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  • Hey, hey, hey.

  • Hi, sweetie, that's for you.

  • Hey, Trace. How you doing, girl?

  • Check it out. - Oh, my.

  • Girl, I got a sunken tub. You got to see it.

  • Oh, I got to see this. - All right.

  • You two have a good time now.

  • Have fun, have fun.

  • Dude, I am sorry we're late, man.

  • Man, it happens, man.

  • And she talks about how we're supposed to be the car at 6:45, I'm like, "All right."

  • Uh-oh.

  • Tell me my dumb ass ain't sitting in the car waiting until 7:15.

  • Nun-unh.

  • Okay, when I track my wife down 20 minutes later, she's stepping out the damn shower talking about, "Can I help you?"

  • See, that's crazy right there.

  • I looked this woman in the eye, I said, "Bitch, you told me 6:45."

  • You said that?

  • Psh, yeah, I said--

  • "Bitch." Then I laid it out.

  • But you said, "Bitch," though?

  • Hmm?

  • You said, "Bitch"?

  • Yeah.

  • You got to see the fireplace downstairs in the living room. - Okay.

  • Don't play games, man. Just tell me what you're going to tell me.

  • Exactly, it's like, say what you mean, mean what you say. - Is that so hard?

  • It's liek last week, man. We going out to dinenr, right?

  • I'm like, "Where do you want to go?"

  • She's like, "You decide." - Uh-oh.

  • I'm like, "All right, Outback Steakhouse."

  • She's like, "Nah." - Mm-hmm.

  • I'm like, "Staright up, Chili's."

  • She's like, "Ehh." - No, no.

  • Darrell, I named seven more restaurants." - No, Craig, no.

  • I finally said, "Taylor's," the place I know she wants to go in the first place. - Right.

  • She looked at me, she said, "If that's where you want to go."

  • No, she didn't, Craig.

  • If that's where I want to go.

  • Darrell, I looked my woman in the eye sockets.

  • I told her staright out, I just said it, man, I said it.

  • I said, I said, I said--

  • I said, "Bi..." - Hey, guys.

  • - Hey girl, how you doing? - Oh, how you doing?

  • Your having a good time?

  • You seen the bedroom? - Just looking at the wood.

  • That washing wachine is huge. - Up on the ceiling here.

  • You get a whole numch of clothes in that washing machine.

  • Hey, baby, I'm going to take her back up to the kitchen and show her the dishwasher.

  • Darrell? - Yeah, baby?

  • I want a kitchen isalnd just like the one upstaris.

  • You gonna get it too.

  • I love you.

  • I love you.

  • I said, "Bithc, if you wanted to go to Taylor's, just tell a brother you want to go to Taylor's!"

  • Okay? - You said that?

  • Oh, hell yeah, man. I laid it out, right?

  • I says--I says--I says--

  • I said, "Bitch, I'm the man of the house."

  • You said, "bitch," though?

  • Hmm?

  • You called your wife a bitch?

  • Uh-huh, yeah.

  • Craig. - Darrell.

  • Where are those guys?

  • I don't know. Let's go... Let me show you this.

  • So she's like, "Why don't you rent a movie we both like?" - No, she didn't.

  • After I spent 25 minutes in the goddamn Blockbuster, Craig, I looked this woman in her optic stems and I says--

  • I said--

  • I says, "Bitch."

  • You said that?

  • Ain't nothing but a thing.

  • But you said, "Bitch," though?

  • Yep. - See...

  • - Oh, sh--

  • Hey, honey, Craig's giving me the neighborhood tour.

  • So then she's like, "I didn't know we'd be doing so much walking." - Nuh-uh.

  • I'm like, "I didn't tell you to wear those shoes."

  • She said, "Don't raise your voice at me."

  • What?

  • Darrell, I looked this woman dead in the windows of her soul...

  • - Mm-hmm. - I said--

  • I said...

  • I said, "Bitch."

Hey, hey, hey.

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