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  • In part two of the TOEIC speaking test, you'll have to describe a picture for 45 seconds.

  • But what do you say?

  • How can you prepare?

  • Let's find out.

  • [Useful Phrases for Describe Picture in TOEIC Speaking]

  • In this part of the speaking test, you'll be shown an image.

  • Then you'll have 45 seconds to prepare what you're going to say.

  • You'll want to use this time to think and make notes.

  • Next, you'll have 45 seconds to speak and describe what you see.

  • It's pretty straightforward, but what do you say?

  • Have a look at this picture.

  • What do you see?

  • A lot of things, right?

  • So what do you need to do, and how can you maximize your score?

  • First, during that 45 seconds, look and make notes.

  • Here are a few things to focus on.

  • First, the big picture.

  • What is happening here generally?

  • In this image, you can see a group of people are cooking or learning to cook.

  • Next, notice individual activities.

  • I can see people cutting what might be vegetables or meat with knives.

  • They're all wearing aprons.

  • In this photo, we can see their faces quite clearly as well.

  • In this case, they're smiling.

  • And remember, you have 45 seconds to prepare.

  • Once those 45 seconds are over, you will start speaking, describing the general scene.

  • Think of a few simple, quick phrases to start the description.

  • I can see...

  • This appears to be...

  • It looks like this is...

  • Or it looks like they are...

  • Then, be a bit more specific about one or two of the people.

  • I can see a man wearing...

  • I can see a woman cutting...

  • It looks as if...

  • It looks as though...

  • There might be...

  • It could be...

  • Which is possibly...

  • Which could be...

  • And make comparisons where possible.

  • While the chef looks like he knows what he's doing, the others look like they are only learning how to cook.

  • So let's listen to a sample answer.

  • Now remember, it's not just what I say; it's how I say it.

  • Listen to the rhythm and stress when I speak.

  • You do not want your answer to sound flat and without rhythm.

  • Like this.

  • "This appears to be a group of people learning how to cook.

  • In the middle of the group, there is a man in a chef's hat and chef's uniform.

  • It looks as though..."

  • It should sound like this.

  • "This appears to be a group of people learning how to cook.

  • In the middle of the group, there is a man in a chef's hat and chef's uniform.

  • It looks as though he may be teaching the others to cook.

  • On either side of him are young people doing a number of typical activities.

  • The man and woman to his right are both chopping vegetables on a chopping board.

  • While the woman to the left of the chef is stirring the contents of the frying pan as another woman adds pepper.

  • They are all smiling and it looks like they're having fun."

  • And that's it.

  • Don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel and I'll see you in the next video.

In part two of the TOEIC speaking test, you'll have to describe a picture for 45 seconds.

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