus called Aspergillus.

  • It's the usual type.

  • And that microbe actually feeds off of sugar too.

  • So again, I don't think you're going to be able to get rid of a chronic sinus infection unless you completely get rid of sugar.

  • Because it keeps living off the sugar that you consume.

  • All right, number four, red or pink gums.

  • You brush your teeth and you see a little pink in the toothbrush.

  • That is a very mild version of scurvy where you're having a vitamin C deficiency.

  • So when you eat sugar, you block vitamin C.

  • And one place that it shows up is in your gums.

  • All right, number three is low testosterone.

  • That's right.

  • Sugar will lower testosterone.

  • That can lead to erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, and also difficulty building muscle as well because testosterone is involved in that.

  • Number two, susceptibility to infection.

  • That's right.

  • Having too much sugar will weaken your immune system to the point where you're more vulnerable to acquire an infection.

  • And the number one sign that you're eating too much sugar, and this is actually very surprising, high levels of adrenaline.

  • Too much sugar damages the cell's ability to make energy in the mitochondria.

  • And so the way that the body compensates for that is by increasing adrenaline, not just for energy, but to help mobilize glucose and to make new glucose for fuel.

  • That's called gluconeogenesis.

  • High adrenaline doesn't come from mental stress.

  • It comes from physical stress or stress that happens in your cells because you're not able to make enough energy.

  • And so this is why you might notice when you're fatigued that you have a lot of nervous energy, restlessness.

  • That's the big symptom of mitochondrial damage and a low vitamin B1 because the motor is broken.

  • And vitamin B1 is a spark plug to help activate it.

  • And the more sugar or starch, the more requirement for B1, and then it kind of puts out the flame.

  • So now you get this nervous energy or this lactic acid buildup.

  • So this leads to insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and also the adrenaline is going to affect your digestion and also increase clotting in the body, heart attack and stroke.

  • Now, since I did mention ultra processed food calories, if you have not seen this video on maltodextrin, you should check it out.

  • I put it up right here.

There are seven very surprising signs that you're eating too much sugar.

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